
Chapter 11 |ASTRAY|

Keya Madhavan

My eyes snapped open, I was scared from my nightmare. I was sweating hard and my head was feeling heavy. Feeling confused I glanced around me and realized I was still living in my nightmare.

No, I'm not taught to just sit and do nothing. I have to escape from this. The room was dark with only two dimly lighted night lamps. I removed the duvet off me and strode towards the door. Treatment did its magic. Now I wasn't feeling any pain like there was none to start with.

To my surprise, the door was unlocked. I walked out of the door and glanced around. It was a huge mansion with a round indoor balcony on the second floor and a magnificent chandelier hanging in the center. It was already dusk. The mansion was noiseless, just like some abandoned house. I descended down the Grand stairs and turned left not knowing the structure of the mansion.

I took steps of anticipation forward in the dimly lit hallway to discover an escape path. Sweat droplets were making their path from my forehead to cheeks. I didn't know where I was heading to.

I took another step with my naked feet. Hands clasping the genuine white cotton gown, which were stretching till above my ankle. But suddenly I felt someone's touch which was encircling my waist. My eyes widened, my mouth gaped to release a scream of terror, my body jumped in fear, knowing the person to whom the touch belongs to.

"Were you searching for me babe?" it's him! I swallowed the scream before it could erupt. He tightened his hold on me. I was frozen on my spot, standing there helpless as he nuzzled my neck and lightly kissed his way down to my shoulder.

"You must be hungry right babe? I heard you didn't eat anything. Come let's have dinner." He turned me to face him.

"Oh, my poor babe! Look how terrified you are. Don't be scare. I'm here" he consoled hugging me and patting my back not realizing he was the cause of fear.

He took me off my feet and settled me in his arms and went on walking towards the direction I came from and I just let him do it. He went on walking from rooms to rooms lastly entering a room with a significan dining table.

He made me sit on one of the chairs and then he settled himself on the chair beside me. A maid immediately served a big bowl of soup with 2 soup spoons and left after bowing.

He took one spoon full of soup and held it near my lips.

"Say aah" said with adore and waited for me to open my mouth.

I glanced at the spoon then at him. Is he the same person from last night?

I questioned my conscience. And it replied Yes, he is. I opened my mouth and he fed me till his heart content in between feeding his stomach. After finishing he cleaned my mouth with a napkin and told me "ready for the surprise?!" He merrily asked hoping for my excitement and dragged me lightly with him towards a wooden door.

"Sir everything is prepared" an elderly man informed as we entered the room which appeared like someone's study. The old woman who helped me in the morning too was present there. "Surprise!" I listened and turned towards him.

My eyes widened, I snapped my head towards him with my aghast eyes confirming that this wasn't happening for real.

Marriage papers, an application for the marriage certificate, and two rings were lying on the table.

"I know, I should have arranged it more finely. But don't worry babe we will get married tomorrow grandly with all rituals and traditions in our wedding. Now come babe, sign on the papers." "And this, this is our engagement rings!" He declared while taking the ring and reaching for my hand.

This can't be happening. Wedding?

Marriage? No! I can never marry him! It with tie me with him eternally, have to forever bear his torture, his touches, his everything! I can't have any relationship with the person who molested me.

I retreated my steps, turned around, and ran out of the door of the room. I was again unaware of where I was heading to but I can't wait for him to have his way.

I ran with my all speed which I can

towards the right of the grand

staircase. I can hear him screaming my name, the panic was rushing

through me, adrenaline was at itonet

peak. Dever I stopped or did I looked behind. I hurtled out of the main entrance when I found the exit of the mansion. I pushed the giant gate narrowly just to slip out of it.

But my steps halted when I gazed at what was in front of me. It was a forest, thick and pitch dark wilderness. Nothing was visible, just trunks of gigantic trees. But I can't stop. If he gets hold of me nothing good will happen.

I ran straight into the forest without any second thought. My speed wasn't great because of poor

visibility and undiscovered road et

and this was making my palpitations even higher. Every sound was feeling like he was getting doser to me, and will catch me any moment.

I was losing all my speed because of running so long bare feet, my legs were full of painful scratches from the forest floor, my cotton gown was dirty and torn from below, hair was sticking to my skin because of sweat.

I halted huffing hard, trying to catch my breath. I listened intently looking around to hear any movement or noise but it was dead silent. I stared at the scenery around me. It was all shady and everything was looking the same.

The mansion's brightness was left far behind. I knew I was lost in the middle of nothing. At that time running away was necessary. But now, I was feeling scared, awfully terrified.

Every step was feeling like a wrong decision. I didn't know what would leap out of nowhere. I consumed myself and again began walking.

A sudden rustle from behind caught my attention. My heart began thumping hard in its cavity while deciding if I should look behind or not. When a tight force trapped my quivering frame in its firm hold from behind.

I thrashed, jumped, punched, kicked, fought to get rid of the iron hold with tears trickling down but all in vain. When I heard the voice making me sob even harder.

"You shouldn't have done this baby girl......"000

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