Bad Wolves Book Two - Byron

Chapter 2 - HER

Byron Dermott's POV

The moment our hands touched, I knew without a doubt, she was my true mate. As Alpha werewolf of my rougue pack/biker gang, I have had more than my share of women, both wolf and human, I had a very healthy sex life.

Not one of them though, had made me feel even a quarter of what I was feeling right now. The intense heat, desire, and most importantly, the overpowering need to bare my canines and mark that sweet neck just above her collar bone that would bond her to me for life.

"True mate!" My inner wolf growled in happiness.

At the age of 35, I had well and truly given up on the idea of finding a true mate. For most of my pack, it had happened usually in the year after the first shift at 16. I had resigned myself to the fact I would never feel that love, find that one that I would want to have a family with or want to spend the rest of my life with.

Yet, here it was. Standing in front of me. This beautiful woman, so young, so innocent and so very unaware of the power she was beginning to yield over me. I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes as I took in her scent of perfume, honey and innocence.

She was pure innocence. A virgin. I could smell it. Right now though, she was also aroused. I could smell that too, and it caused my cock to twitch and harden in my jeans. She closed her eyes and shook her head, quickly pulling her hand away and clearing her throat.

"Umm, oh. I should go." She whispered, turning away , slightly embarrassed by her actions.

I placed my hand on her arm, stopping her from stepping away fully.

"Wait. I know we only just met, but I'm new in town, you obviously grew up here. Maybe you could give me your number and I could text or call you sometime. As a friend?" I said.

I lied. I had more than friends in mind, but I knew I had to take it slow. I didn't want to scare her. Not my true mate. I wanted her, every part of her, to make her my kitten, and I wouldn't stop till I did.

She looked surprised by my request, maybe even a little disappointed at the word friends. She smiled up at me and made my heart seize and swell. Damn, was this what it always felt like?

"Ok. Give me your phone and I'll put my number in it." She said softly, how holding her hand out for my phone.

I smiled and took my phone out of my pocket. I unlocked it, created a new contact and handed it to her. Her fingers flew over my phone as she entered her name and number, then handed it back to me. I made a mental note to replace her name with Kitten later as I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

"I should let you go now. I look forward to getting to know this town though. I will contact you soon." I said.

She smiled and nodded. Her mouth opened, as if to say something, but thought twice and shut it again.

"It was nice meeting you Mr Derrmott--"

"Byron. Call me Byron." I interrupted.

"Ok. Byron. It was nice to meet you and I look forward to showing you the sights." She smiled.

I smiled back at her and nodded, watching her as she slipped inside the cafe and headed to the counter. I continue to watch her through the glass, unable to take my eyes off of her.

I watched as she took the cup the guy behind the counter gave her as she flashed him a gorgeous smile, and headed to one of the corner booths slightly hidden in the back. I could only just see her as she pulled a book out of her back and started to read it as she sipped on her coffee.

I pulled out my phone, unlocked it and scrolled through my contacts. After changing her name to kitten, I quickly typed up a message.

"I like the way you concentrate while you read. Does make me jealous though, knowing that it's not my teeth biting that beautiful bottom lip ;)"

I hit send and looked up, watching with a smile as she pulled out her phone and looked at it. Confusion crossed her face and her cheeks reddened. She looked around, left to right, before her gaze finally met mine, her lips parting as I smiled and waved at her.

She smiled slightly and waved back before turning back to her phone. Her fingers moved over the screen quickly. She placed her phone down and looked back up at me as my phone dinged, notifying me of a new message. I looked down and opened the message.

"Didn't your mother teach you it's rude to stare?" She had sent.

I chuckled slightly.

"Indeed she did Darlin', but I was never one to listen to grown ups ;)"

I watched as she read the text and smile, her tongue running over her bottom lip, causing my cock to jump inside my jeans. Fuck!

"Oh? And what else do you tend not to do?"

I watched as her eyes met mine, her teeth pulling that bottom lip into her mouth as she waited for my answer.

"I tend not to give up until I get what I want, and you can guarantee darlin', that by the end of the week, that will be my teeth pulling your bottom lip into my mouth as my hands roam that sweet innocent body. You'll be mine kitten, all mine"

And with that, I winked at her, gave her a little wave, and walked away. Leaving her with a shocked look and reddened cheeks. I chuckled softly thyself as I heard the ping of my phone as I headed towards the building where the apartments myself and pack members had leased until we find a suitable block of land to use as pack headquarters.

I waited until I headed inside my flat before reading her message, flopping down into the only piece of furniture I had in the living area, my comfy armchair, as I read it.

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