Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 1

“Crap, crap, crap!”

College sophomore Rhen Mathews had been repeating that mantra to herself with ever-increasing panic ever since her smartphone’s text message alert had jolted her awake some ten minutes earlier.

She was so late!


Even though she was supposed to be starting her new job as an assistant at the Johnson Family Daycare that morning, her natural inclination toward being a night owl had kept her up until well past 4 AM

the night before. Well, technically morning, but as far as she was concerned that was more based on when you fell asleep as opposed to when the sun decided to rise. Either way, she’d overslept way too much, snoring through the alarm she’d set right before burrowing under her covers, and now she was nearly an hour late!

Cutting loose with a rainbow of profanity and hoping desperately that she wasn’t already fired before she’d even started her new job, she frantically hopped from foot to foot as she tried to kick her makeshift pajama pants off.

“God dammit, why do they have to make the ankles on these stupid things so fucking snug? I hate junior sizes!” she hissed, tumbling over the foot of her bed with a frustrated grunt as she struggled to wriggle free of the snug pair of leggings she’d been wearing since the day before.

She’d planned on dressing up in something nice and professional to make a good impression during her first day on the job, but with her being as late as she was already she opted instead to stick with what she knew.

Stripping down to her simple white camisole and a snug pair of powder blue panties, she quickly pulled on a pair of black and white nylon short-shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt with a faded video game logo on it that she picked at random from the pile of mostly clean clothes shoved underneath her desk.

Pausing in front of the mirror she shared with her roommate, she winced and brushed a hand down her front in the vein hope that doing so would somehow make what she saw there look more professional.

It didn’t help.

“Whatever. It’s better than nothing, I guess.”

Grabbing her backpack and shoveling her smartphone, wallet, keys, and just about anything else close to hand that looked like it might be important (Hey, maybe she would need her iPad while she was keeping an eye on a bunch of tweens, who could say?) she bolted out of her dorm room. She dashed down the hallway then, letting her door slam behind her even though she knew it drove her RA nuts, and wove her way between the few people hanging out and chatting with their friends, keeping up her litany of cursing as she pulled her long black hair into a loose ponytail that bobbed behind her as she sprinted toward the exit of the building.

“Double crap, triple crap, crap, crap, crap!”

Bursting outside and shielding her eyes from the bright sunshine of another crisp, cloudless, summer morning in Iowa, Rhen came to a sudden stop. The Johnson place was only about three miles away from campus, at least according to what she’d seen on her laptop the night before when she’d punched the address the Student Employment Center had given her into it. Again, she’d planned on leaving early enough to just walk there, but now that that wasn’t an option anymore, she had a decision to make.

For a brief moment she considered digging her smartphone out of her backpack and calling for an Uber, but dismissed the idea just as quickly as it had come. The whole point to her taking up the stupid job in the first place was so that she could save money and build some capital, not blow it on frivolous taxi trips. Even if it cost her less than twenty dollars to get there, at the hourly rate she was being paid she’d basically be tossing two hours’ worth of work down the drain before she’d even started.

So that plan was a no-go.

She then considered maybe taking the bus. It would be almost as fast as an Uber, and way cheaper, but she had no idea what, if any, busses even went to that part of town or when they might be leaving. She was already super late as it was. She couldn’t afford to waste any more time waiting around for the right bus to arrive!

Which only left her with one real option.

The one that she’d been hoping to avoid.

Her bike.


Dashing over to the metal racks where she and her fellow students chained up their bicycles when they weren’t using them, she squatted down onto her heels and quickly dialed in the combination for her lock and pulled the chain free from around her bike.

It was an old fashioned, white-framed monstrosity of a thing, with a wicker basket mounted to the front and little tassel streamers hanging from the ends of both handlebars. She’d picked it up for next to nothing at a garage sale over a year ago, and while it had definitely seen better days, it was at least sturdy and reliable.

The only problem was that it made her look and feel about ten years younger than she actually was.

Given her tiny frame (she liked to think of her size as “petite”, but that was definitely stretching the truth, she knew), the childish bike did very little to help her project a more adult image in keeping with her actual age as a college sophomore. In fact, on more than one occasion she’d been stopped by the campus police wanting to know what she was doing riding around the college unattended when she should’ve been at home or in school.

Those were always just the most pleasant of conversations to have.

Especially when she was forced to pull out her wallet to show them her ID

to get them to back down and stop threatening to call her parents if she kept sassing them.

