Awakened; His/Her Series (Book 1)

Chapter 4: First Day

By the time lunch came around I was beginning to feel depressed. I only had first, second, lunch, seventh and eighth period with Dave. I never really noticed how different people treated me when he was around versus when he wasn’t. Without him, I was back to being the Maria they thought they knew. The one whom the rumors were about. It bothered me. All I wanted to do was forget about it all, but they wouldn’t let me. I didn’t know what was coming over me. I was irate and tired of thinking. I wished I could just turn my brain off just for only a second. I really needed the relaxing comfort that would come with it.

I was starting to feel lonely and unwanted and all the pep talks this morning meant nothing now. The rumors of Dave and Clarissa were starting back up and were really starting to get to me. They sounded more believable this time around. I tried to push the thoughts away, but the image of him sitting at my kitchen Island covered in hickeys kept haunting me. If his busy schedule had to do with Clarissa, he could have told me that. Besides, what was it about her that caught his attention? It mustn’t have been able to keep it, because it kept kissing me; and in my opinion a kiss meant a hell of a lot more than sex.

I needed a moment to recollect myself and get Dave out of my mind. He wasn’t my boyfriend, he was just my friend. I really needed to get it together and soon. I sighed putting my headphones in, turning the music as high as it would go and began zoning out on everything. I didn’t want to believe that Dave was just another thing Clarissa wanted to take from me. Maybe she did have feelings for him. Maybe he did reciprocate those feelings and I was just jealous because I wished he reciprocated mine. I sighed letting the music take me away as I popped a cut up grape into my mouth before taking out my sketch book.

A few minutes later I could feel the extra presence beside me. I looked up from my drawing to see Dave with Clarissa practically sitting on his lap and a few cheerleaders had joined us also. My heart broke into a million pieces, but I tried to ignore it. He was just kissing me and getting jealous over John, but here he is now flirting with the biggest slut in school getting ready to eat the sandwich from the lunch I had prepared for him. He gestured for me to take my headphones out and with an aggravated groan I did. He raised his eyebrow curiously at me but I just shook my head no. I wanted to cry and scream, but I knew making a scene here would only hurt me further in the long run. I didn’t need the assholes here to talk about me anymore than they already did.

“Hey Maria, want to hang out with us after school? We’re just going to swim at my house for awhile.” He shrugged and the look on Clarissa’s face said it all. She clearly didn’t want me there and the fact that he asked was really irking her. I never thought in a million years that I would agree with her, but I did. Especially after last night.

I was surprised at how long I could hold my breath, but I was still hurting from the rejection. He made it clear that he didn’t want me. He was pushing me towards John and there was nothing I could do about it. I floated to the top letting a huge amount of fresh air into my lungs. Dave was staring at me with the same look he had when I punched Clarissa. I still didn’t know what it meant, but now that I was calmer it had a type of affect on me that I wasn’t used to.

A chill was sent through my body sending tingles up my spine. I was breathing heavily as he swam towards me. I gasped taking a deep breath as he pulled me under with him. Even in the dark water I could make out those beautiful white teeth of his. He smiled at me as we swam towards the deep end pushing ourselves against the water. He really looked more handsome underwater than I ever knew was possible. It was almost like he belonged there he moved so easily through it. He pointed upwards as I nodded letting him know that I understood.

We were both laughing once we broke through the surface shaking our hair at each other. It was such a stupid little act seeing as we were already wet, but it was a silly joke between us.

“Mickey I-”

“Please don’t ask me about John again.” He breathed, cutting me off as he waded closer to me. “I know I said I can’t like you Minnie, but I won’t lie... Talking about John with you is making me jealous. Especially since he can have you in a way I never will.” I gaped at him surprised before I was completely entranced in the feeling of his lips on mine. I was completely hypnotized by the way his lips moved against mine. How my fingers entangled in his hair as his hands held me up as I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. I wanted to be closer to him than was humanly possible, but for now this would suffice.

