Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 24

I watch the others slip into the murky depths, and inwardly I cringe thinking about how disgusting and old that stagnant water must be. Aurora is standing at the mouth of the tunnel, watching Klaus sink under the water. She visibly shivers looking at the water.

“Need me to go first, my love?” I speak softly as I approach Aurora. She pivots to face me and smiles.

“I’m good, Jayce. I’ve just got a lot on my mind. My gut tells me Vladimir is in a tower watching everything. But for the lack of a better reason, we need to clear the castle out. I can’t stand to think that those leeches have infested my mother’s home all these years.” Aurora’s beast makes itself known to punctuate her agitation.

“Then that’s what we shall do.” Gently, I caress her shoulder then pull her in close for a hug. My Queen, my love, my life, I would move heaven and hell for this woman in my arms. I may not be the warrior my brother is, but I’m deadly in my own rights.

Aurora looks up to me, and a smile slowly creeps its way across her crimson lips. Her eyes are that of her beast and slowly fade to their human steel-grey. “I love you, Jayce. Thank you for being my rock and my comfort.” I watch her raise up onto her tippy toes and place a feather-light kiss on my lips. I sigh softly at the emotionally tender moment and smile at her. “Let’s get going, love, time to fuck some shit up!” Aurora says as she starts to bounce her way over to the tunnel. There’s the take-no-prisoners mate I know and love.

I watch Aurora slip under the water and into the depths before me. It’s now or never, I guess. Without a second thought, I drop down into the cold water and begin to follow behind Aurora. My eyes take in the sights around me, the algae and other underwater plants that line the walls. Tiny fish swim freely around us, which backs up the theory that the feeder stream broke free and flooded the castle. The tunnel’s length twists and turns, opening to a small chamber before continuing on. In the chamber, we’re all able to surface and breathe for a few moments before moving forward.

We float, breathing the cool air for several minutes, each one of us checking in with other bond mates, making sure our packs and loves are well. Arnulf informs us that Aurora is correct, that Vladimir is in the eastern tower. Apparently, Desi sent a small group of Merlin Falcons to investigate the castle and towers. They spotted an aged man in the only solid tower left standing.

Aurora’s eyes flicker and glow; the crackle of purple energy races over her skin as well as a light sheen of frost. Aurora slowly turns and looks at all of us as she’s embraced by the ethereal glow. “The Wyvern has been removed from the equation, as well as most of the Lycan force. Our only remaining hurdle is how many Strigoi are left roaming the grounds.” Aurora steeples her fingers in front of her, closes her eyes for a moment, and then opens them quickly.

“Once the castle is empty, I will raze the majority of the courtyard and outer towers to the ground with the help of the dragons. When it’s time, Jayce, love, I need you to summon all the venom-bearing wolves and Dom. We won’t leave Vladimir any possible escape route.” Aurora breathes in a slow, measured breath then smiles. Her beast’s vicious teeth have descended. “Vladimir is mine.” Our team nods slowly, agreeing with Aurora before we start to swim again.

Several minutes of swimming through the weeds and the caverns, we shove a large grate out of the way and enter what appears to be an old armory. We’re standing in knee-deep water, looking at what was once an impressive collection. I watch Aurora move slowly through the room, looking at every sword that remains. Most have been destroyed by all of the excessive moisture. A wicked gleam flickers in her eyes as she reaches under a rag. She pulls out two large maces. Carefully, she hands one off to Klaus and the other off to me.

“Arnulf, love, can you take a quick flight through the lower level and let us know what we’re dealing with down here?” Arnulf simply nods and starts to strip. I can’t get over the lithe planes of his body—he’s defined and sleek like most flight shifters. His skin is sun-kissed and bears very few visible scars. I hear Aurora giggle and realize that I’m busted; she’s caught me staring at Arnulf. Klaus also looks quite sheepish as he tries to act like he wasn’t looking either.

Out of all of us, I believe that Arnulf has the most beautiful shift. His bird seems to just emerge into existence, unlike the rest of us where our beasts break our bodies. Aurora is left holding Arnulf’s belongings while he goes and scouts ahead for us. We remain still standing in the knee-deep water. Every movement sends out ripples, traveling who knows how far through the water.

It seems like forever before Arnulf returns and shifts back to his human form. Aurora helps him dress before he starts speaking, “For the most part, we are alone down here. I did, however, find a mass grave in one of the chambers. It appears it’s one of the burial sites for the Strigoi. Light covers the entire room so they cannot rise if they wanted to. Unfortunately, for our teams outside, the trees provide enough cover for the leeches to move about.” Arnulf digs in his bag and pulls out herbs and bottles. “We need to fill these bottles with water and put the herbs in. The herbs are blessed and will kill the Strigoi in their slumber. We will sanctify the earth, thus killing them in the process.” Arnulf nods, sure of his statements.

