Avandor's Gift

Chapter Tug-of-Wars

“This isn’t going to be easy for him you know.” I said to Noräin. “Choosing between two good women, one which he is married to but doesn’t love and the other whom he loves but cannot marry.”

“From what you told me Evander, Garima is technically your wife not Gareth’s. I lost him once and if we live through this, I am not going to lose him a second time.” she said as she whirred around to face me with conviction full in her cloud-stained eyes. I could see why I thought myself in love with her before.

“Things aren’t as simple as that, she is his mate now and I don’t think anything or anyone can change that.” I don’t know what it was about this form but somehow I knew that my kind, whatever I was, once mated, we mated for life.

“I mourned his passing for two long years Evander, I am not letting him go again.” she said as she flung the hood of her cloak over her face.

“Well Princess, it is certainly good to see you again in person.” said Sonis who entered the room.

“You also knew that she was alive?” I asked.

“Apparently we were the only ones not in the know.” answered Gareth who had Garima close on his tail.

“Have the castle guards been alerted and is everything ready?” I asked Sonis.

“The castle's defences have been mobilised and word is currently being spread to get more troops in.” he answered.

“How do you know that word isn’t reaching the wrong ears? My people are everywhere,” asked Garima.

“We don’t but it is a chance that we will have to take. The worst that can happen is that your people will know and the element of surprise would be gone. Then we will have to fight this battle on level footing.” said Sonis.

“As level as us having home ground advantage.” supplied Gareth.

“Where is Dominic?” I asked.

“He is with Tetje and Tarrus, who volunteered to accompany him until he was safely in his territory. They determined that it wasn’t wise to involve the Verdans in this fight and if something happened to the Bufrak under our watch, they would definitely get involved and not in a way we would like.”

“I am sure Dominic was none too pleased about that.” he shrugged. “But it is best not to get them involved.” I agreed.

“It is almost dawn, what is keeping this fight from starting.” said Gareth as he tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. He was clearly uncomfortable being in the room with Noräin as he seemed to be trying not to send even a glance in her direction.

“The sign will be given any moment now. It is best we watch from the spire of the cathedral.” said Garima as she led us through the side door and up the stairs that led to the cathedral tower. “Look,” he pointed through the window as soon as the others had arrived.

“Where?” I asked.

“The southern tower, do you see the light flickering on and off?”

A war horn blared from within the city followed by a high pitched whistle.

“That sounds like a feldünstar.” said Gareth. “Garima you didn’t say anything about a feldünstar!”

The flaming ball of light soon appeared over the horizon and was hurtling towards the palace. From what I had witnessed of the destruction of Au Valley, no one in the palace or close to it was going to survive.

“We don’t have one! I wasn’t told of one!” The flaming ball disappeared over the castle wall. First there was silence followed by the shattering sounds of glass as every window in the palace broke. The more solid structures followed as the walls of stone were blown outward, shooting large pieces of debris everywhere flattening all the buildings within a thousand yard radius.

“There was only one feldünstar left and it was destroyed after Asher had used it against the Nuwanhe. I had made sure of that.” I said.

“No one else has the magical knowledge to make another. All who tried in the past have failed.” said Sonis.

“No one except Tet.” I said quietly. “She is behind that explosion. I bet she is still intervening however she is not on our side this time. She must have warned the Láetians that Garima had switched allegiance.” I said cursing our luck.

“But how would she even know?” asked Garima.

“She always knows.” answered everyone else in the room.

“I have to get down there so that my men know what they are up against and prepare.” said Noräin.

There was an outcry of armies meeting each other, followed by the clash of steel and wood. “It is already too late for that. The fighting has started.” Looking beyond the flattened remains of the palace we could see the blue clad warriors of Sebán already in an ongoing melee with the gold clad warriors from the south. From here no one seemed to be winning just yet, but that could change in an instant. The scattered army of green had just started to gather and were heading towards the fighting. Another explosion of white light that appeared and an entire battalion of soldiers fell.

“Tet is here. I will go and take care of her. The rest of you accompany Noräin.” I said.