I shook my head trying to ignore the memory of that kiss. It was part of the reason I felt so tired and drained. I spent most of the night trying to decode what it could mean. Whenever John was mentioned it was like his jealousy overpowered whatever was blocking him from wanting us to be together.

“We did enough swimming last night.” I laughed teasingly as I winked at him purposely rubbing it in that I could swim with him whenever as she glowered at me. “Maybe next time though. I’m probably going to take the pups for a walk and just spend some alone time with them since we now have a constant intruder. Besides, I hate that they’re basically couped up in the house for eight hours while we’re here.”

“Freak.” Clarissa mumbled under her breath as her bimbo goons laughed.

“First, you love when I intrude. Don’t be jelly. I see you trying to steal all the love they have for me and keep it for yourself. Your evil plan doesn’t work. They’ll still love me.” Like a dork he laughed evilly causing me to snort and Clarissa to say something nasty under her breath making me narrow my eyes at her. “Well I hope I can at least stop by and see them. I miss them too. It’ll be nice to see them again.”

“You see them everyday you dork!” I laughed as he shrugged and stole the rest of my grapes. “Well, you can come see the children when your pool party is over. Don’t want someone to end up in the pool again or worse. Like a swollen black eye worse than the last one or something.” I shrugged, bringing a bright red, plump and juicy strawberry to my lips and biting it. Clarissa was sitting straight in my line of sight as she went wide-eyed. I could hear Dave trying to hide a snicker as he visibly moved closer to me.

“How much I see my children is my business and mine alone.” He teased. “Well I’ll just come over later.”

“Okay. I’m pretty sure that my parents would love to have you over for dinner like any other night you force yourself on us.” I spoke sarcasm heavy in my tone as he full on laughed.

“Fine I’ll see you at eight o’clock.”

“I won’t be there, I have plans.” I smirked as he narrowed his eyes at me. He was studying my face trying to see if I was lying, and I knew almost immediately the reason he assumed I wouldn’t be home.

“What kind of loser did you trick into willingly hanging out with a fucked up freak like you.” Spat Clarissa in her horrible nasal voice as the bimbos laughed.

“That would be me.” Came John’s voice as he sat on side of me a few of the football players sat across from him. They and Dave exchanged pleasantries as Clarissa stumbled over her words. The look in Dave’s eyes hurt me to see. It was almost as if he felt betrayed because I was hanging out with John, even though he told me to.

“Davie, we really should go sit with the actual popular jocks and cheerleaders and not communicate with just anyone because they were a cheer uniform.”

“I have never agreed with you more Clarissa.” I chastised mockingly. “You should leave. I don’t want people to see us together and think that I’m suddenly open for business. I sure as hell don’t want any of your clientele. That’s just unsanitary as hell.” Okay, my jealousy and annoyance had finally won over.

“I guess that’s a plus for me then. You know, since I never really gave her any kind of attention.” Added in John as the jocks laughed. Including Dave.

“Fuck off. All of you.” She spat, rolling her eyes and stomping off her loyal band of idiots following directly behind her. I waved goodbye sarcastically as I laughed.

“You do know you’re supposed to go after her right?” I asked now wondering if he stayed because he was jealous of John being so close to me. I knew Clarissa was going to make my life hell in practice for what I just pulled and I didn’t need him to make it worse.

“Why? We aren’t together. Besides you’re my friend and you have fruit.” He said pulling my container of strawberries towards him now that he’d finished off the grapes.

“You have your own plus a sandwich that took forever to make.” I teased pulling the container back to me and biting into another strawberry stopping to suck the juice out of it.

“Maybe I should’ve asked for more.” He deadpanned in a serious voice as he stared me down. “Besides it always tastes better when it’s not yours.” He winked as I gasped.

Everything he just said definitely had a double meaning confusing me even more. He really was sending me mixed messages. I blushed as I realized John was still on the side of me and probably heard everything. My hands needed something to do besides grabbing Dave by the shirt and placing a long slow kiss on him. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I gave him my full attention.

