Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 25



While the boys took care of the guards surrounding the Pack House, Dad and I sat in the truck silently. “What if they aren’t as okay as Stylo said they were?” I worried breaking the silence. Dad sighed deeply, grasping my hand in his.

“Let’s pray that he was telling the truth. Who knows what Alex has done to those girls.” He shook his head solemnly. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you then, baby.” He apologizes.

I turn my head, looking him over. His eyes stared straight out of the windshield. His eyes were saddened, damned in the dull silver light.

“You couldn’t have helped much, Dad. He had your power suppressed, and if you would’ve tried to leave with us, he would’ve killed you. You wouldn’t have been able to save us then,” I protested.

“You always were a strong one, Kassi.” He smiled, finally turning his head to me. “I’m very proud of the woman you turned out to be.” He admits boastingly.

“Thanks, Dad.” I smile at him and turn my attention out the wind again. I listened to the sounds of bodies dropping as the boys cleared a path for us to get into the house.

“They’re really having at it, huh?” Dad chuckled. I grimaced with a shaky smile.

Soon the sounds of skin ripping flowed into the night air. A man was groaning before the sound of his neck snapping filled the yard.

“No,” I whispered. I had a feeling about who killed him already.

“You think it’s him?” Dad asked warily. I nodded before reaching for the door handle. “Stop, you don’t want to see him this way,” Dad said with his hand grasping my forearm.

I looked at him in disbelief. “But he’ll listen to me. I can calm him down—”

“So can Ben, Kassidy.” He cut me off. I stilled and slouched back into my seat. “Ben has been taking care of him for two more years longer than you have, and you know how he gets when you come around when he’s in that state,” Dad further chided.

“I get it, but I just want to be his peace. Is that too much to ask?” I whine. He chuckles and shrugs.

“Your mother was always my peace, but before she came along, Braxton was my peace. He always pulled me out of trouble and kept my head straight. He was my best friend.” He reveals.

“Wren’s dad was your best friend?” I knew that they knew each other, but I didn’t think they had a friendship.

“Yup, we go way back.” He smiled. I was about to reply back to him when my twin’s voice filled my mind.

We got everything controlled out here, you guys can go in now,′ Kash informed over the link.

“Okay, we’re going in,” I reply, closing the link, I opened my door and hopped out of the truck. Dad followed suit and ended up in front of me.

Once we opened the front door, the sound of howls in the distance filled the woods. Dad closed the door and motioned for me to be quiet.

I peeked around, there weren’t many people in the Pack House from the looks of it.

“I don’t think—” a warning growl cut me off. I looked at the top of the stairs. Beta Ryan looked down at us with a vicious look in his eyes. His eyes gleamed a dirty golden color, indicating his status as Beta.

“You need to leave now.” He barked. Dad put himself in front of me, his arm stretching itself in front of my body.

“You’re in our way. And I thought you were on our side.” Dad voiced confused. Ryan shrugged and walked carelessly down the wooden steps.

“I told you a lot of things that were lies. No one told you to believe them.” He shrugged with a mockingly sly smirk on his lips.

“Wait, you told Kash and Ben about the prophecy behind our powers?” I questioned him. He smiled broadly with a nod.

I can’t believe this.

“You’ve been setting this up for years,” Dad stated. He didn’t question his actions any further before charging. Ryan smirked and lunged straight at Dad.

“Dad—!” I tried to aid him, but he made sure to keep the Beta at bay.

“Go find the girls, Kassidy!” He struggled. I nodded and made my way to the stairs around their fighting bodies. I got up a couples steps before a hand shot out and gripped my ankle.

“Ughn!” I groaned loudly as the bridge of my nose slammed onto the creasing of the stairs. My eyes teared up and the feeling of liquid gushing from my nostrils appeared on my skin.

“Don’t touch her!” My father roared. The air shifted, growing heavier as he grew angrier. I turned back to look at him, his whole demeanor seemed off. His eyes glowed silver as he glared harshly at the Beta, eyes souring into an almost black color. “Run, Kassidy.” His voice distorted.

I didn’t have to be told again.

I turned tail and raced up the many stairs. Once I got to the top floor, I was met with only three rooms. Each door was place a fair amount of space between each other, designating the rooms were large in size. Two rooms on the left and one on the right.

I closed my eyes and let my power go into play. I felt the auras of two people radiating from the room on the opposite side of the hallway.

I walked towards the lone door and pressed my ear to it.

Completely silent.

My hand grazed the knob, but my fingers curled in hesitation. I didn’t know what I was walking into, those two may not be the same girls I grew up with and grew to love.

