Bad Love an Alpha’s Regret by Elise Sinclair

Chapter 18

Chapter 18
the meeting and back.
1 file out behind them.
When I get into his idling SUV and buckle my seatbelt Aaron
looks at me oddly. “You should stay home tonight,” he tells me.
It’s the first time he’s spoken to me since the attack. “I haven’t
missed a meeting since I came here.”
“You’re injured.”
The implication being that I’m ‘human’. That I’m weak.
True, but ... “It’s because I was attacked that I should be present. There are threats that the Council needs to be aware
“Do you plan to petition them for a divorce?”
So that’s why he wants me to stay. To silence me. He has the nerve to look earnest and upset that I want to leave him when he is
the one who broke his vows and impregnated another
He is the one who hasn’t slept beside me in a week.
“Yes. I still want a divorce, Aaron.”
His eyes flash gold for a moment before he banks the emotion. Then he shrugs. “Suit yourself.”
He nods to the driver, a wolf named William. “Let’s go.”

I sink back into the seat. I’m painfully aware of this man and
all the tumultuous emotions he stirs in me.
I’m sitting close to Aaron but when he shifts his leg so it presses against mine, I wonder if I can endure his nearness for
the next two hours.
When we reach the Regional grounds, already cars are arriving and prominent alphas from across this part of the country are
exiting limousines and SUVs.
Some wear expensive suits and gowns. Others are in jeans
and shirts. There is no formal uniform or etiquette and the
look of each ruling family is almost a calling card for their
particular brand of influence.
Aaron has on a v-neck shirt and linen pants. The light colors
set off his bronzed skin and his huge stature. The watch on his wrist is worth more than this car and though he doesn’t flaunt it,
he projects power and wealth.
My father and brother are at the front of the line. They wear
expensive bespoke suits and polished shoes. New money. The flashy kind.
An older couple surrounded by several wolves wear jeans and
cotton t’s. They’re from the far north, and while they look dirt poor, they’re sitting on more land than some small countries.
William opens my door and extends his hand to help me out.
I have a walking cast on. My foot is mostly healed. It didn’t
get infected which is good. Aside from aches and pains and
cancer I look the same.

My dark hair is drawn back into a simple ponytail.
I chose dark slacks and a light white shirt. I have the ring
Aaron gave me when we married, a simple band, and a sapphire necklace that was my mom’s. I didn’t bother to bring
a purse.
Aaron steps out next and he holds his arm out to me.
There are images to project. And while I intend to gracefully dissolve our marriage, I can be civil about it. So I loop my arm
through his and we walk into the estate.
The building resembles a library or a museum. It has columns in front and is a monstrosity of stone and glass. Inside, the foyer is
marbled in a beautiful design and giant crystal
We check in, clear security and follow the procession into the
main room.
It resembles a stage or auditorium.
We take our appointed seats.
“There are a lot of packs present tonight,” I say.
Each group is spaced out and given their own section in the
theatre seats. “Yes.” His dark eyes cut to me. “Don’t do this,
“I have to, Aaron.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he replies cryptically.”
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Bad Love: An Alpha’s Regret

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