Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 28

“Sir, they are not willing to sell it,” Brett who
was seated before Broderick answered. Broderick had ordered him to buy BS company, he knew that Callan would keep appeari
ng before Amy at her workplace. He didn‘t care what relationship had subsisted between Callan and Amy or one that subsists at t
he moment, but as long as Amy was his wife, he wasn‘t ready to see her with
any man. “How dare they?” Broderick was angry and
then said, “tell them that if they didn‘t sell it in three days, I‘ll shut down the company.” “Alright, sir,” Brett said and walked away. B
roderick wanted to buy the company at twice the amount it worth, yet they dared not to sell it for him? He was the most powerful
man here and hence he can buy whatever he wants to buy. He stood from his
seat and went to lean on his desk, he wondered why he broke down before Amy yesterday. He clearly hates her yet he had to po
ur our his mind to her yesterday. He poured out
the secrete that he had never poured out to anyone to her. That‘s weird. He was only in marriage with her because of his mother,
once his mother die, he
would let her leave with her kids. He had already determined to never to give any woman a chance again. He didn‘t beleive and
would never fall in love with anyone ever again. It was a decision he made a long time
ago. His phone chirped briefly and he turned to pick up the phone and seeing that the caller ID was Brett, he answered,” have th
ey agreed?” He asked before he could even say a word. “Not yet, sir ...
I’m still at the process of arranging a meeting with them. I‘ll give you feedback as soon as we come to conclusion, sir. However, I
called to inform you that someone child bullied Elijah, Moses and Elisha. The child was a senior student but
was still little. It‘s against the policy of the school for us to lay
hands on the boy.” Broderick asked in anger,” how old is the boy?” “Nine, sir,” he answered.
“No one steps their foot out of that school until I‘m there,” he commanded and hung up immediately. Not giving
Brett the chance to even say a word.
He walked out and once his head of guards saw him walking out, he placed an internal call to all his escorts to be at alert as it se
ems the boss was heading somewhere. The door to his Bentley was opened for him and he stepped in, “To RF school.” His head
of guard communicated at once to others and the sets of cars began to move. About eight minutes later, their cars parked at the
compound of the school. A lot of parents who came to pick their ward weren‘t allowed to step a foot outside of the school, no one
knows why precisely and some were even
angry but when they saw Broderick step down from the car, no one dared to say a word again. Everyone already heard the news
of how a little girl ran to Broderick and called
him dad, there had been runours that had been spreading around that Broderick may now have a child. So when many saw him

here, they beleived he was here for his child. Brett walked quickly to Broderick and said, “sir, the parents of the boy too is around
now, should we
The Bully Boy “Where are Elijah and his brothers?” He was more concerned about seeing the children first.
Before Brett could even answer, three girls swarmed around Broderick, hugging his legs since he was
too tall. “Angel, Debby, Queen,” he arched his brow and the anger on his face vanished. He now had a smile on his face, “I heard
some one bullied your brother?” “Yes, one wicked boy,” Queen said. “Dad, was that why you came?” Angel asked. “That‘s right, I
won‘t let anyone bully you,” Broderick answered,” but where are your brothers?” “The three of them are crying
in their class, they have refused to come out,” Debby reported. An angry vein appeared at Broderick‘s forehead at once. Were th
ey bullied that much?
“Sir, here is the boy and his father,” Brett interrupted the father and daughters talk. Broderick stood with rage boiling
in his nerves, he looked at the foreign Man who had a different color from his. He could tell with his color that he was not a citize
n of NorthHill, perhaps, he came from a different country. He then looked at the little boy who
clearly doesn‘t have a look of romorse on his face. “You bullied my children, how dare you? Broderick asked the young boy. The
boy held onto his father‘s palm and said,” daddy, he wants to beat me.” Broderick looked at the man who also had a fearless look
on his face, he spoke in his foregn accent, “my son is young and you can‘t beat him, or will you beat a young boy?” Broderick di
dn‘t know that there was someone in North Hill who could speak to him this way, “are you seeking for your death?” He clenched
his fist after saying this. The man
giggled and looked at Broderick‘s clenched fist,” oh! You want to beat me! Hahaha ... Is that how it works over here? An adult tryi
ng to beat another adult cause their children were bullied, huh?“. “Listen, my child only taught your children some lesson. You sh
ould go ahead and teach your children to be respectful. My son
has done nothing wrong, “the foreign man said. Broderick threw a heavy punch to his face that sent him falling to the floor, besid
e him were
two of his front teeths that had been immediately removed. The man saw stars for a while and lost strength immediately, Broderic
k‘s blow was too heavy. Broderick went to him and pulled him up roughly
with his collar,” your son bullied mine and you can‘t even rebuke him at the very least? Was that how it works where you came fr
om?” The man now had a look of fear on his face, he was looking at Broderick as if he was looking at a beast.
Broderick pushed him away and the man staggered back but didn‘t fall, Broderick then said
to Brett, “find out where he works?” Brett and three other guards approach the man and asked him all necessary information, aft
er confirming it, Brett turned to Broderick and told him where he works and that he and his family
had just moved to NorthHill two month ago “Call their CEO and tell him to fire him, then put a news all over NorthHill that whoeve

