Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 23

Although walking the Redberry Trail of Lights proved to be about as slow an endeavor as Rhen had been expecting it to be, she was at least happily proven wrong about it being boring. Walking down the somewhat crowded main thoroughfare of the little town hand in hand with Dana, the sassy sophomore found herself genuinely “Oooh”-ing and “Aaah”-ing right along with everyone else at the captivating displays of twinkling lights arranged outside of the local businesses in between sips of a very tasty hot chocolate and a massively oversized gingerbread pastry that was most definitely giving her one heck of a sugar rush.

It was almost enough to make her forget all about the bulbous length of ginger root wedged finger-deep inside of her backside, still quietly sizzling away at her insides and making her wince with every other step.


In the end though, Rhen was glad that she went. Even if it had come at a highly humiliating (and totally self-imposed) cost, she knew for sure that she’d always look back fondly on the pictures that she and her partner took together that night and smile.

Even the photo of her jumping nearly a foot in the air with a squeal after Dana had goosed her.

Actually, that one was secretly her favorite.

Upon arriving home however, it became all too clear that her brief reprieve from further punishment was over. She and the rest of her family had had their fun, and now it was time to get down to business. After all, lying about being sick was seriously naughty behavior no matter how you tried to spin it, and there was no way that her auntie nor her grandma was going to let her off the hook without being thoroughly chastised for it.

Oh well… You win some, you lose some, I guess. Can’t say I haven’t totally earned what I’ve got coming, at least…

While Dana slipped away to help Maureen and Jessica with settling their kids down for bed in various spots in the farm house’s guest room, Rhen’s old play room, and even the second-floor loft that was usually reserved for Christmas decorations (or pretending to be a pirate if you happened to be in the mood for such things), Rhen was passed off to her sternly scowling grandma for the first part of the reckoning she’d been promised.

“Alright, you just come with me, young lady,” the old woman huffed, her right hand shooting out to snatch up her granddaughter’s earlobe in an iron grip between thumb and forefinger. “We’re going to see if we can’t scrub away some of those fibs from that tongue of yours.”

“Wha-? Oh! Owie! Grandma, come on. No please, not so hard…”

“Oh, hush up with all that fussin’, you big baby.”

“Ah! Alright, alright, I’m coming, I’m coming! Geez. Slow down at least, would you? You’re going to yank my ear off!”

Ignoring the younger girl’s further petulant complaining and protests, Rhen’s grandma marched her by the ear at a brisk pace that had her scrambling to keep up.

“Now is definitely not the time to be giving me an attitude, little girl,” she growled, dragging her through the house and into the spacious bathroom adjoining her master bedroom on the first floor.

After pausing just long enough to flip on the overhead lights, she led Rhen across the cool tile floor and over to the far edge of the room, where she unceremoniously pushed her over the edge of the counter running along the wall beside the sink. Without a single moment of hesitation, the petite sophomore’s grandma then pounced, pinning her torso against the smooth countertop beneath her and proceeding to deliver two dozen hard smacks to the seat of her dark blue jeans.


The individual spanks themselves didn’t register as much more than a firm pat that jutted her forward slightly thanks to the padding she still had protecting her round rump, but they nevertheless had Rhen apologizing profusely long before the dull reports of the old woman’s small palm exploding against her wriggling caboose finished echoing off of the bathroom walls.

“Please, Grandma, no, I’m sorry. I’ll be good!”


“It’s too late for sorries now, missy,” snapped Melinda Mathews, putting all of her displeasure and righteous indignation into another swat, that despite the padding she was still wearing had Rhen gasping from the force of its impact as it bounced the font of thighs roughly against the edge of the counter in front of her. “You’ve been acting like a spoiled little brat all day, Rhen Elizabeth, and it’s about time that you were reminded what happens to naughty girls in this house!”

At that, Rhen opened her mouth to deny the accusation, but unfortunately she also knew that it was true. So instead she just let out a frustrated harrumph and stomped her feet, glaring balefully at her grandma through her reflection in the mirror only a few inches away from her nose.

