Bad Love An Alpha’s Regret by Elise Sinclair Novel Full Episode

Bad Love An Alpha’s Regret by Elise Sinclair Chapter 326

Chapter 326 


I don’t bother asking Axel what his punishment will be if I disobey 

him and leave the house. 

Instead, I turn on my heel and walk out on him, going to find 

wherever Jessica ran off to. 

I half expect Axel to follow me, but he doesn’t, and I don’t know if I’m relieved or annoyed. 

No, I tell myself firmly. I’m definitely relieved

But even I’m not buying my own lie. 

When Axel had pulled me up against him just now in the office, for a second, I’d thought he was going to kiss me, maybe do even 

more than that. 

My body had all but melted like ice cream on hot pavement. 

I wanted him. 

Even worse now that I knew what it was like to come apart in his 


Chapter 326 

But I hated myself for that. 

Did I have no self–respect? 


The man has made no secret about his negative feelings toward 

  1. me. 

Yet my body and my instincts–most especially my wolf–want me to surrender to him every time he turns that heavy gaze my 


I find Jessica, but she’s with other pack members and I don’t get a 

chance to talk to her. 

I’m not sure what I would say to her anyway, how I might present the idea of getting rid of Axel in a way where she might help me instead of running straight to Axel or Aaron to tell them what I’m 


Dinner comes and goes, and Axel is lurking here and there, always watching me closely as if he’s expecting me to just get up and run 

off at any second now. 

I ignore him, and it seems as long as I’m with Jessica, he mostly leaves me alone

Jessica asks me if I want to watch a movie, and I almost instinctively look to Axel for permission which just pisses me off 

even more. 

Chapter 326 

Since when did I start thinking I needed his approval to do 



So I resist the urge to look over at him and tell Jessica I’d love to 

watch a movie

We pop some popcorn and grab some soda pop like when we 

were teenagers and head into the mansion’s theater room. 

Axel leaves us be, but I’m sure he’s probably lurking in the hallway. 

We watch a rom–com and we both cry and laugh and it feels like old times…exactly what I needed. 

However, eventually the movie ends, and Jessica says she’s heading to bed. 

I don’t want to go to bed, because I assume Axel is just waiting to lock me in my room again. 

We walk out to the corridor and while Jessica heads upstairs, I tell her I want a book from the library. 

At the end of the hall, Axel appears out of the shadows. 


Just like I knew he would be

“Where are you going?” he demands like the prison warden he is. 

Chapter 326 

I’m not tired yet, I want to get a book from the library,” I snap impatiently, stepping around him. 

Axel doesn’t reply, just trails me into the library. 

Inside, the room is as welcoming as it always is. There’s 


overstuffed chairs, cozy couches, a fire in the hearth burning low 

in red and golden embers, and the pleasant smell of furniture 

polish and old books. 

I spend some time walking up and down the shelves, until I find 

a book of poetry by Emily Dickenson I must have read a hundred times when I was younger. 

I didn’t always understand it at first, but I liked the way she put the 

words together. 

I get it down and then decide to test a theory, going over to stretch 

out on the couch in front of the hearth. 

I arrange the pillows to get comfortable and even flip a soft knitted 

throw blanket over my legs. 

Axel doesn’t say anything, but he does add some more wood to the fire, making the flames flare up higher and more brightly. 

While I settle in to read, Axel takes one of the chairs and picks it 

  1. up

Chapter 326 


He then pointedly positions it square in front of the French doors 

leading out to the garden. 

After that, he sits down and crosses his arms, staying rigid and on high alert. 

It can’t be comfortable. 

I roll my eyes and settle down deeper against my own comfortable 


However, I wonder if maybe for tonight at least I’ve outsmarted 


Because if I don’t go to bed, then Axel can’t lock me into my 


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