
Chapter Ethan Black


“How hard can it be to track down one damn wolf? Tell me.” I shout at these blubbering buffoons.

“It-it is the Blood Wolf master. He-he is not easy to track.” A scrawny wolf stutter at me.

“I want that wolf. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” I shout.

The doors to my war room are busted open causing me to growl to the disrespect. I jump up and I am across the room in a flash.

“You better have a good reason for barging in here.” I growl at the one who disrespected me.

“Alpha sir, the commander has returned and is gravely injured.” He states.

I shove the insignificant fool to the ground as I march past to figure out what happened on my commanders mission.

When I approached the hospital ward the doctors and nurses were running frantically. I saw my commander laying on a bed covered in his own blood. His belly looked like some wolfs chew toy. His stomach ripped opened with claw marks. I could tell he was barely breathing and the doctors were trying to stabilize him.

‘Commander what happened?’ I mind link him so the doctors could do their work. He was too valuable to lose.

‘Ciana, Alpha. She is alive.’ He responds weakly.

‘How can that be? Our soldiers killed her.’ I tell him.

‘No Alpha. She was there. She did this. She protected the King.’ He tells me.

‘WHAT?’ I question angrily.

‘Alpha. She is the Blood Wolf.’ He says before losing consciousness.

Ciana, alive. She is the Blood Wolf. My ex-mate. She is the reason behind my warriors’ deaths. That stupid bitch. I should have mulled her the second I laid eyes on her.

I was glad to see she was my mate at the time. It caused her parents to drop their guard. Made the massacre so much easier. Not to say the least fun. It only sucked I couldn’t use her to my advantage. She would have made a fine toy.

I make my way through my castle to find those responsible for all this. Lying to me. They will be punished.

“Bring me Sylvester and Carl. NOW!” I shout into a guards face.

I sat in my large leather chair waiting for the two deceitful bitches to show their selves.

“Alpha, you called for us.” Carl voiced out.

I got up and walked to them instantly shoving my claws through Carl’s throat. I then grabbed Sylvester by his throat pulling him off his feet shoving him against the wall.


“Who Alpha?” He questions searching for breath.

“CIANA!” I shout again.

“That is what they told me. I was on my way there when Carl told me that it had been taken care of. I believed him. He is my brother.” He begs and pleads with me.

“Was.” I say as I release my hold.

“Was?” He questions.

“He is dead so he was your brother. You make another mistake and I will gut you like a fish in front of everyone to be taught a lesson. Are we clear?” I Say threateningly.

“Yes Alpha.” He says with his voice cracking in fear.

I go to my room to clear my head. Ciana the Blood Wolf. Surprise. Killing her will be even that more satisfying. I just wish that bitch would not have killed my favorite toy.

Now, if I could only figure out why she is working with that ignorant mut for a king. Maybe I could figure out a way to use it to my advantage. If that king thinks having her on his side will stop me they have another thing coming.

I mean I killed my own family to get to where I am. I will stop at nothing to get where I want. Blood wolf or not.

The darkness of the room fit my mood perfectly. I was feeling down and out and wanted nothing more than to find a moment of pleasure.

I then smelled a familiar scent.

“Olivia.” I say.

“I hear you could use a stress relief.” She says to me as she was waiting for me, wearing a red dress that clung to her curves in all the right places.

She looked up at me with a sultry gaze and held out her hand to me. She gently ran her fingers over my chest, making me shiver with anticipation.

She led me to the bed and I lay back, feeling the warmth of the sheets as I watched her move around the room. She started to strip, slowly and seductively, revealing her beautiful body underneath. I licked my lips as my eyes drank her in.

I could see the heat in her eyes and I knew that she was enjoying this just as much as I was. She moved closer and closer to me, her body pressing against mine as we felt each other's warmth. She grabbed onto me, locking us together as we kissed hungrily.

My hands moved over her body, exploring each and every inch of her curves. I felt her body heat rising and I could feel my own desire growing with each passing moment. She moved her hands over me as well, and I could feel her touch sending sparks through my body toward my manhood.

Without a word, I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her hungrily. She gasped in surprise, but returned my kiss with the same intensity as I pressed my body against hers.

The heat between us was palpable. I wanted her; wanted to feel her body against mine and taste her lips. She must have wanted me too, because her body responded eagerly as I explored it. We were both lost in the moment, the intensity only growing.

I positioned myself above her and entered her. I started to thrust harder and harder and her moans turned into screams of pleasure. I felt like I was in another world as I moved in and out of her.

I wanted this moment to last forever, but all too soon it was over. I felt her body trembling with pleasure as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her life.

“That is all now go.” I tell her.

She simply rolls her eyes and grabs her dress and leaves my room. I know I get lost in these moments for I can never get attached now that I have rejected my mate. Still feels good to relieve some stress.

Now Ciana I am coming for you and your King.

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