Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 11

Upon returning home, Rhen and her newfound aunt spent the next half hour getting her properly settled in to her new bedroom.

Rhen arranged her alarm clock and stuffed animals with the greatest of care on top of her nightstand. She got her laptop and all of its accessories set up just the way she liked them at her desk, and then found homes on her walls for all of the posters that her aunt had bought for her of her favorite bands, shows, and video games. She knew that it was perhaps a bit childish to cover the majority of her walls in glossy two by three foot pictures of the things that she loved, but she really didn’t care.

She thought they added a nice personal touch to the room that helped make it her own.

While the younger girl busied herself with decorating, Dana took care of sorting out her new clothes. Most of them she just hung up inside her closet, while still others she arranged within the various drawers of her dresser, taking extra care to ensure that every skirt and pair of panties was in its proper place by the time she was finished. Once her clothes had been dealt with, and she’d collected the final bits of price tags and other pieces of trash that had started to accumulate as they’d stripped away the wrappers and packaging off of the things they’d purchased, she fished Rhen’s high-end hairbrush out from her purse and grinned.

“Just one more thing, and then I think we’ll be finished.”

With a flourish, she pulled free the ribbon bow that had been tied around the thick parchment paper that it was wrapped in, and then set it alongside the small stuffed bear and penguin that her niece had arranged alongside her alarm clock on her nightstand.

“There we go, perfect,” she declared, taking a step back and surveying the little table with her hands on her hips. “We’ll just leave Missus Hairbrush right here for whenever we need her. Sound good to you, cutie pie?”

Rhen frowned at the highly-polished ebony brush, not liking at all the idea of it being within easy reach of where she was sure to be taking many trips across her aunt’s knee in the future, but resisted the urge to say anything about it other than an extra-polite, “Yes ma’am.”

At least it’s not a freaking paddle or something else super obvious like that, she tried to tell herself as she turned away from her nightstand and resumed fiddling with the angle of her mouse pad on her desk. Nobody should be able to tell what it’s actually there for just by seeing it laying there, so I guess it’s not a big deal.

By the time the two of them were finished organizing and decorating, arranging and unpacking, Rhen’s bedroom at last felt like it truly belonged to her. Gone was the quiet little guest room she’d woken up in that morning, and in its place now stood her very own private sanctuary that she had all to herself.

Her very own bedroom inside of her auntie’s house.

“This place sure shaped up pretty nicely, wouldn’t you say?” asked the older woman as she stepped up behind her and wrapped her in a gentle hug.

“It sure did,” agreed Rhen, smiling dreamily as she leaned back against her comforting warmth and breathed in the scent of her perfume.

“Thanks a bunch, Aunt Dana. Today has been just… just, awesome.”

As she said those words, meaning every single one of them with all of her heart, Rhen’s mind couldn’t help but flash back to all of the humiliating ordeals that she’d suffered through since breakfast that morning. The short spanking she’d received for not making her bed, having her old clothes and driver’s license confiscated, her pubic hair being shaved away, Julia and her condescending smiles as she and her aunt picked out childish clothes for her to wear, and of course that awful hairbrush testing at Prismatic. But even as all of those things washed over her, flushing her delicate features with heat and making her heart flutter, she found that she really didn’t mind.

Sure they’d been humiliating, and of course she didn’t want another spanking if she could avoid it, but none of that really mattered now. Yes, deep down she knew that she was still Rhen, the twenty-year-old college sophomore majoring in computer science, and come next Tuesday she’d be back on campus attending lectures and preparing for the finals she’d be taking in just a couple of weeks. But the truth of the matter was that that version of her had been stripped away and folded up for storage like an old set of clothes over the course of that morning and afternoon. She’d probably come out to play in those moments later on when she and the older woman got more intimate. There was no denying the sizzling, natural chemistry between the two of them, that was for sure. But for now, and into the foreseeable future as she integrated herself more and more into daily life with her Auntie Dana, she was content to just be little Rhenny Mathews, the bratty and sassy thirteen-year-old who was more often than not in need of an attitude adjustment.

It was fun.

She was happy.

She was home.

Now I just have to stay on my best behavior.

Rhen smirked as that thought crossed her mind and she found herself honestly wondering just how long she’d be able to keep that up for before the sternly playful and heart-poundingly intimidating older woman managed to find something to take her to task over.

Somehow I doubt that I’ll be going unpunished for all that long around here…

“Well, I think I’ll leave you to it then,” said Dana a moment later, breaking her from her reflective musings as she gave her torso a quick squeeze, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek before letting go. “I’m sure you’ve got lots of things you want to do on your own now that we’ve got you all settled in.”