“You heard the man!” I say, then look toward the door and make a sweeping motion. “Lead the way, Arnulf! You’re in charge.”

Arnulf looks at me, shocked, and then begins to move forward. Klaus quickly grabs him by the shoulder and stops him. Klaus makes the shh motion with his index finger to his lips. My eyes fall to the water, and I watch the ripples moving toward us. Someone, or something, is walking around down here, and it’s not one of ours.

Aurora reaches out through the bond to me, Klaus, and Arnulf. Draw your swords slowly and quietly, just in case. Stay clear of the door. If I have to, I will use my breath weapon on whatever is trying to get in here. We nod and motion to the others to get ready.

We can hear the faint click of Aurora’s ignitor fire, and her eyes blaze with the power of the ancient. She is one hundred percent in seek and destroy mode. Gradually, the door opens; whoever is pushing on it is quite hesitant. When the door is three-quarters of the way open, a teenage boy sticks his head into the room. Aurora immediately freezes him in his place and covers his mouth with ice so he can’t scream.

The young male is frightened, and his scent screams Lycan. Aurora growls deep in her chest. Her oppressive Alpha power fills the small room, making those not in our bond start to whine. She moves with an unearthly grace and gets right in the face of the young Lycan. She uses the wolves pack link to speak directly into the mind of the pup. Klaus and I can hear her clear as day. Who sent you? she growls out as she stares at him.

The young male starts to cry and pisses himself from fear. Vladimir. My entire family has died today. I don’t want to die in his war. Please tell me you’re the ghost-wolf sent to kill him.” His eyes convey all the pain and anguish he is feeling. Aurora smirks and frees the boy.

“Gus, take the boy back through the tunnels to safety. Give him to Dominik.” Aurora reaches into her hair and cuts free a small white braid. She reaches out and fastens the braid to the boy’s wrist. “Show this to my mate, Dominik, and to my dragon mate, Alaric. You are safe now, pup.” In an uncharacteristic move, Aurora grips the boy behind his neck and presses her forehead to his. “Go” is the last word spoken to the boy and to Gus.

“That was odd,” I say softly, thinking I wasn’t heard.

Aurora smirks and looks at me. “He’s of my grandfather’s bloodline, diluted but related to me. One of his parents was probably a product of one of the old king’s flings with the help.” Aurora shrugs her shoulders then starts through the door into the lower chambers.

Room by room, we clear them, ensuring nothing that isn’t part of our team lived. Twenty-some odd rooms later, we come to the chamber in question. We take every precaution in securing the room. So far, no hidden passages or other ways in and out have been found. Arnulf gathers his herbs, and we all take turns filling the flasks up with water for him to bless and sanctify the ground. As the last grave receives the blessed herbs, screams and howls start to rise from the soil below. Arnulf continues with the blessing ritual with Aurora at his side as his personal guard.

Several Strigoi attempt to rise, and we decapitate them immediately. Aurora stands like a sentinel over Arnulf. She’s watching over him, making sure nothing interferes with the important work he’s trying to accomplish. I can feel it in my very being when Aurora starts reaching out to every mate in our bond. I feel her tug on the threads that bind us, making sure each one of us is okay. Her breathing hitches when she senses what has occurred with Dimitri.

A twisted smile plays upon her angelic lips. I want her head, is all Aurora says through the bond before we hear the answering roar of Dimitri’s bear.

It shall be done. The link fades quickly after that, and Aurora’s determination to end this war is doubled.

“We are done here, my love,” Arnulf speaks softly as he looks up to Aurora from where he is kneeling on the ground before her.

Aurora slowly turns and looks at Arnulf with so much love and adoration, it makes my heart swell. She extends her hands to him, offering assistance to stand. Hesitantly, Arnulf accepts her help and stands, and she promptly kisses him then sets him loose. “Okay, now that the leeches are under control and the lower level is secure, let’s head upstairs and clear out the next level,” Aurora states, leaving no room for argument or questions. The Aurora we all know and love is back with a vengeance, and she seems ready to rain hell on earth.

We watch her walk out of the room with Arnulf reluctantly in tow behind her. We stand there collectively watching her walk out; she’s a woman on a mission with a beast out for blood. On to the next level, I suppose. Here we go again.

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