Avandor's Gift

Chapter The Equation

Sonis was still staring at me warily as I plucked another grape and popped it into my mouth. “I forgot how sweet these things were,” I said.

“I still don’t understand how you are here?” he said finally.

“Neither do I for that matter and as it is, I am not entirely sure if I should be happy that I am here...alive or ...existing or whatever it is I am doing now.” I said finally pushing the bowl of fruit away from myself and clasped my fingers together leaning forward towards him. “You said that Evander has gone on some mission of setting magic right, perhaps you want to elaborate on that more as it could explain why I am here?”

He twisted his jaw from one side to the other. I could see the conflict in his face as he decided whether or not to trust me. “He set out about a month ago,” he started, “making stops throughout the kingdom as he said that there was some disturbance in magic that he needed to set right.”

“Disturbance in magic? Those were his exact words?”

“I may have paraphrased, but that was what it boiled down to. I didn’t ask for any specific details as it wasn’t my place to question him and I had the distinct feeling that even if I did I would not have gotten a clearer explanation than what was given.”

“Did he say where he was headed?”

“No, not directly but he made it very difficult for someone to follow him.”

“You tried?” I said raising an eyebrow.

“It would have been irresponsible to send the sovereign of Gé Addar, Sebán and Rá Leat out on a mission unguarded. Regardless, it was a wasted effort. It was like chasing a ghost according to my men. He would appear one place and then was gone in the next. The last place he was seen was around Dashan.”

“Of all the places, I wonder what he would be doing there?” I asked mostly to myself.

“I don’t know.” He said quietly. “It is your turn to explain yourself. We saw you die and now you are here.”

“Yes,” I said frowning. “It is hard to explain that as I am not quite sure of what happened to me. After I stepped into that whirlwind I have absolutely no recollection of what took place during the time I was gone.” I leaned back in the chair. “All I know is that I stepped into that twister and in another instant I am here.”

“It is hardly an instant, considering that you’ve been gone for almost two years.” He said leaning forward. “I for one hardly believe that it was coincidence. The moment Evander disappears you come back.”

“I don’t think it is coincidence either. I have the distinct feeling that I was sent here.”

“But who would send you back?”

“Probably some meddlesome creature who has been manipulating my actions without me realising it.” One person jumped to my mind instantly. “Where is the witch Tet, perhaps she could answer our questions.”

“She died.” He said grimly.

“Died the way I died or died as in is no more?”

“At this point I am not quite certain. I wasn’t allowed in when it happened. When Evander destroyed the whirlwind, there was talk of him absorbing too much magic. It was going to kill him but somehow Tet managed to take away the power in the process killing herself. Apparently she was a changeling and they got us mixed up in this whole business of magic. It was all rather confusing.” He huffed. “But whatever she did saved his life. I don’t think Evander ever fully got over her death all this time.”

“Why? Guilt?”

“Maybe that’s part of it.” He shrugged. “He never did say much about what happened during the time spent in Envladane, but it was clear that he was in love with the changeling woman.”

I tried picturing Tet as she was when I knew her. All I could conjure up was a formless faceless crone. “Wasn’t she too old for him?”

Sonis laughed sharply. “You had died before her transformation, so I guess you would see it that way. No not really, that wasn’t her true form. She was actually very young and beautiful with long black hair and green eyes. Her beauty was quite out of this world to put it bluntly.” He cleared his throat. “As I said, he didn’t take her death well.”

Green eyes, a family curse I began to realise. How was it fated that we both should love green-eyed women who would then die within the same year? My chest tightened at the thought of Noräin. Then one woman I had ever truly loved. I tried to push away her image as thinking of her now would surely cripple me here and now.

The door of the room was suddenly flung open and a thin, sharp nosed man waltzed in with several scrolls tucked under his arms.

“I thought I had locked that door.” said Sonis clearly peeved. “Athesir what warrants this intrusion?”

“Forgive me Lord Commander, but a matter of great urgency has come up, which needs your immediate attention.” He said dropping the scrolls in front of Sonis.

“What is it?”

“There are reports coming in that three more vessels bearing gold and weapons have disappeared off the coast of Dumarack. That and the guild of magic weavers have started acting up since word has spread about the absence of the king. They’ve begun terrorising the small farmers along the Nain, spoiling harvests with unseasonal rain and causing birth defects among livestock if their demands aren’t met.

“At least five farmers have complained about their ewes birthing two headed lambs and one about a calf with one head and two bodies. These wielders have started the building of a citadel at the mouth of the Nain to train new acolytes in their dark arts. We also have reason to believe that the wielders are also linked to the disappearing ships.

“The Verdans too have become quite quarrelsome, demanding three times the amount for copper and iron ore, even though demand is low in these peaceful times. There are reports of them clashing regularly with the villagers in northern Sebán. The fact of the matter is that since the king has left a new form of chaos is threatening to take over this land and by Avandor most of it is magic related. His Majesty is the most powerful magician in this land and only he can put this right.” He said dropping down to sit as if he’d just run a marathon and was extremely exhausted.

All this time he was speaking directly to Sonis and had failed to notice my presence in the room. I could tell that the commander was worried despite his contrite expression. He finally spoke. “You can tell the offended parties that their plights will soon be addressed as the king has returned.”