I shook my thoughts away and twisted the knob, finding that it was unlocked, I pushed the door and allowed myself in.

My eyes scanned the room for my two friends. Their figures laying stiffly on a single pink bean bag chair. Jordan’s head laid on Kassandra’s shoulder at an uncomfortable looking angle. Kassandra was leaning on her elbow, keeping the both of them kinda up.

“Kassandra?” I called out. Her eyes shifted to me. Her stare was empty as she looked into my eyes. “Jordan?” I call out to the other blonde. Her eyes twitched but they never turned in my direction.

They were both dressed in baby pink lacy lingerie. The room was filled with stereotypical girly things. From the pink wallpaper to the pink bedding.

Kassandra stared blankly at me. Her eyes void of any kind of life. Her light green eyes looked dull and glazed over as if she was stuck in a mindlink.

Stylo did say that he was keeping them in a happier place.

“I found them, Stylo. What should I do next?” I mindlinked the older man. He responded immediately.

I’ll take them out of the headspace, their eyes should go back to normal and you and take them and go,′ he explained cutting off the link.

Moments later, both Kassandra and Jordan’s eyes became clear and visibly brighter.

“W-what’s—?” Kassandra groaned lightly. Jordan tossed around for a bit, stretching and looking around the room.

“Where are we?” Jordan asked confused as she surveyed her surroundings in greater detail.

“We’re in the Pack House, you guys have been kept prisoners here for about a year,” I explain carefully. Their eyes squinted into further confusion at my words. “Do you really not remember?” I ask inching further into the room. They shook their head and glanced about the room with wary eyes.

“The last thing I remember is evacuating the pack member and citizens into the emergency bunker. Everything after that has been kinda fuzzy,” Kassandra put together. I nodded in understanding and glanced at the time on my phone.

“We have to leave,” I rushed. The sounds of fighting were muffled through the floors.

The two blondes stumbled onto their heel clad feet and wobbled over to me. I wrapped my arms around both of their shoulders, making sure I had them steady.

“Can we put something else on, I don’t feel comfortable with only this shit on,” Kassandra asked lightly. Her attempt to lighten the mood of her situation put a smile on my face.

“Of course,” I nodded and made my way over to a dresser. I pulled open drawers and gave both girls blouses and leggings to put on. Since I couldn’t find any sock or shoes, I shut the drawers and made my way back to them. “Ready?” I asked thoughtfully. They nodded.

I reached for the door handle, but an outside force shoved us back with impel. We all groaned and struggled to sit back with up with all of our limbs around each other.

“You really think you can stop us, now?” The Beta’s voice chided. I glared up at him under the strands of hair that covered my face.

“We will stop you, Alex, and anyone else who’s in on this sick plan of yours,” I snarled back.

“Calm down,” He put his hands up in mock surrender. “Everything is already in motion. There are people out there that would pay generous amounts of money to have a hybrid in their corner.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood up, helping the girls to their feet as well.

Ryan just chuckled and then sighed. “You thought you knew so much, didn’t you, Kassidy?” He jested. I rolled my eyes and walked into his personal space.

“What are you talking about?” I questioned agitatedly. It’s been a tiring year, and I’m getting sick of playing games with him.

He snickered proudly to himself. “First, there was that scheme to make you think that Stylo wanted you as a wife. Then, taking Wren and the others into captivity and making them do very delicious things,” he winked at the two girls behind me. I scoffed in disgust and threw a punch at his jaw.

His head snapped to the side at impact. My knuckles cried out in slight pain before healing quickly.

He chuckled darkly and wiped a bit of blood from his lip. “That was fun, let’s do that again,” he jeered loudly. He tackled me to the ground. Gasps filled the room as the two girls stood back in horror. The air around him felt so horrible.

“What the hell did you do to yourself?” I questioned cautiously. I placed my arms up defensively and stood in front of the girls. The Beta chuckled morbidly and hung his head down.

“Kassidy,” Jordan called out. “What’s happening?” She worried. I didn’t turn my head to face her.

“I don’t know.” I answered honestly. The Beta kept bitterly chuckling until it turned into full blown laughter. His voice began to distort and grow deeper. His eyes were still hidden from me, but his aura had gotten considerably darker. This is actually scaring me now.

I have no idea what to do.

“I’m gonna have so much fun with you, Kassidy,” Ryan gushed quietly.

“What are you—?” I began to ask before Ryan rushes at me.