On the bright side though, at least the seat on her adorable bike was comfortable and low enough so that her feet could reach the pedals without any problems. Plus, it sure as heck beat walking or running to her job. And so, after checking her smartphone one more time to confirm the route she needed to take, she hopped onto its padded seat and started pedaling just as fast as she possibly could.

It would be fine…


Fifteen minutes later, sweating and gasping for air (the life of a computer science major didn’t usually attract the super athletic, and Rhen was certainly no exception), she skidded to a stop in front of a white brick, two-story house at the end of a non-descript cul-de-sac.

Breathing heavily, she double checked the house number painted on the side of the curb, comparing it with the one in her email from the Employment Center. It was the place alright. And while the outside looked just the same as all the other houses she’d whizzed past on her way over, she could clearly hear the sounds of children laughing and playing in the back yard, and even saw a few of them scampering around inside through the big bay windows that looked out onto the front lawn.

Rhen did her best to quash the nervous fluttering inside of her stomach as she swallowed hard. It was now or never, she supposed.

“Okay, here we go…”

Walking her bike up the driveway, she mulled her options over for a brief moment before deciding to just dump it on its side on the grass beside the big, red SUV parked in front of the garage. It was a safe enough neighborhood as far as she could tell. And besides, who in their right mind would want to steal her crappy bike?

Somehow she didn’t picture any potential thieves being too keen to go riding around town on anything with shimmery tassels and a bell on it.

Looking at the door in front of her, she let out a long, slow breath, mustering her excuses and explanations. With any luck, she might yet still save her job.

Straightening up to her full five-foot-one-inch height, she squared her shoulders and then forced herself to climb up the stairs, cross the porch, and push open the front door; marching into the home with a sense of confidence and authority that she didn’t actually feel. Hopefully Missus Johnson would buy her made up reasons for being late, and she wouldn’t find herself turning around and marching right back out only a couple of minutes later.

“Uh, hello?” she called into the house, not receiving any response.

The Employment Center hadn’t given her much in the way of information about her new job aside from the name of the business, an address and phone number, and the time she was supposed to be there by.

Even so, picking Missus Johnson out of the crowd of milling preteens wasn’t exactly difficult. She was a broad-shouldered woman in her mid-to-late forties, with bright red hair and wide hips who looked as if she were almost six feet tall. And at the moment she was looking more than a little frazzled as she pulled apart two bickering tweens and sent them each scampering off in a different direction with a hard slap to their seats.


“And that had better be the last time I have to tell you two to knock it off!” she called after the retreating youngsters with a growl, before letting out an exasperated sigh and running a hand through her hair.

“It’s going to be one of those days today, isn’t it?” she asked aloud to nobody in particular as she shook her head.

Talk about crappy timing, the petite sophomore thought to herself with a wince. Damn it.

Rhen really wished that she’d been able to catch the older woman at a better time, but she was already pushing dangerously close to being over an hour and a half late for her first day on the job as it was, and so she decided she’d better just introduce herself as fast as she could and then get out of her boss’s way. If she was upset with her, she could just lie and say that the Employment Center told her to show up at noon.

Hey, that’s not a bad idea!

Not only would she not be late then, she’d actually be early, which would most certainly impress her, wouldn’t it?

Tiptoeing into the front room, she stopped a couple feet away from Missus Johnson and cleared her throat.

“Um, Missus Johnson?”

“Yes, what is it?” the older woman snapped, seemingly started out of her moment of peace. She cast a quick glance around the room, before looking down to find Rhen standing beside her, looking nervous.

“Oh hello, dear!” she said, her earlier irritation having been swapped out for maternal kindness as she smiled at her in apology for the outburst. She then gave her a quick once over, trying to match her face with a name and seeming to come up blank. “I don’t think we’ve met yet.

What’s your name, cutie pie?”

Rhen felt her cheeks color at the other woman’s tone. It had been a long time since any adult had talked to her like that. Well, aside from the campus police and maybe her grandma, that is. She supposed that it must be force of habit for her though, and tried not to hold it against her. After all, she could hardly run a daycare if she was constantly snapping and yelling at people.

Clearing her throat again, Rhen did her best to seem unconcerned and as if she hadn’t just been frantically pedaling down the street as hard as she could as she met the other woman’s warm gaze.

“I’m Rhen Mathews, ma’am,” she said, offering her hand to her new boss and hoping that the churning in her stomach wasn’t showing up on her face. “It’s um… nice to meet you, um… ma’am.”

Smooth, she thought to herself, mentally rolling her eyes.

Thankfully though, the other woman didn’t seem to notice, or if she did, she didn’t care.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rhen,” replied Missus Johnson, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. “Did your parents just drop you off?

