Avandor's Gift

Chapter The Fifth

The citadel was miles behind us and dawn was just about to break when my companion decided it was safe to stop. He didn’t say much as he set up camp. In the process the hood of his cloak fell off and I was better able to observe him under the dim lighting of the morning.

“Are you going to sit on the horse all day, staring at me or do you intend to rest?” He said.

“I know you.” I said finally. I recognised the silver hair and the green eyes in a slightly weathered face and the last place I saw them.

“So you decided that I am not Roland after all.” He said spreading a bed roll.

“I don’t know your name, but the last time I saw you, you were trying to stop me from riding off into the dark twisting cloud.”

“So death didn’t alter your memory.” He said finally stopping and faced me.

“How did you know where to find me?” I said climbing off the horse and started setting up my own bed.

“I was told to expect you and when you didn’t come, I came searching.”

“But you said that you aren’t Roland?”

“I said that I was not quite Roland.” He smiled obviously amused by my confusion.

“Can you just give me a straight answer?”

“If you asked straight questions then I would.” He replied, looking even more amused than he was before.

“Who are you?”

“I am Tarrus.”

“Then Tarrus, who is Roland?”

“Roland is the smith I pretend to be while in Timon.”

“What are you and why do you look like the others at the citadel? And what is this language that I am speaking and why can speak it?”

“Those are many questions and require many explanations. Perhaps if you sit, then I shall tell you from the beginning. My back is tired.”

He handed me a bottle. “It is fire juice. It will quell your thirst.” He said. I took it hesitantly and opened it, smelled like berries.

“If I wanted you dead I would have left you at the citadel.” He encouraged.

“I see your point.” I said taking a sip of the liquid. It was tart, but I could immediately feel its restorative powers working.

I gave him back the bottle and finished aligning my roll under the tree beside his. We then sat down.

He was quiet for a while and after looking off into space for some time he started.

“There are two races that have for many millennia lived quite separately, but their fates were to be crossed starting when Oaklanf of Gé Addar first step foot unto the continent of Envladane...”

He told me of the pact made between human and the Alkarbrafä and how magic was introduced into the line of Calabar. He told me about what happened to Evander when I sent him off to Envladane, about him becoming Grey Mage and how he led his army of changelings here to help and defeat the armies of Rammon and Asher as well as how he destroyed the reaper. He told me of Tet and the other interveners and all that had passed in the two years I was missing.

“Something is changing in Envladane, something evil. Magic has been disturbed to a dreadful degree. Envladane has the most magic, but there is also magic here on this continent and it too will soon be affected.

“Those Alkarbrafä who took you captive are of the new order which has Envladane in its grips. They wish to accomplish here what has already been put into motion back home.

“The River Nain was closed off by magic many years ago and by magic it had been re-opened. Its waters are now quite potent with power, that’s why they citadel was built at the head of the spring.”

“But how do they plan to carry out this new order here?” I asked as I was fully taken in by this tale that has been passed on to me.

“That I do not know, but it will only breed ill for all humanity.” He said with a look of consternation marring his features.

I too was silent as I brooded on these evil things that were to come. “She was the one who brought me back, a woman with silver hair and eyes and I suppose she was the one who told you to look for me.”

“Yes, Tetyana even from the other side she seems to be intervening.” He said smiling only slightly.

“Tetyana as in Tet?” he nodded. “But you said she died?”

“I thought she did. But stranger things have happened. You too were dead and yet here you are.”

“Sonis said that he didn’t know where Evander went, but he had gone to heal some disturbance in magic. I will bet my last dinala that he is in Envladane.”

“I would agree with you as well.” He smiled stiffly.

“Then we should head there too.”

“No, Evander has all the help he needs in Envladane. I believe that you were sent back to this continent for a reason, to stop the corruption of magic from taking root here.”

“How do you suppose that I do that? I have no magic and my enemies are much stronger than I am.”

He slipped his hand under his cloak and pulled out another satchel. He then placed it in my hand.

“What is it?”

“Your help.” He said. I opened the pouch and the four gems I was acquainted with were present. Along with a fifth. It was an orb of pure gold. I took it up and examined it closer.

“What does this one do?” I asked.

“The mystery of the fifth is exactly that, a mystery. As to what it does, we shall both see in time.” he replied.

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