Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 19



This is it. After running away from the dead rogues, we found a cave in the forest. We all leaned against the damp cave walls and caught our breaths.

Anais was stretched out like a star on the cave floor, while the rest of us were either sitting or leaning.

“Okay, what’s next?” Anais heaved. I looked at her and panted and held my aching side.

“We have a spell to do right?” I asked her, she nodded. “Then let’s start after we get a water break at the Creek,” the sound of rushing currents met my ears. I turned towards everyone,“I can hear the water,” I told them.

Everyone nodded and began to stand and stretch.

“Isaac still hasn’t fed yet.” Anais pointed out. I looked over to him and seen him stretched out on the floor looking much more pale than he should have.

“Shit.” I grumbled under my breath. “Well, we can’t leave him like this, and I don’t know if he could even drink my blood.” I told her.

She shook her head and gave him a sympathetic look. “Come on, Isaac.” She pulled the oversized shirt she was wearing to the side and exposed her neck to him. He shook his head and heaved a little.

“I can’t do that to you or Noah, Anais.” He coughed. She stood up from her place on the floor and sat next to him.

“You’re starving, Isaac. And if you get out of hand, the others can pull you off, okay?” She asked. He gave her a questioning look and she gave him a bid of approval.

“Okay.” He said. She pulled the collar of the shirt to the side and leaned her head. Isaac looked up at me and I nodded at him. His eyes burned with crimson colored veins and his almost canine-like fangs elongated and crunched through the skin of Anais’ neck.

She gave a small whimper that made me step closer to them but her raised hand stopped me. Her head turned towards me, she held small tears in her eyes as he fed from her.

“Hey, Isaac?” I called out and stepped closer, despite Anais’ attempt. Isaac looked up and me and let out a small growl while his lips twitched up in a snarl as he kept drinking.

She let out a small whimper and I couldn’t just stand back anymore. I walked until I was right behind her and tried to pull her away from him.

“Wait, Wren stop!” She cried. His fangs dig deeper into her skin as he held her shoulders.

“Damnit, Isaac let go.” I growl at him. His eyes glanced up into mine. A dewy haze flitted over his irises.

This isn’t good.

He’s being controlled.

“What’s wrong with him?” Kash asked. He looked just as concerned as I was.

“He’s being controlled.” Ben answered with an eye roll. I growled and ran a hand down my face and sighed.

Why now?

Isaac unlatched his fangs from Anais’ neck and pushed her away from him. She gave a small whimper of pain and curled into herself as she scooted away from him.

Ben scooped her up and held her in his arms as I approached Isaac. He had glazed over red rimmed irises and a gone look in his eye.

“The spell to use to bring everyone back from Purgatory isn’t as complicated as you think it is.” Isaac said, his voice was a bit distorted and sounded like Stylo’s.

“Stylo?” I called out and Isaac’s head tilted a bit and a sad smile appeared on his features.

“You kids are quite the trouble, but that’s not what I’m here for,” he paused. “I’m here to tell you that no one is really dead.” He finally stated.

Kash walked in front of him with a broken look in his eyes. “My dad?” He croaked. Stylo nodded his head solemnly.

“He’s been places in Purgatory as well as Kassidy, my son, and Noah. I’m sure you know that I cannot truly kill someone because of my curse.” Stylo reminded, looking past Kash and looking at me directly. A light bulb sparked above my head when all the dots started to connect.

“Xander’s body,” I whisper to myself. “We can put him back in his body, and we can do that with everyone else too.” I smiled to myself with a sigh.

Ben looked at me in question until his own eyes widened in realization. “Holy shit.” He breathed out. “Everyone would come back and be just fine.”

Anais shuffled in his arms and turned to be in the conversation. “That’s much easier than bringing them back from the dead. So how did you send them to Purgatory?” She croaked. Stylo sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“The spell isn’t complicated, I just had to fatally injure them to the point of being almost dead and send their astral selves to Purgatory.” He explained. My mind was all over the place with questions and clarity, but most importantly, I was filled with relief.

My mate would be home. My friends would be home. Everything will be good again.

Or closer to it as we could get.

“So what do we do now?” Kash asked this time. He had quiet the whole time besides when he asked about Xander. Stylo looked at him again and gave a small smile.

“You have to do nothing, but Anais here will have to basically summon them from the space between the Other Plain and Purgatory and have one of you lead them back to their bodies. Two of you will have to go because Xander is in a separate part of Purgatory.” He elaborated. We all nodded.

“But what about our mom?” Ben asked. The air in the cave had gotten thicker after him asking. My throat had tightened a bit and my hands clenched into fists.

Stylo have Ben and I a solemn look and just shook his head ‘no’.

