Battle of the Elements

Chapter 17 Titania

The next morning, I sat next to Alex as I reapplied his bandages with clean cloth. His face was wet with sweat from the pain of his wound but he didn’t show any sign that he was hurting.

We were going home today. Melanie and Jake weren’t coming – Bridgette said she didn’t want the king to send them to the labs – so it was just the four of us as we packed up our bags and took to the horses.

Alex winced as he sat on his horse, but other than that, he was ok. As the long journey prevailed.

As we trailed along the countryside, we started talking about what we would do.

Bridgette was the first to propose an idea, “I vote for going to the palace, getting help for the scrapes we have, then, we can stay there for a few nights.”

Alex seemed happy with that.

I couldn’t lie – I was happy to head home too. I wanted to see my father more than anything.

Harrison hadn’t said much since the incident with Alex, but he finally spoke, “I think that’s a great idea. We could use some rest.”

Dane laughed, “I just want to go to a good bar.”

We all laughed.

We reached the palace in an hour – thanks to Bridgette’s shortcut – and I felt my whole body relax when I entered the gates to the kingdom.

Our horses were taken to the stables and as soon as I left Apollo, I ran to my home. I slammed the door open and ran to my father. He embraced me with open arms and we stayed like that for what felt like ages.

Harrison knocked on the door with an awkward look on his face, “Uh, Bridgette said I should stay here until our rooms are assigned.”

My father smiled politely, “Of course! I hope you don’t mind the mess. I had no idea my daughter had a boyfriend.”

I felt my face turn bright red, “He’s not my boyfriend father.”

Harrison smiled, “It’s not like that sir.”

My father smiled, “Call me Arthur.”

Harrison nodded, “Ok Arthur. So, where can I put my things?”

I smiled – there seemed to be a lot of smiling -, “Just over there.” I said as I gestured to the couch.

I went into my room and almost cried as I saw my bookshelves and my indoor garden by the window. I slumped onto my bed and gave a sigh of relief as my head hit the pillow. The smell of me filled my nose and, for just a moment, I was completely relaxed.

Alex knocked on the door with a look of panic on his face, “We have to see my father, now.”

I nodded without saying anything and he grabbed my wrist and trailed me to the throne room.

Bridgette was standing with Dane – who had his arm around her, did I miss something? And her face lit up when she saw me. The King sat on his throne with the usual look of displeasure on his face. He saw me and – as usual – averted his eyes.

Next to him, a woman sat smugly on her own throne. She had black hair and green eyes. She wore a silk, purple dress and an extravagant necklace.

Harrison walked into the room and took a stand next to Dane. Alex led me to the group, but I never took my eyes off the woman – she didn’t look any older than I did, but someone of her elegance couldn’t be called a girl. I saw her tongue gently wipe her bottom lip as the king said his next words, “Alex, meet your new fiancé.”

It felt as if a brick wall had slammed into me. I was winded and stumbled back into Alex – who closed his arms around me as if say I’ve got you.

“What?” Alex asked, I could hear the anger in his voice.

The king didn’t seem to register the anger, “You two can go to the dining room and get to know each other. The rest of you can leave now.”

The woman smiled slightly and she looked me up and down with venomous snake eyes. But Bridgette took me from Alex’s arms and led me away from them.


We sat in the dining hall in silence. I poked my steak with my fork and looked up at her.

She smiled, “So…”

“Why do you want to marry me? I have never met you.”

“My father wishes for us to wed.”

I rolled my eyes.

She seemed to take offence to this gesture, “We haven’t even met Alex. You haven’t even asked me for my name, how do you know I won’t make a good wife?”

I sighed, she wouldn’t understand, “I’m sure you would make a nice wife. But to me, I know someone who I think, would be better.”

She nodded, “You are in love with another.”

“Yes. What is your name?”

She smiled, “Glad we’re getting on another subject. My name is Indina – but you can call me Indi. I like hunting. You?”

I thought, maybe she could be nice. “I like hunting too.”

She smiled, “Do you like being the predator or the prey?”

I paused, not sure what she meant.

She laughed gently. I felt the tension in the room melt away with her soft laughter.

We began talking like old friends – like Titania and I.

She sipped her wine from her glass as she smiled sweetly.

I told her the stories of my latest adventures with just a little exaggeration. And she laughed, gasped and jumped at just the right moments. I found myself enjoying her company, I thought she would make a good wife.

Little did I know, she would show her true colours soon…


I passed her in the hallway. Her snake-like eyes scanned me as she walked towards me. Her smile wasn’t graceful anymore, it was evil. She stopped in front of me. There was no one else in the hallway as she uttered her next words, “The Black Magi sent me. I’m going to rip your idiot-boyfriend’s arteries out unless you do what I say, Dirt Girl.”

I felt my stomach drop and my throat tighten. I turned to confront her but she was already walking away as if nothing was wrong.

I ran to Bridgette’s room to find Dane opening the door with a surprised expression. I ignored him, making a mental note to ask about ‘them’ later. I burst into the room. Bridgette was sitting on the edge of the bed with a grim look on her face. She glanced at me and shook her head, “I can’t deal with this right now Titania. Please, whatever it is, it can wait ’till morning.”

“Bridgette, you have to listen to me. She’s-” I started.

“I said no!” Bridgette yelled.

I stopped, unable to believe what was happening.

“Just go.” Bridgette said, her voice was cracking and there were tears in her eyes.

Dane pulled me gently to the door and he shut it before I could get in again.

I felt all hope leave me as I stood at the door, letting silent tears slip down my cheeks.


I sat in my chambers, at the window. I combed my hair as I stared out at the sun. I felt so hungry. I hushed my thoughts, soon I would never have to eat again.

Someone knocked on the door. I knew who it was the second her fist hit the door.

“Come in.” I yelled.

Titania pushed the door open hesitantly. I saw the streams of tears down her cheeks and felt bad for a moment.

She glared at me and all feelings left me – I was doing this for my sister, I don’t care about the lives that are destroyed in the result. “What do you want?” she asked.

I smiled, “Nothing too bad. I just want you to do one little thing for me.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“I want you to kill me in front of the prince, to show him your true colours.”

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