Are they still around? I’d like to at least say hello to them before they leave, if that’s possible.”

“Um, no?” answered Rhen with a confused tilt of her head, regarding the other woman quizzically.

That was certainly an odd question to ask. Why would she even think that was an option? She was a sophomore in college for crying out loud! She was perfectly capable of getting places all on her own. And besides, her grandma lived more than twelve hours away.

“I biked here. Duh.”

“Careful with that attitude, missy,” warned the older woman, her expression darkening as she pinned her in place with a sharp glare. “I’ve been running ragged all morning thanks to my new assistant flaking out on me, damn college kids, and the last thing I need is lip from you. Now run off and go play with the others. Lunch will be ready in about an hour, alright?”

Rhen felt her stomach twist at the reprimand, and her cheeks color at being labeled as “flaky”. She’d always considered herself to be a pretty responsible person, albeit one with a habit of running a tad behind schedule from time to time. Even so, she still held out hope that she could repair things between the two of them before she was well and truly fired.

Clearly the Employment Center hadn’t given Missus Johnson much in the way of information either, and she would need to clarify some things for her.

“Um, I’m really sorry about that,” she began to say, fighting hard to meet the other woman’s gaze as her hands fidgeted nervously with the hem of her t-shirt. “But I’m here now, at least, and I’d like to start helping out if that’s okay with you, um… ma’am.”

“Oh never you mind, dear,” dismissed Missus Johnson with a wave of her hand. “You just run off and play. It’s fine.”

“But… but…” protested Rhen, at a loss for words.

Why was she even bothering to show up in the first place if she wasn’t going to actually do anything? Had she nearly pulled her hamstrings racing over here for nothing?

What the hell?

“Look,” sighed the other woman when she saw the look on the younger girl’s face, her patience starting to wear thin. “I appreciate the offer. Really, I do. But you’re way too young to be of any help to me.

Now, I’ve got a lot of things to do still, so run along or else I’m going to be helping you across my knee. You got that, kiddo?”

“Um, excuse me?”

That certainly managed to push a button for Rhen, and she found herself stomping her foot and snapping at her boss without even thinking.

“Oh my god, lady, will you open your god damn ears for one fucking second and listen to what I’m trying to tell you?”

Even as she was saying it, she knew it was a mistake, but she just couldn’t help herself.

Given her diminutive size, being treated like a child was a major point of contention for Rhen, and it was a sure-fire way to send her temper through the roof in an instant. She absolutely hated being dismissed out of hand just because she looked younger than she really was. Being turned away half the time when she tried to get into bars, and having to show four different types of ID whenever she wanted to see an R-rated movie.

No matter how well she did her hair and makeup, how tight her jeans were, or how much she stuffed her bra, it didn’t ever seem to make a difference, and it sucked!

Oh… crap.

She paused after her initial tirade was over, her breath having caught in her chest as she realized what she’d just said. Then she squeaked as she saw the look on her boss’s face go from exasperated indulgence to grim and steely. She tried opening her mouth to apologize a moment later, but by then it was far, far too late.

She’d barely managed to get out a panicked “Wait, I’m sor-!” before Missus Johnson swooped down on her, grabbing her by the ear and dragging her off toward the couch on the other side of the room. All of the apologies Rhen wanted to make got stuck in her throat then, and came out instead as little yelps of surprise and pain as her boss plopped down in the middle of the leather couch and hauled her face-first across her knees.

Although it had been a long time since she’d found herself being draped across a maternal lap like this, Rhen was still all too aware of what was about to happen to her.

The last time she’d been in a similar position had been back during the summer of her junior year of high school, when she’d tried to sneak in four hours past her curfew. Her grandma had been up waiting for her when she’d tiptoed in, and after smelling the alcohol on her breath, had totally blown her stack. She’d immediately pushed her over the arm of the couch, yanked up her miniskirt, gotten even more upset when she saw the thong underneath it, and had then proceeded to go to town on her butt with the belt she’d already had waiting for her.

Needless to say, that had been one heck of a spanking. And although the actual pain from it had long since faded by now, it all came rushing back to her as Missus Johnson began slapping the seat of her shorts.


“Ow! Hey! Ow! Hold on!”

Her protests went unheeded however, as Missus Johnson continued to easily hold her in place across her lap. She tried to squirm and wriggle out of the line of fire, but her boss had a strong grip around her waist that kept her from going anywhere as the palm of her right hand exploded against each of her cheeks in a rapid-fire avalanche of pain.

