Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 81

The males talk for a few moments, while Sophia stood there awkwardly, slightly embarrassed that he had known what she was thinking. She was sure he knew, too. She was holding on to her wolf, but she was starting to feel drained, and she wished she could just rest. Only for a few moments. She curled up on the floor, her head resting on her paws, watching, and waiting. In minutes, all the Moon Walkers stood in front of Neil. The tension in the room was palpable and Sophia prayed this went easily. One of their males stepped forward, clearly acting as their representative. He was over six feet tall and muscular. Blood spotted on his clothes, but it was obvious none of it was his.

Neil nodded his head in acknowledgement and shook his hand firmly. Respect was given from them both.

“I’d like to thank you for your assistance, but it’s no longer needed.” Neil said firmly.

“Unfortunately, the crimes of the Lucian pack have spread into our territory, our borders are no longer safe. That makes this as much our concern as yours.”

“Unfortunately,” Neil replied, agitation clear in his voice, “that wasn’t our doing, and it will be dealt with. We don’t need, nor want, your assistance. You are not our allies, and we do not want you here.”

There was a brief vocal uprising from both sides. Neil held his hand up, silencing the Lucians. He raised his voice to be heard above the protesting Moon Walkers.

“I will not say it again, you’re to leave our territory, now.”

He turned his back to them, ending the conversation and Sophia raised her eyebrows in shock. They aren’t allies, so for Neil to turn his back to them was not only a sign of disrespect, but also a sign that he wasn’t afraid of them. Not as individuals, or as a group.

There was a moment of silence then the leader stomped out of the room, the rest of them following his wake. Sophia never took her eyes from their retreating backs. She trusted no one affiliated with Benson. Before Sophia and Neil could continue to the chambers, Scott stepped up to Neil and spoke to him quietly. Sophia could still hear him.

“Thorin escaped.” Scott said in a hushed tone.

“I figured as much.” Neil replied.

“He didn’t escape alone.”

“How many?”

“It’s hard to say as the death count on both sides is high, but there were witnesses to at least 20.”


“What do you want me to do?” Scott nodded his head at Sophia, so Neil knew Scott was okay with him being occupied for a few minutes.

“Start dividing everyone in groups. Leo stays with us.”

“You don’t want me leading my own?” Scott asked.

Neil said nothing but a look passed between them. A look that had Scott nodding then clasping Neil on his back. Scott turned around to address the Lucian pack and Neil knelt in front of Sophia. His eyes skimmed her injuries.

“You ready?”

Sophia got to her feed and stretched. Neil led the way, with her walking more slowly behind him. She couldn’t complain about being behind. That was quite a view. Neil let out a short laugh. Damn it, she thought. She really needed to control what ran through her mind.

She followed him through the door to the judges’ chambers. The walls were dark cherry and globe sconces rimmed the walls, casting a yellow light into the room. A dark wooden desk sat in the center with a massive throne-like chair behind it. It was flanked by floor to ceiling bookshelves on both sides that were filled to bursting with law books. She slid her eyes to the right and saw a robe covered arm and hand. She averted her eyes, knowing that the judge’s body lay there cold and dead.

Neil came over to her and ran his hand along her sleek back.

“Okay, baby, it’s just us in here. Do you need help?”

Sophia closed her eyes. She concentrated on her breathing. The in, hold and exhale that put her in the meditative state to force the shift. She thought of her fur, the follicles pulling it back in and closing. She continued the breathing, fighting hard to ignore that Neil had sat on the floor next to her with his arm draped across her shoulders. She felt her muscles release and stretch and her bones popping. She opened her eyes as the shift completed.

She was naked, on the floor, with Neil holding her. She looked at him and saw that he was looking at her side. Her gaze dropped and then her jaw dropped. Her skin was closing before their very eyes. She lifted her hand to her neck. She could feel on her fingertips, her wounds knitting themselves back together. She looked at her leg and Neil’s gaze followed. Not even a scar was left. She lifted her eyes to his face.

Half smiling at her, but his were furrowed.

“Well, I guess your wounds are healing fine. It’s okay, I know it feels weird, but it’s okay. This is a good thing. A blessing. Fuck, I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried about you.”

He pulled her into his lap, her body pressed against his, cradling her in his strong arms.

He closed his eyes and inhaled her being. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

He pressed his lips gently to her temple. His hand left her thigh, and he turned her face to his.

Sophia closed her eyes, enjoying the tingling of his touch. Rejoicing in the fact that she mattered to him enough that he worried about her as much as she worried about him.

