Balance of the World

Chapter 8-Lessons

Chapter 8: Lessons

“Oh, please, Nikolai!” Zoey begged. “Teach me to fight!”

“The General ordered me not to,” Nikolai replied, calmly as he stoked the fire.

He, Zoey, Ayaki and Elias had all made it to Edan without problems that afternoon, but Elias watched the skies at the edge of the camp for Jasper. He hadn’t reappeared that night, and it made the Masked General anxious, so he kept watch as his men and Zoey sat around the fire talking, Quinto sitting with them.

“Come on, Nikolai,” Zoey pleaded. “I won’t tell him. I’m good at keeping secrets. Besides, I need to learn how to fight if I’m going to defend myself.”

“You can do that fine, already,” Ayaki chuckled.

Zoey looked to the other man to correct, “With magic. I wanna learn hand to hand combat.” She looked back to Nikolai and added, “I’ve been told you’re the best fighter in the camp.”

“I’m the best with a sword,” Nikolai corrected. “Ayaki is best in hand to hand.”

Ayaki glared at Nikolai from across the fire and ground out, “Thank you so much for that, Nikolai.”

“Why don’t you just teach her?” Varen suddenly spoke up, irritably.

“Because we were ordered not to,” Ayaki replied.

“Fine,” Varen snapped as he stood with his sword in hand. “I’ll teach her.”

The men around the fire burst into laughter, making Zoey look around at them in confusion.

“With all due respect, Sir,” Ayaki began. “You cannot even beat General Blackwood when sparring when he’s going easy on you.”

“That’s enough!”

The sound of Zoey’s shout even made Elias whirl around in his seat at her tone as the men fell silent and all eyes were on her.

“I’m sure he’s trying his best and none of you are helping by teasing him the way you are!” Zoey snapped. “I’ll bet none of you were any better when you first joined!” She turned to Varen as he stared at her with wide eyes and she took his arm. “You can teach me to fight, Varen. I’m sure none of these men will be good teachers at all, anyway.”

She pulled Varen away from the fire and toward the woods as Elias watched them and he couldn’t help but smile before turning back to his watch.

“Alright, Varen,” Zoey smiled, letting go of his arm and facing him. “Show me how to inflict severe pain on my enemies.”

“You don’t have to do this, Miss Zoey,” he mumbled.

“I want you to teach me,” she assured him. “And just Zoey will do. No need to be formal.”

“But the men are right,” he muttered, using his sword to trace little circles in the dirt. “General Blackwood always beats me into the ground when we spar.”

“Comparing you to Elias is definitely not a fair comparison,” Zoey argued. “Elias is a machine. He could give Bruce Lee a run for his money.”

“Who?” Varen frowned up at her.

“Nothing,” Zoey replied, shaking her head before placing her hands on his shoulders. “The point is that you are totally different. I’m sure that with practice you will be just as good as Elias, if not better.”

Varen smiled at her, his green eyes sparkling as she lifted a hand to ruffle his hair.

“Now,” she nodded. “Show me how to fight!”


Quinto stepped on silent feet toward Elias and sat next to him as the Masked General watched the skies.

Quinto looked up as well and asked, “Any sign of anything?”

Elias simply shook his head, making Quinto sigh at his failure to get Elias to talk as he leaned back on one hand.

“That girl is persistent,” he noticed about Zoey. “Why did you order your men not to teach her to fight?”

“I’ve seen them all fight,” Elias replied, not taking his eyes off the sky. “They’re too reckless.”

“And Varen isn’t?” Quinto wondered.

“Varen has a head on his shoulders and more common sense than they do,” Elias replied. “He may still be learning, but I’d rather Zoey learn from him than Ayaki or Nikolai.”

“Are you quite sure this has nothing to do with what she said about those two being attractive?” Quinto smirked and Elias finally turned a glare to the wizard. “She told me about it.”

“That has nothing to do with it,” Elias snapped. “Although it easily could have been the reason.”

“Why don’t you teach her to fight if you’re so worried?” Quinto wondered.

“She wouldn’t learn anything and I wouldn’t be able to teach her properly,” Elias explained and Quinto chuckled for a moment before letting his head fall back in a hearty laugh, drawing Elias’s frown.

“You love each other,” the wizard laughed.

“Keep silent!” Elias hissed, glancing back at his men. “If they hear you it will make me look soft!”

“So it’s true,” Quinto smirked. “I thought you were incapable of love.”

“Thank you for that, Zeller!” Elias growled.

The Next Morning...