She ruffled Rhen’s hair affectionately from behind, and then began to make her way toward her open bedroom door.

“Dinner’s in about an hour and a half. Does pizza sound good to you?”

“Oh heck yeah it does,” agreed Rhen with a wide grin. “Pile it high with pepperoni and sausage for me please!”

“You got it,” laughed the older woman as she stepped out into the hall and disappeared toward the stairs. “I’ll call you when it’s here.”


After her aunt had gone, Rhen padded her way over to her bedroom door and quietly eased it the rest of the way shut. She wasn’t sure if she was actually supposed to keep it open all the time or not, but since Dana hadn’t said one way or the other, she decided that she’d take the risk and ask for forgiveness later if she ended up getting into trouble for it.

“Now then,” she declared, skipping over to her desk and settling in behind her laptop. “I do believe I have some dailies I need to take care of.”

As she was logging in to the server that she played on for her online RPG, her stomach gave an unpleasant twinge as she suddenly remembered that she still had that web design assignment that she needed to take care of before Monday night. In the whirlwind of events since her aunt’s arrival in the dorms the day before, she’d all but forgotten about it.

“Half an hour,” she promised herself, her hand automatically reaching for a can of soda that wasn’t actually there and cracking a smile.

She’d have to grab one from the fridge later. “I’ll play for half an hour, and then I’ll work on it. It’ll be fine.”

Nearly two hours later, Rhen jumped in surprise as she heard the doorbell ring from downstairs, swearing viciously.

Sort of.

She didn’t want to actually risk her aunt overhearing her and have her decide to make good on her earlier threat to wash her mouth out, after all.

“Shi- I mean, crap!”

She’d completely forgotten about doing her homework after she’d finished with her daily quests and started installing the new game that Dana had bought for her.

“Whatever, it’s fine,” she said to nobody in particular as she pushed back from her desk and stretched her arms above her head, stomach growling. “I’ll just take care of it after dinner.”

“Rhen, pizza’s here!” she heard her aunt calling for her from the foot of the stairs a moment later. “Get your butt down here, cutie pie, I’m starving!”

Springing up from her solid, wooden desk chair, Rhen shot out of her bedroom like a rocket, thundering down the stairs on sock-covered feet.


As a happy bonus (aside from being greasy and delicious), their

meal that evening required no cleanup from Rhen when it was finished.

Since they’d just used paper plates to eat off of, she was able to scurry back up to her bedroom without any delay once her aunt had decided that she’d eaten enough.

“Thanks for the food,” she called over her shoulder as she scampered out of the kitchen and toward the stairs again, taking them two at a time, eager to get back to her new game and the group chats that she’d left waiting for her up there.

“You’re welcome,” Dana called after her with a laugh, raising her voice loud enough so that the younger girl would be able to hear her from the hallway upstairs.

Just as the large grandfather clock in her front room chimed nine o’clock that evening, Dana padded her way upstairs and popped her head into her niece’s bedroom.

“Rhen, honey, you can have twenty more minutes of screen time on your laptop, and then I want you in the shower and getting ready for bed.

It’s been a long day, and you need to get a good night’s sleep, alright?”

“Okay, Aunt Dana,” chirped Rhen, turning her attention away from her laptop just long enough to nod at her before zeroing in once again on the game she was playing.

“I’ll be by to tuck you in later,” replied the older woman with a bemused look on her face as she spent a few more moments watching her niece blast some sort of magical spell at the monsters she was fighting in what she could only assume was her new computer game.

Chuckling to herself, she wondered briefly for a moment just how likely it was that she’d actually find the girl in her jammies and ready to go to sleep when she returned later.

Somehow, she had a feeling that it probably wasn’t a particularly safe bet.

Which was just fine with her.

Deciding that she’d find out one way or the other soon enough, Dana eased her niece’s door shut behind her, as she said one more time,

“Half an hour, cutie pie. I mean it.”

“Yeah, yeah…” mumbled Rhen, only half paying attention now. “I heard you.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure you did,” Dana muttered to herself under her breath as she rolled her eyes. “You little sass muffin.”

Once her aunt had gone, and the battle encounter that she’d been locked into had finally ended, Rhen cast a quick glance behind her at the white-enameled alarm clock that the older woman had bought for her that afternoon. Noting the time, she did a bit of speedy mental math, and then grinned. If she was quick in the shower, she could probably squeeze in another half an hour or more on her laptop without Dana ever being any the wiser! She just had to be ready for her to tuck her in when the time came was all.

She could do that.

She’d be fine.

