Avandor's Gift

Chapter River Run

The cave was still dark but somehow I knew that it was morning. There was a faint scent of smoke tickling my nose. I saw a shimmering presence standing over me. I sat up to look in his face.

“Lithuel,” I said.

“So this is where you have been hiding.” he said looking around.

“How did you find me?” I said getting up and grabbing hold of the sword laying close by.

“We came for her,” he said pointing to Miriél, “but quite the consolation prize you will make.”

“We?” he pointed upwards and I could make out the fine outline of men climbing down the rope.

“You escaped me once but not again.”

“We’ll see about that.” I said as I swung the sword across his neck. This should have severed it but he still stood looking down at me unscathed. “This power is unnatural. How did you come to possess it?”

He laughed. “A gift from someone close. Your weapons can’t hurt me chuman, but mine surely can.” he said as a small ball of light appeared in his palm. I ducked in time as the ball slammed into the wall and an entire block of the silver blue lights lining the cavern dimmed.

“What in Av....” said Tetje as he jumped up from sleep, Miriél with him.

“Grab your things, we need to leave now!” I said.

“There is nowhere you to run Evander.” said Lithuel.

“We’ll see about that.” I said charging straight through his form which caused his shadowy for to dispel. Miriél and Tetje were close behind me.

His form reconstituted about the same time as the first two changelings finished their descent down the rope.

“Kill them!” he said.

“If Avandor permits, the next time we meet you will die.”

“There won’t be a next time chuman.”

“Before we make threats we should decide how we are to escape.” said Tetje.

“Into the water.” I said.

“But...” he started to protest.

“Into the water now!” I said. They waded out into the waist deep water and I followed.

“After them!” he said however the changelings hesitated by the water’s edge.

“I hope you know what you are doing.” said Miriél.

“Take my hands.” I said to the both of them. “Portal.” I said as they joined hands with me. Nothing happened at first and the smile on Lithuel’s face widened as more changelings entered the cavern. These ones didn’t hesitate to jump into the water and were closing the distance between us quickly.

“Evander, do something,” said Tetje nervously.

“Oh Avandor,” I said squeezing my eyes shut. “Portal.” I said once more. One of the changelings lunged, pushing us under the waterfall. The ground shifted and we were surrounded by soundless water.

Where to? asked the same voice that had spoken from the bubbles.

Somewhere safe. I answered. The presence disappeared from around us and the still soundless water roared with life and movement. I swam upwards and was thankful when my head broke the surface, followed by Miriél and Tetje.

“Where are we?” coughed Tetje.

“So long in Talithá that you no longer recognise home?” said Miriél who still managed to bicker even though she was half-drowned.

“I have never lived in a lake so this is quite far from home.”

“We are on the eastern shore of Lake Argent.” she said as we pulled ourselves out of the water and unto the gravelly bank.

“Why did you bring us here of all places?” asked Tetje.

“I am not sure why it brought us here. I asked the portal to bring us somewhere safe.”

“And this is the safest place that anyone of our clan be at this time.” said Miriél as she stood up wringing the excess water from her clothes and hair. “We need to tell the others about what’s happening.”

“You go ahead, I am not going any further.” said Tetje.

“You cannot avoid Lunara forever.” she said.

“Watch me.” said Tetje.

“What exactly is going on between you two?”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing.” He said as he stared out at the glass coloured lake.

“Of course you would say that.” said Miriél who swung her hair around hitting Tetje square in the face.

“We should probably be heading back to Talithá now. We’ve been gone quite a while and the others must be wondering whether we’re dead.” He said.

“You can’t run away forever.” Miriél said once more.

“I am not running away, just running toward something else. Evander we must go,” he said turning to look at me and for the first time ever I noted a silent desperation in his eyes.

“You explain yourself later.” I said to him and he gave me a stiff nod. “I would like very much to visit Lunara but he is right we must leave. We will be needed more in places of danger rather than of safety.” I said to Miriél.

“I regret that our acquaintance was so short, but as you say so it must be. It was a pleasure meeting you Grey Mage.” said Miriél.

“You as well,”

“I hope to see you again as we will need you for the upcoming battle and it would be an honour for all wolves if you stood at the front of our army.”

“When?” I asked.

“We intend to engage in open battle with the deer in less than two weeks, with or without the help of the horses. They sent a team to capture and kill me which is the first open sign of aggression. This will not be ignored by our clan.”

“I will join your fight as soon as I can.” I said.

“Our clansmen will receive this news well. Until then farewell Grey Mage, Tetje.” she said before sprinting away. We watched her as she darted as gracefully as a gazelle along the plain before disappearing into the forest.

“What is the story between you two and why are you afraid to enter Lunara?” I asked finally.

“That is a long story, but the short version is that Miriél is my wife.”

“You are married!” I said in disbelief.

“Yes I am. There is no short version of why I cannot enter Lunara so I will avoid that telling at this time. Now let us go home.”

“Thirty years, you haven’t seen your wife in thirty years!” I said disbelievingly still not being able to wrap my head around the fact that Tetje had a wife.

“I will say no more on the matter.” His eyes were downcast as he looked toward the lake.

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