“So John what’s up?”

“Nothing much. Just wondering if we can hangout Friday instead of tonight. I have to watch my niece and little cousin.”

“ sure.” I spoke completely forgetting that we had indeed made plans for tonight. I was just fucking with Dave when I said I wouldn’t be there. I could hear Dave laughing behind me as I tried to ignore him.

“You’re the best.” He smiled tapping his index finger against my nose before he got up and walked away to his usual table.

“Oh shut up.” I snapped my blush deepening.

“I’m just wondering what could have made you forget y’all plans.” He winked as last night’s kiss came back to me flashing rapidly.

“Why does it matter?”

“It doesn’t, but clearly even when you’re with him you’re thinking of me.” He spoke smuggly even though we were basically hush whispering. “I enjoy knowing that little fact.”

“And you can’t like me.” I spat venom coating my tongue. “Friends, remember?”

“Always and forever, but like I said last night. Seeing you with him makes me jealous; even if I don’t deserve to be.” I groaned as I packed up my stuff suddenly frustrated. I did not want to play games. Games only led to people being hurt and I didn’t want to be the one to get hurt.

“Well learn to deal with it.” I spat before stomping off out of the cafeteria, towards our locker and away from the small crowd forming. I could hear him running to catch up with me.

“Minnie!” He yelled as I huffed and tried to speed up. However, my wedges weren’t fast enough and he caught up with me. “What are you so upset about?!” He snapped.

“Why are you playing games with me Mickey?!” I all but whined frustrated.

“I’ve been nothing but honest with you. I don’t like seeing him with you.”

“But you don’t want to be with me. So you have no choice but to get used to it and you don’t get to make me feel bad about it.”

“Well you can’t make me like it.” He growled as I rolled my eyes. “I. Don’t. Like. You. With. Him.” he said putting emphasis on each word.

“You’re so fucking insufferable Mickey! I hate you!” I snapped as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t have a certain kind of affect on me.

“You know you don’t hate me. You actually like it when I’m insufferable.” He whispered against my lips as our foreheads pressed together.

“No I don’t and you can’t make me.” I mocked breathlessly as he laughed before pushing his lips against my own. This kiss was just as amazingly mesmerizing as the others, but all I wanted was to just kiss him. No other emotions nor urges filled me. I was contempt with his lips pressing softly, but firmly against mine.

“You are mine. Always will be mine.” He whispered against my lips aggressively. He wasn’t just telling me; he was making sure that I knew. He had no idea just how committed I really was to him nor how committed I was willing to be. He didn’t know how hard it’d been just to get to this moment where I was okay with the thought of being with him as more than friends.

“No.” I whispered back before pushing him away and continuing my way towards our next class. He stood in the middle of the hall confused. That was the first time I had ever told him no and clearly it bothered him, but for me nothing had ever felt better. I felt so empowered right then and I couldn’t wait to feel it again.


“Mom! Dad! I’m home.” I yelled as I walked through the front door not really expecting an answer from them. To my surprise, my dad was sitting in his chair in the living room as I walked in. I grinned until I was sure the smile took over my face before practically running over to him and sitting on his lap.

“Someone missed me.” He teased hugging me back just as tight as I was hugging him and kissing me on the forehead.

“You have no idea.” I sighed, placing my head in the nape of his neck and sitting like I did when I was a little girl. My dad and I had always been close. We had a special kind of connection that I didn’t, and would never, know how to explain. He always knew what I was feeling before I did. I was definitely closer to him than I could ever hope to be with my mom. He just understood me and who I was and I never had to fear his judgement.

“Uh-oh. What’s wrong, Bug?” He asked.

“Boys are confusing.” I whined, kicking my feet out like a bratty child.

“I thought we agreed that boys were icky and you were never to go near them.” He frowned playfully.