Zoey yawned and stretched as the sun peeked through the entrance of the tent she was in. She smiled, her eyes still closed and reached one hand behind her to make sure Elias was there. When she came up empty she frowned and sat up, rubbing her eyes, tiredly to look around the small tent, but there was no sign of her Masked Knight.

“Don’t tell me he was up all night,” she groaned, slowly getting up to stand, unbalanced sleep and walking toward the entrance of the tent. She walked out, still rubbing her eyes as she looked around, noticing that no one was up and that the sun was just starting to rise. She groaned and rubbed her shoulders, complaining, “I’m sore all over. Fighting takes a lot out of you.”

She scanned the camp for Elias, hoping to find his sleeping, at least. She caught sight of him in the distance, lying on his back, his sword at his side and his hands cradling the back of his head.

Figures, he slept out here, she thought, hopelessly and started walking toward him. Elias heard her coming and reached for his sword but didn’t move just as Zoey stood over him and smiled at him.

“Easy, Conan, it’s just me,” she chuckled.

“Who?” Elias frowned.

Zoey shook her head, replying, “No one.”

Elias sat up as Zoey walked around to sit next to him, snuggling close to him when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“How was your training last night?” he smirked, still staring at the sky.

“What training?” Zoey choked.

“I know Varen was teaching you to fight last night,” Elias smirked down at her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied, looking up at him.

“You’re a terrible liar, Angel,” he teased. “I’m not angry or in any way upset.”

“Then why did you order your men not to teach me to fight?” Zoey wondered.

“I didn’t want them to teach you,” Elias explained. “I would rather teach you myself or have Varen do it.”

“So why didn’t you teach me?” she murmured, trailing a hand up his back and into his thick, black hair. It made him dizzy, and he cleared his throat before trying to answer her.

“I…I wanted to make sure…”

He trailed off, losing his concentration on what he was saying and turning his attention to the feeling of her fingers running through his hair. Their eyes met and Zoey didn’t need him to answer. She could see it in his eyes that she was a distraction for him. That was what she had feared the most about this whole situation.

“Never mind,” she whispered, lowering her hand from his hair. “I think I know why.”

“Zoey, there’s nothing—”

“I knew this thing with us was going to distract us,” she cut in, shaking her head and looking away. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you how I feel, but you asked and I didn’t want to lie or hold anything back from you.”

“So you regret having feelings for me?”

Zoey shot a wide-eyed stare of disbelief at him before slipping her arms around him, breathing, “No! I was just waiting for the right time to tell you, that’s all.”

Elias felt guilt fill his heart and slid his arms around Zoey to pulled her closer and whisper, “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” she frowned.

“I didn’t mean to pressure you. I just—”

Elias’s apology was cut short when she placed her fingertips to his lips.

“Elias,” she smiled. “Even you, with all your persuasion can’t pressure me into saying anything I didn’t want to.” She lowered her hand as he only stared at her in surprise. “Now…kiss me.”


“You heard me,” she giggled. “I want you to kiss me.”


“I won’t take no for an answer,” she warned.

Elias sighed and glanced around, making sure none of his men were looking. He pulled her close to slowly press his lips to hers, making her moan, softly in approval as she pulled him closer and plunged her tongue into his mouth. His eyes opened wide at her eagerness, but he easily melted back into the kiss, returning her passion when he began an exploration of her mouth. Zoey gently bit his tongue, making him groan in approval as he deepened the kiss before she slowly pulled away.

“Thank you,” she sighed. “I needed that.”

Elias smiled and nodded that she was welcome.


She and Elias pulled away from each other as if burned at Quinto’s call and they both got to their feet to face him.

“Yes, Quinto?” Zoey smiled, hiding her irritation with his interruption well.

“There are some friends of mine I’d like you to meet,” he smiled back.

Zoey grinned and scrambled to her feet as Elias frowned at the wizard, standing as well.

“Who?” she wondered.

“You can come out now,” Quinto called over his shoulder with a smirk.

Three little lights came floating out from behind him and Zoey grinned, clasping her hands together excitedly.

“Fairies!” she giggled as they floated toward her.

“Introductions,” Quinto smiled. “I believe you’ve met Coria, the Sleep Fairy?” Zoey nodded and he continued, “The yellow light is Ripa, the Flight Fairy and the white light is Nim, the Truth Fairy.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Zoey nodded to the lights.

“And it is an honor to meet you, Miss Enuria,” Nim replied for all of them.

“Please, call me Zoey,” she requested, suddenly fidgeting uncomfortably and Elias frowned at her, but said nothing.

“Coria has told us much about you,” Ripa chimed in.

“Is that so?” Zoey smiled.

