Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 19

The camp is broken down quickly, and barely a trace is left behind in our wake. I’m back in the same wagon as Aurora, but there are no dragons in the wagon with us this time. Ellis, Klaus, a Dire Wolf, and one of Ellis’s Polar Bears are with us. Aurora has decided to use Klaus and me as a pillow and a footrest. Oddly, she doesn’t allow the others onto the bench we’re on.

“How much longer?” The Dire Wolf asks.

“As long as it takes, pup,” Aurora says, then cracks an eye to look at him. “I may not be your Alpha anymore, but I am still just as dangerous.” Just as she says that her arms shift to her gauntlets, and she holds the talons out to the wolf. The purple energy crackles over the tips of her talons. Her scales are more aggressive and heavily armored. Talk about a major upgrade to her weapons.

The wolf’s eyes widen, looking at her weapons and the strange energy crackling over them. Ellis is a wiseass and drops an apple into Aurora’s outstretched hand; it disintegrates on contact with the energy. Aurora simply winks at him and shifts her hand back to normal and smiles, looking up to me. Lightly, her fingertips trace my jaw, and she allows the energy to crackle over the both of us. I’m somehow immune to the new energy.

“What the actual fuck!” Ellis screams and flails his arms around like he’s trying to take flight.

“What seems to be the problem, E?” Klaus asks as calmly as possible, studying Aurora and me.

“She just obliterated a motherfuckin’ apple, and she’s touching him with the same energy! You fuckers are scary as fuck!” Ellis exclaims, then looks to the others in the wagon.

Aurora promptly sits up then turns to me; her eyes are full of mischief as she looks me over. Slowly, her fingers move over my face, her purple energy crackling between us and through her hair. “Awe, baby, the poor marshmallow can’t handle me.” Aurora winks, then gets up and strides over to Ellis—she almost looks like Storm from the x-men with how her energy is crackling. Quickly, she reaches out and grabs Ellis by his neck, and he screams like a little girl and passes out. Ellis drops like a ton of bricks to the floor of the wagon and his clan mate thinks it’s the most hysterical thing he’s ever seen. This big, bad Alpha passed the fuck out.

“That was the shit! Dude, you gotta do it again!” the bear that came with Ellis says. Without hesitation, he extends his hand to Aurora. “I’m Lamonte, Monte for short. It’s an honor to fight with the one who brought down that giant ass Black Dragon in Alaska. The shit was dope.”

Aurora examines his hand then shakes it gently. A wicked gleam in her eye tells me she’s up to no good. I watch that purple energy race down her hand to Monte. He doesn’t flinch in the slightest when it flirts with touching his skin. He just smirks and nods his head lightly. “Did I pass, ya Highness?” Monte says in a humorous tone.

“Yeah, you’re cool for a marshmallow,” Aurora says, letting a giggle slip before she resumes her position with her head in my lap.

“I’ve been called many things in my life, but a marshmallow is definitely new, as you can see,” he motions to his body, “I’m far from being white.” He’s still smiling. He’s more curious than anything at this point.

“Funny story, that is,” I say as I run my fingers through Aurora’s hair. “We were having a meeting about the attack plans. As you already know, you’re supposed to draw troops away from the castle grounds towards the dragons.” Monte nods, following the course of conversation. “Well, your genius of an Alpha made a comment to the effect of it being like throwing marshmallows on blacktop or asphalt.”

Aurora again starts hysterically laughing, as does Monte. I shake my head, looking at our fearless leader. I motion to Aurora, who’s in the middle of a massive giggle fit. “This happened last time too. So the nickname of marshmallow stuck.”

“Got ya. I’ll explain to my people what really happened,” Monte stresses the word really and rolls his eyes.

“Thanks,” I say, then run my fingers through Aurora’s hair again.

“Hey, Klaus, how are you making out with getting your people organized?” I ask. Klaus looks up from his phone, then plugs in the solar charger and sticks the charging plate outside on the bench next to the driver.

“He’s doing good. As Jax can tell you, there have been a million questions that we can’t divulge answers to yet. Some are happy that Dom stepped up and took over; others still want Aurora to be in control for fear Dom is going to be like your dad was.” Sadness washes over me, hearing that, which makes Aurora sit up.

“If Dom wants me to, I’ll talk to your people; I’ll reassure them he’s nothing like your dad.” Aurora smiles softly at me as we hear Ellis finally starts to wake up. “Hey, marshmallow, you missed half the battle, you lazy fuck!” Aurora says, staring down at him.

“No fucking way! You almost killed me! I didn’t miss shit!” Ellis says as he goes to stand up. Monte reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

“Remember the apple, E. You don’t want to piss that female off now, do you?” Monte winks at Aurora, and she slightly lifts her chin at him. It looks like she has a new ally in the bear camp.

Ellis looks between Monte and Aurora, then quickly sits up on the bench next to Monte. They bump fists, and Ellis mumbles something about “good looking out.”

My phone goes off numerous times and catches everyone’s attention. Aurora’s phone goes off next, and her eyes go distant. “We need to go!” Aurora sticks her head out the front near the driver giving him instructions. The wagon stops and Aurora bolts out the back. We are currently four days’ journey away from home, and I’m not sure what has happened but whatever it is, we are leaving now.

