Back & Forth | Book 1 of Back & Forth Series

Chapter Thirty Two: Worry

I open my eyes and now I’m back in my actual reality. I’m no longer inside of one of the rooms of Federico’s gloomy safe house. Does this mean I’m done there? That’s good, I guess. I blink a few more times and realise I have my head on Luciano’s chest again. How the fuck did I end up here again? My cousins are not yelling at Luciano again so that means they’re still asleep. What time is it now anyway? How long have I been asleep here?

I let out a sigh and then my heart skips a beat as I see a hand reaching down to me and stroke my head softly. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I press my lips together, not wanting to squeal out of joy. Why am I acting like a freaking teenager right now? Fuck. I can’t help it. This is just too freaking sweet.

“Oh. You’re awake already? Were you even sleeping?” Luciano asked, his voice vibrating through his chest. Oh shit. He caught me.

I look up at Luciano grin awkwardly. My face is hot from embarrassment.

“Yeah I’m awake now but I was asleep. At least that’s how it looked to you. I just continued my dream or shifted to my other reality again. It’s not as bad as it was before but you still haven’t gotten me out of Federico’s house.” I explained. I look away from him as my neck starts to hurt from looking up at him for too long. I keep my head on his chest as I’m still too sleepy to move away. Besides, this is actually comfortable so that’s the actual reason why I’m not moving away from him.

“What happened when you were there?” Luciano asked.

“I woke up, and then Federico came into my room and told me stupid shit as usual. I made him pass out again. Oh and I read his mind and got the list of the traitors’ names. Giulio, Carlo, and Enzo are on the list so I was thinking maybe the rest of the names are the traitors’ names in this reality as well. I can list the names down for you if you want to check them.” I said.

“Okay. Let me get my phone.” Luciano said. He reaches for the nightstand next to him and grabs the phone. He unlocks it and I take it from him right away. I have to write the names down now before I forget about them.

I quickly type down all the names on the note app. I check the names again and count them. Twenty. That’s it. That’s all the names of the traitors.

I give Luciano his phone back and he takes it. I keep lying in his chest and my heavy eyes close themselves as I wait for Luciano to check the names.

“These names are real. I recognise some of the names other than Carlo, Enzo, and Giulio. We should get them, lock them up and make them confess later.” Luciano said.

This means that I’m right. I was there in my other reality for a reason. My ancestors wanted me to be there. Why me though? Oh right. I’m the one who has the powers that are necessary to get the information from Federico and that is mind reading. My cousins, nonna, and Aunt Emilia can’t read people’s mind like I do. It’s great that I get the information from shifting realities but to be honest it’s tiring. I feel like I’m not getting any rest. I’m glad that it happened though. Now we can finally solve the problems we’re facing with having moles in the famiglia.

“I’m not really sure if that’s all the names though. I could’ve missed something while reading Federico’s mind because I did it quickly.” I said.

“That’s okay. We can get the rest of the traitors from making the traitors in the list confess about it.” Luciano said.

“Okay. I hope if we miss someone they won’t report what we’ll do to the traitors on the list to Federico.” I said, frowning. We might get ourselves more problem if Federico knows that we suddenly hold the traitors captive at once.

“Even if it happens, I don’t think Federico can do anything about it.” Luciano said. He might be right but we can’t really underestimate one missed traitor. They might be capable of doing something worse than what everyone has been doing so far. If he’s more loyal to Federico than he ever was to us, they might be willing to do whatever Federico told them to do. Even if it means that they have to sacrifice themselves to kill us all.

“Maybe. Let’s hope he won’t do anything.” I said, sighing to myself.

The last few days have been very tiring and I don’t think it’ll get any better from now and onwards. At least not if Federico and Giordano are still able to roam freely around this world. I guess we have to focus on Federico more now because he’s been messing with us directly. I don’t think Giordano has done something to us that has a significant impact on our famiglia. That might not last long though considering Federico and Giordano are kinda partners in their filthy industry. Giordano’s probably going to protect Federico because of their professional relationship. If Federico got caught, the information from him might lead to Giordano getting caught as well so Giordano’s probably going to avoid it from happening by keeping Federico safe.