“I think I remember just fine already, thanks,” she snapped, sounding very much like the disobedient thirteen-year-old she was at heart.

“Ugh. This is so not fair.”

“Is that right?” deadpanned her grandma, rolling her eyes in exasperation. “Okay then, let’s see how sassy you’re feeling after these come down then, shall we?”

“No, wai- Eep!” Rhen began to plead before her whining was cut short by a mortified squeak as she felt her grandma’s surprisingly nimble fingers slip beneath her and begin undoing the front clasp on her jeans.

“You’ve been getting way too big for your britches lately, young lady,” she scolded, giving said britches a well-practiced yank that sent them falling down to her ankles, along with her stomach. “And it’s about damn time they came down.”

“Oh, come on!”

“Not feeling like such a big girl now, are you, darlin’?”

As if to underscore her point, Rhen’s grandma then gave the crinkly seat of the bright pink pull-up still snugly fastened around her granddaughter’s hips a meaningful pat.

“And as cute as these are, they’re comin’ down too.”

“No, Grandma, wait! Please, you can’t!” whined Rhen, ponytail bobbing frantically from side to side as she shook her head, but she was quickly proven wrong as her training panties followed after her jeans without so much as a whisper of resistance.

Then without warning, two dozen more brisk and powerful swats suddenly began to explode against her now unprotected, bouncy buns, making her squeal and whine as she began wriggling like an eel across the countertop.


“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“What was that, dear? Did you just say that I couldn’t spank my naughty… bratty… fibbing… disobedient granddaughter on her bare

bottom?” demanded her grandma, emphasizing several of her words with exceptionally hard spanks that had Rhen tossing her head back and squealing with the heat of their impact.

“Owie, owie, please– Ah! I’m sorry, alright?”

“Are you going to keep being a sassy malassy instead of taking your punishment like a good girl?”

“No ma’am!” squealed the willful twenty-year-old turned teenager, thoroughly chastened.

She’d forgotten just how hard her grandma could spank a naughty bottom when she was in a mood to. All of that time spent raising crops and baling hay before she’d retired had granted her some very strong arms that hadn’t lost any of their oomph since she’d last had a chance to demonstrate them for her granddaughter, and the breathless brat couldn’t help but sag with knee-quaking relief when she at last stopped pummeling her rump with punishing blows.

At least she hasn’t gone for the belt yet, she thought to herself with a silent sigh.

As if reading her mind, her grandma harrumphed and then gave her one final swat.



“Young lady, I have half a mind to go grab your granddaddy’s belt and really go to town pre-heating this tush of yours before Dana gets a crack at it,” she growled, planting her hands on her hips and glaring at her granddaughter’s pouting reflection in the mirror. “But I promised that I’d let her take care of you, and I’m a woman of my word, so those patty-cake swats are all you’ll be getting from me tonight. Assuming of course that I don’t catch any more lip from you, that is.”

“No ma’am, you won’t, I promise,” Rhen hastened to assure her.

“Is that right?”

Once again without warning, her grandma surprised her by stepping in close and seizing hold of a great handful of pinkened cheek. Then, squeezing hard, she dug her nails in deep enough to make Rhen squeak out several more hurried and frantic apologies and promises to be good.

“Ah! Ah! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ll be good, I swear!”

“Oh, you’d better be, sweet pea,” the old woman replied in turn, far too calmly for Rhen’s liking as she gave the cheek in her grip a rough shake. “Because I’m going to be watching you like a hawk for the rest of the weekend while you’re here, and I won’t hesitate to whoop this behind of yours raw if you give me a reason to, believe you me. You got that, little girl?”

“Yes ma’am,” squealed the breathless sophomore in turn, gasping in relief when her left cheek was at last released, and only blushing a little bit as she felt it wobble back into place.

