Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 3

It was six o’clock in the evening by the time the last of Missus Johnson’s charges finally went home, having been picked up by either parents on their way back from work or older siblings who’d been roped into babysitting them. Rhen, who was still far too embarrassed over being treated like a child herself earlier that afternoon to risk having someone’s parents mistake her for one as well, spent her time hiding out in the back yard until the last of her playmates had been collected for dinner.

The house and its little square patch of a backyard was left surprisingly peaceful with nobody running around screaming and laughing anymore, but that quiet also brought with it a sense of foreboding dread now that there wasn’t anyone left to distract her boss from paying attention to her.

If someone had taken the time to ask her what she was up to as she sat there staring at her flip-flops as they kicked idly back and forth above the dirt in front of her, Rhen probably would have told them that she was just getting in some last minute pumps on the swing set before she headed back home to her dorm. But that was a lie. Deep down, she knew that she was simply way too nervous to go inside and face her boss now that it was just the two of them.

So instead she continued to sit there lost in thought, chewing apprehensively on her lower lip and trying to formulate a plan for how to gracefully confirm that she wasn’t fired without actually bringing the subject up or having to look the playfully stern older woman in the eye again.

What if I…? No, that would never work…

Several times that afternoon she’d been on the verge of marching back inside the house to try apologizing again, or to maybe find something to help out with that would show off how useful she could be as an employee, but each time she’d lost her nerve before she’d even managed to reach the back door. Her confident stride would gradually start to lose steam as she drew closer to the back porch, until finally she’d come to an awkward stop, rooted to the spot with indecision. Feeling like everyone was staring at her and laughing, she’d then cast her eyes around for any excuse to put things off for a bit longer, which invariably led to her back to throwing herself into whatever game the others happened to be playing at the time.

After all, she blended right in.

By the time everyone had gone home for the evening she was an exhausted and sore mess. Her shirt was covered in grass stains, she had a lightly skinned right knee from where she’d tripped during an intense game of freeze tag, and her black hair was a tangled nest with several strands sticking out at odd angles. Even so, she had to admit that she’d had a blast running, screaming, and laughing along with the rest of her new friends that day.

Even if she was a little over ten years older than most of them.

Well, she thought to herself with a shrug, plucking lazily at the silver lining of her situation with a wan smile. That kind of, sort of, counts as being her assistant, right? I was just… keeping an active eye on everyone by playing with them. Yeah, totally…

Seizing on that as her best defense, though not at all feeling confident about it, she was just about to stand up and march back inside when she heard her boss calling for her.

“Rhen, honey, come here! I want to talk to you for a minute,”

shouted the older woman, raising her voice loud enough so that any neighbors out and about would be able to hear as she waved an arm above her head.

“Coming, ma’am!”

Rhen let out a long sigh then, knowing that whether she liked it or not, it was time to face the music. With one last pump of her arms and legs to build up some momentum, she jumped off of the swing set and jogged over to the spot on the back porch where the woman who was hopefully still her employer was waiting for her.

“Did everyone get home okay?” she asked, doing her best to keep her voice light and breezy, and mostly succeeding. She hoped that asking a professional sounding question would make her look extra-responsible and ready to work, and decided to tack on one more for good measure. “Want me to do any cleaning up before I head out?”

“No, no, that’s fine,” answered Missus Johnson with a knowing twinkle in her eye as she surveyed her would-be assistant, a bemused smile tracing across her full lips as she took in the unkempt state of her.

“Actually, I was wondering if you’d like to go out for some dinner with me tonight, my treat.”

“Oh wow, thanks,” said Rhen, taken aback by the kind gesture and feeling her confidence starting to rise a little more. This was certainly a good sign, wasn’t it? You wouldn’t invite the person you were planning to fire out for dinner, now would you? “I’d love to, ma’am!”