His larger body roughly clashed with mine. His claw extended hands gripped my own and held them at my sides. From the corner of my eye, I see Kassandra make a move to help me. Ryan caught on and gave her a feral growl. It didn’t sound natural in the least.

His canines had extended so long they reached out of his mouth. He had grown two sets of canines on his lower jaws and one set above. But his eyes, those eyes were something I’ve never seen before.

They swirled with so many different colors, colors I recognized well.

The black and crimson, the galaxy blue, the glazed white, all in two eyes.

“What have you done to yourself?!” I worried trying to scramble from underneath him. He grasped onto my wrists harder causing a shriek of pain to leave my lips.

“I made a couple adjustments to myself. Taking small samples of everyone’s blood and injecting it into myself. I’m a real masterpiece now,” he chuckled.

I sent flames to both of my hands, leaving a searing heat on his skin. He howled in pain and let me go. I quickly sent a kick to his diaphragm and sent him flying out into the hallway. I stood up and turned to my friends.

“We’re gonna go find my dad and get out,” I rushed out. They nodded and floored me out of the room and down the hall. My ears caught sounds of movement from behind us as we ran.

“Get back here!” The Beta roared furiously. His feet stomped heavily after us as we made our way closer to the stairs. I looked over the balcony and tried looking for Dad. I can’t see him.

I turned my head over my shoulder to spot where Ryan was, but didn’t see him.

“Hello, and goodbye,” his voice jeered from behind me. His boot-clad foot kicked my back harshly, sending me through the wooded planks of the balcony down. As I fell, the sight of Kassandra and Jordan falling down too made it into my vision.

“No!” I spread my wings to try to catch them before they hit the ground, but I’m not close enough. My right wing had gotten bent backward from the impact, it was minor.

But I’m determined.

I grabbed the collars of their shirts just before their heads met the ground. We all dropped harshly onto the ground. My right wing had snapped forward, a scream flew from my lips.

“Kassidy!” Jordan worried. I looked over to see a piece of broken furniture pierced my wing in between joints. It felt like it was broken, but the damage was much worse.

“Dad?!” I cried out. I couldn’t see him with all of this rubble from his fight on the ground. The sound of a body dropping met my ears, I turned my head to see where it came from.

It seems that Ryan jumped three floors down without getting hurt. I tried to move, but the broken wood in my wing made it hard to do so.

“Tch, tch, tch, Kassidy. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He jested. I rolled my eyes and grunted as I tried to move some more. A whimper left my lips as I kept trying, but the pain seared through my wing.

“Leave her alone, I’ll stay with you,” Kassandra demanded. Ryan stopped in surprise at her bravery.

“No, Kass, stop it,” I groaned. She shook her head and stood up.

“Let her and everyone else leave. I’ll stay and let you do whatever you want to me. Just leave them alone.” She pleaded. Ryan feigned to think and shrugged.

“Nah,” He smirked. He backhanded her across the face and sent her flying into a nearby wall.

“Kassandra!” I cried out. Beta Ryan chuckled and stalked closer to Jordan and I. He laughed at my attempts to get her attention and steeped closer.

“You can go,” he pointed to Jordan. She looked between the two of us and tried to stand. “Just kidding?” He kicked her in the jaw and sent her flying in the other direction.

“Stop it!” I cried. He laughed and squat down on top of me.

“Why? This is just so fun.” He smiled. I looked down then looked back up at him.

“Rot in hell.” I spat. He smiled more and pet my hair. I snarled and glared at him.

I brought flame to my entire body. He jumped up and squealed.

“Damn, girl. You’re so feisty, now I know why Alex wanted you all these years.” He said excitedly.

“You’re a disgusting person, Ryan,” I spat sitting up. I put my hand on the wooden piece in my wing and began sliding it out. I grunted in pain but got the piece out, dropping the bloodied piece to the ground.

“Ooh, is little Grayson gonna get mad and spit fire at me?” He mocked and stalked up to me. “You think you can take me? Ha, you’re father put up one hell of a fight, but I don’t think you have the gall to do it,” he smirked. I smirked back.

I lunged at him, my fist aiming to connect to his jaw, but his hand caught my wrist.

“What—?” I stared confused at him. My whole body was on fire, he can’t touch me.

“What’s with the weird face, Grayson? Ooh, you’re confused. Did you already forget the part where I told you I took samples from everyone’s blood? I took a whole lot of Wren’s blood, and only he can withstand you’re flames.” He said landing a punch to my nose.

“Ah!” I grunted feeling a rush of liquid leave my nostrils.

