Attracted By My Ex-wife

Chapter 422 I Can Lose Anything But My Child

"Now that I think of it, I think Bob shouldn't continue to live." Kim's eyes held no remorse at he said it. Anne glowered at him, but it did not deter him. The malicious twist of his lips stayed in place. Continuing to grin coldly, he said, "I think I might let him die and his death will be Eddy's death as well. After all, if Bob expires then there will be no one to donate their heart to our little Eddy." His maniac grin widened. When she heard this, the glower slipped off and gave way to fear. Her face turned white as she stared at Kim in horror.

If Bob's heart couldn't be used, then it would be impossible to find a new donor and that meant Eddy had to die too.

"You can't do that!" Anne cried out. To even think that her son might die because they might not be fast enough was a mental torture. Shedding every shred of dignity, she begged, "Please don't do this." Kim was momentarily taken aback. He wasn't expecting her to give in so easily. He knew her as a tough and headstrong woman but now he frowned when he saw her pleading.

He pressed his lips in a thin line as he gazed into her pleading eyes. If it was before the night that she shattered his hope, no matter how difficult he felt the situation was, he would agree to her pleading. "Why should I give in to your plea? Who are you to me?" Kim cocked his head as his cold gaze pinned Anne to the spot. He seemed indifferent towards her pain.

Anne swallowed back the emotions and desperation that wanted to surface. She couldn't blame him.

After all, she had completely rejected Kim, so why should he care for her now?

"What on earth do you want?" she asked him dejectedly.

Kim's lips curled up as he lost in his thoughts. 'What do I want? What do I want to get from her by threatening her?' he asked himself in his heart.

Yes, he admitted that he still liked her very much. Yet, she couldn't return his affection. There weren't any for her to spare. In this case, what was the use of keeping her by his side? He would only feel disgusted if he kept a shell whose heart was somewhere else.

He wouldn't let his true love be mocked in any way.

He never wanted Anne for her body, but her heart.

"You care about Bob so much? I could care less. Don't go thinking that I will do you any favor. If I give you something then I will definitely take something from you." He stared at her icily before saying, "I will inform you what exactly I want in a few days." And with that he stood up.

Anne frowned. 'What will he ask for this time?' She stood up as well and together they walked out.

No sooner had they exited than they were surrounded by reporters who had been waiting for them. Taken by surprise, Anne couldn't help but step back.

Now no one could stop the rumor about her being an immoral woman from spreading like a wildfire.

"Miss Anne, have you come here to secretly meet your lover? Does Mr. Kevin know about it?"

"Miss Anne, didn't you divorce Mr. Kevin? Then why do you still live with Mr. Kevin and show up with him publicly?"

"Miss Anne, are you trying to prove the rumors on the Internet to be true? Having multiple affairs at the same time?"

"Miss Anne, what's your opinion on love?"

They surrounded her like bees would surround their hive. She was bombarded with one question after another and numerous mics were practically shoved in front of her face. Cameras and flashes almost blinded her sight. She wanted to turn back and hide inside the club and as she contemplated of doing so she felt a strong arm wrap around her shoulder.

Before she could fathom what was happening, she was pulled closer to that person.

Belatedly she understood who it could be. There was only one person who gave off such a cold aura and whom she had a conversation with not too long ago. No matter what kind of perfume was used to cove that aura, she could always recognize it at once. She frowned and tried to extricate herself from Kim's hold.

She struggled to free herself. She didn't like the idea of being held by him even if he was trying to protect her.

Kim frowned at Anne's behavior. He was only trying to protect her. Containing a struggling woman, he turned his cold glare at the reporters and said in a brittle tone, "Get out of the way."

The reporters looked at each other in bafflement. However, it didn't take them much time to recognize his face as the one in the video. One of them cautiously asked," Are you Mr. Cory?" Kim had changed his identity and now he was known to the public as Cory.

However, he did not deign to answer them. But the reporters weren't about to let him leave without a reply. Another person asked, "We saw you in the video which is uploaded on the Internet. You were admonished by Mr. Kevin for inviting his daughter to dinner and now you are with Ms. Anne. Why is that? Is there any inside story? Are you having an affair with her?"

Kim pursed his lips as he regarded the reporters who were waiting expectantly with their microphones. He would not answer them. He did not need to.

In his embrace, Anne felt her anxiety rise. If he continued holding her like this then the reporters would definitely get the wrong picture. On top of that he wasn't even refuting their allegations. She had to do something to dispel this misunderstanding and so she stepped on Kim's foot.

Anne's jab with her stiletto made Kim groan in pain and loosen his grip involuntarily

No sooner did he loosen his grasp than Anne wrenched herself away from him and stepped away. Her gaze then spotted some policemen coming towards their direction.

"Get out of the way!" one of the policemen hollered.

This did not deter the reporters' spirits. On the contrary, they became more excited. Everyone started either taking pictures or recording a video.

"And here we were searching for you everywhere like mad men, Kim. But where do we find you? In the A City! Giving interview!" the policeman said sardonically as he approached them.

Kim cocked his head, unruffled by the police. He smirked, "Are you sure that I am the man you have been looking for?"

The cop's tracks faltered. He fished out the arrest warrant from his pocket and scrutinized it. Then he said firmly, "Yes. You are the Kim Li we have been searching for."

The reporters weren't expecting this drama. They were momentarily thrown off kilter.