“I’m happy to hear that, cutie pie,” smirked the older woman, amused by Rhen’s youthful exuberance even as the temperature of her smile dipped by several degrees as she continued. “You haven’t exactly been on your best behavior today, I know, but I still thought it would be nice to get out of the house for a little while so we could chat.”

She let the word “chat” hang ominously in the air for several long moments, causing Rhen’s stomach to clench and flutter as all of its possible implications rushed through her mind at once.

The slight and sweaty college sophomore couldn’t help but notice too that she hadn’t actually apologized yet for the spankings or bare bottom corner time she’d put her through earlier either, but in the face of free food that wasn’t ramen noodles or crappy cafeteria meatloaf, she decided that she could let that one slide. Besides, as far as she was concerned, the less said about those things, the better. All she wanted to do now was put all of that humiliating business behind her and start over fresh with her boss, and a nice professional dinner sounded like just the thing to make that happen.

“Thank you, Missus Johnson, I would love to sit down and discuss things over dinner with you,” said Rhen again, this time with as much propriety and dignity as she could muster.

The butterflies in her stomach were still stubbornly whirling around like crazy though, and she couldn’t help but shiver as a tingle traced its way down over her tush, reminding her of the time she’d spent across this woman’s lap only a few hours earlier and making her flush with sheepish excitement. Still though, she told herself that she wasn’t trying to be on her

“best behavior” or anything else as childish as that as she straightened up to her full height and schooled her features into a polite mask.

No, she was just being prudent and respectful to this fascinatingly intimidating older woman.

“That is very kind of you to offer, ma’am.”

She tried to grin at her then, but found that she was already smiling.

Yeah… totally professional. Not smitten in the slightest, no siree.

“You’re very welcome, dear,” replied Missus Johnson, her mouth still set firmly in a knowing smirk as she eyed her up and down once again, apparently liking what she saw.

Keeping her back straight and her head held high, Rhen moved to step past her boss with as much good grace as she had available to her. But she was stopped in her tracks before she’d made it more than a few steps when a hand suddenly descended gently, but firmly, onto her shoulder, holding her in place.

“Not so fast there, kiddo,” she purred from behind her, her words just as firm as the grip on her shoulder. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that cute bike with the tassels that’s been lying abandoned in the middle of my front lawn ever since this morning, now would you?”

Oh, um, yeah… that’s mine,” admitted Rhen with a squeak, not daring to look behind her as she felt those butterflies in her stomach kick into overdrive. “Sorry about that. I was just in such a rush when I got here that I totally forgot about it, my bad.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought.”

Missus Johnson was clearly not thrilled to hear this, and before she’d even realized what was happening, Rhen felt the hand on her shoulder squeezing tight, tipping her forward to look at her knees. A strong arm then snaked its way around her waist and hauled her up off of the ground, leaving her suspended in midair with her arms and legs dangling uselessly well above the patio concrete as she was tucked in tight against her boss’s wide left hip.

“Wha-?” she gasped as her flip-flops slipped free from her dirty feet and landed with a clatter somewhere behind her.

Rhen was just beginning to reorient herself to her new position when she felt Missus Johnson’s strong fingers slipping into the back of her shorts again, causing her stomach to plummet after her shoes as a fresh wave of anxiety washed over her.

The fingers easily wrapped themselves around the stretchy nylon material as they gripped it, and half a heartbeat later her shorts were yanked down past her thighs, where gravity then took hold of them and tugged them the rest of the way off of her legs entirely. With their descent came the warm caress of the early evening summer sun along the tautly-stretched seat of her powder blue panties, making her shiver with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation as it suddenly became all too clear what was about to happen.

Oh no, not again!

She began to squirm like an eel as the reality of her situation slammed into her like a ton of bricks. She moaned and thrashed against the iron vice holding her in place in a futile attempt to escape her impending doom, knowing all the while that it was impossible. If it hadn’t worked that morning, then there was no way it was going to work now.


