Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 25

A wave of dizziness made spots appear before her eyes and the room spin. She looked at Matthew in fear. Compartmentalize, that’s what she needed to do. Long ago, she had looked up fear. Her thought was if she could process the fear, she’d be able to survive the punishments. What she learnt was that there were different types of fear. The first she learnt of was rational fear. This was when there was an imminent threat against you. When there is genuine danger. Then there was primal fear. Primal fear is an innate fear that was programmed into your brain. And then there was irrational fear. These are ones that make little sense, like phobias. In the first few moments in the locker room, she felt them all. An overpowering wave of every type of fear possible. It was so powerful; she hadn’t had a chance in hell in fighting it back.

The narrow metal lockers were in banks in the center of the large room. The air slits were like sharp aluminum spheres that would cut into her head if he slammed her against it. To the left were the showers, which only had thin curtains to offer privacy between the stalls. Dirty towels sat haphazardly on the long wooden benches and the scent of wet cotton and residual digestive issues permeated the air. Her stomach heaved, and she gagged. Sneaker laces hung out of the bottom of the lockers, where the narrow space between the banks led to the urinals and toilet stalls along the opposite wall. The floor was littered with candy bar wrappers and water bottles. The echoing sound of Matthew’s shoes on the Epoxy floors as he circled her was the only sound besides restrained sobs and gagging as she bit back her lunch. Bile rose in the back of her throat and her nostrils flared as she tried to hold it down. Yes, she felt all three fears. In that moment, all three fears smothered her with their impending doom.

The path through the locker bank was closing in on her. She struggled to breathe, feeling like she was being put into a metal casket with no chance of escaping. She took huge gulps of air, feeling that each could be the last. With the onset of her panicked state of mind, claustrophobia settled in like a pillow being shoved over her face. She knew that regardless of what he did to her, she would heal. Daily, for the last five years, she was tortured as viciously as any pack enemy would have been. The primal, feral, cold look in Matthew’s eyes bit into her as sharply as if he’d sunk his were-teeth into her neck and tore her esophagus out. She needed to get out of there, but she knew she could never outrun him. She half expected Joss to be lying in wait to catch her if she did try, anyway.

Matthew circled one more time. The savage look in his eyes radiated danger, like tiny funnels of pain waiting to attack. She knew, without a doubt, that whatever he had planned, he would show no mercy. When he was directly in front of her again, he stepped into her space. She struggled for breath as his scent polluted her hypersensitive sense of smell. Breathing was a struggle and she couldn’t move. She had nowhere to run. She tipped her chin with a confidence she did not feel and looked into his ruthless eyes. Try as she did to appear strong, she dropped her gaze in seconds. He lifted his finger and ran it down the side of her face and along her jaw. She shivered in disgust.

“I find it unjust, Sophia, that I am to be subjected to someone as vile as you as my mate.”

She swallowed, but did not look at him. Please, she thought. Please get me out of here, goddess. I don’t deserve this.

He circled her again, his lewd eyes inspecting her body as he made his way around. Even when she couldn’t see it, she could feel it. She wheezed. Panic, unlike anything she had ever felt before, unlike anything she’s ever read about or saw anywhere, cloaked her body. She could no longer control her mind or body. She would have no ability to fight back. None. And that realization bit through her and sunk her to a deep level of despair and then resignation. He stopped in front of her again. Sweat rolled from his temples down the side of his face. His eyes had only grown darker, deeper. He growled. Low and deep in his throat. He reached his hand in his pocket and snapped out a gag, waving it in front of her.

“If I’m being forced to have you as my mate,” he paused and stepped closer. His breath on her face, the powerful scent of onions from his lunch made her wrinkle her nose.

“Don’t!” He yelled as he stepped even closer, shoving her back with his body until it smacked against the locker behind her.

“Don’t you fucking dare wrinkle your nose at me, you contemptible little whore! Did you think I didn’t notice how you pathetically chase that security guard around the school? Did you think I forgot he interfered in my business? He will pay for that. Be sure of it, Sophia. But for now, the one who is going to pay, is you.”

Fast, he shoves the gag in her mouth, wrapped it around her head and tied it so tight the pressure on her temples and forehead made her wince. Goddess, she wished it was a blindfold. If she was going to suffer whatever he had in store for her, she’d rather not see it. She’d rather not have the vision to haunt her for the rest of her life.

“Your father should have put you to death. You deserved death. I’ve thought about things, Sophia.”

He ran his hands down her arms, then with one hand, he cupped the v between her legs and squeezed with an immense strength. She jumped. Tears flowed down her face and were absorbed by the gag. He had tied it so tight that her hysterical sobs came out like whimpers. This is it, she thought. This is when the end will come. Please... because that was preferable to what the alternative was.

Matthew kept one hand between her legs and stepped close to her side. He lowered his mouth right next to her ear. His whispered words made her stomach clench and her head pound. She tried to fight back the nausea. She had to with the gag in her mouth, or she would choke on her own vomit. Then he pressed his hardened crotch against her side. She cringed.

“Don’t you fucking cringe away from me, bitch. It’s my time to take from you whatever the fuck I want. And. You. Will. Not. Cringe.” He ordered.

He ripped open her uniform shirt. The buttons flew and made little tings as they smacked against the metal before falling to the floor. His sharp fingers dug into the area above her bra, and he wrenched it off her with a tug that lurching forward. His eyes narrowed on her breasts. She cowered for a second, and then it sunk in. Hell no, she thought. She shoved at him, but he didn’t budge. She smacked at his hands and struggled to escape, but his body kept her trapped.

Out of patience with her attempts to fight him off, Matthew captured both her wrists in one of his large hands and jerked them above her. She convulsed her body, trying to use it to push him away as she valiantly struggled to escape. But the more she fought, the more turned on he got. Spittle slid out of the corner of his mouth, and his breath grew heavy, and not from exertion. He needed little effort to fight off her pitiful efforts. He pressed against her again, hard. Crying now and realizing that he fed off her attempts to defend herself, there was nothing else she could do. She sobbed, and her body shook with each struggle for breath against the gag.

He clawed at her body and tore her skirt and panties away. The fabric was worn, so it gave no resistance to his assault. Naked and defenseless, she whimpered. She tasted bile. He separated her legs with his knee. She had no strength in them to fight his onslaught; her legs could barely hold her up. She felt the fabric of his pants against her, rough against her trembling body. He unzipped his pants, the sound like nails being raked on a chalkboard. It made her cringe. He reached in, pulled out his dick, and she closed her eyes. She smelled his sweat, heard his heavy pants. Thrashing wildly, she turned her head to the side as if it would help her escape it all. She tried and failed to pull her thighs together. She was no match for him. With a forceful thrust, his dick hit above her clit, hard. He uses his knee to push her legs further apart so he didn’t miss again. With a grunt and hard shove, he was inside of her. She cried out in agony as he ripped through her maidenhood. It felt like being stabbed with flaming hot knives. Sophia flailed against him, wildly struggling to get it out. She heard her insides tear. She screamed through the gag and he placed his hand over it to stop her plight from being heard. He pounded into her while she felt her very soul exit her body at his invasion. Again and Again.

“You like that?” He asked as he ground into her.

Hysterical sobs was the only sound that made its way through the gag.

“This is what it will be like for the rest of your life... mate.” He raised his hand and belted her across the mouth.

“The rest of your fucking life.”

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