As we were out the door of the cathedral I was pulled to a stop by Gareth. He paused as if at a loss for words but I knew what he wanted to say.

“Don’t get yourself killed. We’ve had a bad start but I would like if our end was on much agreeable terms.” I said.

“Fight well Evander.” he said.

“You too Ivaner.” he nodded once and mounted Silver-paw.

I climbed unto Greyshanks and rode in the opposite direction.

As I rode towards the men small cheers erupted among the men as my presence seemed to give them hope that was almost fully extinguished. I stopped at one of the officers nearby.

“Your Majesty,” he said.

“Spread the word that you are to take the men and head to the south side to join with the Sebánese. Lead the attack from the flanks of the Láetians so that their forces are separated.”

“But we cannot leave you behind.”

“You must, your fighting skills are useless against magic and your men will die foolishly.”

“As you command Your Majesty.” He bowed and gathered the other men around him.

I rode on heading straight to where Tet was. A circle had formed around her as some of the bravest warriors came at her with swords. She seemed to be obliging them as she too fought with a sword, but they were no match for her changeling grace and speed made deadlier by her complete saturation with magic.

There were pockets of fighting around her as the white-clad warriors were duelling with several of my men. They too were at a huge disadvantage, for as soon as they thought they had killed the phantasms, they would disappear into thin air only to reappear behind them thrusting a sword in their backs and necks.

“Help the men.” I said to Greyshanks as I dismounted.

Keep safe. She said and went to do my bidding.

An arrow I fired hit her in the shoulder. Her eyes were filled with deadly rage as she turned towards me.

“I thought I killed you already.”

“I am hard to kill, you of all people should know that.” I said as I put away my bow and drew my sword.

“I will have to fix that.” She said as she sent a cracking bolt of lightning towards me. I moved out of the way but the men behind me weren’t as quick.

“Leave all of you!” I yelled. “The Sebánese are fighting with the Láetian on the south side. Gather the others and help them as your skills will be more useful there.” I said echoing my earlier message.

The men drew back, some taking their injured colleagues with them.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked.

“You held me prisoner once and you will not live to do so again.” She said shooting another bolt of energy towards me. This time it hit me full in the chest and I was surprised as she was that it only left a hole in my armour while my exposed skin was unmarked.

“I’m impervious to magical assault.” I huffed.

That is isn’t even the half of it. Whispered a voice in my mind that sounded very much like Avandor’s. But those will reveal themselves in time. Right now use what she has given to you.

What has she given to me? No answer. What has she given to me? I repeated.


“...Never will another Grey Mage have power over me.” She continued her tirade.

“Except that I still do, don’t I?” Knowledge, got it. I had blocked myself off from the swells of magic that used to flow from Alphandé and through me, that I barely recognised it. The call of power and the connection I still had with it was still present. I caught the next bolt and used it as a link to tether us together. “You are still the vessel and I am still the wielder.”

I could feel her trying to break the hold I had over her but was unable to. Two of her white-clad assassins ran towards us. A bolt of light shot from my hand and the other from hers, instantly vaporizing the spectres. Our eyes scanned the crowd for the others and under my will we destroyed them all.

“This will not last,” she spat as I grabbed her by the hand.

Greyshanks came towards us. She had a bloodied snout and I noted that she was limping. I touched her and I allowed the soft tendrils of magic to extend towards her, closes the gaping wounds in her side, thigh and forehead.

You use magic again. She said as she looked over at Tet.

“Yes,” I said. “I want you to go and find Gareth. Tell him that I am going to find Tarrus and Tetje as I will free Tet from the magic trapped within her.”

But the last time you took on magic Evander you nearly died.” She said alarmed.

“I’m different now, it won’t be the same.” I reassured her. “Give my message to Gareth.” I said turning away from her. I waved my hand as did Tet and a portal appeared before us. “I will see you when I get back.” I said as Tet and I stepped through. She was going to follow, but I closed the gate before she could.

I found the three of them just as they were about to board a barge upriver. To say they were surprised at our appearance was an understatement as Tetje lost his balance and fell into the water.