That’s what I was afraid of.

“Your mother was killed before I was cursed,” he said. “There was nothing I could do to try to help her, I was held against my will. There’s never a day that I don’t regret taking her from you boys. I am so sorry.” He apologized.

It was about damn time he did.

“That’s in the past, all we need you to do is help us through this. And how do you know that Alex isn’t watching us right now?” Ben questioned him with a brow raised. Stylo put his hands up to show surrender and sighed.

“If I can use magic to put myself in Isaac’s body, then why wouldn’t I have magic for the Alpha too?” Stylo questioned back. Ben nodded to himself and adjusted Anais in his arms. She seemed to be taking this well.

“Can we start?” She asked quietly. Stylo nodded and stepped closer in our direction.

“Ben, I want you to stay here and watch over everyone,” he pointed to Ben. “Wren and Kash, I want you two to go into Purgatory with Anais. And Issac is going to the place where Noah and my son last were.” He finished. We all nodded.

Ben places Anais gently to the cave floor and went to stand at the front entrance of the cave. Kash and I sat next to Anais, and Isaac’s body started walking to where Noah and Stylo’s bodies were last.

I looked up at Kash, then slid my eyes to Anais. “You ready?” I asked the both of them. They both nodded and I looked at Anais. “You know what you’re doing?”

She sighed and nodded her head. “Yeah, Stylo has mindlinked me the spell,” she sighed out. “I’ll speak some magic words, then when we’re in the Other Plain we’ll meet Kassidy and the boys and bring them back to this world.” She explained.

“And we know the rest because of Stylo’s plan.” Kash reassured us.

“Then lets do this.” I say with a smile towards them. The three of us gather in a somewhat circle and link hands. Stylo comes and stands behind Anais and leans down to whisper something in her ear. Her eyes go wide and a small smirk appears on her features.

“Are you serious?” She asked him with a laugh. He nodded.

“Completely serious. I know it’s funny but that’s the spell,” he chuckles. “Link hands and open your mindlinks and say the word out loud, Anais,” he instructs. We do as he says and open our links to each other and wait for Anais to begin the spell.

She sighs happily. ”Abracadabra,” she recites under her breath. Kash and I both choke on a laugh as she said the word, but stopped when the feeling of being yanked through time and space overtook us.

“Try to keep your hands together as you travel.” Stylo called out as the world spun around us.

My spine felt like there was a hook in it just flinging me across plains of life. Anais and Kash’s hands clench mine tightly as we kept spinning and twisting through the spectrum of space until it all stopped.

My body bolted forward and skid arduously across the ground while my hands were still connected to two others.

“Ugh.” Kash groaned next to me. I heard the sound of leaves crunching and opened my eyes.

We’re in the Other Plain, aka, the Afterlife Plain.

Well, we’re in the cave that’s in the forest.

I looked around and seen that Anais and Kash were still clutching my hands and the cave was a bit brighter than the one in the World of the Living.

“Is everyone okay?” I ask. Anais and Kash responded with a bunch of groans and moans. “Come on, guys, we gotta get a move on.” I tug on their hands.

Once we were all standing, I lead them out of the cave and onto the forest floor.

“So now what?” Kash asked. I looked around a little more. I kind of expected Kassidy and the guys to be here already but there wasn’t any sign of them.

Right after that thought crossed my mind, a figure stepped out from behind some trees a few hundred feet in front of us. There were two more figures that trailed out the brush after the first.

“I think that’s what.” I say to him pointing to the trio in the trees.

There they all stood.

Kassidy, Noah and Stylo, all in the flesh.

“Wren?” Kassidy asked from the distance. Anais unclamped her hand from mine and dashed towards Kassidy, lunging her body at her. The two girls giggled and held each other while Noah stood back with a small scowl on his face and a cigarette hanging from his lip.

Kash and I looked at each other and shrugged and jogged up to them.

“Save some for me, huh, Anais?” I chuckled as she kept her arms wrapped around my mate.

“It’s so good to see you.“Anais cried into Kassidy’s arms. Kassidy cried and held her close.

“You have no idea.” She sniffled, she then let Anais go and hugged Kash and hugged me when she was done.

After we all caught up we pulled away from each other.

“Let’s get home, guys.” Anais said to everyone. We all nodded in agreement and began to walk more into the forest.

“You know the plan?” Noah asked Stylo. The black haired boy sighed and nodded as the box of materials clunked in his arms.

“Yup, lets get to the place we all died.” He said with another sigh.

“I can’t wait for things to get better.” Kassidy said next to me. I looked down at her and clasped my hand in hers.

“Me too, darlin,” I kissed her hand. “Me too.”


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