Awakened; His/Her Series (Book 1)

Chapter Epilogue: One Last Night

After making a few stops, I found myself climbing the ladder to his room. Admittedly I had to make a few trips to get everything up there so I could set up. It was one of my most nerve wrecking experiences. Or maybe it was the fact that I was planning it like this. I couldn't stop fidgeting with my bracelet the entire time. I'd smile remembering when we went to the mall to buy them. It was a his/her set. My bracelet had also come with a necklace and his came with a watch, but we rarely wore those.

Scented candles were placed according to the best lighting and areas that would catch the right kind of breeze. They were all black cherry scented and filled the room with something that was hard to describe. It was something that always happened when we smelled one. One time we even stood in the middle of it and slowly danced to whatever song was playing. It’s the one memory I have where I enjoyed going to the grocery store. It was one of the few memories I have where I believe we had up no shields what-so-ever. The feelings had always been there and sometimes we let them exist.

I had gone a little crazy and gotten our favorite drinks and food and laid them out on his desk. Each one held their own memory that brought a wide smile to my face and tears itching the corner of my eyes.

My plan was to watch the newest and last season of our show while eating our favorite foods and just because I wanted too a little bit of cuddling and maybe a kiss good-bye. I planned on walking away from him and this friendship and I didn’t regret it. Too much has happened for any other option.

I may understand his actions now, but I no longer trusted him. I may still love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone, but he broke my heart and betrayed me. He shattered me in ways that I didn’t know was possible. I wanted one last good memory with him before it would become good-bye forever. It would be the last thing I remembered of him and the least it could be was something nice. After tonight he was going to just be the boy next door and nothing more.

I had been waiting for about two hours before he finally showed up. I couldn’t be pissed seeing as I did skip school early to set this all up, but the look on his face when he finally walked through his bedroom door made it all worth it. I'm pretty sure mines was the same. I couldn't help the fluttering in my heart as I noticed he was still wearing his chain. Even with everything he was showing me he was still here with everyone knowing. It made saying good-bye just a little bit harder. I barely got a word out before his lips were against mine in a heated kiss. His hands removed my clothes in a haste before he laid me down on the bed.

I’ve never tried it before, but I’ve heard good things about good-bye sex.

Bye Dave. I forgive you for everything and I’m sorry about this too. I won’t forget you. I won’t forget us. I won’t forget all that we were to each other. I’m just not the same girl I once was anymore. I hope you’ll learn to forgive me. The same way that I had to learn to forgive you.

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