r dares to employ him is looking for my wrath,” he said and Brett nodded at once. Broderick turned to his girls and checked the b
ack of his fingers, seeing that blood was there, he sighed and wondered if his children will not be scared of him.
“Don‘t be scared, okay? I‘m only doing this for your brothers,” Broderick said
gently and the children swarmed around him immediately. Actually, they weren‘t scared at all. Infact, they were happy that Broder
ick fought for their brothers. Broderick then turned to the bully boy,” this will be your last day in this school, I‘ll also not let you atte
nd any school over here in NorthHill. So unless you go back
to your country where you can bully students, you won‘t be able to go to school.” The boy immediately broke down and began
to cry, Broderick then said to Brett, “everyone can leave
Brett immediately acted on his command. Broderick was about to walk away but paused seeing that the bully boy never stopped
crying. “Are you crying because I beat your father?” Brodderick
asked him. The boy ran to him and hug him,” please, forgive my dad and I. I promise not to bully anyone again. I want to go to sc
hool and I want to live here. I was wrong, I‘ll change.” Broderick remained still for another few seconds and watched as the little b
oy kept sobbing to his trouser, he disengaged the boy
from his hug and said,” I forgive you!” He said to Brett, “reverse all my commands.” “Yes, sir,” Brett said. “Lead
me to the boy‘s classroom,” he ordered and Brett lead him to the children‘s classroom. On getting there, he saw the boys sobbin
g quietly, their faces looked lean. He walked over to them and said,” I have beaten the father of the boy who bullied you for your
sake. And as for the bully, he had broken down in tears and promised not to ever bully you anymore.” “You did that?” Elisha
sniffed in and asked. Broderick cleaned the tears on
Elisha‘s face with his handkerchief, he cleaned that of Elijah, then cleaned the tears of Moses too. “I‘m the most powerful man in
NorthHill, no one can bully you otherwise, the person will be
facing my wrath,” Broderick said. The sad boys immediately cheered up immediately, they loved how Broderick fought on their
behalf. “Dad, I love you,” Moses said and rested his head on his lap as Broderick was sitting on the desk before the kids. “I love y
ou too , dad.” Elijah said. “Dad...
see!” Elisha suddenly pointed to the entrance of the door, Broderick turned alongside the girls and saw the bully boy. The bully b
oy walked closer slowly and then eventually was standing beside Broderick and was before the boys. “My dad is the most powerf
ul man in NorthHill, if you bully us again, he will break your
bones,” Moses said and the girls chuckled. “Yes, I dare you to lay your hands on
us if he will not let you eat your shit,” Elisha said and the girls laughed out even harder. “I‘m sorry, I promise not to bully you agai
n,” the bully boy said.
The three brothers exchanged a surprising look, they find his act incredible, “Really?” Elijah asked and the boy nodded.

The Bully Boy “I won‘t bully anyone again too, do you forgive me?” The boy asked. “Erm...” Elisha thought about it
and whispered some words to
Moses, Moses then whispered some words to Elijah. Elijah coughed and said,” we will forgive you under one condition.” “Okay, I‘l
looked at his brothers again and then adjusted the tie on his uniform, “we will all slap your bumbum each as a punishment
for what you did for us.” “No,” Broderick chirped in, “don‘t revenge what
he did to you. As long as he‘s willing to change, forgive him.”
“But he beat us, is it not only
just if we beat our own back?” Elisha asked. “If he takes your eyes and you take his eyes too and everyone does the same, don‘t
earth will have been blind? But if someone who took your eyes comes to you and apologize, is it not better if you forgive him witho
eyes,” Broderick lectured his boys and they understood. “Okay, we forgive you but you won‘t do that again, right?” Moses asked. “
are we friends now?” Moses stretched his hand to him and Jay smiled. “Sure,” he received his handshake and hugged him. It was
Elijah stood and went ahead to hug Jay. “You should come to our house to play with us one of these days,” Moses said. “Sure, I‘ll
peace with him. It‘s always good when we make peace with people. “Okay, dad,” many of the kids said. “Since I came to your sch
branch somewhere you may like,” Broderick said with a broad smile.
“Yes dad, let‘s branch to an ice cream joint,” Moses said. “Do we all agree?” Broderick asked and the kids answered in unison , ‘y

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