“Young lady, I cannot believe you would speak to your elders like that. What on earth were you thinking?”

“Oh my god, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Rhen frantically tried to apologize as Missus Johnson shifted her aim further south to the unprotected backs of her thighs, making her really gasp and squirm then.

But no matter how hard she bucked or how much she squealed, her boss kept right on spanking her, having learned long ago to tune out the whining of the brats she put across her knee.

After what felt like forever to the petite sophomore, but was reality in no longer than two minutes at most, Missus Johnson’s slapping came to a sudden stop. She gave Rhen’s now toasty cheeks a satisfied rub, and then helped her back to her feet.

Standing up after her, she placed a firm arm around her shoulders and began guiding her toward an empty corner that faced the big bay windows behind the couch.

“If I wasn’t so busy, I’d find a bar of soap to wash that potty mouth of yours out with, little girl,” she growled, parking Rhen where she wanted her and grabbing her hands to put them on top of her head, interlacing her fingers and pushing her nose all the way into the corner. “Just be grateful that I still have things to do, and you stay here until I say you can come out. You got that?”

“Yes ma’am,” squeaked the brightly blushing sophomore into her corner, not daring to move an inch while her boss still loomed behind her.


Missus Johnson gave her smarting seat one more, firm pat, and then seemed to move out of the room with a frustrated huff. At least, Rhen assumed she’d gone. It was hard for sure since she had her face pushed so far into the corner, but she soon heard the sounds of pots and pans clanking together in a sink underneath running water, and was able to guess that the other woman had made her way into the kitchen and was starting work on getting lunch ready.

Well now, that certainly hadn’t been how I was expecting the first conversation with my boss to go…

Rhen felt her face flush again as she tried to flex some of the heat from her bottom.

It didn’t help.

Her boss certainly knew what she was doing when it came to handing out spanks, that was for sure. And by now it was also pretty clear that she thought she was someone else entirely, probably a new kid for her to look after or something. Given her general stature and attire, she couldn’t exactly blame her. Even so, she knew she needed to clear things up between the two of them before they could get out of hand.

Okay, okay, she admitted to herself with a wry smirk as she pushed out of the corner and gave her tush a tentative rub, wincing. Any more out of hand.

Taking a few steps back, Rhen stood there contemplating the corner she’d been deposited into for a couple of minutes while she gathered her thoughts and tried to figure out what she was going to do next. She certainly didn’t want to embarrass the other woman or make her feel awkward for what had just happened between the two of them. It had been an honest mistake, she was sure. And even though her bottom was smarting something fierce, she’d had worse. She just needed to march into the kitchen, look her right in the eye and set the record straight.

Besides, she’d just spanked her. She could hardly still be mad at her for being late now, could she?

Steeling herself and putting on her best “I’m a grown up, gosh darn it!” face, Rhen marched out of the front room and into the kitchen where she found Missus Johnson arranging slices of ham onto pieces of bread at the counter. She had her back to her and hadn’t seemed to have noticed her yet, and so feeling her stomach fluttering with nervous butterflies, Rhen cleared her throat.

“Excuse me, Missus Johnson, I-“

“Oh my goodness,” fumed the older woman, cutting her off as she whirled around to face her, glaring daggers with her hands planted squarely on her hips. “What did I just get through telling you, young lady?”

“Um, well I, uh… you see…” stuttered Rhen, all of her carefully rehearsed lines melting away under the heat of her boss’s stare. “It’s just that, um…”

Not bothering to humor her naughty charge and her hemming and hawing any further, Missus Johnson stormed over to where Rhen stood and grabbed her upper arm in a tight grip. With her face fixed into a mask of grim determination, she dragged her back into the living room and once again took up her seat in the middle of the couch, hauling the frantically protesting girl back across her knees with ease.

“It’s time you learned that when Auntie Dana tells you to stay in the corner,” she snapped, adjusting the younger girl so that her hips lay directly atop her right thigh. “You stay in the corner.”

Rhen was just in the middle of trying to explain that she didn’t need to stand in the corner and that none of this was even necessary when she felt Missus Johnson’s fingers slip into the back waistbands of her shorts and panties. Going rigid, the heat in her face ratcheting up several degrees all at once, she let out a mortified squeak as the older woman casually yanked them both down to mid-thigh, exposing her still-pink buns to the cool air of the front room and the warmth of the sun shining in through the windows behind her.

“Oooh, someone’s getting a spanking, someone’s getting a spanking!” jeered an unseen juvenile voice from somewhere off to her right. “Hey everyone, one of the big kids is about to get spanked on her bare butt. Come and see!”