“Don’t worry about them. Now that we know about the traitors’ names, Federico won’t be able to hurt you after we catch them all.” Luciano said.

Luciano is right but I don’t know. I still feel uneasy. I’m still scared of something bad similar to what happened in my other reality to happen in this reality as well. Anxiety is drowning me alive right now. No amount of convincing will calms me down fully. I’m still sleepy but the thought of Federico keeps me awake. I don’t think I’ll be able to actually rest until Federico is gone. He might still be able to do fucked up shit behind the bars so no, I don’t want him to get arrested by the law enforcers. The only way he has to go is through death. A painful one. No mercy for him.

“Okay. I’ll try.” I lied. There’s no way I’ll be able to stop worrying about this anytime soon. At least not until tonight’s over. I feel like somethings going to happen later tonight but I’m not sure what it really is. I guess I just have to wait until then.

“Good.” Luciano said. I keep my head on Luciano’s chest, sighing quietly.

It sucks that now I have another reason to not be able to sleep well. First, I accidentally astral projected to Federico’s house. Second, I shifted realities. Now, I’m worrying about Federico and his crazy obsession over me and my famiglia. I feel like I won’t get a peaceful and fulfilling sleep now. I really hope everything that’s happening with Federico will really ends sooner rather than later.

I hear Luciano sighs as he puts his hand over my hand and hold it in his.

“I know you’re still worrying about the future now. I can feel it.” Luciano said. Damn it. How did he even know I’m still worried about Federico? I didn’t do anything.

“Now please let me remind you, Allura. I know what I’m saying might not stop you from worrying about the future but I’m going to say it anyway.” Luciano said. He sighs as his thumb lightly makes circles over my hand. I only frown as I stare at our hands. No thoughts racing in my mind anymore. My mind is now focused on the feeling of his thumb against my skin.

“You have me and your cousins. We all will protect you even if it’s going to end with us dying. You have nothing to worry about tonight or the future about your safety. I’ll be your shield. You shouldn’t worry about something that hasn’t happened yet. The future is never set in stone. It may change drastically in seconds but we won’t really know about that until it happens. Worrying won’t change anything. It’ll only make you focus on the negatives. This doesn’t mean that you can’t worry about anything. That’s just how our brains work most of the time. What I’m trying to say to you now is don’t overthink the future. Focus on the present moment. You can worry about Federico and your father later but for now I need you to stay calm and go back to sleep. You have to be prepared for tonight. I don’t want you to feel tired and unprepared when we’re meeting your father.” Luciano said gently.

Everything he said is true. I shouldn’t overthink about the future. The future is malleable. Just like what Luciano just said, worrying won’t change anything. What I can do to prevent bad things to happen is through actions. I can’t let myself drown in my own thoughts. Because of that, I have to get myself ready for anything’s that’s going to happen tonight by going back to sleep and getting more rest.

“Yeah. You’re right. I guess I better go back to sleep now. I’m still tired from the lack of sleep I’m getting.” I said.

“Good. Now go back to sleep. Just stay here in my arms if this is comforting for you. I don’t mind getting yelled at by your cousins again.” Luciano said. I smile at the mention of them. They’re definitely going to scold Luciano later when they find us cuddling again.

Wait. Hold up. I just remembered something. I have to tell him about how we can send our visual memories telepathically now before I forget about it again.

“I just remembered something else I got after shifting.” I said.

“What is it?” Luciano asked. He’s now stroking my head softly, making me even sleepier. I have to stay awake for a bit longer. Stay awake, Allura.

“I can send my visual memories to you telepathically. It’s just like sending a picture through an app but it goes straight into your head.” I explained. If we can really do that in this reality, that would be cool. That would also mean that I’ve discovered something new for my family. That’s only if no one actually knows about this just yet. I think no one really knows about this though.

“Really? How does that works?” Luciano asked. He sounds pretty interested in learning about my discovery. I better let him know about it and maybe try it with him later.

“I figured it out accidentally but I guess it works just like how we usually communicate with each other. The different is, instead of talking to each other through our minds, we send pictures.” I explained.