“Good,” sniffed her grandma, seemingly satisfied for the moment, before softening quite a bit as she sighed wearily. “I hope you know that I don’t want to have to discipline you, Rhenny, hon. Really, I don’t. But when you act this way you really don’t leave me with any other choice, and I will take you task if you’re going to be naughty. I understand now how much you need a firm hand to keep you on track thanks to Dana, and I’m going to be doing my darndest from now on to make sure that you get all of the strict love and support that you need from me. Okay, sweet pea?”

It was a mostly rhetorical question, Rhen knew, but she still couldn’t help but nod along anyway. It seemed like the smart thing to do in any case, and truth be told she was actually rather touched that her grandma clearly cared so much about her and her wellbeing. Even if that also meant that she was fully onboard the whole “Let’s treat Rhen like she’s a bratty thirteen-year-old” train.

Oh well, I guess it’s not so bad…

“Thanks, um… I uh… I really appreciate that, Gran-Gran.”

She flashed the old woman a sheepish grin, feeling fresh embarrassment bubble up inside of her as she inadvertently slipped back into using the old nickname for her grandma, but she shrugged it off just as quickly as her heart swelled at the tender smile she got in return.

“Of course, child.”


Unable to resist giving the captivating bare cheeks in front of her just one more swat, Rhen’s grandma popped her sharply right in the middle of her rounded rump and then took half a step back.

“Now you stand up and give your granny a hug before I decide to you need some more of that.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Rhen readily obeyed, heedless of her nudity for the moment as she pushed away from the counter and all but tackled her grandma, wrapping her arms around her thin shoulders in a fierce hug. She squeezed hard then, though not hard enough to make her wheeze like the night before, and silently worked to fight down the butterflies whirling around inside her stomach, doing her best to avoid thinking about the actual punishment she still had coming.

“I’m sorry I was being such a brat today. I love you, Gran-Gran.”

The more she said it, the better the name tasted on her tongue.

“I love you too, dear,” cooed the old woman, moving one hand up to scratch the spot just between her shoulder blades that she knew never failed to make her melt.

As it always had in the past, scratching their made Rhen gasp and then sigh, going limp in her supporting embrace as she moaned contentedly.

Oh god, I’ve missed this…

“But I’m afraid that doesn’t mean that I’m going to be going any easier on you,” added Melinda with a low chuckle, patting her granddaughter’s bare bottom affectionately. “You know that, don’t you?”

“Yeah… I do,” grumbled the younger girl against her grandma’s shoulder, listening to the soothing rhythm of her breathing for several more moments before she huffed grumpily. “I guess we should probably get to it then, huh?”

“Yes, we probably should,” agreed the old woman with another chuckle, disentangling herself from the pouting princess in her arms and flashing her a teasing smirk. “But first, how about you go ahead and bend that bratty butt of yours over one more time for me and I’ll get that root out of you? I know Dana said that she wanted to leave it in until after she was done with you, but I don’t think she’ll mind all that much if we take care of this now. It’s done enough sizzling for one night, wouldn’t you say?”

“Heck yes it has!” exclaimed Rhen, practically throwing herself across the countertop and rising up onto her tip toes as she arched her back and pushed her bare bottom out as far as it would go behind her.

Although in this position her jiggly cheeks were already naturally parted, exposing the bulbous, unpeeled head of the root lodged deep inside of her (along with just about everything else between her legs for good measure), that didn’t stop her grandma from taking it upon herself to compound her humiliation even further by deliberately parting her cheeks all the wider still before she finally, mercifully, began to extract the thing that had been making the incorrigibly sassy sophomore squirm around like she’d needed to pee all night.

Holy crap! I swear I’ll never complain about getting another enema ever again for as long as I live, Rhen thought to herself with a wince as she felt the stupid root finally start to come free. At least those are over relatively quickly and nobody has to know why you’re suddenly walking around like a penguin.

Her cousins had taken great joy in teasing her about the ginger root that had been stuck in her bottom that evening and the way it made her walk, asking her several times if she needed to go “potty” while they’d been out on the Trail that night.

Often they’d accompany their factious questions with a knowing pat to her padded posterior and an invitation to just go ahead and relieve herself if she was feeling so uncomfortable.

