Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 79

Sophia ate up the concrete as her body gathered, muscles coiled into tight balls of strength, then propelled her forward, mile after mile. She soared past trees, houses, cars in driveways, but they were all merely colorful blurred images she caught out of the corner of her eyes. The shorter fur on her body glistened with sweat like tiny diamonds. The longer fur around her neck and scruff blew in the wind, ruffling like dried leaves being blown across the ground. Her claws clacked as they smacked into the asphalt, sharpening their point like a blade being shaped into a deadly point. The scraping sound vibrated through her body as she ran between buildings, taking a shortcut to get to her destination faster. She lifted her head up and sniffed the air, then howled again. The earth beneath her feet rumbled like a small earthquake. She had never felt this kind of power. She was fearless, she was huge, and she was strong. She knew she would shortly be entering chaos and was surprised that she wasn’t enveloped by fear. A healthy dose of it of course, but she wasn’t overwhelmed. For the first time, she felt confidence in her ability to defend herself. She felt capable of defending those that mattered to her. Her mother believed in her, and now she believed in herself.

The courthouse came into view, and she increased her pace, her heart beating frantically in her chest. She took the stairs in one leap and crashed through the wooden doors. There were screams, both male and female, that echoed in the building. Blood spattered the walls and ceilings, their crimson red blood crisscrossing along the walls in spots and streaks, a stark contrast to the basic white. The snapping and popping sounds of shifters being torn limb from limb filled her ears. The metallic scent of blood filled her nostrils, the smell familiar, yet potent as she ran down the hall. The morbid smell of the dead assaulted her senses and enhanced her determination. When the horrifying sound of agony filled her ears, she blinked furiously and prayed she wouldn’t have to see the after effects of what had happened. Still, she did not falter in her mission to get to the others.

She skidded at the end of the hall and turned to the right, only to run into three of her father’s friends. They had no fear. There were no signs of inhibitions, they had no regards to their own safety. If they had any, she would be able to smell it on them. Their dedication to her father was so fierce they were willing to sacrifice their lives. She shuddered and skidded to a stop. The largest of the three stepped forward, his teeth snapping. His eyes glowed yellow, disdain, hatred and evil intentions apparent by the menacing look and the foam oozing out of the sides of their mouths, like they were rabid dogs. His nose wrinkled and he gave a[low, deep, menacing growl. She allowed him to circle her but kept an eye on his claws. She would have to protect her neck, she knew that was going to be her main concern. They wanted her dead; she knew that with everything in her. They wouldn’t stop until her soul was gone, her breath never again filling her lungs and her presence, along with all Lycans, vanished from the world. She coiled her shoulders, ready to leap in attack, or leap out of the way, whichever was needed when one of the others joined in the circling. They were strategic in their placements, their intentions clear on their faces, their minds as one. They placed themselves so that one was behind her, and one was in front of her, a fluid circle of moving, growling fur. Sophia knew the only way to outwit them was to hone into her senses. She needed to sense their movement before they made it. She needed to feel it, to hear their heartbeats change just before they tried to attack. She needed to feel the change in their breathing and see the shift in their eyes. This would be her only hope to protect herself, being outnumbered as she was. She also knew she would need to attack, fast. Three on one meant she needed to follow her instincts, without giving a thought to her actions. Taking time to think would be her death.

She allowed them to circle, not moving at all herself. She felt caged, trapped, but she knew she could do this. She briefly thought about sending a howl out. She knew Scott would know it was her, and if he was able, he would come. Not that she needed or wanted to be saved, but it would even the odds a bit. She stopped herself just short of it, if he was in battle, it could distract him and cause him harm. She wouldn’t be responsible for that. She could do this.

The third one, who hadn’t joined in the circling lunged for her flank and she moved, taking a swipe at him, her claw cutting into his side. He yelped in pain and jumped back. There it is, she thought. The one in behind was getting ready to attack. She could feel him coil, she could hear his snarls deepening. The one in front of her was taunting her, feinting in and out, taking a swipe. He was trying to distract her. She allowed him to think he had all of her attention. When she felt the one beside her explode into the air she dodged to the left then body smacked him from behind so that he knocked into the one that was in front. She’d had enough of this shit, she thought. She turned and sliced the one off to the side across his neck and sent him whimpering into a corner. She knew he would heal, but not before she got away. She bit one of the two rolling on the ground by his scruff and threw him against the wall, knocking him unconscious then swiped down the chest of the other one, exposing sinewy muscle. They would all heal, she knew but she didn’t have time for their shit.