The seven of us sprint in the opposite direction of the caravan and keep running till they are way out of sight. Alaric strips and shifts to his dragon; Aurora jumps onto his back, immediately taking off. As for the rest of us, when Dante, Edgar, and Marco catch up to us, we climb on their backs and take off.  Dante and Edgar flank them quickly, and Marco brings up the rear. We are seriously packing some firepower going into this fight.

Alaric starts to bring us up to speed as to what has happened. Our original camp is being overrun with Strigoi. Apparently, one of the bears betrayed us. Nicodeamus, the twins’ mom, and the babies are hidden down in the bunker I built. Nicodeamus didn’t reach out to Aurora because he didn’t want her charging into this alone. It’s about ten in the evening, and we can see the Strigoi still fighting and attacking the camp in waves. I reach out to my clan that was left behind and tell them to hide in their houses.

When we get close enough to the ground, Aurora jumps off and shifts before landing on the alpha house. She goes on a rampage, her Lycan beast tearing through the Strigoi as if they are made of tissue paper. Body parts go flying, then the familiar click of her ignitor is heard, and she uses her breath weapon for the first time. A small pack of Strigoi is destroyed in a matter of moments and turned to ash. Her beast stalks through the camp as the rest of us spread out and search the houses for stranglers.

Nicodeamus and the babies come running out and stop short, staring at the mythic beast before them. Aurora almost looks like her old self, except she still has the visible spines running down her back that weren’t there before.

“Is that my baby?” Nicodeamus asks, the level of disbelief evident in his voice.

“Yes, sir.” It’s all Alaric had to say.

Aurora finishes her attack and turns, having heard her father speak. Tia and Ladon go running to their mother in their dragon forms. Slowly, Aurora drops to all fours and greets her children. Her beast’s muzzle definitely looks more dragon than it did before. It takes longer for her to return to her human form than for her to become her beast. I run up and help Aurora get dressed.

“Hi, Daddy.” Aurora cringes slightly, her voice a bit rough from the use of her breath weapon.

Nicodeamus runs over and wraps his arm around his daughter, holding her tightly to him. Aurora flings her arms around Nicodeamus, holding him and starting to cry. She keeps apologizing for her wolf almost dying and disappointing him and Anca.

“Now, you listen here, little one,” Nicodeamus says with a force he rarely uses with Aurora.

“If the Great Wyrm did this to save your life, then it’s a blessing, do you hear me?” Sheepishly Aurora nods, so Nicodeamus continues.

“You didn’t hurt your wolf; that was that bastard Vladimir’s fault, not yours. Do you understand that?” Nicodeamus raises Aurora’s head so that she’s looking him right in the eye. Reluctantly she nods yes.

“Good! One of Dimitri’s bears ratted us out that you were gone. I killed the betrayer before the Strigoi began to attack.” Nicodeamus kisses Aurora’s forehead.

“One of my people betrayed us?” Dimitri throws his head back and roars. His anger and pain are felt through the bond.

Aurora cautiously moves over and runs her fingers in circles across Dimitri’s shoulder blades. I can hear the soft rumbling of her beast as it tries to soothe Dimitri’s bear. “My love, it’s okay. We’re here and safe, and so are the babies.”

Dimitri draws in a slow, calming breath then lowers his gaze to Aurora. A smile slowly creeps across his lips before he nods and presses his forehead against hers.

“We need to return to our troops. We are so close to reaching the castle’s borders. Father, take your mate and babies underground again. I will send Marco for you once the battle is over.” Aurora runs over and hugs her father, then looks to Alaric.

“Time to go, love.” Both babies run to Aurora as their father shifts back to his dragon form. “Be good, my little firestarters. Don’t accidentally burn your new grams. I’d like to keep her around for a bit.”

Aurora and Helle move toward each other and hug tightly. Helle kisses Aurora’s cheek. “Don’t worry, daughter. I will take care of your father and children. After all, Jayce gets his venom from me.” Helle smiles and shows her canines and the venom she allows to leak slowly from them.

Aurora passes off both babies to Helle and kisses her cheek in return. Dom and I hug and kiss our mother and head towards Marco and Alaric, ready to fly. Dimitri and Klaus stand waiting to assist Aurora up onto Alaric.

Alaric launches up into the air and turns towards the last camp that we will have before the battle begins. I sit snuggled next to Aurora, watching the trees and mountains move swiftly around us as the dragons carry us to our destination.

Several hours pass, and we can see the campfire light ahead of us. We’ll land far off from the camp and walk in. I don’t want to alert any spies as to where we are. The less Vladimir and his group know, the better for us, Alaric says through the bond.

We land in a field not far from the camp and slide off of the dragon’s back onto the ground. Alaric shifts back quickly, and I offer him his clothing. I watch him dress, and I’m thankful every day I get to witness this fine specimen of a male dress and undress. Alaric notices me watching him and winks at me; I know my alpha appreciates my attention. “Come on, Jayce, tomorrow is going to be a very long and tiring day.” Alaric comes up alongside me and slaps my ass. I can’t help but laugh as I playfully bump into him before running towards the camp. Tomorrow starts the assault on the castle. We better sleep good tonight. Tomorrow, we march into hell.

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