“It’s not like you need to worry about getting your clothes wet, you know.”

“Yeah, honeybunch, we can just change you when we get home.”

“Why wait until then? I bet that drug store over there has pull-ups in her size.”

“Oooh, that’s a very good point. In that case, go ahead, Rhen, honey. I’m sure Dana won’t mind waiting a few minutes while your Auntie Maureen and Auntie Jessica take you in back there to get you all sorted out. Right?”

“Of course not,” her partner had snickered. “By all means, go for it.”

Needless to say, Rhen had needed to work very hard to avoid biting back with anything too sassy that evening, and for the most part she’d done a good job.


She’d had a good amount of success with grumbling scathing retorts under her breath as she’d walked, letting the noise from the milling crowd around them and the Christmas carols playing from unseen speakers swallow up her sass, but her luck had finally run out when she’d lagged behind to stick her tongue out at everyone’s backs and blow raspberries.

Doubling back, her auntie Dana had swooped in behind her and smacked the mostly unprotected backs of her thighs a good half-dozen times for that one.

It had still been so worth it as far as she was concerned, though.

“Oh my god, thank you,” gasped Rhen when the root was at last pulled free of its sheath, its passing seeming to take far less time than it had going in.

Slumping against the spotless countertop beneath her, she sighed long and hard, her limbs going jelly-like as she sagged against its cool surface.

“I swear I’ll never pretend to be sick like that ever again.”

Or if I do, I’ll be sure to say that I have a tummy ache instead, she couldn’t help but add silently.

Now that she was free of that damnable ginger root, she could already feel her reserves of disobedient daring starting to refill again.

“I should hope so,” snickered her grandma, patting her lightly trembling tush fondly before turning and beginning to walk out of the spacious bathroom to dispose of the no longer needed hunk of vegetable, calling over her shoulder with a snort as she went. “It usually only takes being figged once to ensure that the lesson sinks in permanently, I’ve found.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” groaned Rhen in response to that as her grandma left her alone.

Reeling her panting back in, she steadied her wobbling knees and got her feet underneath her as she pushed herself back up to a standing position.


She turned her back to the mirror then, and hunching forward, reached behind her and parted her cheeks one more time.

Craning her head back to look at her exposed nether regions in the mirror, she huffed.

“Well, everything seems to be normal back there still,” she

observed with a pouty grimace, before letting go of her cheeks and crossing her arms in front of her with another harrumph, straightening up and stomping a foot for good measure. “I’ll definitely skip out on having that happen ever again though, thanks.”

Rolling her eyes, she snorted to herself.

“Yeah right. As if I even have a freaking choice.”

Despite her attempts to stoke the fires of her petulant outrage however, she just couldn’t bring herself to be all that upset about the punishment she’d just endured, and a moment later she gave up trying to resist the small, contented smile that tugged up on the corners of her mouth.

“Oh well…”

Between the relief of not having that darn ginger root making its presence undeniably known with each and every step she took, and her grudging acceptance that her grandma had indeed already seen her naked plenty of times before, Rhen didn’t bother with pulling up any of her clothes as she instead yawned loudly and stretched her arms up over her head.

Standing there on full, brazen display with her jeans and her humiliating “undies” bunched up around her ankles, she rolled her shoulders a couple of times and then pulled her long, black hair free of its ponytail, dragging her hands through its soft tresses and shaking it out as she sighed happily.

“Hmmm… I think Dana might just have a point about all that

‘needing a firm hand’ stuff after all… Heh.”

“I couldn’t agree more, sweet pea,” quipped her grandma then, startling her out of her reverie as she walked with purpose back into the bathroom.

“Oh! Uh… Hi Grandma…” squeaked the mortified twenty-year-old turned teenage troublemaker, raising one hand up in awkward greeting more out of habit than anything else.

Crap! I hope that doesn’t get back to her. There’s no way she’d ever let me live it down if she heard what I just said…

Unfortunately though, Rhen had far more immediately embarrassing things to worry about just then, as she’d forgotten all about the other change that her auntie had mandated for the lower half of her body.

