Back and Better by NighttShadee

Chapter 10

Chapter Ten “A game of seduction”

Amira POV “You've got to be f*****g kidding me!” I yell through the phone at Samantha. it's 7am and she just called me to tell me that Christian and his men will also be attending school. “They're Seniors, Amira. It would only make sense that they continued their schooling here. I swear profusely. “This is f****g bullshit.” I say. “Can I do anything for you?” She asks. Samantha's always been supportive and I'll always love her for it.

“No. I'm going to go out and get breakfast from the café across the street before coming back and thinking on what to do, so I might be a bit late. But I'll be fine" I assure her.

“Okay. I love you" she says. “Love you too. Bye.”

As soon as I hang up the phone I let out a loud shout to get out my anger. All the larger suites are soundproofed, so I don't need to worry.

I decide to just go to school, and pick up breakfast on the way from a starbucks. No teacher will reprimand me for eating/ drinking in class.

My outfit for the day is pretty bland, but still manages to look good on me. White off the shoulders crop top, black skinny jeans, and black and white vans. I put on some highlighter on my collar bones and cheek bones just for the hell of it grab my car keys and backpack, and head out.

On the way to school t stop by a Starbucks drive through, going with my signature order-chai tea latte with a shot of espresso and two slices of lemon loaf.

I end up getting to school about a half hour early, at 8am. Idecide on heading to the library to read for a little bit.

After grabbing what I need for the day from my locker and deciding to leave my backpack in it, I head to the library. Much to my dismay, however, thear two familiar voices coming from inside the library.

Christian and Erebus.

Of course, being me, I decide to listen in on the conversation. I stay at the door of the library, just out of sight, and try to hear as much as possible.

"Yeah, I agree. She probably has a third mate out there somewhere. Anyways, she’s bound to come around to us at some point but if it isn’t within the next few days we may need to forcefully mark her.” Christian's voice echoes through the library and into the hallway.

"What about her powers?” Erebus questions.

"We're her mates. As soon as physical contact is made we can negate her powers, and easily restrain her. Plus / know a few witches who can enchant ropes and handcuffs so that even she won't be able to break out of them.” Christian answers.

"How soon can we get them?”. “Probably by tomorrow.” “What do we do with her in the meantime?” “Learn more about her.” Christian responds simply. Yeah, good luck. “And how the f**k will we do that?” Erebus snaps back “Ask her.” “When? She won't give us the time of day.” Silence follows, and somethings telling me that there's a silent exchange going on. “We can ask her now. She's right outside the door” Christians voice echoes out alarmingly close to me. f**k!

restrains me from behind, wrapping his arms around my torso. He holds me tight, but I can tell he's making sure not to “You d***s! Let me the f**k go!" I demand.

“Not even tempting” Erebus whispers in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe slightly. I suppress the shiver that threatens to go down my spine as he makes his way down the side of my neck, planting light kisses, and stops at my sweet spot where a mate mark is meant to be left.

Too bad that part of my neck will forever stay intact.

I assess the situation briefly. I can’t take down both of them, not without my powers. The smartest strategy is to distract them, get out of their holds, and then use elements to push them back.

So I push down my pride, and let my body relax as much as I can. I tilt my neck to give Erebus better access to my neck and let out a moan that's not completely forced.

“That's better” he murmurs before going back to his task of nibbling and gently sucking my sweet spot. His arms loosen from around me ever so slightly.

“Erebus don't get too comfortable just ye-".

Before Christian can finish his threat, I strike. I pry out of Erebus’s arms and swiftly create a wall of wind between them and I.

Only then do I remember that I can just mindlink my brothers and they'll come help. God, I'm such an i***t sometimes.

Damon, twins, issue at school. Two possessive mates are currently trying to get their hands on me. Where?Damon'’s voice is eerily composed. That only happens when he’s angry enough to burn S**t down. Outside the library. We were already on our way to school so we're almost there. Hold them off. Got it

"Amira, come on. We're mates. We're here to love and take care of you, but we can’t unless you let us.” Erebus tries to reason, causing me to scoff.

“I don't need anyone to take care of me, especially two pompous Alphas. I'm a f*****g white wolf, I can damn well care for myself.”

turn my head at the sound of footsteps running down the hallway, and turn to see Jason, Derick, and Damon running up to me. I let the wind shield fall once they're by my sides and throw my arms around Damon.

“Thank you" I whisper in his ear: He looks at me with an odd glint in his eyes that I've never seen before. “Of course, Mira.” He tells me with a smile. We stare into each others eyes for a moment before Christian busts out laughing.

"Oh my god... Who the f**k would have thought?" he exclaims, practically wheezing, causing my head to snap towards him.

"What the hell are you talking about?” I demand. “You two... You... Damon's her third mate” Erebus manages to get out. I snort at him. “No, Damon's my brother. There's no mate bond

"Yes, there clearly is. You're just too blind to see it, Amira. But somethings telling me that he already knows. Christian counters.

“If we were mates, I would feel the f*****g mate bond. Which I don't.”

Damon stays completely silent next to me, causing me to stiffen. How could he be my mate? S**t, he’s my brother! And I would have known by now!

Unless, of course, this is something new. Something that's happened, say, since I returned to my last mate and found a new one? Could that be a trigger for a dormant bond to emerge?

"Yes, It could be.” Erebus says. I blink. Did I say that out loud? I turn to Damon, who's still stone faced. His eyes snap down to mine.

"Amira, please don't kill me for this, but there's one sure as f**k way to jolt the mate bond to life if it's there.” He says. Before I can question, his lips come crashing down on mine.

My initial reaction of freezing is instantly overridden when tingles erupt throughout my body. Just like they did when I touched Christian.

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