
Chapter Training, Drama, Talk

“Well if we are going to be in battle we all need to train together.” King Zion points out.

“I agree,” I reply.

I walk out of the meeting room and head outside to where the training grounds are located. There are already a group of young warriors training. No time like the present to get things started.

The king and our head members follow me to the grounds seeing I wanted to start now.

“At ease warriors,” Zion speaks.

The warriors immediately came to a halt and made a formation in front of their king.

“We will be going to battle soon against the Blackheart clan. The Stone Heart Pack will be joining us in battle. We will be training together. United in battle is the only way we can win.” He spoke with authority and pride.

I noticed a woman in the back. She was tall, lean, and with muscle. She looked at my pack behind me in disgust.

“King, what could they possibly teach us. They are not a true pack. They smell of loners. They are weak and pathetic.” That same woman calls out.

Before the Zion could answer I stepped forward. I took her words as much disrespect to my pack. No one disrespects my pack.

“How about I show you?” I say with a raised brow, calm and menacingly.

“I accept.” She growled.

The challenge was made and accepted and I could tell the King was not happy. I turned and walked to Jackson and his mate Bryce.

“Ciana, what are you doing?” Jackson questions.

“Teaching her that a pack doesn’t have to be from a fancy castle or born together,” I answer.

“Her name is Sierra. She is a valiant warrior. Never been defeated in one-on-one combat.” Bryce tells me.

“Today she will,” I say looking at him in pure confidence.

‘Aella, you ready?’ I ask my wolf.

‘Always ready for a fight.’ She says happily.

‘Remember no matter what we must stay in human form.’ I remind her.

‘We got this.’ She responds.

I could feel Zions worry rolling off him in waves but he was not saying anything. Good. I was not backing down. I am an Alpha, proving my pack is more than what she thinks.

I took off my black leather jacket throwing it towards Jackson, Bryce, and Zion. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zion pick it up and fold it over his shoulder. I knew all eyes were on my back seeing my scars peeking out of my black tank top.

I gained a lot of scars being Alpha. Fighting many rogues to keep my pack safe.

My heart raced as I prepared to face Sierra, the young she-wolf who had apparently been known for her winning streak. The atmosphere was tense, and the air was thick with anticipation.

I knew that this duel would test both our skills and determine our place among the packs. I had trained relentlessly, honing my abilities in both human and wolf form, and now it was time to prove myself in front of my pack and theirs.

As we faced each other, I could see the jealousy burning in Sierra's eyes. Sierra had always been known for her strength and agility according to Bryce, but now that my pack and I came along, she felt threatened. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. I had never wanted to be the cause of someone else's envy.

The signal to begin the fight was given, and Sierra swiftly shifted into her wolf form. Her sleek gray fur shimmered under the light of the burning sun, and her muscles rippled with power.

I observed my opponent, my mind focused and my senses sharpened. I knew that I couldn't let my emotions cloud my judgment. Winning this fight was crucial, not just for my own reputation but also to show Sierra that we all could coexist within the pack.

I made a deliberate choice to remain in human form. I was taught that true strength came from within, not from the physical attributes of a wolf. I had trained extensively in hand-to-hand combat and had learned to harness my own strength and agility. Now was the time to put my skills to the test. Also, I needed to keep Aella a secret until the time was right.

As Sierra lunged forward, I swiftly dodged, my instincts guiding my every move. I utilized my speed and agility to my advantage, staying one step ahead of my opponent.

Sierra's frustration grew evident as her attacks were effortlessly evaded. The young she-wolf's jealousy had clouded her judgment, causing her to underestimate her opponent.

I seized the opportunity and launched a counterattack, landing a swift punch to Sierra's side. The impact sent a tremor through Sierra's body, and she stumbled back, momentarily stunned.

I didn't hesitate; I continued my assault, delivering a series of well-placed strikes that tested Sierra's endurance.

As the fight wore on, my confidence grew. I could sense Sierra's weakening resolve and knew that victory was within my grasp. I focused my energy, channeling it into each strike, each move, determined to prove myself both to Sierra and to herself.

Finally, the moment came when I delivered a powerful roundhouse kick that sent Sierra sprawling to the ground. The impact reverberated through the clearing, and a hush fell over the spectators. I stood tall, my chest heaving with exertion, but my eyes were filled with a newfound sense of pride.

Sierra slowly rose to her feet, her gaze meeting mine.

There was no trace of jealousy or anger in her eyes; instead, there was a flicker of respect. Sierra had underestimated my strength and determination, but now she understood that we were both valuable assets to the pack.

At that moment, I knew that I had not only won a fight but also gained a valuable ally. Sierra may have unknowingly challenged me out of jealousy, but through our battle, we had forged a bond of mutual respect. I hoped that this newfound understanding would lead to a stronger and more united pack.

I reached my hand out and hoped she would take it as a sign of respect from me, an Alpha. Thankfully, she returned my movements shaking my hand.

As the pack members applauded and congratulated me on my victory, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I had proven myself not only as a capable fighter but also as a leader who could rise above petty jealousy and unite her pack.

“You are one hell of a fighter. Control your emotions. Those are your weaknesses.” I told Sierra before I headed over to retrieve my jacket.

“Great job Alpha.” Jackson and Bryce said before leaving me standing there alone with a proud yet angry Zion.

“You challenged my pack warrior.” He states.

“I did,” I say as I gently grab my jacket.

“Why?” He asks.

I look at him with confusion. I expected a lecture or something but he is surprising me.

“I did it to prove a point, not cause any serious damage. Your warrior saw us as a threat to what you have built here. A threat to your pack. Your kingdom. I showed her we can pull our weight and coexist. That’s all.” I say as I put on my jacket.

“Very Alpha of you.” I look at him as he speaks and he looks admired.

“Thanks,” I say in a suspicious tone.

“How about I train with your pack? You train with mine.” He suggests.

“I mean, no harm in that. Could work out our packs learning each other’s way.” I ponder out loud.

“Why haven’t you rejected me yet? You clearly haven’t accepted me,” he asked with sadness.

“Just because I have not accepted you out loud, does not mean I will reject you,” I say remembering my talk with Aella.

“There is no harm in having a mate either, Ciana.” I heard his words.

“You have no idea how wrong you are about that,” I tell him.

He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes but thankfully he didn’t push what I said.

“I have been looking for my mate for a long time Ciana. I will not give up so easily. A King will always need his Queen.” He says then walks off.

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