Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 17

I fly back to camp with one of my greatest treasures on my back. Aurora feels at peace, but I’m not sure how everyone else is handling our quick departure. Three of Aurora’s mates are wolven, while the rest of us have nothing in common with the others. I need to seek Jayce out first since he’s the most sensitive of the group.

Gently, I land at the hill’s base in the clearing, and Aurora jumps down, landing effortlessly. The rest of my bond mates come running downhill and stop short, looking at her. They feel the change, and I shift quickly and tell Aurora one of the Force Dragon powers is intimidation and fear. I talk her through how to bring it under control, and slowly the guys calm down and approach.

Aurora moves and embraces each of her mates one by one, and tells them how much she loves them. Her eyes land on me then she looks back to the camp. “Is everything under control?” she questions before starting to walk back up the hill.

Dominik moves forward and takes her right hand, and Klaus takes her left. “We defeated all challengers and have assumed the title of Alpha over our respective packs. Everything we have done has been in your honor, my angel,” Klaus says, then bends to place a kiss on Aurora’s temple. I watch her smile and kiss both Klaus and Dominik as they lead her back to camp.

I move alongside Jayce and Arnulf and look between the two of them. “How are both of you handling what’s happened to Aurora?” I move before them, blocking them from walking back up to the camp with everyone else. Dimitri joins me, looking at the two most gentle mates in the family.

Arnulf and Jayce look between each other, then between Dimitri and me. Arnulf is the one who chooses to speak. “We were scared that she was going to die on us after her wolf was poisoned. It got even scarier when she took off out of nowhere.”

That made me raise my eyebrows, then I look between the three of them. “You didn’t hear the dragon’s call? The one that summoned Aurora and all the dragons to leave?” I look slowly between the three of them, and all three shake their heads no. Interesting, I say to myself as I look to Arnulf. “What do you know about the ancient dragon of the mountains?”

Jayce and Dimitri both shrug their shoulders, and Arnulf’s eyes flicker to his eagle’s then back to human. “There were stories of a dragon able to bring about the end of days—an entire species capable of mass destruction. The Elder Gods watched from their perch in the other worlds. One day, one of these Titans took their rampage too far, and the Elder Gods struck and wiped out most of the population. Only a yearling dragon was left behind; the Elder Gods explained why his people were taken from him. Gallus was raised on the mountain top isolated away from everyone else.” I nod slowly, having listened to his story.

“I had heard the same story as a little boy, and I thought it was something to scare little dragons into behaving. I met Gallus today; he gave his life force to allow Aurora to live. She is now an Ice Dragon-Force Dragon-Lycan hybrid.” The look on the guys’ faces matches how I feel on the inside. Shock doesn’t even cover it right now. I’m grateful we get to keep Aurora, but at what cost to her?

Jayce looks down and then back up to me. “What does that mean for the rest of us? You two were very close before, now it will be worse and we will be forgotten.” Tears slowly begin to roll down his cheeks. His wolf’s eyes surface and look at me—his heart breaking before me.

Quickly, I move forward and pull Jayce to my chest and kiss his forehead. My dragon rumbles to him, trying to calm him and his animal. I hear the soft little rumbles of his wolf answering my dragon. Arnulf moves close, and Jayce and I open our arms and pull him into our embrace. Arnulf’s bird whistles and chirps, trying to communicate with our animals.

Eventually, Dimitri joins the embrace. The four of us stand together, hugging and rumbling, settling our animals with all the changes. Aurora comes up and bounces around all of us. “Whatcha doing?” Aurora practically sings as she bounces around, touching each of us in turn.

Jayce pops free then starts bouncing around with her. “Bonding time, my love!” he says, practically singing to her as they hold each other’s hands as they dance in circles. He’s doing a great job hiding the hurt that had surfaced just moments ago.

This is the oddest thing I have yet to witness the two of them doing to this date. “Are you two okay?” I have to ask them. Even for Aurora, this tops her weird scale.

“Why, Alaric? What could possibly be wrong? I’m healed, my mates are safe, and we’re back together. The best part! We get to kill Strigoi really soon,” Aurora says, and her smile reminds me of her father’s. It’s like Hannibal Lecter and Joker had a baby.

I step free of my bond brothers and walk towards my overly-jolly mate. Gently, I caress Aurora’s arms and feel the power pulsing under her skin. Lightly, I kiss her full lips then smile at her. “I know what’s happening; you’re infused with the power of the ancients. It will take time for you to adjust to it, my love.” Softly, I kiss her lips, then take her hand and start to lead her back to the camp.

