Auctioned to The Pack: Dark Why Choose Romance (Howl’s Edge Island: Omega For The Pack Book 2)

Auctioned to The Pack: Chapter 16

they doing?” I said out loud.

Keera, Shawn, and Silus were swimming in the ocean, lit by the orange sunset. They were naked and splashing water everywhere. Shawn’s belly was jiggling around, and Keera’s laughter could be heard from afar. She was starting to assimilate well into my pack.

“She’s celebrating,” said Darius matter-of-factly as he sat in the passenger side, also staring at the wild party on the ocean side. I parked the car up the driveway and could still hear the screaming and shouting below us.

“Good. At least she doesn’t hate us,” I said, relieved.

“But next time, we need to control our impulses more. Keera has every right to run away from us.”

“Hell no,” I said. “Her father committed a crime and should be locked up. I’ll talk to her tonight if she wants to do that and go through with bringing him to justice.”

“She has to,” said Darius.

“Let’s go frolic in the water with them,” I said, knowing damn well Darius would never do that.

As I walked to meet them, I couldn’t help but stare at our omega in admiration. She was stronger than I thought she was. Water dripped off her hard pink nipples as the water receded, showing off her nude body.

Fuck, not again.

My cock had a mind of its own as it hardened.

I watched intently as she turned to Shawn, bending down to splash water on him. Her naked bottom fully on display. Her luscious black hair stopped at the curve of her ass, wildly swinging around her breasts.

The closer I got, the more I felt my blood rush to my penis. My heart pounded hard as I approached. I needed to bring up having babies and if she was willing to. I didn’t want to scare her, but it was imperative to me to know what she thought of it. I needed someone who was serious. I was fucking forty-four years old.

And I wanted it with her.

“You’re here!” exclaimed Keera, hugging me with wild abandon, soaking me in the salty ocean water. Her skin smelled like the ocean mixed with her natural omega scent.

“I’m here,” I said dryly, looking down at my wet robes.

“Oops, sorry,” she said, anxiously wringing her hands. “I just wanted to thank you so much for what you did. I didn’t think it would feel this good, but it helped me so much.”

“No problem, kitten,” I said, bringing my hand around her neck and pulling her towards me. I planted a kiss right on her lips, and she blinked in surprise. I pressed my lips more firmly over hers, and her eyelashes fluttered as she closed her eyes. The kiss was all out consuming my emotions as I pulled her closer, and her waist naturally arched towards mine, right on top of my hard cock.

She pulled away, licking her lips. Her pink tongue teasing me.

“Get naked,” she said. “Let’s play in the water first, then later…”

She winked.

And I swore my scrotum tightened in anticipation for tonight.

Suddenly a huge splash of water swept over my head, soaking my entire robe. I turned to my left, and Silus stood there with an evil smirk on his face.

“Fuck you, Silus!” I shouted, ripping off my robe. These guys were just jealous. They could’ve fucking kissed her instead of playing like babies in the water. I chased him into the water, the cold water instantly hitting my legs, my hard cock swinging in front of me. Silus fled deeper into the water as I ran after him. “You’re such a fucking baby, Silus.”

I could hear Shawn and Keera laughing behind me as I raged at the cockblocker.


That night, I sat exhausted in the dining room.

Darius had ordered pizza for dinner while we played in the ocean, and it smelled so good in the boxes on the table. My arms felt like lead, and my legs hurt. After all the fun in the water, I took a shower with Jatix. And things had taken a wild turn in the shower with him. I knew he was horny, and I wanted to please him, so another blowjob in the shower did the trick for him. I wore a silky pair of red pajamas with a cozy cotton red robe after being in the freezing water for hours.

“I ordered a cheese, a veggie, and a pepperoni pizza,” said Darius. He was sitting next to me, and I leaned my head against his upper arm in my tiredness. It had been a very long day for me. With supercharged emotions and feelings of guilt at the same time. “I wasn’t sure which one you liked.”

“Veggie is my favorite,” I said, breathing in the aroma as Jatix quickly opened the box at my words. Grabbing a couple of slices, I dropped the extra hot slices onto my plate.

“Same,” said Silus, also grabbing the veggie slices. I couldn’t help but admire his biceps as he reached across the table. “Pizza, in general, is the worst on my body. Lately, we haven’t been eating healthy since you arrived, Keera. Life has been upside down.”

“Sorry,” I said, blowing on the hot slice. “I could tell you work hard on your body.”