Something which her grandma’s sharp eyes had absolutely no problems picking out almost immediately.

“Awww. Now would you look at that? You’re as bald as a butternut squash down there, aren’t you?” she cooed with a genuine smile as she closed the distance between the two of them and casually dragged her fingertips along the smooth skin just above the younger girl’s folds to feel for herself. “Oooh, that’s nice. The look definitely suits you, hon.”

“Y-Yeah… wh-whatever,” stuttered a red-faced Rhen, one hand moving to belatedly shield her front as she took half a step back and tried to as nonchalantly as possible stoop down and grab the pull-up from around her calves.

At least it’ll cover my front, she tried to tell herself as she fumbled blindly for her training panties.

Her grandma had other plans for her though, unfortunately.

“No, no, you just leave those right where they are, missy,” she countermanded in a no-nonsense voice, batting away her questing hand just as she’d managed to get a grip on the elusive waistband of her pink padding. “In fact, I think we’ll go ahead and have you take off the rest of your clothes too while we’re at it.”

“What, why?” demanded Rhen, her blush deepening along with her pout before letting out a surprised squeak as her naked rump butted up against the cold edge of the countertop behind her, cutting off her retreat.

With another harrumph, she straightened herself up to her full height, both of her hands covering her front now.

“I thought you said that you were just going to wash my mouth out?

How come I’ve got to get undressed for that?”

“Because I’m your grandma and I said so?” countered the old woman archly, planting her hands on her hips and fixing the girl in front of her with an unimpressed look that had her swallowing hard despite her attempts to be obstinate.

“But that’s not fair,” whined Rhen, mostly succeeding in stomping a foot even with the jeans still tangled up around her ankles.

“Well that’s too bad, little girl, because it’s happening whether you like it or not,” snapped her grandma, her tone making it crystal clear that the discussion was over. “Besides, it’s for your own good. As I’m sure you’re well aware by now, mouth soapings tend to be a bit… dribbly, and no granddaughter of mine is going to run around this house in sopping wet

clothes. So off with ‘em!”

“But… Couldn’t we just like…?”

But Rhen’s grandma just fixed her with a hard glare when it became apparent that she wasn’t about to start moving anytime soon, and growled.


“Ugh, fine, whatever,” the younger girl at last conceded with a put-upon huff, beginning to slowly do as she was told even as she continued to pout.

“Good girl.”

Hooking a thumb casually over her shoulder while her other hand remained braced on her hip, her grandma smirked and then added wryly.

“Now don’t you fret none, sugar plum. Your auntie already handed off your jammies and a fresh pull-up to me when I passed her in the hall coming back from the kitchen just a minute ago. Snow White and your dreamy clouds are ready and waiting for you on my bed, and I’ll be happy to help you get dressed after we’re finished here, alright?”

“Do I even get a choice?” huffed Rhen, abandoning all pretense at attempting to shield her humiliating haircut in favor of crossing her arms in front of her chest again as she glowered adorably.

“Nope, ‘fraid not.”

Deciding to underscore just how much she meant that, Rhen’s grandma stepped in even closer and then took hold of the hem of her long-sleeve shirt.

“Alrighty, sweet pea, just like we used to do. Raise your arms up over your head, and Gran-Gran will help you get undressed, okay?”

Blushing furiously, Rhen nevertheless complied.

“Whatever,” she sighed, putting all of her mortified embarrassment into that single word and drawing it out long enough for it to be muffled by her shirt as it was turned inside out and drawn up over her head while she rolled her eyes.

“That’s my good girl,” cooed her grandma, carelessly tossing the no longer needed shirt onto the countertop beside her. “Okay, the cami is next.

As adorable as you happen to look in it, I’m afraid that when I say I want you to take off all of your clothes, I do mean all of your clothes.”


I’d forgotten just how good she was at all this.

Rhen could feel a hot blush creeping its way up her neck and working its way across her face, an unstoppable attack on her composure.

She could already tell that it was going to be a long, long night.

“Yes ma’am…”

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