She took off down the hall, blood dripping from her teeth. She was panting from the excursion, but didn’t feel her energy was drained at all. When a tall figure stepped into her path, she stopped. She felt fear. Sophia recognized his scent and knew without introduction who she was facing. The one that nearly killed Neil. He gravely injured Scott and Connor. The one that cost Victoria her life. Yes, she was afraid, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to let him see it. He was in human form, with his hair tied back away from his face. He was dressed casually and in his right hand, he held a blade. Blood dripped from the tips. He was fighting in human form and that made Sophia’s gut clench. Normally, a were would have the upper hand against a human form. They would treat them as prey, hunt them, then kill them. For Cain to have stayed in human form meant he hadn’t felt threatened in the least. He wasn’t threatened by her. She briefly expressed hope that he hadn’t gotten to Neil, Scott or Leo, but couldn’t waste much time on it because Cain was staring down at her.

“Well, well. If it isn’t little Sophia Tibald,” he said.

Sophia didn’t react.

“I’ve been looking for you. I think we have some--” he paused while he wiped the blood off of his knife on the corner of a doorframe. “Business to attend to,” he continued.

Sophia took one step back, then forced herself to stop.

“Tsk, tsk, Sophia. Were you thinking about running from me? It would be a waste of time, but if you want to play games, I can accommodate. I love when my prey is afraid.”

He swung the knife out in an arch stopping just short of slicing into her. Her mouth foamed and she growled a warning. The scruff on the back of her neck was standing up and her teeth cracked against each other as she warned him off.

He laughed. “Girl, little, little girl. You don’t think you scare me, do you? Your growl is...cute. Maybe you should try harder. Get mean with it.” He laughed louder, so the cackling sound echoed down the hall.

Faster than she could blink, he shifted. He stood larger than her, his muscle mass bigger, and his teeth sharper. Fuck, she thought. Fuck, he’s huge.

They began the dance. They circled each other. She had no choice, she knew. She had been weighed, and measured and he knew he had cornered her. Cain knew he was stronger, smarter, and more experienced. One thing Sophia had over him, because his size was so hulking, would be speed. She’d need to protect her neck and her flank. He lunged for her and she dodged to the side, taking a swipe at him. If a werewolf could smile, the shape his canines took would be that. A feral smile. He reached a paw out quicker than she could move. He lunged inside and took a chunk out of her side. She yelped in pain as a searing burn shot through her side. She wouldn’t back down. This fucker almost killed Neil. He did kill Victoria. She circled with him, not taking her eye off him for a second. He wouldn’t fake her again. She snarled and growled. Sophia kept her muscles coiled, watching for an opening. Any opening.

After two more circles, he had grown weary of the wait and he rolled, biting her leg as he passed. She hissed the pain out. Before she could move out of his way he launched himself at her and latched his massive teeth on her neck. She bucked like a wild horse trying to get him off. If he ripped her neck out, she was done. She knew she’d be done. She tried to remember her training, but the pain from her wounds was overwhelming, and she felt herself giving up. She could never take him. She kept bucking.

“I believe in you,” she heard her mother’s voice. “I believe in you.”

With renewed energy, Sophia bucked again then rolled with his teeth still clamped around her neck. She knew what she did next would be a risk. A huge risk, but one she knew she had to take. She felt his teeth digging in for a better grip. Action was needed now. She rolled again, moving them closer to the wall then gathered all of her strength. Her muscles tightened and with an eerie howl, she slammed him into the wall. It jarred his teeth loose and she turned, striking fast and low into his chest with her claws. Not giving him time to retaliate, she jumped on his back and sunk her teeth in, ripping it open so violently that blood flew. She shook her head, his neck still clamped in her mouth. When she sensed there was no fight left in him, she let her jaws slack. She didn’t stay around to see if he was still alive. If he was, he would regenerate soon, and she needed to be far away by then. She needed to be with the others. If he wasn’t alive, well, she wasn’t ready to deal with having made her first kill at the moment. Especially because she knew there was more to come.

She fought her way through throngs of fighting shifters. She swiped down their bodies, nipped or bit as she passed. Anyone that she knew was with her father, she didn’t hesitate. But she didn’t stop either, she needed to get to the others, fast. Panic and worry drove her faster as she went down one endless hall after the other. Her body hurt, her wounds burning. But she didn’t let it stop her. She felt an urgency to get to them that was so sure, so firm in resolve, that she wondered if she was being sent a message. Hurry, hurry, she pushed herself harder, faster, ignoring the pain.

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