Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 77

The rapid-fire cracking of a full auto M 16 filled the courtroom. The sound of ‘crack, crack, crack’ was so loud it was deafening. The rapid fire caused panicked shifters to run to the door then they turned quickly when they realized there was no way out. The assailants were blocking the door. Bullet holes riddled the walls and splintered the wooden seats. People cried out in pain. That’s all Sophia needed to hear, she dropped and hid under the table. She saw the judges’ robes whirl as he tried to make it to the door to his chamber. She was distracted from seeing if he made it by jean clad legs moving past her at a fast pace, the work boot clad feet pounding the floor on their way to the witness stand. Fuck, Fuck, she thought. She peaked out and said a quick prayer of thanks to the goddess. Scott was getting Leo out of there. They disappeared through the side door to the judge’s chambers. Another round of bullets exploded in the courtroom and Sophia realized the table didn’t give that much protection. She also realized there was more than one attacker. She held her breath, closed her eyes, then rolled under the bench seat that was behind where she had been sitting.

She was overwhelmed by a feeling of Deja vu as hundreds of shifters poured into the room through the doorway. They seemed to appear as if they were climbing out of the walls. They swarmed with the force of a zombie apocalypse. The power of that many shoved the assailants to the side and wild bullets riddled the ceiling. Some of them were people, in human form. Some had already shifted and their savage howls joined the sounds of the bullets firing as well as the pings off the ceiling and splintering wood. Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit. It was just like her dream.

There was a loud scream from the back of the courtroom. She peaked out and watched, just like she had in her dream. Anger distorted faces and people were screaming in rage, though what specifically they were so furious about could be many different things. Panic infused erratic behavior in some, and it looked like some of the more pissed off ones were turning over chairs like they were looking for someone. Like they were looking for her. She couldn’t believe it, but her dream of only a couple of hours ago was coming to life. She recognized the faces, the sounds. She shivered. What the hell? She could predict the future now. Insane, she was as fucking insane as everyone else.

Her army crawled backwards, not wanting to see anymore, and needing the shelter and safety the bench offered. Where the hell was Neil? she thought. She knew he hadn’t been with Scott when he got to Leo. There were more discharges, and even more angry rioting shifters. She was too afraid to peek again. She was too afraid to try to find Neil. She knew him well enough to know that he would be in the middle of the fray. She also knew he would be frantically trying to get to her if he could. So the fact that he hadn’t meant he was in the middle of the chaos. Goddess on a throne, what the hell was going on?

Whatever war that was being waged; it was a ferocious one. She heard the death rattle from a male who had fallen two rows behind her. She watched his life energy drain from his body, and his eyes glazed as blood gurgled from his mouth. She forced back a scream. If it was killing them this fast, the bullets were tipped in poison. Or there were so many holes that the healing process couldn’t begin. She heard a scream from the other side and a thud that hit so hard she felt the air from it all the way across the aisle. No way in hell she was looking. None. She knew that some were fighting in full were, she could hear the growling and tufts of fur floated to the ground each time one howled out in pain. She knew she couldn’t hide out there long, eventually she’d be found. She needed to think of a plan. She needed to figure out what to do.

Before her thoughts got much further than that a hand reached down and grabbed her by the arm. She was yanked up and pain shot through from her elbow to her shoulder. Her eyes locked with Benson’s. Why the hell was she even here? she thought. She tried to yank her arm out of her grasp but had no success. Benson merely smirked at her. That pissed Sophia off. No, she wasn’t as strong as Benny. She wasn’t a fucking alpha for goddess’s sake. But she wasn’t some wuss either.

“Come with me.” Benny ordered and dragged Sophia out to the aisle. Getting to the door wasn’t so easy. When some of the shifters caught sight of Sophia, they were single-minded in their goal to get ahold of her. She knew from the red and yellow gleam in their eyes, that if they did, her life would come to a very painful end. She jumped when a shifter landed from the ceiling right in front of Benny and her. She jumped again when Benny merely extended her arm and hangered the mother fucker. He gagged when her arm met his throat then he fell to his knees. Two werewolves jumped in front of them again and in a blink of an eye, Benny’s arm from her elbow down became the powerful, brutal paws of a massive werewolf. She swiped down the center of one, gutting him like a pig. Blood sprayed into the air like a defunct red fountain. She swiped the other where his shoulder connected to the body, nearly severing the entire arm with one whoosh of her claws. When a group of them blocked the aisle, murder in their eyes, anger on their faces and practically foaming at their mouths, Sophia tried to pull away. She needed to run. The flee part of the fight or flee response was firmly in the flee side. Benny’s grip on her tightened and Sophia’s desperate attempts to break free didn’t even phase her. What happened next sure as hell phased Sophia. Rather than fight the group, Benny went airborne, taking Sophia with her, then landed softly on her feet on the other side before they had even realized what happened. Sophia didn’t land softly, she hit with a thud and then tipped over, only to be jerked upright and being dragged again.

“For fuck’s sake, Sophia. If you can’t help, and clearly you can’t, you can at least not be a fucking hinderance.”

A few skirmishes later and the front doors of the courthouse flew open with one quick front snap kick from Benny’s powerful legs. The wet smell of a fresh rain rolled over Sophia, and she inhaled deeply for one whole second before she was unceremoniously shoved into the back seat of a cherry red car.

Benny jumped into the front seat while Sophia was still picking herself off the floor into a sitting position on the seat. She leaned forward intending to speak when all thought went out of her head. Because in the driver’s seat was none other than Matthew.

He turned in the driver’s seat and looked at Sophia. A slow, vindictive smile spread across his lips and his eyes glowed.

“Hello, mate,” he growled. “So nice of you to join me. I hope you enjoy your little ride, and everything that comes after.”

Matthew laughed evilly, and Benny smacked his arm, but it wasn’t in a mean way. Not the way Sophia had seen inside.

“Drive,” she ordered.

Matthew gunned the engine twice then with tires screeching and the smell of burnt rubber in the air, he pulled out onto the road so fast Sophia fell into the side of the door.

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