Avandor's Gift

Chapter The New Covenant

The second he died I knew. The earth shook and when we looked towards the blackened hill, the sky above it was engulfed in a titian stream of lava. The eruption went on for hours as the dormant cauldron vomited all that had laid churning in its belly for months.

“Tetyana stand.” said my brother who tried to pick me up from the ground.

“I cannot Tetje. I cannot. I failed him. I tried so hard to save him but I failed.” I said as an endless torrent of tears streamed down my face.

“You didn’t fail and he didn’t fail.” said a new voice that came to stand over me. “Get up Tetyana of Baldur.” The choice was gentle and full of command. A command which I couldn’t ignore.

There were four of them standing there, but the woman whom had spoken was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Her eyes were a dazzling grey and her hair white, like the colour of waves breaking on rocks. My eyes must have been betraying me, as within the gentle cascades of her locks I was sure I was looking at the ocean in its vast entirety.

I was looking at the mother goddess herself Anandra.

“How can I have not failed goddess when Evander is dead?”

“You didn’t fail because through his deeds and death he has ended an even greater war.”

“Our struggle for power nearly destroyed two races.” said the second. His voice was sonorous and the air around us trembled. “But that has ended now. My price has been paid and both humans and changelings can dwell on equal footing.”

“You mean that with his death Anandra’s hold over the humans is gone. I can see why you would be happy.” I seethed.

“Tet,” my brother warned. “She is under great duress, her words and thoughts are not quite her own.” He apologised on my behalf. “Your appearance here cannot be merely to give us news.”

“Yes, well with magic free again and the changelings are without a leader. I am here to appoint another. That other is you.” answered Anandra.

“Me?” he said shocked at the declaration.

“You are the best candidate to forge healing within our race. You were born of two clans and have friends amongst the others. You have diplomatic ties with both humans and Ulgana. Our race has dwindled because we do not know how to be tolerant. You were like that once, but you have learned a better way. They need no greater example. You are the best candidate.”

“I cannot possibly...” he stammered.

“The fact that you are even considering refusing it shows that you should.” I said to him. He looked at me and I nodded in encouragement.

“I accept on behalf of our people.”

“Take this,” she said handing a giant tome to my brother.

“What is this?” he asked.

“A symbol of your sovereignty. The staff is no more, the Great Race is no more. But this is proof of a new covenant between me and all Alkarbrafä. Rule well Tetje of Baldur.”

“All hail Grey Mage Tetje!” I said.

“Hail!” was the unanimous echo from all the witnesses around us.

“Since the Great Race has been abolished, how is the succession decided?” he asked the goddess.

“You have a wife don’t you?”

“Yes,” he puzzled.

“Then you have your answer. Through life not death is the way that each generation of Alkarbrafä should be led. That is the new covenant.”

She disappeared leaving the salty scent of the ocean in her wake. Manneth and the dark-skinned god Sintri also left.

“Congratulations brother.” I said hugging him. “Father will be surely annoyed that he didn’t witness this.” I smiled slightly.

“He will.” He said letting me go. We were soon surrounded by top ranking officers from each clan.

“Your guard has come to escort you to your throne.” I said.

“Will you not come with me?”

“I celebrate your promotion and I am proud of you, but I can never be a part of your kingdom.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am Evander’s mate and with him gone I am sure I belong to him now.” I said indicating to the lone god amongst us.

“You cannot leave me now.”

“I must. I bet that tome holds a million and one rules. I am almost sure that there is a miscegenation clause listed there. I am no longer changeling and if I stay my presence may destabilise this government before it even starts.”

“But you are my sister.”

“And I will always remain such, but I must go.”

“Then remember me always then.” He said placing a small kiss on my forehead.

“You have definitely gone soft on me.” I said touching his face. “I will remember you always.” He nodded once and disappeared into the fold of his warriors. His wife, chief among them stood on his right.

I turned and walked towards the waiting god.

“I want my mate back.” I said to him.

“We should talk.” He said as he led me away.

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