
Chapter To The Royal Pack

“Alpha, is this safe?” Beverly asks me.

“Yes, I would never put any of you in danger. We have a common enemy.” I say knowing they all know who I am speaking about.

“Alpha.” The little girl in Beverly’s arms spoke.

“Yes, Clover,” I said to her.

“The King called you mate. That’s a good thing, right? Maybe we can all live in the Royal Pack. Then we will always be safe.” She says.

“No matter where we are there is always some type of danger,” I say to her.

“Aren’t you happy you have a mate, Alpha?” She questions.

“There is a lot more to my story than that dear. One day maybe I will tell you.” I say to her pinching her cheek in the process.

“Do you think you can walk for a bit? Give Ms. Beverly a break?” I ask her nicely.

“Of course Alpha.” She wiggles out of her arms and holds her hand instead.

I slowly began letting my speed slow to make my way toward the back. That is where Jackson and his mate are at this very moment.

“Hello, Jackson,” I state catching him off guard.

“Hey, Ciana.” He says.

“I will give you both a moment.” Beta Bryce states.

“Not needed Bryce. After all, you were part of this little plan-making.” I state with zero emotion.

Watching them both gulp in slight fear of my reaction was actually hilarious.

“Listen, Ciana.” Jackson began trying to find the right words.

“I am listening,” I tell him.

“I don’t know okay. I know your feelings. Your past. I just didn’t want to lose you so soon.” Jackson rambles.

“Jackson, I am not angry. I think this is a good thing for the pack. We have been in the forest of Dark Mountain for almost three years. They deserve a real bed.” I said with understanding.

I saw both Jackson and Bryce sigh in relief. Like come on, I can't be that bad, can I? I think to myself.

“Yes. Yes, you can.” Jackson said. I stared in confusion.

“Your mind-link is open.” He made me aware.

“I mean after all Alpha Ciana. You did roar at your mate. Who by the way is the King of all wolves? Something not even his family would do.” Bryce states.

I stay silent, unsure of how to explain myself.

“It is weird that the wolf side allowed it. Our wolf side is normally strong to the bond but yours is. It was like it was not affected.” Bryce began questioning how I could go against my King and mate so easily.

‘Ci-Ci. They are going to find out one way or another who you are exactly. Especially if anyone recognizes you.’ Jackson links me.

‘And? That doesn’t mean they deserve to know any sooner.’ I linked back and let myself fall even farther behind.

I would continue this journey alone. And as far away from King mate up there. He doesn’t think I know. I do. He is constantly catching any moment he can to stare at me. It is quite annoying.

I would rather be alone than deal with this mess. Not too much longer before we are there.

I watched in wonder as the grand gates of the Royal Palace came into view. I had heard stories of its grandeur and beauty, but nothing could have prepared her for the reverence and awe I felt as we drew closer. The spires of the King's castle rose like mountain peaks from the clouds, shimmering in the sunlight and framed by the evening sky. As their caravan approached the palace, the guards at the gates waved them through with a warm welcome.

Finally, we emerged onto the grounds of the royal palace, where a vast expanse of land spread out before us, each step they took revealing something new and exciting. Everywhere I looked, I saw something new and breathtaking - rolling hills, lush gardens, and intricate statues all jostling for attention.

As my eyes explored, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of the grounds. Even the smallest structures seemed enormous from my perspective, and it quickly became apparent that the palace was far larger than I had ever imagined. I felt a sense of pride as I realized that me and the pack were now part of this grand story and that we are here because we have a common enemy.

The two-hour journey to the King's castle was both exhilarating and exhausting, yet we continued to marvel at the grandeur and beauty of the palace as we neared our destination. Eventually, we reached the end of our journey, and I was amazed to find that the King's castle was even grander than I had imagined. The walls seemed to reach up to the sky, and the turrets and spires were adorned with exquisite flags, adding to the grandeur of the castle.

As I looked up at the sky, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement.

My pack and I stepped over the grand threshold of what would be our new packhouse. All of our eyes widened in wonder at the lavish decorations and throngs of courtiers who had gathered in anticipation of our arrival. A sense of anticipation and excitement filled me as I peered around the sumptuous hall, taking in the various objects of art and beauty that lined the walls and filled the rooms.

As they began to pile into what would be their new home for a while I stopped. For a brief moment, I forgot the goal here. I forgot, how could I let the materialistic beauty creep into my mind like that?

I slowly exited the new pack house making sure to not be noticed. I can’t get attached to anyone or anything.

I made my way across the same field we crossed to get to the new house and began searching. I needed to find a place to make a den but also keep an eye on my pack.

After only ten minutes of searching, I found a large fallen tree on top of a large dirt mound. That will have to do for now.

I knelt and let Aella’s claws elongate. I then realized she had been pretty silent this whole trip. I will let her be. I know she is feeling the same inner turmoil as I am.

I began to dig at the soft dirt. I dig far enough back that I can lay in there without being seen. I know I will have to lay here in human form because they cannot know my wolf form.

“What are you doing?” I hear Jackson behind me.

“What does it look like?” I question back.

“You can finally sleep in a bed Ciana. Why are you forcing yourself to stay out here.” He questions me.

“You know why?” I told him.

“There's a bonfire tonight to welcome us if you want to join.” He tells me but I do not respond.

“What are you so afraid of Ciana?” He asks.

“How can you not know? My first mate brutally murdered my parents, our pack. Slaughtered them like they were nothing but animals.

Our home is taken from us. Every night I close my eyes, I hear their screams. I feel their pain. I watch Ethan kill them over and over again. It is never-ending for me.

I cannot deny that I feel a pull toward Zion. But I cannot allow myself to accept him. I cannot bring myself to trust another mate after what Ethan did to my family.

I am grateful to him for his kindness, but I cannot help but feel something else in my heart as well.

I wish I could allow myself to accept Zion and be a part of this new packhouse. But I cannot. I cannot bring myself to trust another mate after being betrayed by Ethan, and I cannot risk the same fate befalling my pack.

I am too scared of being betrayed and hurt. I am too scared to let anyone else into my heart.” I finish while shedding a few tears.

Jackson knows there is no changing my mind and knows I need a moment. He leaves me to my silent thoughts.

I have finished digging the den but I still cannot help but feel the pain weighing in my heart. I just lean down against the root of the tree with so many unknown emotions pulling me in opposite directions.

“Here.” I heard a deep voice.

I turn to look past the roots to see Zion standing there with a duffle.

“What is that?” I say not knowing what to expect.

“Just a couple of blankets and pillows.” He says reaching the bag out.

I was shocked by his gesture and grabbed the bag from him. He says nothing else but leaves. Leaving me with even more feelings and emotions to sort through.

I lay out the blankets Zion has given me laid one out on the dirt in the den and began making a makeshift bed.

But as I lay in the sun and listened to the sound of my pack singing in the distance, I couldn’t help but wish that things could be different. I wish I could open my heart to Zion and join him at his packhouse. I wish the past could be forgotten and forgiven. But for now, I must remain patient and trust that my pack will be safe. I must remain vigilant and protect them from any further betrayal.

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