“Dad, I was five then.” I laughed. “But I’m serious. Dave is sending me a horrible batch of mixed signals. I’m so confused.”

“Now wait a minute. I thought you didn’t like him like that. When did those feelings change?” He smirked a knowing look on his face. Sometimes I forget how much of a gossip my dad could be, especially with me.

“Please don’t mock me dad. I didn’t feel like this when you asked me, but something changed around the time he came back. When we first kissed though he said that he likes me, but he can’t like me, whatever the hell that means. Then there’s John...” I sighed.

“Wait, who’s John?” He interrupted. “I don’t remember us discussing a John.”

“You remember John daddy. The boy with the dogs from the park. His name isn’t actually boy, it’s John. Anyways, he’s begun to show some kind of interest, but I have no idea of his intentions with me. I keep thinking it’s a date, but he’s only asking to hang out. Maybe I’m just getting a little too far ahead of myself when it comes to him. Now hang on daddy cause I haven’t even gotten to the most confusing part yet. Dave has admitted that he is jealous now that I’m showing interest somewhere else. He keeps kissing me and calling me his. It all feels so wrong and it’s giving me a killer headache. Why do boys have to be so confusing.” I whimpered a little as I snuggled back against him feeling a little relieved now that it was off my chest. I had always felt safe and protected in his arms and that hadn’t changed.

“Oh kitten. You are such an intelligent young woman. Stop overthinking it. It’ll come to you when you least expect it and then it’ll all make sense. Just follow your heart. You know Dave and when whatever it is that’s holding him back is revealed, remember that. You know him. If your heart is still confused then give John a chance. He’s been around forever. If then you still can’t decide, hell ain’t nothing wrong with using the boy to get who you really want. Hell, maybe seeing you moving on with someone else will make Dave come around. He will open up and spill out all his secrets to you and make you his forreal. You never know sweetpea.” For a moment I just gawked at him trying to really process his words.

“Dad, did you really just suggest that I use John for the sole purpose of making Dave jealous?” I was completely shocked at his nonchalance as he just shrugged his shoulders. “You, sir, are something else. Thanks for the advice, but no thanks.” I laughed and shook my head. “I’m going to order a pizza. You hungry?”

“No sweetie. I have to leave in a second. I just wanted to be here when my senior got home from school.” He sniffled.

“You’re such a marshmallow.” I teased before hugging him once more and getting up to place my order. I loved my dad, but he could be a bit much sometimes. Still, I hated how much he had to leave. Even if he wasn’t always traveling, he was still gone a lot because of work. Without him I always felt a little more lonely that I actually was.

It wasn’t long before my dad left and my pizza arrived right after he did. I paid for it and ate a few slices before the pups realized I was home and were ready to go outside. Not feeling like the long walk today knowing it was a good chance that my dad had taken them for one. I slipped off my wedges opting for a pair of sandals before deciding just to let them run around in the backyard for a while. It had been a moment since I just really took the time to relax alone.

“Okay guys, I’m just going to lay here while you stretch your paws. I’m trusting that I won’t have to keep a constant eye on you.” I scolded as I sat down.

“Who are you talking too weirdo?” Interrupted a familiar amused voice peeking his head over the fence before I had the chance to lay down. I smiled despite my internal pleading not too before pretending to ignore him as I stretched out in the grass. “Come on Minnie. You know you can’t ignore me.” He teased before opening the gate and coming over to join me.

“Why are you bothering me? Shouldn’t you be at the party for cool kids happening at your house?”

“Jealous.” He smirked.

“You wish I was. I just want my solitude to go uninterrupted for once.” I teased. “I just kind of want to be alone with my dogs for once, ya know?”

“Yeah...maybe, maybe not.” Was all he said as I stared at him confused for a second before rolling my eyes at him. I did not feel like dealing with his cryptics.

“Since you’re so nosy, I was talking to the pups. Like I said at school, I don’t need someone getting another black eye or worse.” I snickered to myself.