At five minutes to ten, possibly cutting things just a little bit closer to the wire than she should have since she’d played for nearly an hour instead of twenty minutes like her aunt had said, Rhen put her laptop to sleep and casually made her way out of her bedroom and down the hall toward her bathroom.

It would be fine.

She could still totally make her bedtime rendezvous with Dana without a problem.

She’d just have to be quick in the shower, that was all.

Humming to herself all the while as she went, she pulled her hair free of the loose ponytail that she’d tied it back in earlier and beamed.

She was very much looking forward to a nice, hot, and above all else, private and uninterrupted shower.

“Oof. Geez…”

The sight that greeted Rhen in the mirror as she slipped her panties down a moment later as she got undressed in her bathroom caught her completely off guard. Between catching up on YouTube videos, chatting with her friends online, and the triple-rare loot that the last boss in her game had dropped, she’d honestly forgotten all about the fact that her aunt had “adjusted” her pubic hair to better match her general level of behavior.

She’d gotten so used to the feel of it by then, or rather the lack of a feeling she supposed, that the sight of her totally bare sex had momentarily startled her.

She stared transfixed at her own reflection for several long moments as her panties hung all but forgotten around her knees, running the fingertips of her right hand oh so gently over the smooth folds of her labia and marveling at how silky smooth it all felt. Much to her own surprise, she found that she was able to push past her initial spike of embarrassment far faster than she’d been anticipating. And rather than be mortified at the loss of her hair and the clear and stark reminder of her new regressed-age status on such open display before her, she just blushed slightly and flashed herself a secret little smirk.

“You know, it really doesn’t look all that bad,” she told herself as she shrugged off the rest of her clothes and stepped into the shower. “I just hope to god that nobody else besides me Aunt Dana ever gets a chance to see for themselves…”

A little over half an hour later, a pink-skinned and well-scrubbed Rhen emerged from her bathroom amid a billowing cloud of steam. Clad in just a towel wrapped around her chest, she hummed happily to herself once again as she made her way at an easy pace across the hall and back into her bedroom.

“Did you enjoy your shower, dear?” greeted her aunt with a small grin from her perch on the edge of her bed as Rhen stepped onto the plush carpet from the hallway.

“Ack! Geez, Aunt Dana!” she choked, hands flying up to cling to the front of the towel around her chest as she jerked to a sudden stop in the doorway. “You scared the shi- I mean, crap, out of me.”

“Sorry to spook you, sweetie,” purred the older woman, a flicker of amusement tinged with warning in her dark eyes. “I’m just here for your bedtime spanking, is all.”

Rhen stumbled as she took another step into her bedroom.

Tightening her grip around the top of her towel, she found herself swallowing hard.

“My uh… my what?”

She’d heard her of course, but at that moment her brain was having a hard time coming to terms with reality.

“Your bedtime spanking,” her aunt repeated smoothly, the amusement in her eyes giving way to a direct and unyielding stare that made Rhen’s thighs squirm. “Did you honestly think that you could sass me like you did all afternoon and not get into trouble, young lady?”

Hooking a thumb to her right to point at the alarm clock on Rhen’s night stand, she frowned as she continued.

“And I thought I told you I wanted you to be ready for bed nearly twenty minutes ago? It’s almost ten-thirty now, and you’re not even in your jammies yet. That’s two strikes, Rhen, and I don’t think we’re going to wait around for a third before we nip this in the bud.”

“But I wasn’t- I mean to say- That’s not fair!” spluttered the red-faced younger girl, excuses springing to her lips and then falling flat as her aunt just stared her down, waiting.

With her heart thudding hard against her chest as if it were trying to escape, she heaved out a long sigh. She knew that there was no way around what was about to happen, and she had to admit that her aunt did have a bit of a point, maybe, she supposed. Not that she liked it in the slightest.

“I guess you’re right, Aunt Dana… I’m sorry.”

It was all she could really say just then, and she knew it was her best chance to possibly mitigate what she knew she had coming.

Dana nodded approvingly at her admission of guilt, and her frown cocked partway up into a satisfied smirk.

“That’s right, little girl,” she crooned as she crooked a lazy finger to beckon her over to her. “If you want to act like a brat while you’re out with Auntie Dana, then you’ll pay for it with your cute little caboose. Now drop that towel and get over here.”

“Oh god…”

Rhen let out a low, mortified groan as she took a couple of tentative steps forward on a pair of wobbly legs toward her waiting aunt. She held onto her towel for dear life for as long as she dared to, before finally letting it drop to the floor as her face all but burst into flames. Swallowing hard, she scampered the rest of the way over to her right side, closing the distance in a fraction of the time it had taken her to get around to losing her towel.