'This man is not Cory Li? And he is a wanted criminal?' For a moment, everyone suddenly remembered the recording Cherry had posted on micro-blog.

In that video, Anne had expressed that she liked Kim.

'So that's why he held her so protectively. Now it makes sense.

No wonder when this man invited Kevin's daughter for dinner, the latter was furious. After all, both of them were rivals.' These thoughts revolved in a lot of reporters' minds.

'Anne is a really powerful woman. She tried to kill herself by attempting to jump off a building because she wanted to divorce Kevin. But they made up within a few days and now she has come to meet her lover.

I have never seen or heard of such a shrewd woman.'

Some of them wondered a little enviously. Then they turned their cameras towards Anne and focused on her reactions.

Anne frowned as Kim was escorted away by the police. With his influence and power, she doubted if the police would find enough evidence to prove that he was Kim.

On top of that, the police station would put another record under Kim Li, stating that there was a man who looked exactly like him and the man was Cory Li, CEO of AS Group. 'What a mess,' she sighed inwardly.

Anne didn't remember how exactly she managed to escape the sea of reporters and their unending questions. The only thought she had in mind was 'What type of condition would Kim put forth this time?' By the time she returned home, Kevin and Selma had already seen the news. Kevin couldn't help but give her a disappointed look.

Anne looked at him ruefully. She was oblivious of Selma's gaze which was why she was surprised when the older woman stopped her from going inside the house.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Selma said grimly, "Anne, we have experienced a lot of adversities together and that has made me trust you. However, I would like to advise you to consider Fu Family's reputation and the company's interest before you take any step."

Anne belatedly realized that they must have seen the pictures of her and Kim which must have affected their family's reputation again.

She lowered her gaze, unable to tell her the reason why she met Kim.

"Mom!" Kevin raised his voice a little. Both women turned their eyes towards him.

Selma frowned at her son. Kevin reasoned, "Mom, Anne must have some reason behind meeting Kim. She wouldn't meet him if she didn't have dire issues to deal with which must be more important than the company and our family's name."

He looked at her reassuringly. He had complete faith in her. She wouldn't meet Kim just because she wanted to.

Selma gave her son a disapproving look.

Anne raised her head and her gaze met Kevin's warm eyes. Her heart filled with affection. He still believed her and stood by her side. She felt a prickly sensation at the corner of her eyes.

Realizing that her opinion would not be respected, Selma turned around and left.

If this happened in the past then she would have kicked Anne out of the house.

But now...

She had accepted Anne as her daughter-in-law so she had no choice but to tolerate her act.

Kevin rushed to Anne's side as soon as his mother left. He checked her hand and looked for any possible injury. After confirming that she was alright, he sighed in relief. He then asked, "Why did you meet Kim? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Anne trembled as she clutched Kevin's hand tightly. She helplessly said, "Kim told me that Bob had a relapse on the second day after he was taken away. He is being treated now. But I don't know where he is now." She exhaled shakily.

Kevin tried to keep calm as he patiently prompted, "And then?"

"Kim threatened me that he wanted to let Bob die. In that case, Eddy would have no heart to replace his." She swallowed thickly. Kevin's jaw clenched. He let her continue speaking. "He also threatened that he would take something from me if he gives me what I want. He said that he would inform me his conditions in a few days."

She looked at her husband imploringly and said in a tremulous voice, "I am very scared, Kevin. I can lose anything but my child." Her voice clogged up with emotions.

"Eddy has a heart condition. How will I survive if he leaves me?"

Kevin heaved a sigh as he held Anne in his arms.

Eddy was apple of their eyes. They wouldn't be able to endure any pain their son suffered from.

"Anne, don't worry. You are not alone. You have me now and as long as we are together we will overcome any kind of obstacle that comes in our way. Our Eddy is a gift from the God and I have full faith that he will recover and live a healthy life." Kevin's voice was firm as he spoke.

In his mind he had vowed to protect his wife and son no matter what happened.

Eddy had been suffering from numerous illnesses ever since he was born and if that did not stop him from living and surviving then he would certainly persevere through this illness as well.

Anne pulled Kevin closer. She cried silently. Kevin was aware of this and tightened his grasp.

The delicate moment was interrupted by the shrill tone of Anne's phone. She shuddered subconsciously as Kim's face flashed in her mind.

She shook her head helplessly. Kim had become her nightmare.

Anne raised her eyebrows when she saw Emily's name flash on the screen. She answered immediately. But before she could even greet Emily, the latter said in an urgent tone, "Anne, something is wrong! Sam is in trouble!"

Anne's eyes widened. She listened to Emily with rapt attention and as soon as she ended the call, she and Kevin rushed to the hospital where Sam was.

The doctors in that hospital were all skilled. There had never been any dispute with any patients from this place. But recently, three patients had died. The death of these patients was a cause to raise an alarm because they were supposed to recover.

But somehow they didn't make it which was strange and unacceptable.

If they had been severely injured or too ill to be saved then it was understandable but the families of the deceased patients couldn't bear the fact that their dear ones suddenly passed away when they were sure that these patients were on the brink of recovery.

The concerned families had created a big scene in the hospital premises and when the police arrived at the hospital, they blocked it for the sake of preventing further problems.

"I think someone has tampered with the medicine. Otherwise, how can three people die at the same time and so suddenly?" Anne said pensively.

Kevin pursed his lips. He did not want to assume anything. The only person who could answer them was Sam.

Besides, he didn't believe that Sam would be so careless.¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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