“Evander,” said Tarrus. “You have Tetyana with you how?”

“I have regained control over her, but the connection is tenuous as she tries to break free. I need you to give her the potion that will allow the magic to flow from her to me.”

“It nearly killed you the last time.” said Dominic who was under thick cloaks shielding him from the fully risen suns.

“If we leave her like this even more people will die.” I said. “You saw what she did to the palace.”

“Yes,” said Tarrus as he helped Tetje back unto the boat. “It would be more of a risk if she continues to be the vessel.” I saw him searching through a satchel that was slung over his shoulder and pulled out a small vial. “We only need one more thing to add to this.” He said as he came over and plucked a strand of hair from my head which he dropped into the potion and shook it.

“Are you sure about this Evander as once this happens it cannot be undone?” he said holding on to the flask as he placed into my hand.

“There is no other way.” I said.

He nodded once. “Let her drink then. It is best you do it away from us and on land.

I walked off the barge taking Tetyana along with me.

“I will not drink it.” said the force as it still fought against the hold I had over it.

“You will because I want it to be so. So stop fighting.”

She changed tactics, “You will die. I will kill you this time. I am sure Tet wouldn’t want that fate for you.”

“I am different than I was before and even if I died, she would understand. Now open your mouth.” I said as I opened the vial and held it at her lips. Reluctantly she drank the liquid.

Her eyes widened and then she collapsed on the ground. “Tet!” I said grabbing her by the face.

A sudden force jolted through me which seemed to burn through skin, muscle and bone. I tried to pull away from the scorching heat but was held fast as more of the power seeped from her body and was poured into mine.

I felt the presence of Tetje, Tarrus and Dominic around us, but they could do nothing but watch. The burning seemed endless but I knew that only a few moments had passed. The ebb of power slowed and stopped. Finally I was able to let go of Tet, whose crumpled body lay still at my feet.

Her hair was again raven black and though her lids were closed I knew that when she opened them they would reveal her emerald irises. With the magic gone the imprints of what she’d gone through became evident. Her smooth skin was distorted by long welts and scars starting on her face and trailed down the rest of her body.

“Whoever did this to you I am going to kill them.”

I stepped away from her as an unbridled rage bubbled within me. If I stood too close I could end up harming rather than helping her. Tarrus and Tetje took my place at her side.

“Is she dead?” I almost whimpered in a voice that surprisingly was still my own.

“No, just sleeping. Containing the magic of Alphandé took a heavy toll on her body.” said Tarrus as he scooped her up in his arms. Her head and hands fell limply to her side. I took a tentative step to touch her and then pulled back, not knowing what the consequences might be.

How long will she be like that?” I asked.

“We cannot tell.” said Tetje. “But how are you feeling?”

“Angry, but no different, than usual.”

“You look different than the usual.”

“The silver hair and silver eyes I suppose are different but you have seen those.”

“I have seen those before, but I have never seen you with fangs or pointed ears.” He said.

I touched my mouth and felt the sharp points of all my teeth pressing down. “They will retract eventually.”

“You are no longer chuman are you?” asked Tarrus.

“Neither Anandra or Manneth holds any claim over me or my brother.” I said. “I will explain all but we need to get back to the fight.” I said looking away from them.

“Which one of the fights will you go back to Evander?” asked Tetje.

“What do you mean?”

“The war in Envladane started the same time the one in Gé Addar did.”

“I was told we had a few days more.”

He shook his head. “The plans changed there the same way they changed in Indué. You now have to decide which country are you going to fight for?”

“How am I supposed to do that!”

“Quite a tug-of-war match the gods have set up.” said Dominic as he looked up at the sky. “But if I were to choose I would go to the place where I could do the greatest good.”

My decision was made and I looked back on my friend of many years. “I may not see you again.” I said holding out my hand.

“It was my honour knowing you as well Evander, son of Lacore.” He said grasping my arm and squeezed it. I dropped his hand and looked at the land around me.

“And your choice?” asked Tetje.

“My home.” Answered me and the magic that rested within.

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