“He has?” asked the man surprised.

I looked at Sonis surprised as I had an idea where this was heading and I was not sure if I liked it. He lifted a brow at me for me to say something. But I shook my head fiercely. I have already gone the route of pretend king and it was something I didn’t wish to repeat.

“Your Majesty,” Sonis said lifting his palm towards me and the messenger turned.

The man got up out of his seat immediately and bowed. “Your Majesty I didn’t notice that you were sitting there. I apologise for my lack of decorum, but the matters that I had presented were of great urgency that my attention was shot.”

I glared at Sonis as he still raised his eyebrows and telling me to acknowledge the man. I gritted my teeth and then answered. “All is forgiven Athesir. My arrival was not common knowledge and you can assure the aggrieved parties that I have heard their plights and I will seek to address the issues in a timely manner. If you will, I have much to discuss with Commander Sonis as he is to finish briefing me on the other issues that have taken place in my absence.”

“As you will it, Your Majesty,” he said as he bowed once more gathered the scrolls and walked out of the chamber.

“What did you make me just do?” I growled as soon as the door slammed shut.

“He would have noticed you eventually and so would others of the court. They would have jumped to the exact conclusions he did by your presence.”

“But I am not my brother, nor do I have his magic.”

“You are his only relative and the only one which has the closest amount of power that he has in this realm.”

“This is a path I have travelled before and I had hoped that I wouldn’t have to go this way again Sonis.”

”You didn’t do too badly the last time if I recall correctly.”

“This isn’t like the last time. I am clearly out of my depth here.”

“Just the word of your return will settle things down. It amazing what the mention of your brother’s presence does to a town. You have naught to worry about.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“We do what we can and pray for Evander’s swift return.”

“Right.” I said grinding my teeth and cursing the powers that brought me back here.


The city sprawled out like a sleeping beast below me. It was long past midnight but I was still unable to sleep.

What I related to Sonis about my arrival wasn’t totally true. I did recall for a moment right before I was sent back speaking to a presence who had told me simply told me that my time of rest had drawn nigh. I was needed and was to go back. One moment I was dead and next I was standing in the street of Indué. I felt this same sentient creature lurking behind me in the darkness.

“You sent me back here to die a second death one at the hands of the people I had fooled for many months. I probably deserve this.” I said quietly.

“It isn’t about what you did in the past, it is more about what you can do now.” It replied in soothing tones.

“And my brother, where is he? Why can’t he fix this? Why me?”

“Evander is alive, but he can’t be in two places at once. He left because it was necessary. I don’t have much time, but what you need you will find with the smith Roland in Timon.”

I turned around and found myself face to face with a phantasm of silver hair and eyes. “Who are you?”

“Your guide, your absolution, your second chance, who I am doesn’t matter. What does is your mission.”

“What if I fail?”

“You won’t, you are too motivated for that Gareth. I must leave now. Heed my warning, until you get to Roland, avoid the citadel at the mouth of the Nain and the men who bear the sign of the deer. Keep on the main roads and avoid forests. May Avandor keep you Prince Gareth of Tel Anir.” she said and then she disappeared.

The sun was already over the sea and I woke with a sudden start. I was disoriented as I looked around. I was in king’s chambers in Indué. A few attendants were already milling around the room dampening last night’s fire and carrying hot water to fill a tub in an adjoining room. I dismissed all of them including my valet and went about my mornings ablutions alone.

I opened the room door and found that Sonis was waiting for me outside. “Had a good sleep Your Majesty?”

“As restful as it could be under the circumstances.”

“I am here to accompany you to breakfast and then to court. The nobles have been itching to see you since word circulated about your return.”

“Lovely.” I said with heavy sarcasm. “This will have to be a rather short session as I have somewhere else to be.”

“And if it isn’t too forward, I would like to enquire where about the intended destination?”


“What could possibly be in Timon?”

“Apparently the help that I will need.” I frowned slightly.

“You don’t sound too sure yourself.”

“Many things are uncertain these days Commander. But I was assured that what I needed would be there.”

“Assured by whom?”

“If I told you wouldn’t believe me. Besides do you usually question Evander in this manner?”

“Not usually, but losing a king tends to make one extra cautious, especially when the heir apparent intends to trot off in a similar manner.”

“Point taken Sonis, but this I have been told is absolutely necessary.”

“The timing is most inconvenient.” He said as we arrived to the door of the mess hall. Our presence was announced and all who were seated stood and bowed.

“Life is full of inconvenient sequences, makes it more interesting I suppose.”

“That it does.” With silent consent we ceased our discussion lest it on strum prying eardrums.

Court had ended and with it any aspirations I had to become king. I felt sorry for Evander if this was what he had to deal with every day. I could see why he would want to leave all this behind.

Power equalled bother, an equation which seemed to have eluded me in my past life. Everyone's problems became your own, whether or not you instigated the problem, you were expected to find a solution for them all.

My resolve was set. I needed to find this Roland and do what needs to be done so that I can go back into the less incommodious arms of death. Hopefully by that time Evander has better luck where ever he is and comes back to claim his throne in a most expedient manner.

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