Avandor's Gift

Chapter Heart of the Matter

“The fourth day is upon us and we still haven’t anything,” said Tetje. His griping had increased and I was really regretting his presence as he was getting on my last nerve. “We should turn back, this is futile.” He said grabbing me by the shoulder and came in front of me.

“What would be futile is us turning back now.” I said as I brushed his hand off roughly. “Besides, how are you even keeping track of time here without a sun? How do you know that it isn’t just a minute or an hour that has passed? How do you know that there isn’t a time warp like there is in the forest surrounding Talithá?”

“It wasn’t recorded in any of the works by Sulna?” he said.

“Sulna the thief, the one who nearly got us killed?”

“Not the best reference, but even so we should turn back. Just admit that this journey was a failure and at this point we are very much lost.”

“We are not lost, we are moving towards the heart. At least we were until you stopped us.” I said.

He folded his arms over his chest and took one step back. “Well I am not going any further. This is a waste of time.”

“Fine don’t come, I was tiring of your company anyways. Your endless whining was more exhausting than the journey,” I stomped off. I then stopped suddenly and whirred around to face him. “You entered your blood into the Great Race and do you know why the wolf didn’t choose you? That’s because you are a coward Tetje, a damned coward.” I turned back around and started on my again.

“Coward or not,” he shouted, “If the wolf had chosen me, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. A full blooded Alkarbrafä would have been Grey Mage. Tetyana wouldn’t have to give up her life to save yours. You who are nothing more than a chuman boy pretending to be a king. I may be a coward Evander, but you are a curse and a cause. You caused all of this to happen! You are the greatest curse to befall my people!”

His words cut the last thread of calm I had within me. I folded my fists and turned. I spoke softly through clenched teeth. “I am going forward, stay if you must.” I was going to walk away from this fight.

“Yes, walk away Grey Mage that is all you’ve ever been known to do.”

I thought I was a better man, but obviously not. Anger exploded within me and within seconds I was in front of Tetje and my fist was buried in his face. He staggered backwards slightly and he touched his nose. Two fine streams of blood poured through his nostrils.

“That was a mistake chuman.” He said as he bucked forward and rammed his shoulders in my gut. He was stronger than I expected and he knocked me flat on the ground. His feet locked around my waist and he punched me several times in the chest and face.

I shifted my weight and rolled him over so that I was on top and I returned his blows with equal fury and fervour. He kicked and bucked underneath me throwing me off. He held me in a choke hold, crushing my throat with both hands. His green eyes were a blaze with unbridled rage.

“I don’t care that you are Grey Mage I am going to kill you for what you have done to my sister and my people.” His hold grew tighter and my air supply was down to naught.

I grabbed his hand and summoned all the strength I had reserved within me. At first his hands wouldn’t loosen and I thought I was dead for sure, then I felt a slight weakening and then a total give. His energy was tapping out fast. I gave another giant shove which sent him flying off of me and into the trunk of a nearby tree. He slithered to one side holding the back of his head. He opened and closed his eyes several times as if he wasn’t seeing well.

I sat up slowly rubbing my own throat. “Enough,” my voice was scratchy and faint. “Enough of this,” I said more clearly. I pulled myself over to where he lay and rested my head on the tree. We both remained silent for a while.

“We have been through this already and I already agreed that everything that you said about me was true.” I started.

I took in a couple more breaths and then continued. “I have often wondered why I was chosen for this fate. Why couldn’t someone stronger, older or someone who actually knew what they were doing be picked instead. Many people hoped for a leader or saviour and all they got was me.” I closed my eyes.

“Then again, I never really had a choice. From birth I was chosen to be this, to be king of a broken country. I was again chosen to be in the Great Race. I won and was then Grey Mage.