“Well no worries. They canceled. Apparently, when Clarissa stomps off like a brat I’m supposed to follow her. According to her and her clones, we’ll be the cutest couple in school if I just take my head out of my ass and drop the loser already.”

“I thought you guys weren’t dating.” I blurted interrupting whatever he was going to say next and ignoring the loser statement. I didn’t mean too, but the words had slipped out.

“We aren’t, but she asked me to hangout Friday and since I knew you would be busy, I accepted.” He shrugged. I could feel him watching me as if he expected me to react in some kind of way. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was just as jealous as he was.

“Oh well have fun. I’ll call to see if you’re free once I’m back from hanging with John.” I said trying to be as nonchalant as possible as I finally closed my eyes out of fear that he could see what I really felt about him hanging out with her. I should’ve known that was a bad idea. Talking about John and Clarissa has only ended in two ways lately. For the second time today, I felt as his lips pushed against mine before he brought his body closer to me and rested his hands on my waist. I should’ve resisted him, I really should have, but something about it felt right. It always felt right kissing him. All too soon he pulled away and I was left with the indescribable want/need for him to touch me some more.

“You try to play it cool Minerva, but I know you’re jealous. You want me too.”

“Coming from the person who gets mad whenever John talks to me. The only one who’s jealous here is you Micheal.”

“I never said I wasn’t jealous. Pretty sure that I’ve made it clear I am. Jealous or not, I’ve told you. You’re mine.” He growled his hand loosely going around my throat as he kissed me so deep and passionately that my head was spinning and I almost forgot my name. “But I’m willing to play this little game as long as you want Minnie.” It took a second for me to catch my breath and when I did I was I pissed and turned on.

“Only one playing games here is you Mickey. I’ll see you later.” I smirked before getting up and heading towards my door giving my ass an extra little shake to it. I expected to see him shocked like earlier, but he sat there smiling not bothering to hide the fact that he was checking me out.

“Maybe we can go for a swim?” He asked, sounding amused. I turned so that he could see my face.

“I thought you were coming over for dinner.” I teased not giving him the chance to answer as I called the dogs to me and closed the door. He wanted to play games and for some strange reason I was all for it.

Dave had shown up for dinner, his eyes blazing with what I now recognized as lust and if my mom hadn’t come home early from work, I probably wouldn’t be a virgin anymore. It was so easy to get caught up in the moment with him that I decided to just stop fighting it. He was right, I was his and he knew it.

The next morning I found myself trying exceptionally hard not to match him. It was cute at first, but now it was borderline creepy. Not to mention that it was starting to feel like it was inevitable, but I still had to try. I had to try to break the unspoken connection we had somehow.

I pulled on a pair of tight black skinny jeans, a sky blue crop top pulling it up a little more so that my belly button peaked out and an all black blazer. My hair was straightened so that it hung down my back and I had placed a sky blue beanie over it attempting to pin it into place. It was basically being used as more of an accessory then actually covering my hair, but it kind of completed the look. I put on a thin line of sky blue eyeliner and some black eyeshadow before applying some mascara. Deciding last minute on an extra splash of color I picked up a tube of bright cherry red lipstick and applied it heavily on my lips before securing my bracelet on my wrist. Finally, I slid my feet into some black and blue open toed wedges. Giving myself a final once over I smiled and headed downstairs to pack the lunch for Dave and I. I’d be happy when Friday came and our deal was off. Making an extra lunch each morning took too much time. Once I was done, I realized I still had some time to blow off. Sighing, I fixed myself a cup of coffee. After fixing it up to my liking I sat at the island and drank it until Dave showed up. I was halfway finished when he finally knocked on the door.