“Yeah, I can only use one power at a time, but I can change who’s power I use in an instant.” He shrugs. His knee jolts into my stomach. The pain rang throughout my body and left my lungs empty and my eyes teary. “Having this much power is so fun.” He said bringing his knee to my face.

“Ugh!” I groaned loudly. The bones in my nose crunched as they broke apart.

“In all reality, you’re whole life in this town has been a big fat lie. Before you were born we had this plan in set. I may have told your brother the wrong prophecy, but there is one prophecy that’s true about you kids.” He knelt down in front of me. “You all have the potential to become a Revolutionary, but we found a way to make ourselves Revolutionaries too.” He slapped my cheek roughly and yanked my hair.

“Get off of me!” I screeched and clawed his face.

“Agh!” He screamed. “You bitch!” He kicked me in the face. I coughed and groaned. I rolled onto my side and tried to sit up, but his boot slammed down on my back, holding me in place. His boot grazed the beginnings of my wings and I stilled.

“What are you doing?” My voice quakes.

“Nothing.” He blankly answers. The sound of a sword unsheathing met my ears.

“No! Get away from me!” I screamed trying to squirm away. My flames have began to spread over the rest of the house.

This place was going to blow up soon.

“I wonder how you would scream if I carved out your wings?” He wondered aloud. My nerves ran cold at the thought.

“I think that’s enough, Ryan,” my father’s voice chided. I tried to turn my head, but the boot on my back made it hard.

“Ugh, you’re ruining the moment, Xander. Your daughter and I are having a moment, if you don’t mind.” The Beta sarcastically snarled. My father chuckled darkly.

The air in the room grew heavy as his steps stalked further into the room.

“You let these pups go, and I might go easy on you,” he proposed. Ryan chuckled and turned to look at him.

“Where—?” The Beta began.

More chuckling filled the room. “Ooh, you can’t see me? I must’ve forgotten. It’s been a long time since I’ve used my powers. Can you guess what it is?” Dad laughed.

“Daddy?” I whimpered out. His laughing stopped for a second before he talked again.

“I’m gonna fix everything, hon. Don’t you worry.” He assured me.

“Why don’t you show yourself to me, coward!” The Beta heaved angrily.

“Boo.” My father teased. The weight of the Beta’s foot on my back disappeared and the sound of a body crashing replaced it. “You thought I didn’t hear what you said to Kassidy earlier about you taking samples of blood and putting it into yourself. That reminded of myself.” My father continued. He shook his head and laughed while helping me to my feet.

“You fucked with me long enough, Xander. Why do you think Alex let me have this ability, huh? He wanted me to have the same power as you just in case something like this happened.” He admitted. Dad just smiled and held me to his body.

“I want you to get those girls to the front door and come right back. Do you understand?” Dad whispered into my ear. I nodded and went over to Kassandra, lifting her half conscious body and helping her to the door,

“Stop it!” Ryan blurred over to me at top speed, but my father was faster. He landed a swift punch to the Beta’s temple and pushed me to the door.

“Get Jordan!” He demanded. I hurried over to Jordan and helped her over to the front hallway near Kassandra. The sound of flying punched and kicks filled the house as the fire spread.

“I’ll take it from here,” my father said beside me. I looked over to see him standing next to me. I turned around to see him fight Ryan.

“What’s—?” I began but he cut me off.

“I’m a clone, it’s my affinity. I can clone myself and other people’s powers. I’m going to take these girls and you’re going to stay and help me. Is that clear?” He asked with authority. I nodded silently and ran back over to my other dad?

“Dad, what do I do?” I asked as he slammed Ryan to the ground with a grunt.

Ryan kicked Dad’s feet from under him and climbed on top of him. He laid punch after punch on my father, but anytime I made a move to help, he held his hand up to halt me.

My dad caught one of Ryan’s fists and snapped it into an odd angle. Ryan shrieked in pain and rolled off of my father.

“Ooh, you son of a bitch!” The Beta cried. My father stood to his feet and snatch his torn shirt from his torso.

“That’s my mama you’re talkin’ about.” He said charging towards Ryan. He uppercut Ryan in the ribs, the sound of the bones cracking made my ears cringe.

Dad beat the Beta brutally, leaving broken bones and blood everywhere. A couple teeth flew from his mouth as dad gave him a right hook. Ryan tumbled to the burning ground, while Dad made his way over to me.

His eyes were glowing silver as they bite determinedly into mine.

“Hold your hand out, hon,” he instructed. I nodded my head and was about to get rid of my flames before he spoke again. “Leave the flames,” he chuckled peeking back over his shoulder.