“I was always told what I needed to do or forced by circumstances to take action. Never had I ever gotten the chance to choose for myself. Not until now. I chose to be here. I chose to find Tetyana. This choice and the consequences of it are my sole responsibility. I love Tet and making sure that she is alive is my only goal, nothing else matters. She is my ultimate and only choice.” I slowly pushed myself off the ground. “Stay or turn back if you wish, but I will go forward.”

“My father often described how tumultuous human emotions could be, but I never imagined that it would run this deep.” He started. “Help me up; my balance is still off from my last fall. You are quite strong for a chuman.” He said offering his hand.

I pulled him up from off the ground. “You are coming with me then?” I asked.

“Undoubtedly. Just don’t try to crack my skull open with your fist again. My constitution though deceptively hardened is quite delicate underneath.”

“Says the one who ruptured my spleen and kinked my windpipe.” his lips tilted into a slight smile.

“We are in agreement then. Shall we?” he motioned for us to go forward.

“Tell me what else you know about Sulna.” I said breaking the silence.

“His tale about Agden are lies, so it is best I omit those stories.” He paused. “Would you like to hear the recollection of how he won the orb of the helksincs and built the Pool of Contentment?”

“Won?” I said sceptically.

“Probably stole, but I tell it as I know it.”

“I will hear it.” I said.

“Three years after Sulna returned with Alphandé....” he started.

The forest took on a new serenity, both soothing and bothersome, Tetje’s voice filled the emptiness in the air and the trees glow dimmed and brightened as if they two were listening to the tale being recited. For some strange reason I felt as if something or someone was watching us. But by the time I looked around I saw neither shadow nor form to confirm my suspicions.

“And that is how Sulna won the orb of the helksincs, created the Pool of Contentment and protected Talithá from intruders.” he finished. “I doubt you heard half of what I said since you were so busy looking around.”

“There is someone else here with us. I feel it.” I said still scanning the area. He looked around as well.

“I don’t know about that but I do know that we are getting close to the heart. Look up.” He said. I caught glimpses branches coming in from other directions and were beginning to show signs of coalescing into a central point.” It also seems that it is getting brighter and warmer.” He continued.

“Well let’s get this over with then.” I said striding forward now with more encouragement. After about a hundred more steps, I stopped. Tetje halted beside me.

“Well I don’t believe it.” He whispered in awe.

The flat ground that we had treaded had suddenly plunged downwards into a steeply terraced hillside. It dropped into a circular valley about a mile across. Within the valley lay a spiral of mist swirling clockwise and then anti-clockwise.

“It seems like a portal of some sort.” I said after studying the misty vortex after some more time.

“You may be right.” agreed Tetje. He then picked up a rock and tossed it into the hole. It was a long decent and we watched as it disappeared through the clouds. “Nothing.”

“Nothing that we can report on from this side.” I said. “We have to go through it.”

“And how do you suggest that we climb down this almost ninety degree incline without falling?”

“Who said anything about climbing down. I think it is a portal.” He turned to me and studied my face as I continued to look out in front of us.

“You are not suggesting that we jump?” he said warily.

“We are dead either ways.” I said turning to look into his eyes. He seemed to be searching my face to see if I was serious. I gave him no indication that it was otherwise. I had come this far and I was not turning back.

“Very well then.” He said and then launched himself into the precipice. I was surprised at his easy acceptance but I didn’t give myself time to think over anything else. I launched myself into the hole. I didn’t see Tetje as he had already melted into the clouds.

The air around me was warm and my skin prickled as the static surrounding me lifted the hair on my skin. The static intensified and then the realisation of what we had done really hit. This might be a portal but it was also a full force lightning storm.

My feet hit the first layer of turbulent grey mist which seemed to trigger a violent reaction. A blue spark ignited followed by several hundred, until a single bolt of silvery blue lightening exploded from out of the clouds.

Tongues of white fire spread throughout my body burning everything it came in contact with. The sensation was beyond pain or any agony I had ever known. This was more than burning it was a cleansing. My body was being purged of the soul it possessed.

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