I jumped up rinsing out the cup and placing it in the dishwasher, before grabbing my bag and gym bag and heading to the door. I was so confident that I had done it, but as soon as I opened the door I frowned. There he stood in a pair of all black Levi’s with a sky blue T-shirt and a black plaid shirt tied around his waist with some sky blue boots, and a black and blue fedora. I guess fedoras were his new thing, but I’d be lying if I said they didn’t look good on him. I sucked my teeth as he reached for my bag.

“I’ve said it before Mickey, I’m really starting to think that you watch me through my window when I pick out my outfit.” He only laughed. The movement of his shoulders brought my attention to the metal around his neck. I smiled to myself seeing that he was still wearing his chain, but it hurt to see that he had it tucked in. What was he hiding it for?

“Like I’ve told you Minnie, I usually pick my clothes out the night before. It’s a coincidence. Just face it already. This,” he paused to point from himself to me and back once again grabbing my attention. “It’s inevitable love.”

“No its fucking creepy.” I laughed ignoring the double meaning.

“Or maybe we’re soulmates and this is the way that fate is choosing to show it to us because we’re too stubborn to see it ourselves.”

“Screw you. By the way soulmate I can carry my own bag to the car. It’s not fair for you to carry both.”

“Shut up and enjoy it.” He replied, bumping my shoulder. I just rolled my eyes and laughed as we finally headed to the car. The routine at school stayed the same. The classes that I didn’t share with him were excruciatingly lonely, but to my surprise Dave was waiting for me after class. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He was ridiculous, but I was more thankful for it than I cared to admit. It meant a lot because his class was on the other side of the building. He would have had to ditch to wait. He just shrugged before throwing his arm over my shoulders with a smile as he walked alongside of me.

“What is this thing?” He asked, grabbing the beanie just as I felt it slipping. The pins had done nothing to keep it in place.

“This stupid thing is called a beanie and it keeps slipping off. So I’m just going to stuff it in my bag and let my outfit go incomplete.” I groaned as I stuffed the useless piece of accessory in my bag. I had been fighting with it all day and was fed up with it. Plus the charm on my bracelet kept getting caught whenever I did try to adjust it.

“Here you go drama queen.” He said placing his fedora on top of my head and adjusting it until it was just right. I knew I shouldn’t let it, but a smile took over my face. He was being weird today after everything, but it was a good kind of weird. It made me feel noticed in a good way for the first time in a long time.

“See now we have to take pictures.” I pressed trying to shake off the heat growing in my veins. I wasn’t going to lose my virginity in a janitor’s closet no matter how much I wanted to right now.

“Nope.” He replied popping the p as his hands trailed over the soft spot on the back up my neck sending shivers through my body.

“If you want your lunch you’d take pictures with me.” I teased shaking the bag in his face.

“Fine you damn tease. Your phone or mine?” He said, sighing heavy in a joking matter. I held up my phone, shoving it in his face.

“Mines. You have all the pictures from last time and for some reason you don’t know how to share them.”

“Whatever.” he said, snatching my phone and switching the camera around to facing us. Soon we began laughing and making funny faces as we took turns wearing the fedora and people walked passed us looking more confused than ever making us laugh harder. By the time we were done it was only thirty minutes left of lunch. We raced to the lunchroom to see Clarissa and John sitting at the table I claimed as ours and again it was filled with cheerleaders and jocks. John looked sad and Clarissa looked irritated. I rolled my eyes as we sat down before remembering that I promised to have lunch with him.

“Told you they were together.” Said Clarissa as Dave handed me my phone and John nodded to her. I narrowed my eyes at both of them.

“If you two want to be friends with us you both need to realize that we’re friends with each other and we are going to hang out. We’re going to get caught up in being us. Hell, we might even decide to have sleepovers because we are friends and that’s what friends do. You can hang out with us as much as you want. I don’t care. Clarissa I borderline hate you and want you no where near my pets, but Dave likes you and because I’m a good friend I’ll tolerate you. If you can’t do the same maybe you’re not the one for him. John if you want to get to know me get over the rumors you hear because it’s ridiculous. It’s been only Dave and I for the past year or so. That won’t change because we’re expanding our little group.” He nodded his head as he kissed my cheek, catching me off guard before winking at the other football players at the table with us. Before I could question it, Clarissa just stomped away. I laughed as I noticed Dave still sitting there.

