Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 11



Six months after Kassidy’s death...

"Run..." That word shook my whole understanding on everything. What did he mean by run, was he gonna hurt me if I didn't? Past Me's eyes had widened as he looked at his older brother.

"This can't be happening, no now, Benji." His voice cracked as he looked his brother over.

Ben growled some more as the whites of his eyes disappeared into inky blackouts that surrounded blazing crimson pools of death.

"Leave now!" He roared. Then he disappeared into thin air. My eyes calculated it as the speed he was using.

It was incredible.

How the hell did he disappear with just speed, it's like he teleported. My eyes tried to find him and I couldn't. I only found a piece of his aura that flicked around the air in small traces. It's incredible.

"Ben?!" Past Me called out.

He sounded worried as he gulped and looked all around for his brother. My eyes found the real fragment of him standing in the far side of the field. He was restraining himself.

"I told you to run!" His voice boomed against the field floor.

Trees broke and fell to the ground as the small creatures that live in them scurried away with their tails tucked between their legs. Hell, I was a little scared at this point. He's my brother and he could do all of this at the very beginning of his change.

Thinking back when I seen him change for the first time with me in Kassidy's room. I seen his aura change in him slightly, like it was elevating what was already there.

Like he was already keeping his abilities at bay...

My eyes sensed the pulsing rage through his body. The sinister smile on his face as he watched the scared look in my eyes.

Then he was gone again.

Even in this memory I could feel how much power he has.

Is it possible that he's as strong as I am even while being a hybrid of just demon and wolf?

Or could be be even stronger and become a Revolutionary like me too?

Maybe he already is and mastered his powers to point where he could shield them from me? If so, then how?

The sound of growling filled the air. I looked all around for Ben to pick up on his presence, but I still couldn't fully sense him. It's like he confuses people's sense of direction.

Well, he's damn good at it. And when I get back he's going to teach me, and tell me why he never told me he already had his powers.

My thoughts were interrupted by a large figure crashing into me. I flew across the field until I slammed into the ground, leaving a dent behind me.

"Get up, Wrenji. We gotta go before I come back." Ben's voice filled my ears.

I groaned and turned around and leaned on my elbows to look at him.

His hair was disheveled and a bit longer than when I seen him last. He had blood all over his body and his clothes were shredded and torn apart.

My eyes popped wide open as I took in the appearance of my older brother.

"Benji?" He nodded and held his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up with ease like I didn't weigh a thing.

"Where the hell have you been?!" I grabbed the back of his neck and brought him into my arms. His familiar scent drifted into my nostrils under the smell of death and blood.

"Okay, I don't have a lot of time to explain this, but I need to get you out of here as soon as possible, alright?" Ben tells me. I nod and crack my back where he slammed into me.

"Damn my back hurts." I groaned. I stretched some more before I opened my mouth to question him.

"So how did you find me?" I asked as we walked across the field.

"I felt the bond. Since I've already been in here trying to escape, I knew my way around for months." I hummed thoughtfully at him.

More questions filled my mind as we walked next to each other.

So the whole time we've been here, he's been trapped in a time loop?

Where was Kash and Isaac?

How did we all get put here?

A long lost voice stopped us both in our tracks.

"Boys?" The area around us changed slightly.

We were in between boarders now.

Where the person who held that voice died in front of our very eyes.

My lip quivered a bit as I attempted to say something, anything.

I was stuck in place, my muscles were rigid and my fists were clenched together as I felt the presence come closer to us.

"Boys, it's me."

And I lost it.

My knees threatened to give out from underneath me and I almost crumbled to the ground as a sob tickled through my body. Ben looked no different than me, except that his shoulders were shaking as almost silent pleas shook in his eyes.

A large, warm hand landed on each of our shoulders. Our thoughts stopped but I felt that both of our feelings intensified.

"Xander." His name rolled from both of our lips at the same time. Both of us accepting that he was actually here with us, just like how Mom was really with me.

"Turn around and face me, boys. I ain't gonna bite ya." He chuckled lightly at his own joke and I felt my lips twitch up in a small smirk.

I stood up first on shaky legs, then Ben followed by standing too. We turned and faced him.

In all of his glory, there he was.

Xander Grayson.

"How've you been, boys?" His silver-blue eyes twinkled in the moonlight as he looked down at us a bit.

His ear length hair was tucked behind his ears and his beard was still trimmed on his face.

"Under spells and chained up and released to kill people. How about you old man?" Ben smirked.

Xander growled at his answer and slapped both of us over the head.

"Ow." We both grumbled as we faced the heavy glare that Xander shot at us.

"Do you're telling me that you boys were dumb enough to get caught and then used like a dirty whore after I died? Is that what you're telling me?" He scoffed and shook his head at us.

The heavy shame and guilt dropped into the bottom of my stomach.

We failed Xander.

I failed Xander.

"Do you boys know where Kassidy and Kash are at least? Hell, even the others?" We were both still quiet until Ben spoke up.

"Kash is stuck in his own time loop. So is Anais and Isaac. I don't know if anyone else is still alive or held captive too." Ben says quietly and hangs his head low.

"And Kassidy?" Xander pushed. I sighed and ran a hand through my longer hair.

"In Purgatory." He cursed loudly and turned around cursing the sky like it had something to do with our problems.

Then an idea popped into my head.

"Has anyone tried to make contact with the Keeper?" Xander asked before I got the chance to.

I shook my head and Ben spoke up.

"I tried. But since we're being bound to the Pack House by Stylo's magic we can't mindlink anyone, even if we tried." He sighed and sat down on the ground and crossed his legs at the ankles.

I sat down too and we gazed up at Xander for some type of answer.

"Well, here's what we've got to do," He turned to us and sat down too.

"We got to find Kash, Anais and Isaac. We need all the man power we can get on the inside to get you kids outside, alright?" We nodded our heads.


"So then what?" It was my turn to ask something. Xander turned his head to me and nodded to himself.

"We give Anais some juice so she could perform a reverse spell. Even with her strong powers, she's been bound down and suppressed. She'll need a power boost so she could get her and you boys out of here and get topside." Xander explains. He stands up and reaches a hand and pulls us up.

"Now, boys, I say it's time to get a move on. Don't ya say?" He smirked and we nodded.

"Let's ride."


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