Only then did she notice the round oval head of her brand new hairbrush nestled against the side of her aunt’s hip on top of the bed.

“Oh come on!” she whined, curling her hands into little fists at her sides as she stomped a foot. “I wasn’t that bad today! Do you really have to use the hairbrush?”

”Now is definitely not the time to be getting an attitude with me, cutie pie,” Dana warned in a low purr, arching an eyebrow as she regarded her coolly. “And you’d better get that squeaky clean tush of yours across my lap right now before I decide to give you something to really whine about. You hear me?”

“Eep! Yes ma’am!” squeaked the nervous sophomore, all but diving across the other woman’s waiting thighs, even as part of her rolled her eyes at the fact that she’d just used such a cliché threat on her.

I guess that really doesn’t matter all that much if it still works… she snickered to herself, trying not to think too hard about how vulnerable her bare bottom was just then.

“There we go, much better,” cooed Dana as she settled into place, drawing her out of her musings as she patted her bottom affectionately and then squeezed, digging in her nails.



Rather than start spanking her right away however, Dana took her time adjusting her position further until she had her just the way she wanted her. She wrapped an arm around her thighs, pulling them up and onto the bed so that her torso and legs were both supported by the mattress as she lay sprawled across her ample lap. Then, once that was done, she took two great handfuls of bottom cheek in each of her hands, and squeezing, pulled her forward until her rounded caboose was angled directly across the middle of her thighs.


She gave Rhen’s cheeks a couple more light pats, and noted with wry amusement that her soft and scrubbed seat no longer bore even the faintest hint of the earlier swats from her hairbrush that she’d been so pouty about. Resolving to fix that, she felt the other corner of her mouth quirk up to replace her satisfied smirk with a full on grin.

Wrapping her fingers around the handle of her niece’s hairbrush, she gave her jiggly buns a few light taps as she got a feel for her aim.

“Now you just hang tight and we’ll be done before you know it.

Okay, honeybuns?”

Rhen just huffed and flopped the side of her face down against her folded arms in front of her, not willing to risk saying anything that might get her into any more trouble right then.

Even so, her aunt took that as a sign of acknowledgment and raised her hairbrush up high over her shoulder, before beginning to bring it crashing back down in a swift and forceful repeating arc.


Not rushing in the slightest, Dana kept her pace steady and even as she spent the next several minutes bouncing the back of Rhen’s hairbrush off of her bare bottom with moderately hard swats, watching with grim satisfaction as the petite sophomore’s cheeks grew steadily pinker and pinker as the minutes ticked by at a snail’s pace. With each reverberating crack of the hairbrush, the round splotches left behind by its oval-shaped head gradually began to blend together until they formed an all-encompassing burning, stinging sensation from the tops of her cheeks down to just below her sit-spots. One that had her crossing and uncrossing her ankles and clinging to her bedspread as she gasped and yelped, wriggled and squirmed.

Dana didn’t bother with lecturing this time around, and instead basked in the increasingly-frantic litany of promises to be good and apologies that started tumbling out of the younger girl’s mouth as her squirming grew steadily more panicked and pained.

It was music to her ears.

By the time she was finished, both of Rhen’s rounded cheeks were painted a lovely shade of dark pink and were warm to the touch as she lay there clenching and unclenching them in time with her panting breaths.

And although her heart was still pounding hard and her stomach fluttering with the thrill and embarrassment of being spanked totally naked across the older woman’s lap, she knew too that she’d gotten off far, far lighter than she’d been expecting to.

That spanking had definitely stung, that was for sure. And the little gasps and yelps it had wrung out of her as the brush had drummed out its relentless and unyielding rhythm against her gyrating cheeks had most certainly been genuine. But now that it was all over, rather than be left with a furious inferno that would be smoldering for at least an hour or two more after she’d finished sobbing, Rhen’s tush merely tingled with a not-all-together unpleasant glow.

The message to behave herself in the future had still been loud and clear however, and had her making a silent vow to avoid provoking a proper performance from that damn hairbrush of hers for as long as she possibly could. She could still remember how bad her aunt could really make that strong oval back on it sting, and she knew too that the next time she decided to pull it out for a spanking, she wouldn’t be let off with just a few minutes of mild swatting.

She’d be a sobbing mess standing with her nose pressed firmly into a corner.

Heaving out a tired sigh, Rhen felt an odd mixture of anticipation and dread roil around inside her stomach at that particular mental picture as her aunt helped her back up onto her feet and hugged her tight.

