
Chapter Three Years Later

Almost three years since that fateful night. Three years since my family was brutally murdered. Three years since the Primrose Pack was demolished all at the hands of my now ex-mate.

He is evil pure evil. Since that night, over the years things have changed in the world. Ethan not only killed my parents but when he returned home, he killed his as well. Along with his brother.

He wanted power and killed all that stood in his way for it. No matter the cost.

He has destroyed Primrose Pack, Midnight Pack, Starlight Pack, and Blue Moon Pack. Each he left very few survivors. They were forced to join his pack. The Black Rose Pack. Some escaped his grasp. Most went to the royal palace for shelter. The others heard stories of the Blood Wolf. Aella. Some found solace here, in my pack.

That sought the same course we did vengeance. Apparently, we are not the only ones determined to bring him to justice. The prince who is next in line for the throne is after him as well. To see him locked in a cell for the rest of his life. I, on the other hand, want his heart in my hands.

“Alpha Ciana, we are all here,” Jackson announces.

I enter the packhouse we built by hand. After almost three years it has grown. I entered the meeting room. I am met with the faces of my pack. Jackson, my Beta. Josie, my Delta. Griffin, the Gamma. April, Clover, Adam, and Dustin, the head warriors and trainers.

“The meeting has started,” I announce to the group as I take my seat.

“His pack may be large, but they are not loyal,” says Dustin.

“True, they are there out of fear,” Josie adds.

“If we come up with a strategy we can defeat them,” Griffin adds.

“No. There is more than his pack we need to worry about.” Jackson adds.

“Alpha what are your thoughts?” Clover asks me.

“Dustin and Josie are right. His pack is not a loyal pack. They are there because they want to survive. Afraid of what he may do if they leave. But even though I agree we can defeat them, Jackson is right. The Royal Pack is after him as well.” I say.

“The trackers and hunters reported back early this morning Alpha.” April chimes in.

“What have they found?” I ask.

“The Royal Pack stands strong but they are unable to find the Black Rose pack. Our hunters and trackers come to the same determination that the Royal Pack has as well.” She says.

“What is that April?” I ask.

“He has a witch in his pack. Some kind of shield blocking his pack from being detected by anyone else.” She says.

“Tell them to mark the last scent they picked up and return home,” I tell her.

“As of right now, we are at a standstill. Keep training, everything as it was. I am going for a run.” I say to them all.

Anger is rising in me. No matter how close we come, somehow this pathetic excuse of a wolf escapes me every single damn time. I need a run as does Aella.

Feeling the summer heat kiss my skin, the sun's rays stroking me with warmth. I felt my body hum in response, energy surging through me like an electrified current. My heartbeat was faster, my breath quickening. I was ready to change.

I felt the shift come over me, my body melting into its new form. My black wolf, Aella, with her fire-red eyes. I shook out my fur and stepped into the meadow, the blades of grass tickling my paws. The smell of the wildflowers and the fallen pine needles was intoxicating as I loped through the trees and meadows that made up my pack's perimeter.

My senses were heightened as I ran, the smell of the earth and the trees, the sound of the birds and the rustle of the leaves. I felt a connection to the land, a connection that had been missing before. I was part of this world, and I welcomed the feeling of belonging.

As I ran, I heard the distant call of another animal. I could feel their presence, and I knew that it was time for me to go up. I leaped through the trees, my paws barely touching the ground as I sped through the woods. I could feel the wind rush through my fur, and the thrill of the chase set my heart racing.

Finally, I reached the top of the ridge and stopped to catch my breath. The view of the valley spread out before me was breathtaking. The sun was setting, painting the sky in a beautiful pink and orange hue. I could see the trees swaying in the breeze, and the distant sounds of birds and other animals filled my ears.

The smell of the wildflowers was sweet and heady, and I could almost taste their sweetness on my tongue. With one final glance out over the valley, I was ready to turn around and head back to my pack. I had done my job, and I was satisfied.

My senses were keen, and I could feel the presence of other wolves just ahead. I stayed vigilant, my nose twitching as I searched the air for their scents. I could smell the fear and excitement in their fur, and I knew that I had to be extra careful. My pack was in danger, and it was up to me to protect it.

I stalked in the shadows of the trees looking for the other presence I was feeling.

‘Stay alert Ciana, we are close.’ Aella announced.

‘Always Aella.’ I told her.

There before me laid three dead rogues. I can tell by their scent. There was a dark blonde wolf covered in blood. Lying there, barely breathing. A dark brown rogue wolf stood over him ready to make his kill.

I couldn’t let that happen. I stepped out from behind the trees and let out a snarl to catch his attention.

The rogue wolf sprang first, its snarl echoing in the stillness of the forest. I leaped to the side, avoiding its attack, and then spun around quickly to meet his charge. We circled each other closely, teeth bared and nostrils flaring. I could feel my fur bristling as the power of the other wolf's presence washed over me.