His hand had a small silvery glow around it before he placed his hand in mine. My body felt a bit lighter, like some weight left my shoulders before he took his hand from mine and turned away from me.

Then his body set itself on fire.

“Dad?!” I rushed forward ready to help him before he shot me a reassuring smile, I calmed down a bit and remembered his words from before.

Well, his clone’s words.

He took my powers, so what exactly was he about to do with them?

He stalked towards the Beta’s limp form on the floor. He squat down next to him and the same glow in his hand earlier extended to both hands. He placed his silver glowing hands on both sides of the Beta’s head.

Ryan groaned, but soon began screaming in horrific pain.

“What are you doing to me?!” He howled. Dad tightened his hands on the Beta’s head. Colors began to radiate from his body. Black and crimson lightning, fluorescent glazed particles, and galaxy blue particles left the Beta’s body and flowed into Dad’s hands.

Once there weren’t any colors left, Dad snapped the Beta’s head around and stood to his feet. He squat down again, only to sit the Beta up and ran his fist through the Beta’s chest, pulling his darkened heart out with his bare hand.

“Hm?” He hummed examining the darkened heart.

“What happened to him?” I wondered aloud. Dad shrugged and walked towards me and extended his non-bloody hand. The silver glow appeared again and my body felt heavier.

“It’s from the use of dark magic and taking in blood from other species. Most likely from Wren and Ben’s blood since they’re half demon.” He explained, I nodded. “Let’s go,” he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled us along to the back door.

“Why are we coming this way?” I asked.

“Because I want you to blow this house up,” he simply answered. I smiled up at him.

“I can do that.” I replied eagerly. Dad walked out of the house before me. I turned and faced the already burning house, I found the basement door and walked into the finished basement.

Appliances and electronics were everywhere. I reeled my flames and walked over to some laptops and tablets. Grabbing some laptop bags, I put the smaller computers and tablets in before making my way over to the gas line.

I threw the bag of appliances over my shoulder and brought a flame to my free hand. I found a container with a bit of gasoline in it and made a trail headed straight for the gas.

I made a firebug in my hand and placed the flaming creature on the carpet.

“Oops,” I say sprinting up the stairs as I see the bug latching itself onto the trail of gasoline. I ran up the stairs and out of the door, closing it behind me and walking over to Dad.

“Ready?” He asked pulling me back under his arm.

“Ready,” I replied. We walked a couple yards into the woods and stopped at a safe distance.

The house erupted in flames with a loud explosion following. The windows bursted, the foundation broke apart, and everything inside crumbled under the flames.

’Twas a beautiful sight.

We watched the fire for a bit longer before making our way back to the front of the house to join the others.

Everyone was panicking calling out for me. Kash made eye contact with me before sprinting over to me.

“Kassi!” He cried in relief. He wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my forehead. “Don’t ever do any crazy shit like that again!” He scolded, but got knocked down by my mate.

His arms squeezed me, and his chest covered my nose. “Don’t ever do any crazy shit like that again,” he growled into my hair. He pulled away and looked me over. His eyes lingered in my right wing a bit longer before placing a kiss on my head. “What happened?” He asked and then turned his head to look at Dad. He turned around and seen Dad’s clone walking over to us with the others. “What—?” I began but I placed my finger against his lips.

“Don’t ask, let’s just go,” I say to him. He nods slowly and gestures for me to climb on his back. Without any hesitation I climbed on.

Noah, Stylo, and Anais climbed back into the Cadillac with Jordan and Kassandra. While Dad’s clone, Dad, Kash, Ben, Wren, and I climbed into the truck.

Leaving the burning hellhole—I mean, house to the ground.

I snuggled into Wren’s arms in the truck’s bed as we drove back to my house.

“How’s everyone holding up?” Ben broke the silence.

“Tired and hungry, if I do say do myself.” I chuckled. A few chuckles can’t from the boys at my attempt to lift the atmosphere.

“When we get back home, I’ll make sure we all get cleaned up and fed. We all deserve it. And some sleep.” Kash added. I smiled at him and leaned back into Wren’s chest.

I’m so ready for all of this to be over.

Soon enough, we all made it back to the house. Wren carried me into my room, placing me on the bed carefully.

A couple moments later, Stylo walked in with a bunch of supplies. Poking, rubbing and applying things to my wounds.

“I want you to retract your wings. If you do, they’ll heal faster than they already are.” He explains. I nodded and did as I was told. He left my room shortly after speaking to Wren about some stuff.

After that, I fell asleep in my mate’s arms, never wanting to leave.


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