“Don’t ever be sorry,” said Shawn quickly. “Silus is being stupid. He can make his own damn food, but he’s lazy. What are your favorite foods?”

I was touched by how quickly Shawn answered. But I also had a creepy feeling that Shawn enjoyed watching me eat.

“Anything with cheese on it,” I said, and Silus groaned. “Whoops.”

“And that’s what I’ll make,” said Shawn, biting into his cheesy slice of pizza.

“Glad I ordered pizza then,” said Darius digging in.

The pizza tasted delicious as I took bite after bite. Food was the best after being in the water all day. Jatix’s purple eyes were focused on me, and I gulped. He had something on his mind.

“Keera, do you remember our conversation about babies?” Jatix finally asked.

My heart sank.

“Yes,” I said. I couldn’t forget that. They had bought me, and I was theirs to do as they pleased.

“When do you go into heat next? Do you feel it coming soon?”

“I don’t know,” I said, my gaze on the second slice of pizza and the juicy cheese sliding off the crust. Should I tell him the truth? Would he cast me out forever?

“What do you mean?” he asked. “You can tell me anything, Keera.”

“So when I lived with my dad, he made me take multiple heat suppressant pills…”


“It can cause infertility,” I said finally. I looked up at him, and his face didn’t show any emotion. But I could see him thinking. “It means I may never go into heat. Like ever. And I never went into heat before.”

I watched as Jatix closed his eyes in frustration. He rubbed the back of his neck. Then he opened his eyes again.

“I’m sorry for what your father made you go through,” he said. “He ruined your future and your life.”

“I know you want babies,” I said. Then I contemplated a horrible thought. What if Jatix took a second omega? It was rare because omegas were territorial, but in an extreme case like this, it was necessary. I almost wanted to cry.

The table was quiet at my revelation, and I had to get out there.

Upstairs in my room, I huddled in my nest.

I needed some comfort.

It had been a tense morning at my dad’s house, but it ended up with me being closer to the Lustfur Pack than ever before.

Now I was scared to lose them.

Shawn was so sweet to me in every way. Darius was the type to defend me from anything, and Silus made me laugh a lot. Jatix turned me on like no other alpha. He was wild and open with sex which I loved. He made me feel more comfortable and less shy about everything.

I grabbed a book from the pile and saw it was a romance book about vampires. I scoffed. We never got along with vampires and I couldn’t imagine ever meeting one. They had tortured our people for years until the Alphas, Deltas, and Sigmas got together and pushed them off our island. I had no idea where the vampires resided now; there were always rumors that they were still living amongst us but in hiding.

The book was a romance between an omega and a vampire. Eww, why the hell does Jatix have this here?

I picked up another book. This time it looked more promising. It was a hot devil romance with a picture of a muscular Lucifer on the front. Much better.

I settled in my blankets and began reading. I was around too much masculine energy today, and it felt nice to listen to the heroine. As I turned page twenty, I heard a knock at the door. Noo, I was just getting to the sexy part of the book.

“Come in,” I called.

I could see the men walk into my room, as I watched behind the sheer curtains of my nest.

They pulled the curtain aside, and they all settled around me. What did they want? Was Jatix going to tell me they were taking on another omega?

Jatix laid next to me and gently pulled the book from my hands, setting it down in the pile of books in the corner. Silus lay on my other side, with Darius sitting cross-legged in front of me and Shawn laid at my feet.

“First off,” said Jatix, rubbing my arms under the blanket. He looked at me intently and I felt my stomach clench when he looked at me like that. “I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

“Are you going to take a second omega?” I asked.

“Never,” said Jatix. “I accept you even if you can’t go into heat. But I will try my best to bring you to heat.”

“That’s impossible,” I said.

“We’re going to do it the old-fashioned way.”

“And what is that?” I asked, a little scared. I had never heard of an old-fashioned way. But after all, he was twenty-plus years older than me. Which didn’t scare me at all.

“We’re going to use our alpha pheromones on you. We will rub up against you all night,” said Jatix. “Your omega instincts will kick in, noticing an alpha ready to go into rut when you go into heat. We will rut you as soon as your heat breaks.”

“And you think this will work?” I asked.

I had never heard of this technique before, but I wouldn’t mind all the cuddling that was going to happen. And who knows, maybe we’ll have sex too. I’ve been imaginably teased over the past couple of days, and I needed some sort of relief.

“It should work. But you have to remain calm and not stressed about it,” said Jatix, holding my hand in his. “Even if it doesn’t happen right away, I will wait patiently for you. Even if it takes our lifetime.”

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