Auctioned to The Pack: Dark Why Choose Romance (Howl’s Edge Island: Omega For The Pack Book 2)

Auctioned to The Pack: Chapter 21

9 Months Later

the baby shower, and I was glowing.

Jatix and Shawn helped put together a baby shower just for me because it was one of the things I wanted if I was ever with child. Even though I barely had any friends, all of Jatix’s friends were invited.

I had invited Jade and any friends she wanted to bring with her. I wore a light blue maternity dress with a headdress made of white flowers. It was simple but cute.

“That’s too many snacks,” said Silus, staring at the huge array of brownies and snacks I was organizing on the kitchen island.

“Doesn’t Jatix have like fifty friends?” I said. “We need to be prepared.”

I maneuvered around the table carefully, with my huge belly jutting out. The men had been pampering me for a full nine months, taking care of me nonstop, and they always got anxious if I seemed like I was doing too much. It was sweet but also a little too much for me. I wanted a bit more freedom.

“The house is sparkling clean now,” said Shawn, running around with a feather duster. He was the biggest help when it came to the party today. Silus tried to help, but instead, he managed to find time to sit down. Jatix was out buying last minute groceries. Darius was adjusting the furniture under Shawn’s careful watch.

The doorbell rang, and my heart jumped in excitement. Our first guests had arrived.

“I’ll get it,” said Silus.

He opened the door, and Jade walked in, followed by three of her friends. I recognized one of her friends. Jade wore casual jeans with a blue blazer matched with blue earrings.

“Ahh, Keera!” she screamed, setting down her gift bag and giving me a big hug, enveloping me in her raspberry scent. “Keera, these are my friends Sylvia, Gretchen, and Tiana.”

“Tiana, oh my goodness,” I said, turning to her. She looked flawless, wearing a pink sundress and sunglasses on her head. She was one of my patients, and I had attended her birth celebration months ago. The whole island celebrated with the Frostcrown Pack. Her alphas were well-known on the island, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted the same type of celebration or something low-key.

‘Dr. Keera!’ Tiana exclaimed, hugging me back.

“Where’s the rest of your pack?” I asked.

“They decided it was best not to show up. Considering their history,” Tiana said. “Anyways, it’s been months!”

“How’re your twins?”

“They grow so fast! They’re already running around and knocking everything down. Little Adam is a wreck,” she laughed. I smiled, remembering how his eyes shined with mischief at the birth celebration and Alana’s chubby little face.

I touched my belly, excited to finally have one of my own.

“Is Jatix treating you okay?” asked Tiana. “I’m sorry if I’m being rude or anything.”

“No, you’re good! Jatix takes care of me so well,” I smiled. I understood her hesitation one hundred percent. Jatix wasn’t the typical normal alpha. He had told me their history with Tiana so I understood.

Soon, more and more guests trickled in as I introduced myself to the other girls. Silus had turned on the music, and Jatix arrived with juice and drinks for everyone.

I stuck with water or lemonade the entire time. I was starting to feel a bit of cramping in my abdomen as I sat on the sectional in the living room, talking with Jade.

“I’m glad you’re doing well,” said Jade. “I was so scared for you when…that night after the ball.”

I bit my lip, remembering all too well what she saw.

“The nightmare ended after that night,” I said. “I’m actually glad we went to the ball. I may still be stuck in my dad’s house. Who knows?”

“It’s a huge relief.”

“How’s work, though? Did they replace me yet?”

“They couldn’t find a doctor fast enough. You should just apply again,” she said, taking a sip of her drink.

“I’ll think about it,” I said. “Oh, by the way, I owe you for the dress you bought me.”

I noticed that everyone was glued to the TV. I stopped and stared at what was going on, making my way to the TV. Upon noticing me, they made room for me, so I didn’t need to jostle my belly through people.

“We are sorry to inform you that King Saku, ruler of the Royal Pack and Howl’s Edge has passed away,” the newscaster was saying.

Oh no. I hadn’t known the Royal Pack all too well, but I suddenly felt sorry for Princess Lyra losing one of her fathers. The guests looked shocked, some of them with their hands over their mouths.

I was about to run upstairs when I spotted a guest with a head of stringy red hair.

My blood ran cold. My mother’s killer was here. This was no imagination.

Heart pounding, I couldn’t move from my spot as I saw him casually talking and mingling with the crowd. The music was loud over my ears, so I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

“You don’t have to pay me back for that,” said Jade, waving her hand dismissively when I made my way back to her.

“No, I want to,” I said, trying to keep calm. “I’ll be right back. You go have fun with everyone and make yourself comfortable.”

I quickly waddled to the kitchen, where Silus was passing out snacks to everyone. I saw Shawn in the kitchen, scrambling to find more snacks.

“Keera, what do we do? We’re completely out,” he said. “Should I just have Jatix buy more?”

“Yes. Shawn, who’s that guy?” I said, pointing him out in the living room.

“Oh, Grogan? He’s Jatix’s best friend,” said Shawn, barely glancing at him.