Two hard swats made abrupt contact with the centers of each of her cheeks, compressing them with the force of their impact before they sprang back into place for more. She squeaked with the shock of each blow, her eyes shooting open wide with panic as her arms and legs flailed reflexively from the sting.

“Oh my god, Missus Johnson, please! I’m sorry!”

“You’re sorry, are you?” snapped the older woman, peppering Rhen’s backside with sharp spanks all the while as she spoke. “That bike of yours has a kickstand doesn’t it? You couldn’t take the ten seconds required to park it properly around the side of the house with everyone else’s?”


“Ow! Oh! I’m sorry, I was in a rush.”


“Owie, ow! I wasn’t thinking! Oooooh, ah, ah ah!”


“That’s right, you weren’t thinking!” she lectured, shifting her aim down to the delicate undercurves of the younger girl’s gyrating caboose and pouring in even more ferocity to each swat so that she’d really be feeling this particular punishment all the while they were eating dinner.

“Are you trying to tempt people into stealing that cute little bike of yours?”

“No, no, no I’m not!” Rhen frantically tried to reassure her, feeling her face flush almost as hot as her bottom was as she realized that her boss had definitely seen how age inappropriate her bicycle was.

Then again, given her current predicament and the furious inferno that was growing all the more painful with each and every relentless swat to the back of her panties, maybe it wasn’t?


Why did she have to fit so perfectly under this woman’s arm?

“And what about all the other boys and girls?” demanded Missus Johnson, delivering half a dozen truly scorching spanks to the backs of her thighs before moving back up to her sit spots. “How would you have felt if one of them had been running around out front and tripped over your bike and hurt themselves? Hmmm?”

“I’m sorry!” Rhen moaned, dragging the words out into a great hiccupping sob as she started to cry in earnest.

Her boss’s lecture had easily cut to her core, and now big fat tears were starting to trace zigzagging patterns down her cheeks as she considered what might have happened to her new friends because of her carelessness; forgetting for the moment that she’d been told repeatedly that they weren’t allowed to play out front.

“Sorry isn’t good enough, young lady. You need to do better!”

“I will, I will!”


As the pain in her seat boiled over into something truly unbearable and her guilt over disappointing her boss washed over her, again, Rhen let her body sag, accepting her punishment like the good girl that she wanted so desperately to be just then.

“There, there,” sighed Missus Johnson about a minute later, delivering one final swat to the center of Rhen’s tight little rear end, before setting her back onto her feet with casual ease.

She drew the crying girl in for a long hug then, gently stroking the back of her frazzled hair until she finally calmed down enough to be let go.

It was clear to her that she was one of those girls who cried easily from a prolonged spanking, but just as quickly was able to bounce back and get herself under control once it was all over. Her bottom would be sore and swollen for a long while to come, but as she’d seen already once before that day, that wouldn’t be enough to keep her bubbly personality in check for long.

After a couple more minutes of cuddling, Missus Johnson untangled herself from her assistant and stepped back, keeping one hand firmly gripped on her shoulder while the other wagged an admonishing forefinger at her still sniffling face.

“This had better be the last time we have to talk about this,” she warned, keeping her voice stern, but with enough warmth to let her know that all was forgiven. “Because if I see that bike of yours out on my lawn like that ever again, I promise you that you’re going to be one very sorry little girl. You understand?”

“Yes ma’am,” sniffled Rhen, shivering in spite of herself and wishing very much that she could grab her shorts and pull them back on to restore at least some semblance of her identity as a twenty-year-old college sophomore.

She already felt like a very sorry little girl as it was just then, and she definitely didn’t want to even imagine how things could possibly get any worse.

Well, at least I still have my panties on.

That was better than nothing, wasn’t it?

“It won’t happen again, I promise.”


Missus Johnson flashed her a motherly smile and ruffled her hair then, before turning on her heel and moving back inside the house as if nothing had just happened. Then, pulling open the screen door in front of her, she paused to call over her shoulder.

“Come along now, cutie pie. Put your shorts on and let’s get going.

I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

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