“Interesting. I don’t think your cousins and everyone else knows about this yet. I never heard them talking about this. Let’s try it.” Luciano said.

“Okay. I’ll try sending you something I saw from my other reality.” I said.

I get away from Luciano and lie beside him with my head on the same level as his. I connect my mind with Luciano’s mind and then recall the image of Federico’s safe house gate. I look up at Luciano, hoping that that way of communication actually works in this reality as well. Here we go.

“Did you see anything in your mind’s eye?” I asked. Luciano stares at the ceiling and then nods.

“Yes. I see something. It feels like it’s my own memory but not at the same time because I don’t remember seeing this place before but the image is pretty vivid in my mind. What is that place?” Luciano asked.

“It’s Federico’s safe house. Can you tell me what you see?” I asked.

“Interesting. I’m seeing a wood and steel gate with number 3 on the wall. Is that what you’re sending me?” Luciano asked. He saw that? Oh my god. This means that it actually works. This is great.

“Yes! It’s working! We can send visual memories now!” I said, grinning happily at Luciano. He smiles back at me.

This is cool but does this mean what happens in that reality could happen in this reality as well? Fuck. I hope not. I don’t want it to happen.

There’s so many possibilities in this universe and me being sold by my father won’t happen in this reality. With my logical reasoning, it won’t happen because I don’t think my father has that kind of connection with any human traffickers, especially Giordano. Hell, he probably doesn’t know any other people from this world of organised crime other than Alessandro. I’m not fully sure about that though. I can’t get any more information through my claircognisance ability. Shit. I also can’t get anything about what he’s been doing all this time with Alessandro’s money other than buying house and cars.

I guess I’ll find out about it after I get some sleep. I need to restore my energy. If I’m a pbone, my battery is probably running low. Like about 5% left with the low power mode on.

“That’s great. It’s definitely going to be very useful later.” Luciano said. My cheeks tinges as I notice the fondness in his smile as he stares back at me. I avert my gaze away from him and then nod.

Why is he staring at me like that? He’s seriously making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I’ve never felt this happy and blushing so much because of someone. I guess I really do have a big crush on him. Fuck. This is too much but in a good way. I feel like my heart’s going’s to explode out of happiness.

“Yeah. It’s great.” I said, still avoiding his gaze.

“Just like what I said before, it’s Federico’s safe house. I think we should search for the place just in case.” I suggested. If the house turns out to exist in this reality as well, we will be one step ahead of Federico in his own plan. That’s only if he decided to bring any of us there. He probably has other safe houses around the country.

“You’re right. Where is the house?” Luciano asked.

“Tuscany.” I answered.

“Alright. We’ll search for the house later. Now go back to sleep.” Luciano said.

“What’s going on? What are you two talking about this early in the morning?” Alessandro asked hoarsely. I turn my head around and find him already in a sitting position. The look of drowsiness is visible in his face as he rubs his eyes.

“I’ve been trying to get more sleep but y’all keep talking with each other. I don’t know what both of you are talking about though.” Alessio complained. I roll my eyes at him.

“I don’t know since when you’ve been awake but we’ve been talking about the traitors and an interesting way of communicating telepathically I’ve discovered from my other reality. If you’ve listened enough you’ll know that we’ve been talking about something important.” I explained.

“I’m sorry. I was still in the middle of consciousness and unconsciousness. I think I had a sleep paralysis as well.” Alessio said, grunting as he sat himself on the bed sleepily.

“It’s fine. Now I feel sorry you got a sleep paralysis.” I said, frowning at Alessio. He only waves his hand dismissively at what I just said.

“It’s okay. No need to worry about that.” Alessio said, still looking like he’s on the verge of falling asleep again.

“Just like what Allura has said, we were talking about the traitors. Allura got the list of the traitors’ names from her dream, or another reality, according to what she called it. I’ve checked the names and they’re real. The list has Carlo, Enzo, and Giulio names on it. We have to check these men as soon as possible. We also need to get Giulio now before he does something else for Federico.” Luciano explained.

“That’s interesting. Let me see the list first.” Alessandro said, holding out his hand. The sleepiness that was on his face is now long gone. He’s now in his mafia boss mode with the serious look on his face.