“I told them all about your wonderful singing voice,” Coria piped up.

“D-Did you?” Zoey wondered.

“Perhaps we could perform for General Blackwood’s men tonight,” Nim suggested. “If the General will allow it, we can accompany you on the harp.”

“Well…” Zoey trailed off in thought.

“Zoey,” Quinto smiled. “I’m sure the men would love to hear your angelic voice. After all, Elias has raved about your voice.”

“Has he now?” she smiled through clenched teeth and glared at Elias who began looking around as if distracted before she looked to the fairies again. “Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint.”

“Wonderful!” Quinto grinned. “I’ll have a harp up in a few moments and the four of you can decide on which song you’d like to perform.”

“Sure,” Zoey nodded, reluctantly. “Can I have a word with General Blackwood a moment?”

“Actually I need to speak to the General for a moment, if you don’t mind,” Quinto smiled, slapping Elias’s shoulder and leading him away from Zoey.

Once the two were a safe distance from her, Quinto lowered his hand from Elias’s shoulder.

“Thank you,” Elias muttered.

“Actually, I do need to talk to you,” Quinto replied.

“About what?” Elias frowned in wonder.

“I’ll need to train Zoey all day today to help with her control, if that’s alright with you?” the wizard explained.

“Understandable,” Elias nodded then asked, “Why are you asking my permission?”

“I just want you to feel comfortable,” Quinto shrugged.


“I want to assure you that I’m not going to steal her away, Elias.”

“Quinto Zeller!” Elias growled and was about to punch the wizard but he dodged it, laughing.

Later in the Woods...

“First lesson,” Quinto announced, Zoey facing him. “Control. You have to find that place inside that gives you peace. Use a repulsion spell on me.”

“But…I don’t want to hurt you,” Zoey replied.

“You won’t,” he assured her. “Just do it.”

Zoey sighed and closed her eyes to concentrate. Quinto waited patiently for her to find that peace. He knew it had taken him a long time to find it at first, so he wouldn’t press her. Zoey finally gave a sigh and rolled her shoulders and he braced himself for what was coming. She thrust her hands at him, eyes still shut and uttered the spell…with a twist.


She sang it?! Quinto thought as he was thrown back suddenly and hit a tree behind him from the force of the spell. Zoey’s eyes shot open when she heard him grunt and she stared at him in terror.

“Oh, my God!” she breathed. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?!”

“How strong did you want it to be?” Quinto wondered.

“I-I just wanted it strong enough to move you back a couple feet,” she explained. “That all!”

Quinto measured the distance between where he had been standing and the tree. Exactly two feet. He looked to Zoey and grinned, making her frown in wonder.

“Your voice,” he grinned. “It gives you control! When you sing the spells, they work exactly how you want them to.”

“What do you mean?” she still frowned.

“You sang the spell instead of just saying it,” Quinto continued, stepping toward her. “Your voice is your control.”

“I guess,” she shrugged. “But how can we tell for sure?”

“When you sing tonight for the men, it will be proven,” he explained. “I’ll watch their behavior. If they look enchanted with you, even more so than usual, it’s definitely your voice.”

Zoey nodded and Quinto led her from the woods. They were silent for a moment before Zoey finally spoke her mind on something.

“You miss Chanel, don’t you?” she wondered. Quinto looked at her in disbelief and she merely smiled sweetly, adding, “I don’t have to be a mind reader to see it in your eyes.”

Quinto scoffed and stared at his feet as they still walked back to the camp and admitted, “Yes, I miss her.”

“As I thought,” she nodded. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Quinto. Girls like it when we’re missed.”

Quinto scoffed and nodded, then decided to change the subject from his love life, to hers.



“Just out of curiosity, are you – that is to say, is your heart turned to anyone specific?” Quinto asked, carefully.

“Why do you ask?” she wondered with a frown.

“I told you, curiosity,” he shrugged.

Zoey detected something more than curiosity causing him to ask her this, but she replied, “Well, there is someone that I’ve had my eye on for a while.”

“Anyone I would know?” Quinto smirked.

“Possibly,” Zoey nodded, but said nothing more.

The silence made Quinto a bit nervous and he became impatient, asking, “Who is it?”

“I’m not telling you!” she laughed. “If I tell you then you’ll tell him, and I don’t want him to know just yet.”

“I swear, I won’t tell him,” Quinto promised as they finally reached the camp.

“You’re lying,” Zoey smiled sweetly and laughed as she ran towards Varen who stood outside his tent, waiting for her so they could have another lesson in sword fighting. Quinto sighed at himself as he only continued into the camp. deciding to


“Everyone, please, gather around,” Coria the Sleep Fairy called to the men. “Tonight is special. Zoey has agreed to entertain you all.”