His lips pressed against hers and she needed no prompting to open her mouth and allow his tongue purchase. The taste of him tantalized her senses, as he held her face with one hand, the other rubbing in small circles on her back. She shifted in his lap and he moaned as if he was in pain. He lifted his lips slightly and her eyes popped open for a second before languidly closing. She deepened the kiss and he moaned again.

He slowly pulled his lips away, nipping at her bottom lip.

“We need to find something for you to wear, before...” his voice drifted off.

Sophia raised an eyebrow and tossed him a saucy smile. “Before?”

“Just before, you little vixen.”

He lifted her to her feet and stood up.

“Check his desk drawers, I’ll check his closet.”

Sophia went behind his desk, pulled the deep bottom drawer open and rummaged.

“Oh, and Soph?”

“Hmm?” she said absently as she moved to another drawer.

“I never mind walking behind you either. That’s quite a view.”

Sophia choked out a laugh as Neil pulled something out of the closet and came over to her. He let his gaze roam her body, hunger in his eyes and lust scenting the air.

“This is going to be such a shame to do, but I’m not much on sharing.”


“Covering up your beautiful body. That’s truly a shame. But I think I got something.”

Neil handed her a package of boxers still sealed, and a package of plain white short sleeved t-shirts.

“Not the most stylish thing. I’ll step out while you dress and find your shoes.” He kissed her forehead then left her alone.

She pulled on a pair of boxers, knotting them at the hip to keep them up, and pulled a t-shirt over her head. She remembered she saw twine on the desk. She fashioned a belt around her hips, nipping the shirt at her waist. Neil came back holding a pair of black and pink tennis shoes in his hands.

“I hope this fits.”

Sophia didn’t ask where he had gotten them from. She didn’t want to know whose dead body he had pulled them from. She pulled them on and tied them tighter than she normally would because they were about half size too big. She took a rubber band and tied her hair back in a low pony. Neil watched her in silence. When she was done, she spun in a circle in front of him.

“Well?” she joked, knowing damn well she was a mess.

“You’re beautiful. You take my breath away.”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, pressing her body against his and lowered his lips to hers. Oh, how she ached for him. She ached in places she didn’t even know she had, in her desire for him. He scooped his hand along her bottom and lifted her up off the ground. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and let her tongue explore his mouth. She sucked on his tongue and he felt his entire body shudder against hers. She pressed against him and hunger from both filled the air with electric pulses.

“Knock, Knock, Knock” sounded on the door. Neil lifted his head, leaving her gasping little puffs of breath.

“Just a minute,” he said, his voice strained.

“You alright, brother?” Scott yelled through the door.

“Yeah, we’ll be right there.”

They listened to Scott’s foot fall growing distant from the door. Neil released a breath and pressed his forehead to hers.

“Now’s not the time, but we are having a conversation soon. A long overdue...conversation. Of sorts.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

He took her hand in his and led her back out to where everyone was waiting. Sophia squealed like a teenager when she saw Leo and took off across the room and grabbed him in a tight hug. His arms wrapped around her, and a sob escaped. Sophia pulled back to look at his face. She knew he was trying not to be emotional in front of these powerful males. But he was still just a boy. She pulled him into a corner and shielded him with her body, though she doubted anyone would think anything of it. She understood trying to save face.

She didn’t even try to fight back tears. There hadn’t been a day that went by that she didn’t think about him or worry about him. Seeing him in court was not the same as being able to hug her, not so much of a baby brother.

“You should have told me.” She said quietly.

“I couldn’t. If I did they said they’d kill you, just like mom. I couldn’t...”

“I saw mom.”

Leo stiffened.

“In a dream, I saw mom. She told me to tell you she loves you and that she’s with us, in our hearts.”

“I miss her. I miss her so much.”

“I know. So do I. And I hate our father.”

“Don’t call him that. Don’t fucking call him that.”

Sophia let out a guff of a laugh at him using the word fuck then wondered if that was why Neil had always smiled when she said it.

“You’re right. He’s nothing to us. Nothing.”

Sophia felt Neil come up behind her seconds before his hand rested on her lower back.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we gotta go. Groups have already been sent out looking for Thorin and his followers. We have to be out there doing our part.”

“Bella.” Leo said, anguish in his voice.

Neil looked him dead in the eyes and tilted his head to the side.

“I know, kid.” He slapped his hand on Leo’s back, softer than she usually saw with Scott, but she appreciated how he was treating her brother. He was treating him like one of his men, one of his friends.

They joined the rest of their group and Scott gave Sophia a quick hug and clapped Leo on his back, much like Neil had. As one, they walked through the courthouse doors, out into the bright sunlight, a light breeze in the air and birds singing their songs.

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