Bad Wolves Book Two - Byron


Brandi's POV

I took a deep breath before opening the front door of my house, silently praying that Dad was at the church. I glanced around as she stepped inside, breathing a sigh of relief when I didn't see, or hear anything to indicate he was there. I quickly darted to my room and shut the door, leaning against it as I caught my breath. I walked into my bathroom, slipping my dress up I've my head, quickly discarding my lingerie before looking at myself in the mirror.

I noticed the mark on my neck, a tiny scratch surrounded by a light bruise. I ran a finger over it while remembering when Byron bit me. It was kind of hot thinking about it, but also a little frightening that I liked it. I smiled as I moved to the shower, turning it on and getting it to the right temperature before stepping under it. I noticed how sore I was when I washed myself, being as gentle as I could before finally rinsing off and wrapping a towel around myself.

I walked back into my room, pulling clothes out of my closet and tossing them on the bed. I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed. I smiled as I noticed the text notification from Byron.

"Hey kitten. Just checking in to make sure you're ok. I miss you so much, I'd rather be wrapped up in your beautiful body then where I am right now. Hope to see you soon kitten xx" the message read.

I giggled to myself as I typed out a response and hit send.

"I'm home now, haven't seen my Dad yet, so all is ok on that front for now. I miss you too and I'd rather be wrapped up with you too. Let me know when you're home so I can cone over xx" my reply read.

I tossed my phone down and got dressed. I had just finished brushing my hair when I heard the front door open and shut. I took a deep breath before leaving my room to go meet my father. I smiled at him as he came into view, my smile soon fading as I seen the disappointment and anger flash in his eyes as he spotted me. Crap. He knew.

"Brandi! Where have you been? You were gone all night!" He cried.

"Just at a friend's Dad. I'm ok." I said softly.

He shook his head as he looked at me.

"Don't lie to me Brandi, Mrs Davis seen you come out of that tattooed hooligan's apartment this morning! How could you Brandi? You know that's a sin!" He yelled, making me jump slightly at the anger.

"It's not Dad. Not when you lo--" I started.

"Love? What do you know about love Brandi? You're only 21, you know nothing!" He shouted, getting closer to me.

I stepped back, a little scared as I'd never seen him this angry before.

"Dad! I'm an adult! You can't expect me to be your little girl forever. And yes, I love him! Very much, and will be with him no matter what you say." I cried.

"Imagine what people would think Brandi! He's scum! Pure filth, and if you sin with him, that would make you pure filth!" My dad roared.

"Well, I guess that's what I'll be then, I'm not giving him up Dad!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

Dad raised his hand back, then bought it down hard, slapping my cheek. The sting making me gasp as the tears now fell freely down my cheeks. I ran out of the house holding my cheek, and didn't stop running till I neared Byron's apartment building. Shivering as the cold air blasted across my body, I was only in shorts and a t-shirt. I quickly ducked inside and straight up to Byron's place, finding the key where he said it would be and let my self in. I collapsed on the only chair in the living room, hugging myself tightly as sobs racked my body.

Byron's POV

After the meeting finished, I pulled out my phone, frowning as I noticed Brandi hadn't answered the text I sent her half an hour ago, letting her know I'd be home soon. I quickly typed out another text, asking if everything was ok, before heading out of the warehouse I had purchased for pack business. I headed home with a feeling that everything was not ok, running all sorts of scenarios through my head. I was so caught up in thought that I didn't even realise my front door wasn't locked. It wasn't until I noticed Brandi curled up in my chair that I realised all did not go well with her father.

I walked over to her and noticed she was asleep, her left cheek was red, and both cheeks were tear stained. What the fuck did her father do to her? Desperate for answers, I knelt in front of her, placing my hands on her knees as I gave her a gentle shake.

"Brandi!" I called softly, shaking her some more.

She woke up with a start, but relaxed once she seen it was me. She threw her arms around me and buried her face in my shoulders. I squeezed her firmly, lifting her up and taking her spot in the chair, curling her up in my lap as she cried softly.

"What happened kitten?" I asked softly.

I felt her take a deep breath before she lifted her head, my heart wrenching as I seen how sad she looked. I cupped her face, my fingers brushing away the tears as she struggled to find her words.

"Someone told my Dad where I was. He was so mad Byron. He called you nasty things and said I was just as bad cause I want to be with you. Then, uh, the--then he hit me!" She said softly, her voice breaking slightly.

My blood boiled, my wolf howled and for a minute I was worried I wouldn't be strong enough to hold him back.

"Settle down wolf!" I growled at him.

Even t his wolf was still fuming, he backed down, knowing it wasn't the right time to come out. I looked down at Brandi as my fingers caressed her bruised cheek. I leant down and kissed the mark softly, before pulling her into me, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"I'm so sorry kitten. I shouldn't have let you go back there alone, I should've went with you." I sighed, squeezing her so tightly.

"That would've made it worse Byron, I've never seen him that mad. Ever." She murmured into my shoulder.

I held her for a long time, soothing her as she cried, not really knowing what else to do but be there for her.

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