Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 75

Sophia could feel the hostility from the observers in the courtroom after her father had told his version of what had happened the night her mother died. She didn’t think it was fair that she didn’t get to speak at that time and call her father the psychopathic liar that he is. What she thought was going to be a fair trial for herself, the compassion she had seen in the eyes of the audience, and even the judge was doing a complete turnaround. They seemed to be siding with Thorin and Sophia started to feel fear again. The looks of some of their faces went beyond disgust, beyond anger. They wanted to see her punished. She felt her eyes start to burn. Will this never end, she thought. The way her father could manipulate others to do his bidding was first something she admired, when she was little. She didn’t understand and just thought people did as he asked because they respected him; he was the alpha. When she became his prisoner, it changed. Then it disgusted her, because she knew that some of the shifters who punished her and tortured her weren’t all bad people. But now she feared it, because she saw how his insane manipulations destroyed others. She knew now that she was no longer her father’s only victim. He had many, and her heart ached for all of them.

Silence took over the courtroom and all eyes were directed to the door at the back. Sophia turned slowly, afraid of what she’d find. When her eyes landed on Scott, standing tall and proud brought joy to her, but that was nothing compared to what she felt when she saw Leo standing behind him. She jumped to her feet as if to rush to him, but the attorney grabbed her by the wrist and shook his head.

“Sit down, you are still a prisoner,” he said.

Sophia knew he was right. If she tried to move from her position at the defense table, she would be attacked by armed guards. She was a criminal, a prisoner, and would be treated as such. She caught Scott’s eye and mouthed ‘thank you’ to him. He grinned at her and she gave him a half smile back. She let her eyes roam over her brother, searching for signs of injury. She didn’t know where he’d been or what he’d been doing, but he looked okay. She exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees the Moon Walker Alpha, Benson, sitting off to the left side. She had been sitting almost directly behind her, but at the back. If she wouldn’t have turned so fully around to watch Leo, she wouldn’t have known she was there. And why the hell was she there, she thought. She shouldn’t feel so hostile toward her, but she couldn’t help it. She appreciated her kindness in having her father moved to another cell block. She appreciated the tablet. But Sophia knew, from what little bit Scott had told her when they spoke, and what Neil said as well as his reaction to any reference to her, that there was more to this than met the eye. Benson shouldn’t even be allowed on Lucian territory. She should not be barking orders at anyone. Sophia was confused by this but got quickly distracted when Scott waved for her attorney to come speak to him.

“Your honor, may I have a brief recess?” he asked.

“For what reason?”

“I believe I may receive information that is vital to the verdict of this case, I just need a moment to confirm.”

The judge sighed, clearly annoyed that the trial was being halted again. First when Sophia had had that strange day dream, and now this.

“Five minutes, council, and not a minute more. Court is recessed.” He banged his gavel and rose from the chair. His swirling black robes surrounded him as he escaped out the side door that led to his chambers.

The prosecuting attorney was speaking to Thorin about goddess only knows what. Sophia’s attorney gestured for Scott and Leo to come forward. There was a whispered conversation that Sophia struggled to hear. She failed, because they were being extra cautious to not be overheard by spectators or opposing counsel. At exactly four minutes and fifty-nine seconds, the judge came out of his chambers and took his place. Sophia’s attorney gestured for Scott and Leo to the seats directly behind where she sat. She turned around and asked Leo if he was okay. Before he could answer the gavel banged and the trial was called to order.

“Do you have something you wish to share with us?” the judge asked her attorney.

The weasel attorney stood and wiped his hand across his brow.

“Sir, I do believe we have an eyewitness testimony to the murder of Sophia’s mother. Though I have not been able to dispose of the witness, as it was just brought to light only moments ago. If it pleases the court, I would like to add Leo Tibald to the witness list for the defendant.”

“On what grounds? He was quite young when this occurred, I can’t believe he would have much to say on the matter.”

“Sir, Judge, I would like to add him on the grounds that he saw his mother get murdered.”

There was a cry of outrage in the courtroom, though it would be difficult to ascertain what they were outraged about. The judge banged his gavel several times.

“Order,” he demanded over the loud voices from those in the gallery above, and in the courtroom itself. Sophia had forgotten there was a gallery above. Originally, it was built so the alphas could observe trials without being observed by the masses. “Order in the court right now, or I will hold every one of you in contempt of court. Order, I said.” He banged the gavel several more times, and the more he banged it the louder the crowd grew.

“Council, approach the bench.”

Both attorneys moved to stand in front of the judge. He was speaking to them, and his hands were gesturing wildly in the air. It looked like the prosecuting attorney was growing agitated, while her attorney was sweating bullets again, leaving a dark stain under the armpits of his suit jacket. Sophia turned around in her seat again, smiled at Leo and Scott, but her eyes were drawn by movement from Benson. Amusement showed in her eyes. As the crowd became more argumentative, with people taking sides between Thorin and Sophia, or whether the judge should allow Leo to testify, she covered her smile with her hand. Sophia didn’t trust that smile. She didn’t trust that bitch in the least. She kept her eyes on her until there was a shoving match on the plaintiff side. The low growl was deep, dark, and echoed off the vaulted ceiling and ricocheted around the room like a rubber bullet. She searched for where the sound had come from and was surprised to see a full werewolf. It didn’t take long until there was another growl. Following the sound, she found another werewolf. Then there was a howl from the gallery and everyone, Sophia included, raised their eyes, just as a pair of furry legs and claws came over the side of the upper railing. With another howl, the werewolf landed on the floor in the aisle of the courtroom. Panic was setting in, rather than the arguing that was happening moments before. After the first three, more shifted in rapid succession and the rest of the shifters were scared by this. They weren’t aware that it was possible to shift without a full moon and this raised suspicion. It raised suspicion and fear.

Benny stood up and made her way down the center aisle, dismissing the werewolf in her path as if he was nothing more than a bothersome fly. Her walk was casual, cocky even. Definitely confident. And she shouldn’t be that confident. This isn’t her territory. Sophia watched her, slightly envious of the power and strength that she gives off, and slightly pissed off because she didn’t belong in their territory, let alone in the high security prison, and in the courtroom. What the actual fuck is happening here? Sophia thought to herself.

When Benson made it next to Sophia, she barely spared her a glance. She looked at Leo very briefly as he fidgeted in his seat behind her. After all, he was only 12. On a cry, Sophia realized, no, he was 13 now. She had missed his birthday. Then she and Scott seemed to share a silent message. Prickles marred her skin from her toes to her neck. She realized that whatever Benson wanted, she would likely get it by free will, or by forcing it. She loathed her even more.

“Your honor,” Benson yelled to be heard over the arguing, and the howling of the werewolves. “Your honor,” she said more loudly, since her first holler for his attention went ignored.

The judge raised his eyebrow at her. She ignored him and instead, looked right at my father.

“The testimony of Leo Tibald will be heard. Next, we will not wait until after the other witnesses. We will listen to him now.” She had so much authority in her voice that grown men shriveled in their seats. The judge glared at her, which was why she was shocked when he agreed and entered the record to show that they would be listening to Leo’s testimony. Sophia watched, wide eyed, as her father was not only cuffed the second he got off the witness stand but was now being shackled around his ankles.

The judge conceded to Benson’s demand, but it was obvious to everyone he resented her issuing orders in his courtroom. It looked like he resented her very existence, nearly as much as he had appeared to be disgusted by Sophia’s.

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