“Will you ever learn?” I asked as he shrugged.

“Nope, now send me the pictures.”

“I’m still waiting on you to send me the other pictures.” I laughed.

“How about you come over today after school, my dad just got this new digital printer and after I hook it up we’d both have copies for our scrapbooks.” He teased as his hand creeped up my thigh.

“Fine, but I can only stay awhile. Tonight is my date night with my dad.” I replied trying to keep cool as I pulled out his lunch and smacked him with it.

“Weirdo.” He laughed.

“Fuck off and eat your food.” I laughed as we finally began to eat our lunch with barely any time left.


Finally school ended and due to it being the second day and teachers jumping right in, I had to head to our lockers. I looked up glad that Dave was still standing there until I saw that he had a mischievous smirk on his face. The same one I was beginning to understand well.

“Don’t even think about it.” I said putting in the combination to my locker and ended up using the wrong one. It was complicated trying to remember both combinations and which one was for which locker.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He laughed.

“Seriously Dave, your kisses are gross and everyone in the hall will be talking about it.”

“Pssh, you love my kisses, otherwise you wouldn’t have kissed me back.” I felt as a blush crept up onto my cheeks and tried to hide the smile that had plastered itself over my face.

“Let’s just go.” I sighed beginning to wonder if he would really do it so openly.

“Denial is kinda cute on you Minnie.” he teased as we left the building and got in his car. The entire ride home went like that. With him teasing me about my unconfirmed feelings for him. When we got there his mom was rushing out and his dad was nowhere in sight. After waving goodbye to her he closed the door and pushed his lips against mine. I melted into his touch enjoying the taste of him.

“I’ve wanted to do that all day.” He said pecking my lips again. I smiled.

“If you wanted to wear my lipstick that bad all you had to do was ask for the tube Mickey.” He rolled his eyes as I burst out laughing.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Let’s go get a snack smartass.” I rolled my eyes and walked away earning a smack on the behind. I yelped as he followed me into the kitchen with that same smirk and a bit of lust in his eyes. I bit my lip as I leaned against the counter. He placed his hands on either side of my waist leaving no space between us at all. What was with him lately?

“Thought you wanted a snack.” I teased.

“You look pretty tasty right now.” He replied not hesitating to push his lips against mine again. It was like somehow he had possessed me and before I knew it my hand was stroking him through his unzipped pants as his fingers rubbed at me under my underwear. He was sucking violently at my neck sending my blood into a frenzy. Somehow through my haze I caught the time.

“Shit! Damn it Dave.” I groaned. “I hate to leave unfinished, but I have to find a way to hide these hickeys in thirty minutes and go on my date with my dad.”

“Pick up where we left off later?” He asked, holding onto me tighter.

“You know I’m a virgin and we really should get some rest for once. Practice starts up again soon. Now I really have to go.” I whined as I tried to fix my clothes before turning towards the back door. I gasped as he pulled me back into another long kiss.

“Later.” He mumbled against my lips as I nodded my head yes. “Don’t worry Minnie, I could never hurt you.” I blushed unsure if that was a fact or innuendo. As soon as I got home and my dad spotted me he gave me a knowing smirk and my hands instantly flew up to my neck.

“Guess I was right and Dave got jealous.” He laughed. I rolled my eyes as I groaned. It will always be weird having my dad joke about boys... Or Dave in particular.

“I’ll be ready in a few minutes dad.”

“Use your concealer or mom will freak.” I laughed as I headed upstairs to get ready for the night. I wasn’t even trying to pretend like all that happened hadn’t. I wanted to bask in it for once. I had never done anything like this before, but the further it progressed the more I seemed to be enjoying myself. Still, I never got my pictures.

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