“The redhead?”

“Yep,” he said.

I looked up again and saw that Grogan was approaching the kitchen.

“Listen, I’m going upstairs to grab some cash for Jade,” I said. Shawn nodded, sticking his head back into the fridge.

Breathing hard, I climbed up the stairs. My palms were clammy, and sweat beaded down my back. I closed the bedroom door behind me and went into the walk-in closet for the cash.

Should I tell my pack? They would think I came with all sorts of problems and baggage. First, my dad, and now this stalker.

Maybe I should warn Jatix. I walked over to my phone lying on the nightstand and called Jatix.

It rang and rang. There was no way he could hear his phone over the music.

I was too freaked out to go back downstairs. Maybe I would hang out here until the party was over.

As I sat on the bed, contemplating what to do, I heard a knock on the door. Oh my god, I forgot to lock the fucking door. Grabbing my phone, I ran into the closet and closed the door. There wasn’t a lock, but I leaned against the door with my body. I heard the bedroom door opening, and I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to make a sound.

Heavy footsteps came in.

None of my men wore shoes when coming into this room.

“Keera, I’ve been looking for you,” said a soft silky voice. I shut my eyes tight, nearly about to cry. I recognized that voice anywhere. I had nightmares and dreams about him. The redheaded monster.

Please, go away. Please go away, I begged in my head. Hands shaking, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

Jatix was calling me back.

“I know where you are,” said Grogan in a sing-song voice. Before I could answer the phone, he burst into the closet, knocking the phone out of my hands. I screamed but he covered my mouth with his hand quickly. It was all a blur as he lifted me and threw me on the bed. “Your dad said I might find you with the Lustfur Pack.”

“My dad sent you?” I gasped, scooting away from him. But it was useless. He pounced on me, moving his hands up my legs.

“He was pissed you sent your little pack after him,” he sneered. Up close, he looked horrible, with scars littering his face and one eye glazed over. Was he blind in one eye? His hair flew crazily around his face as he sat on top of my thighs.

“Please get off me,” I said. “I’m pregnant.”

“Your dad wanted you gone when you were sixteen. Did you know that?”

What? Did my dad send him to me the day my mom died? Grogan had to be lying.

“He only started hating me after you killed my mother,” I said.

“That’s not true,” said Grogan. “He hated you ever since you were born. He was scared he would cheat on his wife with you. It was a mistake that your mother died. We made a deal that I would only take you. He owes me a shit ton of money too, and you’re the payment.”

So it wasn’t my fault at all that Mom died. It was all Dad’s fault. From the beginning, it was his fault. And now I was offered to pay off his gambling debt.

“Let me get some toys for my pleasure, too,” I said, trying to think of a plan. “It’s right here.”

“Hurry up, my cock’s waiting,” said Grogan.

I rolled over and quickly opened up the drawer in the nightstand. I grabbed the pocket knife that I’d seen on my first day here and rolled back to face him. Grogan lifted my dress, spreading my legs.

Lifting my arm high, I stabbed at his chest as hard as I could with the little knife.

He growled, pulling the knife out of his chest. It didn’t seem to faze him, even though blood dripped all over the bed.

Fuck…I was so dead.


Keera hadn’t answered my call.

I wondered why she was calling me as I opened the garage door for more guests. My mansion was full of people, and it was a happy time for our little growing pack. I made my way into the house and into the kitchen. I couldn’t see Keera around the living room either.

“Jatix, we need more snacks and shit,” said Shawn, running around like a headless chicken.

“Calm down,” I said. “Where’s Keera?”

“Upstairs, I think.”

Was she okay? She said she wasn’t feeling well earlier. It was probably early labor.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard scuffling going on in the master bedroom. My heart in my throat, I raced to the door, flinging it wide open. There was Grogan on top of my omega with a knife glinting in his hand.

What the fuck?!” I roared. “Get off her!”

“Come any closer, and I’ll slit her throat,” said Grogan, pushing her in front of him, the knife over her neck.

Keera looked terrified, her eyes wide with fear.

Anger and rage filled my body. How dare he touch my pregnant precious omega?! My mate.

I felt my body shifting, my clothes ripping apart as I shifted into my werewolf form. Only alphas could shift on Howl’s Edge.

Grogan scrambled off the bed, falling headfirst on the floor in his panic.

The redheaded asshole was trying to run away. I flew towards him, and he also began to shift into werewolf form. I didn’t let him, as I fastened my teeth around his neck. I telepathically communicated with my pack, which I could only do in werewolf form.

Upstairs now! Grogan attacked Keera.

Coming – said Shawn and Silus in unison.

Darius was the first to burst into the room, wielding his gun. He blocked the bed from any access to Keera.

Shawn and Silus came in next, in their werewolf forms, both a light brown fur color. Grogan growled and snapped at me as Silus and Shawn held him down. I bared my teeth, crushing his neck. Darius took aim and shot Grogan right in the chest.

I couldn’t believe I was friends with this dickwad.

He was dead to me.

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