Suddenly the rogue wolf lunged towards me, jaws snapping. I was ready. I lunged forward, dodging the rogue's attack and sinking Aella’s teeth into the rogue wolf's neck. The rogue howled in pain and tried to shake me off, but I held on, Aella’s powerful jaws clenched tight.

The fight was long and brutal. The rogue wolf was stronger and more experienced, and I felt tired quickly. But I refused to let go, despite the pain and exhaustion. I was determined to save the other wolf, and I kept my grip firm, barely managing to stay on my feet.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the rogue wolf stopped fighting and slumped to the ground. I release my grip, panting heavily. I had done it; I had won the fight. But the other wolf was still lying motionless, its body covered in bloody scratches and bites. I felt a wave of despair wash over me. Was it too late?

With trembling paws, I approached the other wolf and nuzzled its neck. To my relief, the wolf stirred, and then slowly opened its eyes. I let out a sigh of relief. The other wolf’s eyes closed again.

‘Jackson, east end now. I need help.’ I shouted through the link.

It was not long before Jackson and Josie were both here. Staring at the scene before me.

“Did you kill them Ciana?” Jackson asks.

‘No. Three were already dead. I killed the one trying to kill the blonde wolf. He does not smell like a rogue. He is injured badly. Take him to the pack. Have Melody take care of him.’ I told him through the link.

‘Jackson, have Melody link me as soon as he awakes.’ I say.

Jackson then shifts into his wolf and Josie helps put the large blonde wolf on his back. Slowly, but as quickly as they can without hurting the wolf more, they head back.

I sit there longer. Looking for any signs of what happened. Something had to be the cause. Why was a non-rogue this far out of his pack?

That wolf definitely held his own. Those rogues were mulled. Then I see it. The brownish-grey rogue. It is lying by his paw. Now I need answers. A black rose.

I grabbed the rose in my mouth and ran back to my pack. That wolf has some answers to give. Hurt or not I need to know them and know them now.

I sped past Jackson and Josie and their faces had concern written all over them.

‘Ciana, stop. What is wrong?’ Jackson links me.

‘Where is that wolf? I need answers.’ I link him back.

‘Ciana, calm down. You are scaring the pack. Why?’ Jackson says calmly.

I turned towards him and laid the black rose at his feet.

‘This is why. This was beside one of the rogues, Jackson. It is Ethan's trademark. Now it was either them or him.’ I say with anger in my tone.

‘It was not the wolf.’ Jackson links.

‘How do you know?’ I link him.

‘Melody, she got him stabilized. He shifted back. Ciana, the man holds the royal mark. Which means.’ He was in midsentence when I interrupted.

‘He is in the Royal Pack.’ I say through the link.

‘Now go shift, get dressed. He is stable and awake. He wants to talk to the wolf that saved him.’ Jackson says.

Oh great, just what I need. This isn’t good but hopefully, I can get him out of here without telling him where we are.

I quickly change into my den to hurry up and figure this out. I headed to Melody’s nursing station where the man was being treated.

“Alpha, he is able to speak,” Melody says as she exits the room.

“Thank you, Melody,” I say as I enter his room.

“Ar-Are you the one who saved my life?” The man asks as he tries to sit up.

“Yes.” That is all I say.

“Thank you.” He says.

“What happened?” I asked.

“That is classified. I am sorry ma’am. May I speak to your Alpha?” He asks.

“Well one, shitty attitude to someone who saved you. Two, we are not in your pack. Thirdly, I am the Alpha.” I state in a cold tone.

To say he is in a state of shock would be an understatement.

“Now, who are you and what are you doing out here?” I ask again with authority.

“I am sorry Alpha. I have never met a female Alpha before. My name is Bryce Williams. I am the Royal Pack Beta. Second hand to the King.” He says catching me off guard.

“You look a little young to be Beta.” I find myself saying.

“You look young to be an Alpha. I was recently appointed when the king was brutally murdered. His son took over and his head members were appointed.” Bryce states.

“Why are you out here?” I question again.

“I am sure you have heard of Alpha Ethan,” I growl cutting him off.

“I take that as a yes. Well, we had heard rumors of him convincing rogues to join his side in trying to overthrow the kingdom. Then we heard he was sending warriors out here to Dark Mountain. They were looking for The Blood Wolf. With The Blood Wolf on his side, he would be undefeatable. So, the King sent me and a couple of warriors to scout for the wolf.” Bryce was saying.

“To join your side instead,” I say.

“Yes. He is not one to admit he needs another help but it is true. With The Blood Wolf on our side, there is no way we could fail.” He said worriedly.

“This place needs to be kept a secret. If you do I will inform the Blood Wolf you need to speak with her.” I start to tell him.

“Her? You know The Blood Wolf?” He questions in shock.

“Yes, I do. We are in her territory so our paths cross from time to time.” I state.

“I am sorry.” He says.

“About?” I question.

“I told him of my last coordinates, where I was attacked. The King is on his way.”

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