Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 67

Sophia paced the shoe box cell, back and forth. She felt like a caged rabbit and wanted out of there more than ever before. She wanted to be in the courtroom. Neil was going through enough right now, trying to deal with the horrors her father had forced upon him and the rest of the special ops. Really the military, not just special ops. She knew enough, she heard enough, to know that she likely would have rather been dead. Captain Neil De Boule, the name rang in her head. She remembered, she remembered how her father had spoken about him, both when he was being recruited. At first it was how he was making sure this unwanted waif of a shifter had a future. Her mother had supported him in the recruitment, thinking that he would be giving a future to a young adult who would have spent much of his life struggling or hoping to catch a break. In more recent years, he spoke of him with pride. Like he had hand-picked and trained the most feared warrior. She remembered overhearing her father and one of his friends talking about the reports they had gotten back from the general on his fearlessness, his brutality. How he showed no mercy, and he was one of their greatest assets, because he was emotionless. He never flicked an eye at the brutal world of the special ops soldiers. She had been disgusted, imagining the horrors her father ordered. She had crept back down the basement stairs that night, and before crawling into bed and resting her aching body, she had said a prayer to the goddesses for the soul of the man her father had handpicked then destroyed.

With Neil gone, it was only her father in the cell block. She knew he was up, she could hear him move about, and an occasional mumble. She continued to pace. What the fuck is going on in that courtroom. She kicked the leg of the desk that swore loudly at the pain that shot between her toes and up her shin.

“Sophiiiiiaaaa,” her father called.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

“Sophia, Daddy’s calling you. Don’t be a naughty girl. Come here, now.” Her father’s voice had changed to an almost childlike sing-song.

Maniac. He was a fucking maniac and clearly insane.

“Sophia! Don’t you hear me?” He barked loudly, his voice changing again.

Why can’t there be anyone else in this cell block? Anyone who would tell his psychotic ass to shut the hell up. Why did she have to be alone with him?

Panic welled up from her chest. She was alone with him. She couldn’t breathe and started wheezing. Her face flushed and beads of sweat ran from her temples.

NO! No, get your shit together, she ordered herself.

She turned him out while she tried to get a grip on herself, though the deeper recesses of her brain knew he was still talking. She paced one more time then slid down the wall that she had leaned on last night. She wished Neil was on the other side. She pulled her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms tightly around them. She rocked forward and back, as she held back sobs.

“Nobody likes you, Sophia, everyone hates you. Hates, hates, hates, and you’re going to die.” He yelled the last word, so it echoed down the hall.

“Do you hear me? You little bitch? You’re going to die.”

So are you, you psychotic fucker.

“No one is going to help you. They all believe you murdered your mother. They want to see you dead. They loved your mother. And you killed her, so you too must die. You ungrateful little bitch, I saved you. I saved you from being sentenced to death. Do you thank me? Do you thank your dear old dad?”

Thank you? You should have let them kill me, at least I wouldn’t have been subjected to you. Thank you for torturing me day in and out. Thank you for humiliating me and turning me into less than a worm, too afraid to come out of its hole in the ground? Thank you for turning the entire pack against me and making them bully me and torture me every single day of my life. Thank you? Like hell.

She leaned her head on her hands and closed her eyes. She continued rocking, trying to sooth herself and calm the thoughts spewing in her mind.

“Did you think that Neil would save you, Sophia?” Her father laughed obnoxiously. “I created him. Don’t you ever forget, I made him. And he would have destroyed you, as he had been trained to do. Once a soldier is always a soldier!”

She tried to block him out. She tried to focus on anything else, other than Neil’s trial.

“Did you give yourself to him? You little whore. He’s not your mate, Matthew’s your mate. And he will punish you, just as I would have. Matthew will never let you go, and I will live on in him.”

She shivered and tried to fight back the hysterical fear of Matthew punishing her.

“They’ll let him too. Even if you’re on death row, as your mate, they will let him monthly, and he will make you pay. You will pay for being a bitch and a whore. Bitch and a whore.” He kept repeating bitch and whore until his voice drifted into silence.