We reach the wood line, and she looks out over all those that gather. Her presence alone, the dragons instantly kneel before Aurora. Klaus and Dominik come alongside her and take her hands, and the wolves kneel simultaneously. Aurora looks to her two wolven mates and kisses them in turn. “We have a war to wage and an army to lead. We march on my mother’s castle in the morning. For now, wolves hunt and bring back tasty meat. Water Dragons fly to the closest water and bring back fish. We must eat well; the battle will be tough.” Aurora stretches out her Alpha power, and the wolves can feel her beast back where it should be, their smiles evidence enough.

Our people depart as soon as the orders are issued. Aurora slowly turns to face us and smiles. “We will have a night to end all nights. We feast and enjoy our time together. Then tomorrow, we follow the plan we laid out.” She smiles so sweetly between the six of us.

Aurora and Jayce grab my hands and lead me back to where we usually all sit together. It’s a solitary cedar log under a weeping willow tree. Aurora climbs onto my lap, and Jayce leans against my side. We watch everything fall into place, one piece at a time. Wolves return with a bounty of meat and the dragons with fish. The feast goes on around us as we sit close together, touching each other somewhere. Offerings are brought to us one by one—different kinds of meat and fish to eat tonight. Dominik and Jayce check it all, making sure it’s safe.

The peace we feel is strange, all things considered. We almost lost Aurora twice, to only have her back in the flesh as she is now. I watch my mate closely; she’s shifting her hands to her gauntlets. The scrutiny she’s putting them under is quite intense. ‘My love? Is everything okay?’ I ask softly, only gaining the attention of my bond mates.

Aurora’s eyes shift to her dragon for a moment, then back to human before she looks at each of us in turn. ‘I think so. I mean, it’s a lot to process. One minute I’m in between worlds—dragon and Lycan. Then my wolf is targeted and almost murdered, leaving me no choice but to take into myself the ancient life force and have him rejuvenate my wolf. He changed my dragon side too; she’s stronger than before.’

Aurora draws in a deep breath and sighs softly before continuing. ‘I don’t regret passing on some of my Lycan legacy to Dominik and Klaus. After all, they need it more than me now.’

Aurora drops her gaze for a moment, then looks back up. ‘I feel every dragon I’ve ever come in contact with. I feel my children as if they are next to me. I feel you, Alaric, just as intensely. I feel every single wolf here, Lycan and Dire alike, and it’s absolutely amazing.’

Aurora smiles the sweetest and most affectionate smile I’ve ever seen from her. Slowly, she touches each of us, and I feel a warmth move over my body like a loving embrace. ‘I feel everything from each of you. I hear your whispers in my mind, and I see your animals when I close my eyes. It’s a wondrous feeling to be this at peace finally.’

Her facial expression changes abruptly. ‘When we go to war, and I tell you to retreat, go. My new advantage, we shall call it, will decimate anything in its path. Pull your troops back and run. Don’t look back. I’ll send the dragons to help evacuate everyone. I love you all too much to risk harming anyone.’

Suddenly, Aurora stands and looks at us. ‘Klaus, the team that was supposed to go with me, will remain with the main army. I don’t need them trapped in the rubble if I decide to rip my mother’s castle apart.’

‘Aurora, no!’ Dimitri says forcefully.

‘The castle isn’t safe, Dimitri, and practically in ruins already.’ Aurora gently cups Dimitri’s cheek before kissing him softly. Dimitri’s eyes slam shut, and fur ripples over his bare arms.

He nods slowly then kisses Aurora’s forehead. He smiles. ‘I understand, my love.’ Then he goes to talk with the bears, including Ellis’s team.

“What did you show him, my love?” Jayce asks as he slides up alongside her and snuggles Aurora against him.

Aurora slowly pulls away then offers her hands out to all of us. The five of us that remain reach out and touch her bare skin and get pulled immediately into the vision she wants to share. She’s swimming through the castle then emerges in the lower levels. She partially shifts and fights her way through the Strigoi to the main courtyard. Her new breath weapon decimates everything it comes in contact with, reducing the castle to rubble. Suddenly, we are pulled out of the vision as fast as we were pulled in.

“I love you guys too much to chance anyone being harmed.’ She tries to convey with a look just how much we mean to her.

‘No one will expect me to go in alone. I plan to signal everyone when I’m ready to bring down the castle. I’ll wait until everyone is clear to destroy everything.” Aurora smiles sweetly at us then walks off to talk to our people in the camp to ease their minds.

Honestly, I’m not sure if I’m more concerned about her safety or for ours. The visions she shared with us were some next-level shit. My sick side can’t wait to see Ellis’s reaction to Aurora’s latest upgrade.

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