Avandor's Gift

Chapter Winged Assistance

“The fighting seems strongest in the east,” said Joffra the clan’s man of war. “The magic of the deer and helksinc seems fine but every lupine spell seems to backfire. They are killing themselves down there.” His gait was steady but I could sense the nervous energy behind his eyes. I was right, the horses had become a twitchy set, but it would hardly behoove me to mention this out loud. Being clan chief required a certain amount of… diplomacy.

“So we won’t use magic then as soon as our presence is revealed ours might go awry. Better yet…” an idea began to form in my mind. It was a risky experiment but the scholar in me needed to test the hypothesis. “Safria, if you will.” I said calling forth my mother.

“Clan chief,” she said stepping forward. Her leather leggings and surcoat covered with a thin layer of bronze mail. I whispered my instructions in her ear and she drew back suddenly. “Son are you sure?” she said as she searched my face.

“No, but if this works it will give our clan the advantage they need. Do you think you can do it? You are one of the strongest magic user amongst us, so it has to be you.” I heard the nickering of horses in the background and the shuffling of hooves in the background as the eyes of the clan fell on us both in unbridled curiosity.

“Chiara,” she said and her grey mare stepped forward and stopped at her side.

“We only have one chance so we need to get it right. The twisted magic will realise what we’ve done and will not allow it a second time.”

She nodded as she placed one hand on my shoulder and another on her horse. She closed her eyes and started the spell.

I felt the lancing pain of her spell take hold of my body causing my knees to buckle. I heard my stifled groan being multiplied a hundred fold as each member of the clan began feeling the effect of the spell. The burly war chief fell to his knees and the thinly veiled fear that he had before was boldly written in every line of his face. The only one who remained standing was my mother who had an aura of power surrounding her form. A strong gust of air whipped around threatening to knock us flat. As the final sound of the spell was said the air stilled. My mother’s eyes rolled back and I had to catch her before she fell.

“Mother!” I said patting her cheeks. “Are you alright?” her eyes slowly opened and she smiled.

“Letting the wolves raise you didn’t turn you into a feral fool after all.” She said smiling. I chuckled loudly.

“Ah so this is where I got my cutting wit.” I said as I pulled her up to stand as the faintness was quickly receding.

“Clan chief, I feel different. Better.” said Joffra. “What did you do?”

“A piece of magic that will serve our clan well long after this battle has been won.” I said. “Mount up and get ready to move out.” I said turning to the rest of my army. As I approached my stallion bent down and I climbed on.

Chief master. It said as our consciousnesses met for the first time.

Faun master steed, forward. I held the reins as it galloped forward and as we approached a fallen tree it leaped upwards. A swoosh of wind followed as a pair of golden wings extended from both sides of the animal and we kept moving towards the sun.

A sense of pride filled me as I saw the thousands of winged horses and their riders as they chased us in the sky.

We soared until the scene of the battle was stretched out under us. From here I could see that the army of the wolves were fighting valiantly but they had allowed the army of the deer and helksinc close in on them. They wouldn’t last much longer. I knew that my sister was down there somewhere. If anyone could survive this, it would be Tet. Still, the scene before me was worrying.

I banked left until I was beside our war chief. “Joffra, I want half of men on the inner circle there to help and break the circle.” I said pointing. “The rest of the men will follow me to the outskirts where I will lead the assault from there.”

“Chief,” he said nodding.

“Our magic has never been able to affect animals in this area and the spell has extended that protection to us. So though we might be impervious to magical assaults while we are close to our mounts but once we are separated that link is gone. Swords and arrows still can kill us. So let the men know that they should still be careful.”

Faun, did you understand?

The message is known amongst horse flesh and riders know now. It replied.

Excellent. I turned around to see the full extent of the army. Mentally I visualised which half of the army would follow me and who would go with Joffra and I watched as the army was split in two groups without me having to utter a single word.

I swept downwards until we were just above the heads of the deer army. I grabbed the collars of the two closest soldiers and flung them across the field. I continued doing this several times until a spot had been cleared for full landing.

The barrage of horses coming in had taken the deer by surprise this was further compounded by the confusion of finding that their spells had no effect on us. Traditional weapons had been their second line of offense and it took a while before they would realise this and started using them.

The horses were however strong and our brawn proved useful in foot combat.

I spotted a single female fighting two deer soldiers alone. She was absolutely magnificent in battle as she attacked with ferocity of twelve wolves, but the magic of her enemies were slowing down. I prodded Faun forward and I buried my lance in the neck of one of the soldiers while I grabbed her by the arm and swung her up unto my mount before taking off for the sky.

“Why did you do that, I was about to win you blockheaded hor… Tetje?” she said as she faced me for the first time.

“Wife, you seem surprised to see me. I only intended to provide some winged assistance.” Her lips moved up and down but no words came. “I never thought I’d ever see the day that Miriél of Munaira would be rendered speechless.”

“I never thought I’d ever see the day that Tetje of Baldur would wear armour. Is this what I think it is?” she said touching the golden horseshoe-shaped pendant suspended around my neck.

“It is. You were right. It was time I stopped running from my duty.” I said as I looked straight into the depths of her blue eyes.

“Or maybe you were running in the right direction after all. Never did I expect that it would lead to this.”

“This is good, I suppose?”

“It is a good start. You have thirty years to make up for, don’t think I will let you off the hook easily. Clan chief or not.”

“I wouldn’t expect it to be any different. You were always hard to impress.” I smiled slightly. “Speaking of my sister, have you seen her?”

“Not today but she is around. That I am certain of.” She looked over my shoulder. “There, I need to go there.” She said pointing to a tuft of trees. I smell something different, strange but I think it will lead me to who I am looking for.” I sniffed the air, but I couldn’t sense what she did. It was one of the lupine skills I chose not to hone. Pleasant smells were fine but I would more often than not find my self sniffing things I shouldn’t.

Faun landed and before she slid off I held her around the waist. “Miriél are you sure that you are fine?” I said brushing away small drop of blood that beaded her forehead.

“I have felt much worse.” She hesitated slightly before brushing her thumb across my cheek. “Be careful Tetje.” I nodded. “You should probably go back to the fight.”

“Yes,” I cleared my throat. “I need to find Tet.” I said releasing her waist and helped her to slide off the horse. I watched as she sniffed the air twice and then raced off in the direction of her prey. Every fibre of my being wished to follow but I knew that she could take care of herself and I had to find my sister.

It wasn’t long until I did. I watched her as she took out a group of ten soldiers without lifting a single finger.

“Tetjana, you are using magic. How?” I said as I came to stand beside her.

“Anti-magic, something I picked up from your flying friends. That was all your machination I suppose. I am disappointed that I didn’t think of it sooner. Very clever clan chief.” She said smiling approvingly causing the scars that marred her face to pucker around her mouth and forehead.

“I was always the smarter twin, that is hardly surprising sister.” I replied as I knew she would gut me if I showed any sign of pity towards her lost beauty.

“Well we need to head east I smell sulphur and magnesium being mixed.”

“A feldüstar is being made?”

“Several. The deer and helksinc are getting desperate. We have to fight ourselves through that thick melee ahead. It could prove fatal.” She said.

“Hop on,” I said pulling her up. “If it is fatal it isn’t fun.”

“Indeed.” She replied and together we rode into the crowd.

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