“Am I going to have any more sass from you, young lady?” she asked with a challenging twinkle in her eyes as she untangled herself from around her and held her out at arm’s length, both hands planted firmly on her shoulders.

“No ma’am!” Rhen hastened to assure her, heedless of the lewd display she was making of herself as she danced in place in her grip while using both of her hands to gingerly massage away some of the lingering sting from her only slightly-swollen seat.

“I’m glad to hear that,” purred Dana with a low chuckle, her face breaking out into a warm smile that did little to disguise the hungry look in her eyes. “Now let’s get you into those cute new jammies of yours and then all tucked in. What do you say?”

Rhen cast a sidelong glance at her alarm clock and saw with some small amount of amusement that she was actually up past her bedtime. The thought of it sent a little twinge of rebellious satisfaction through her stomach, despite the fact that she was currently standing there in nothing but her birthday suit with a sore, pink bottom.

“Sounds good to me.”

Rising up from her perch on the bed and returning her hairbrush back to its spot on the night stand, Dana then took her by the hand and guided her over to her dresser.

“Come on then, cutie pie.”

Pulling open Rhen’s top drawer, she retrieved from it the brand new pair of pajamas that she’d bought for her earlier that afternoon. They were an absurdly cutesy long-sleeved pants and shirt combo made from a wonderfully soft sky blue material. Puffy white clouds were printed all over them, and they had stretchy elastic cuffs around the ankles, wrists, and waistband. And worst of all, it had a big, smiling rainbow emblazoned across the chest.

Rhen absolutely hated how adorable they made her look.

To say nothing of the fact that in them she most definitely passed as a cute tween, rather than a young teen beginning to edge her way out of more childish clothes (and punishments). But she knew better than to argue as her aunt held out the pants in front of her for her to step into, and instead just put one foot and then the other into them and tried not to grimace as they were pulled up to cover her still bare and very pink bottom.

Apparently naughty girls didn’t get to go to bed with panties on.

Humph, whatever.

She then raised her arms up high over her head and tried not to think too much about how hard her nipples were just then as she waited patiently for Dana to shake out her matching top and pull it down over her torso for her.

“Awww, don’t you just look precious!”

“Heh, thanks,” snickered Rhen as her blushing head emerged from the neck-hole of her pajama top a moment later, unable to stop herself from doing a little twirl to show off her new outfit from all angles. “Ta-da!”

“Very nice,” nodded Dana, clapping appreciatively and grinning from ear to ear. “Now stop spinning around before I decide to pull those jammy bottoms down before I tuck you in.”

Feeling loopy from sleepiness and a post-spanking high, Rhen grinned goofily at the older woman.

“Trying to get into my pants are you, Miss Bossy Boots?”

“It’s a tempting offer, cutie pie,” purred Dana in response, closing the distance between the two of them and capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. “But someone is up past her bedtime, and unless you want to eat your breakfast standing up, I’d stop stalling for time.”

Slipping her hands beneath Rhen’s pajama bottoms, she captured her warm cheeks in a strong grip and then dug her nails in.


“Eep! Yes ma’am!”

“Good girl.”

Releasing her iron grip and chuckling darkly, Dana slipped her hands free of Rhen’s pajama bottoms and then led her by the hand back over to her waiting bed.

Still flushed a delicate shade of neon red, the younger girl watched with a mixture of fond amusement and just a bit of sheepish chagrin as she pulled back her covers for her to climb under, and then tucked her in just as she’d done the night before.

“Sleep tight, honey,” Dana said after she’d leaned in and kissed her forehead goodnight. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Aunt Dana,” Rhen yawned as she stretched out and then curled her blankets around her just the way she liked them, adding almost as an afterthought as her eyes drifted shut. “Love you.”

Sleepy as she was, she missed the hard swallow and the misty eyes that her words elicited from the older woman, who after taking a moment to compose herself, murmured back extra fondly.

“Love you too, cutie pie.”

And god help her, she meant it. She’d fallen for the petite sophomore something fierce, and was overjoyed beyond words to hear that she felt the same.

As the lights overhead flicked off, and her door was shut behind Dana as she slipped out of the room, Rhen thought for sure that she would be wide awake for at least a couple more hours. If nothing else, she was going to bed far earlier than she was used to, and she was convinced that all of the thoughts and emotions swirling around inside of her head from the day’s events would have her tossing and turning for a long while to come, to say nothing of the aching need pulsating between her thighs. But, as her left hand snaked its way down beneath the covers to caress the warmth radiating out from underneath the thin material of her pajama bottoms, she decided that all of that could wait until tomorrow.

Today had been a long, long day.

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