Coria and the other fairies floated to the harp in front of the fire as the men clapped. Zoey sighed and stood next to the harp with Elias, Quinto and Varen right in front of the crowd. She took a deep breath and turned to glance at the harp, cueing the fairies to start playing. Soft notes floated into the evening air and she closed then turned toward the crowd again.

Zoey kept her eyes closed as she began her song, but Quinto was looking around at the men. From the first note, they were captured by her voice. If a flock of dragons attacked, they wouldn’t have known it as long as Zoey kept singing.

As she continued her song, Zoey chanced to open her eyes and looked at no one else but Elias. Their eyes met and she immediately felt relaxed. He must have felt something as well because he smiled ever so slightly and she returned the gesture as the song came to an end. She held the last note as long as she could and the men began clapping waking her from her trance with Elias’s eyes. She looked at the rest of the crowd as they whistled, clapped and she felt like fainting. Her cheeks flushed crimson and she cast her eyes down.

Elias stood up, going to her and lifting her chin up gently so that her gaze met his. He smiled, warmly and whispered, “Brava, Angel.”

“Don’t flatter me just because you like me,” she smirked, still blushing.

“You think my words are empty?” he murmured.

“No, of course not,” she replied.

“Well, Zoey I have some good news,” Quinto broke in and the couple turned to him as he stood and dusted himself off. “Your voice is simply magical.”

Zoey smirked at his compliment, knowing what he meant and nodded, smiling, “Thank you, Quinto. I’m sure I’ll find good use for it.”

Elias glanced between Zoey and Quinto with wonder in his eyes, but Elias didn’t have time to try to figure out their secret conversation before Zoey was dragging him into the woods and away from the camp.

“Zoey?!” he called. “What’s wrong?!”

She stopped and he felt himself slam into a tree behind him. Zoey pinned him between herself and the tree behind him, her arms wrapping around his neck and a sweet smile adorning her lips.

“Nothing’s wrong,” she assured him. “I just wanted to be alone with you for a while, before turning in for the night.”

“We should go to bed earlier tonight,” Elias replied. “We’re getting up early tomorrow morning.”

“Why?” Zoey wondered, playing with a piece of his tousled hair.

“We’re leaving camp.”

“Where are we going?”

“That, my dear, is a surprise,” Elias smirked, lifting his hand to gently brush a strand of strawberry red hair from her cheek.

“Ooh! I love surprises!” Zoey grinned, making Elias chuckle and he rested the palm of his hand on her cheek.

He leaned closer to her until his mouth came into contact with hers making her moan in approval and she pulled him closer as one of his hands tangled in her hair, the other wrapped around her waist. Her tongue slowly made its way into his mouth and made a slow exploration of his mouth as he pulled her closer, wishing he could tell her how much he loved her.

Zoey groaned when she felt his tongue stroke hers slowly and gently. Elias hardly ever registered what he was doing before doing it, but it always felt so right with her. Zoey finally broke the kiss slowly and slid her hands to his chest then looked deep into his eyes with a small smile.

“You’re good at this,” she murmured with a smile.

“As are you, Angel,” he smirked back then leaned closer to trail kisses down her neck, making her gasp but she smiled and closed her eyes as he left soft kisses on her neck. She giggled when he nibbled at her earlobe before his mouth trailed down her neck again and over her shoulder.

“Elias,” she breathed and he gave an affirmative noise. “Maybe we should get to sleep? As much as I’m enjoying this—”

Elias interrupted her with a sigh and nodded as he pulled away, saying, “You’re right. Let’s turn in.”

The Next Morning...

Captain Kaysar Pitkam tossed and turned in his bed on the Mela Ear. It was as though he knew something was wrong but he didn’t know what. A small deep purple light hovered over him as he still slept.

The plan was perfect.

Mori, the Dark Fairy, would infect the King of Kalina with dark thoughts and Zoey would have to save him from becoming evil. She would cross the Shae Sea and if Galina failed in taking her revenge, Kaysar would do the job of taking care of Zoey and Elias.

Mori shook and her fairy dust sprinkled onto Kaysar’s face. He scratched his nose, but still slept as Mori floated down next to his ear.

“You hate Zoey Walsh,” she whispered. “You hate Elias Blackwood. They are working together to take Kalina away from you. We can’t have that, can we?”

Kaysar groaned as if in agony and Mori flew toward the window of his cabin.

“Now, all that’s left is to somehow get that blasted woman here.”

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