That certainly got Rhen squirming, though with Missus Johnson’s left arm pinning her in place across her lap, all it did was make her seem even more like the little brat everyone else seemed to think she was.

“Jacob Reilly, unless you want to be the next one over my knee, I suggest you make yourself scarce,” warned Rhen’s boss, drumming her fingers impatiently against her naked right cheek. “Now.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Rhen didn’t dare turn her head to glare at him, having someone else see her like this was humiliating enough as it was without meeting their gaze and having it confirmed, but from the sounds of the rapid footfalls on the hardwood floor, it seemed like he’d taken the message to heart. That, or he was hiding behind some corner, out of sight and just waiting to peek in on what was happening once Missus Johnson started smacking away.

It’s what she would have done, if she were him.

Swallowing hard, Rhen tried one last time to get her boss to hold off on spanking her and listen to what she had to say.

“Missus Johnson, please! I can explain…”

But once again her pleas fell on deaf ears.

For the second time that morning she felt a strong maternal palm slap down hard against her cheeks, first her left then her right, in lightning-fast succession. And without the scant protection of her shorts and panties, the spanks now echoed with a sharp report each time they impacted her tender tush, sending a ripple of pain through her hips and bouncing her buns as the lingering warmth from earlier was rapidly fanned into a flaming inferno.


Holy cow! Is this lady a professional spanker, or something?

Before she’d even realized she was doing it, Rhen had started to sniffle and whine as salty tears clouded her vision and began running down her cheeks.

“Owie! Oh my gosh. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please- Owie!

I’ll be good!”

She spent a good deal longer than two minutes across Missus Johnson’s lap this time around, and by the time the last spank had found its mark, her bottom and thighs were colored a vivid shade of cherry red and throbbed with a lava-hot fury that kept her squirming long after it was all over.

“Are we ready to behave now?” asked Missus Johnson gently, but firmly, letting her palm linger warningly against Rhen’s right cheek.

“Y-Yes ma’am,” hiccupped Rhen, struggling to get her sobbing under control as she wiped her forearm across her red-rimmed eyes.

Now that had certainly been a spanking that would have made her grandma proud.

“Good girl.”

Missus Johnson gave Rhen’s seat one more firm pat, and then helped her up off of her lap.

The younger girl’s hands immediately went to try and pull up the shorts and panties pooled around her ankles, but were intercepted before they got much further than her knees.

“Uh-uh,” chided her boss, giving her hands a quick squeeze before moving them back up to her hips and letting go. “Those stay right where they are until you’ve finished your corner time, missy.”

All of her earlier sass and indignation having been thoroughly spanked out of her by now, Rhen just sighed and sniffled again as she nodded.

“Yes, ma’am…”

She remained standing in front of Missus Johnson for several more humiliating moments, one hand awkwardly pawing at her throbbing caboose, while she used the other to wipe away tears and snot from her face. For the time being she forgot all about her dignity as she stood there naked from the waist down, occasionally sniffling and groaning.

Even though she was in fact a sophomore in college, at that particular moment she felt very much like the young teenager everyone so often seemed to treat her as.

And strangely enough, it didn’t feel that bad this time.

Leaning back against her plush leather couch, Dana Johnson surveyed the contrite girl standing before her with smug satisfaction.

Even the sassiest ones changed their tune after their panties came down and they spent a few minutes over her knee, she’d found. And although this one had certainly been a harder nut to crack than most, she’d managed to get through to her eventually.

Honestly, the nerve of her speaking to her like that. It was just absurd.

Eventually, she let out a long breath, letting her earlier annoyance go with it, and then sat up a bit straighter and prepared to deliver her final lecture before she installed the sniffling girl into the corner.

She’d definitely be eating her lunch standing up, that was for sure.

She was just about to open her mouth and tell her to get moving, when she noticed the gleaming, slightly damp, black curls waving back and forth in front of her as their owner squirmed and shifted uncomfortably.

She felt a trickle of something not quite right then, as a nagging sense of uncertainty and suspicion wormed its way into her thoughts.

Ever so slowly, giving herself time to let her brain catch up with what her eyes were reporting, she directed her gaze up from the thatch of pubic hair attached to the squirming pair of too well-rounded hips, to the small swell of an A-cup bosom, and then finally up to the young looking face still unable to quite meet her eye.

At which point things started to click into place, and it was her turn to blush.


Swallowing hard, she flashed the younger girl, or rather the younger woman, a sheepish grin.

“Uh… what was it you said your name was again, dear?”

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