She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful he stopped. She lay her head on the top of her knees and allowed one single tear to fall before she forced them back.

It didn’t last more than a minute or two.

“Your mother deserved to die. You deserve to die. Leo deserves to die. Kill them. Kill them all”

For a minute he sang ‘kill, kill, kill, kill them all’ over and over.

“I took care of you. I fed you, kept you alive and took care of you,” he yelled out of his cell so it bounced down the hall like a big red ball crashing from side to side.

“No one else would have kept their murdering child alive. No one else would have done what I’ve done. You owe me. You owe me, you little bitch.”

Goddess, she thought. He has really lost it.

“It’s not over yet, Sophia. I have Leo to end, and his little bitch.”

Sophia’s head snapped up and she jumped to her feet. She wrapped her hands around the cell bars.

“Leo has to die too, just like your mother, just like you. Bella, though. She should die. Just as Neil should die. Everybody should die. Anyone that stands against me should die. Death, death will take them all.”

She put her hands over her ears and walked towards the tiny bar covered window to the front of the cell.

“I had fun doing everything I wanted to do for Bella. I had fun pretending she was you. You hold back better, though. She would crumble, scream, cry and beg. She begged me. You never begged me. Maybe I didn’t torture you enough.”

She kept her hands over her head until she heard her brother’s name.

“--Leo watch.”

“What?” Sophia said sharply.

Her knuckles tightened on the bars and her fingers tingle with numbness from the strain. Her father cackled.

“Yes, yes I did. I chained Bella to the bottom of the stairs, made her strip naked and I whipped her. I whipped her once for every day that you had been missing. She paid for your actions, Sophia. And I had Matthew record it on his phone. We sent it to your brother. Right before the first school day that I took Bella, while he sat on the bus waiting for her. We sent it to your brother.”

“You’re fucking sick you know that? Sick. I hate you. I hope they kill you,” she screamed.

He laughed. “You always were a hot-tempered little girl. It’s such a shame. Such a shame that all the girls I kidnapped paid for you. They took your punishments. Then they were punished for you being gone. I whipped them; I beat them. I burned them.”

“Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.” Sophia yelled. Her hands trembled on the bars, and she fought back tears at the thought of other girls, of Bella, taking her punishments.

“I let Matthew take who he wanted. He had to have some prize, since you ran off. I left him to choose one to his liking then he did to her what he said he did to you in the locker room before my orders were defined but that bastard. That ungrateful bastard.”

Her father went on a little tirade about Neil being ungrateful, and Sophia prayed. She prayed for all who suffered at her father’s hand, and she prayed for those that Matthew defiled.

“It’s all your fault Sophia. Everything is your fault.”

Sophia started yelling at the top of her lungs. She shook the bars. She had no idea what she was saying, but she railed at him. She called him every name she knew and the ones she had learnt reading the cell wall. She told him she wished he was dead then described how horrible death should be. He just laughed and laughed, and she only got more made, yelling more.

The gate at the end of the cell block slammed open and Sophia heard a woman’s voice.

“Get him out of there. Get him the fuck away from her, now.”

Footsteps rushed down the hall and Sophia heard her father’s cell opening. He laughed the entire time that they cuffed him and walked him down the hall. When he reached her cell he stopped. He continued to laugh and interspersed it with telling her she was disgusting and that death was too good for her. Sophia sank to the ground and knelt holding onto the bars. He’s right. Those girls, Bella, they suffered because of her, she was disgusting. The woman from the office came up behind him and the guard.

“Fucking move.” She said to the guard then reached around him to shove her father in the back. He stumbled, but never stopped laughing.

She rushed to Sophia’s cell and crouched down in front of her, her hands wrapped on the bars directly above where Sophia had held onto them.

“I’m Benson Baciu, Alpha of the Moon Walker Pack. He won’t get to you again Sophia, I promise.”

Then she stood up and walked away, her stride arrogant and her confidence overpowering.

What the fuck is a Moon Walker alpha doing in Lucian territory. And why were her orders being listened to...

In a few minutes, she came back.

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