Alessandro takes the phone from Luciano and reads all the names on the list in focus. He nods to himself and then hands back the phone to Luciano.

“You’re right. These are the names of our men. We must catch and get rid of Giulio now that we’re sure he’s one of the traitors. After we lock him up, we have to check our security system thoroughly just in case he has hacked into it and mess with the system. I’m going to call Martino now to get Giulio.” Alessandro said. He takes his own phone from the nightstand behind him and dials Martino’s phone number.

“Can I see the list?” Alessio asked. Luciano gives him his phone and lets Alessio scans the list of names.

“Martino. I want you to get Giulio now and lock him in one of the room in the basement. I just find out that he’s one of the traitors. Tie him up and lock him up there now. We can’t let him get away.” Alessandro explained. Alessandro then nods as Martino says something through the phone. The call ends as Alessandro taps on the red button on his phone screen.

“Good job, Allura. This list may solve our current issues caused by the traitors. We always know that Federico’s the one behind all this but we never have enough evidence to be sure about it. Now that we know he’s the one who’s been stealing our drugs all this time, we’re going to take our revenge on him.” Alessandro said.

“You’re God sent. We’re definitely fated to meet each other. You’re destined to be here.” Alessio said, grinning at me.

“All thanks to Alessandro who planned on kidnapping me and Luciano who kidnapped me.” I said, smiling at two of them.

“You’re welcome.” Alessandro said, smiling at me. He then shakes his head at how silly I’m being right now.

“My pleasure.” Luciano said, smiling at me. I can see a glint of mischief in his eyes and I quickly look away from him as my cheeks burn.

“Allura, could you check this room again for any bugs and hidden cameras? If Giulio put more stuff in here right after we get rid of them, then we’re fucked.” Alessandro said.

“Wait. Let me check.” I said. I let the air fill my lungs as I breathe in deeply and then slowly exhale. I focus my mind on trying to get any information about the hidden cameras and audio bugs. I really hope my claircognizance ability works now.

“Worry not. We’ve protected you from the harm.” I heard a ghostly man sound said. Who the fuck was that? I look around the room for the source of the sound and find no one else besides my cousins, Luciano, and me. Yo, this is creepy.

“What’s wrong?” Alessandro asked. He stared at me with confusion. I look around once again and there’s no one there.

“I heard someone said ‘worry not. We’ve protected you from the harm.’ The voice sounds so ghostly. It’s not a clear voice but sounds light and almost airy? I don’t know how to describe it. Could that just be a ghost of our ancestor’s spirit visiting us?” I asked, still looking cautiously around my room.

“I’m a ghost.” The man said before everyone else can answer my question. Okay. It’s confirmed. I’m actually talking. To a ghost right now. Oh my god. I’m talking to a freaking ghost. What the fuck is going on?

“Y’all didn’t hear that? The voice of a man talking?” I asked. Goosebumps rise on my skin as fear and nervousness clouds my mind. This is the first time I’m actually talking to a ghost. This is so weird. Is this even real or am I just hallucinating?

“I don’t hear anything.” Luciano said, staring at me like I’m kinda crazy.

“What are you talking about?” Alessio asked, looking scared as he stared back at me.

“The man sound! Does this mean I can talk to ghosts now? That’s scary but thank you for your protection, kind man.” I said with uncertainty. I keep glancing around the room, not sure of where to look.

“No need to thank me. We’re here to protect you. And no need to be afraid.” The man ghost said softly. His voice sounds like it’s echoing as if I’m in a cave or other place with echoes. I suddenly shiver and I take in a breath sharply.

“Okay! Thank you! Bye for now!” I said to the ghost quickly. Regardless of the kind words he said, I still feel scared of the ghost. Talking to an unseen man is such a strange and creepy experience.

“I’m Pietro.” The ghost said. Wait, what? Did he just say that he’s Pietro? Is he that Pietro? Niccolo’s Twin? Why is he here? How the hell is he here? As far as I know? if you got killed somewhere, then your ghost will stay in that place and won’t be able to leave. I know that Pietro wasn’t killed here because Luciano told me he was killed when fighting the rival. So, how is he here?

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