Back and Better book

Chapter 4

Chapter Four Hello, again

"Hello, again" I ended up packing fairly lightly because I'll probably go shopping.

Tomorrow we start at the high school here, hence why I ended up bringing my backpack and school supplies. If I'm staying here long, I sure as s**t am going to keep doing well. Tomorrow is the first day after Thanksgiving break, so it's still pretty early in the school year. I shouldn't have any issues with the work.

As Antha and I unload, I see my brothers pull up as well. Damon steps out of his car and comes over to wrap me in a hug. The twins join.

"Are you okay, little sis?"

I snort. "I'm fine, guys. I'm going to run to the grocery store for my secret stash of junk food after putting away my S**t and then to the mall tomorrow after school for clothes with Antha. Then I'll get in touch with the owner of an ice skating rink here to see if I can use it after hours. I'll be plenty busy."

They let me out of the hug. "Okay." Damon says.

"Blood Warrior pack, you honor us with your presence. Please, come inside, and I'll show you to your respective rooms," I hear Erebus's voice call out.

Please don't recognize me. Please don't. Please, please, please don't. Antha hooks loops her arm in mine, and we go to the trunk of our car to get our stuff. "Alpha Damon, Jason, Derick, thank you for coming." "Just following orders," Damon says monotonously. "Oh, and I understand you brought your sister. Where is she?" Erebus asks.

f**k it. He'll find out sooner or later. After all, I do make a living by training weak wolves, and this pack is brimming with them.

I move from behind the car with Antha, "That's me," I chirp. Erebus's eyes widen. "Mine," he says, causing me to smile falsely.

"Definitely. Now if you can show us to our rooms that would be great. And tomorrow, before school, my brothers and I will discuss training times and strategy's with you. Tam sharp, if you will."

Erebus is still staring me with love, adoration, and lust. "Alpha, if you could take us to our rooms, that would be lovely." "Hey, Erebus, your dad wants to know if you- OH, S**t!" My brother, Brendon, comes out of the packhouse and stops cold when he sees me. "Little sis?" he asks quietly. "Not anymore," I singsong. "Alright, either you show us to our rooms or we're done here," Damon says in his alpha voice. The blood warrior pack is at the top of the hierarchy of packs, and demands respect from every other pack. Even our omegas are held in high regards. So Damon is kind of the Alpha of Alpha's, in a sense. When he speaks, others must obey.

"Umm, yes, of course. This way." Erebus says hoarsely. As he leads us into the house Brendon grabs my arm. I wrench it out, slapping him.

"Touch me again and it'll be the last thing you do for a long time." I hiss before shoving him aside and walking into the house.

After we're led to our rooms and I put away the few things I brought, I knock on Antha's door. She opens and smiles widely. "Ready to go get food?" "Yep" I say, popping the p.

Cute. He's probably getting some roses for his girlfriend. I turn and walk to my car, hoping he doesn't see me, but no such luck. "Amira?" I roll my eyes and turn around. "Dickwad?" I respond. "Can... can we talk?" he asks. I smile. "Of course! Tomorrow, 7 am. We're talking strategy, remember?" His face saddens. "You know that's not what I mean." I shrug. "Sorry, sugar. The day I left this pack I decided that I no longer speak with assholes." "I've changed," he says.

"Yeah. And I s**t rainbows," I respond with a smile before turning and walking to my car where Antha is watching with amusement

I put my goodies in the trunk and drive away.

At the packhouse I take the junk food to my room and make a secret stash beneath my clothes in one of my dresser drawers. No way the boys will find it here.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here" Damon says from behind me. “S**t!” I squeak. "Did you just create a stash without sharing?" "It was my money," I say. "It was your grandmas inheritance that she for some reason left to you and nobody else."

I shrug. "She saw me getting beaten every day and assumed I deserved it. And, it's also from training runts. But who are you to talk, Mr. Multi Billionaire? I'm at half your networth, even though I'm twice as good at training."

"We are currently discussing cookies, not inheritance sizes," Damon growls, not pleased with my insult. 'What's going on in here?" Jason and Derick ask from the doorway. "Our baby sister made a stash of junk food without telling us." Damon says dangerously. "S**t!" I say at the looks that the twins get. I shove past them and run down the halls of the packhouse, and out to the

I don't want to take the chase into the forest tonight, so I decide to have some fun with elements. Just as my brothers approach me I create a circle of fire around me. I've learned how to control the fire so it doesn't hurt the surface it sits on, so there won't be any proof of this.

"Oh, that is so not fair! No magic powers when we're in a chase!" Derick yells above the roaring of the fire. "I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you!" I mock. "Ugh. Okay lets just call a truce" Damon says. I heave a sigh of relief and put out the fire.

"Holy s**t" Thear a voice from the edge of the field call, All four of us snap our heads towards it, and see Erebus standing there dumbstruck..

"Dad didn't tell them I'm a white wolf?" I ask. "He assumed you'd want to spill the news." Damon says. I groan. This definitely isn't the best way to inform Erebus of my powers. Follow my lead I mindlink the boys. "Amira... you're a... a-". "A white wolf? Yes, I am." I respond.

Time to make the bastard regreti mindlink. "Doesn't it suck that you could've had a white wolf as your mate, Sugar?" I ask.

"Yeah. Now she's got a second chance mate out there somewhere... and you've got a forever broken mate bond. Your pack will probably die out."

"YOU'RE GETTING A SECOND CHANCE MATE?! NO! MINE!" Erebus yells, and runs at me. I flick my hand and make a wind shield that he runs right into, sending him flying back.

"That's right, Sugar. I have an alpha out there somewhere for me. The moon goddess decided that since my chosen

I turn to my brothers. "Boys, who do you think I'll choose."

"Well, the first day you came home with us and we adopted you, you said that you would no longer associate with assholes or people who treat you like s**t. So I'm quite sure that Erebus is out of the question." I dissipate the wind shield, and walk towards Erebus, kneeling beside him. "That's right, sugar. Shouldn't have treated me like you did." Suddenly he grabs my wrist and spins me so that he's straddling me.

"You're mine" He whispers, nipping my earlobe. I ignore the pleasant feeling and attempt to douse him with water.

Key word: attempt. "What the hell...?" I mumble.

"That's right, my love. If your mate touches you and wills your powers away, the powers will automatically be blocked."

Sucks for him that I'm an incredible fighter. I roll us over and hop onto my feet. "I don't need my powers to get away from you." I say. I thank heavens that my brothers didn't interfere, or else I wouldn't have asserted dominance. By goddess I did.

"Chips, brothers?" I ask. They snicker and follow me to my room.

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