Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 15

I return to our tent after speaking to all the packs of wolves and Lycans with Dominik. We soothed their fear of Aurora having been recovered and still weak. But a new concern has arisen. They don’t sense her as strongly as they use to. It’s something we must address with Aurora when she wakes up.

Dom and I notice that Aurora must have woken up at some point and ate the deer that was left for her. She is curled up tightly against Arnulf with Dimitri right behind her. Jayce and Alaric each have a hand on her.

We watch Aurora awaken gradually, and her eyes are that of her beasts. She wiggles free of everyone, and a sadness moves across her angelic features. ‘We need to appoint Alphas for the packs.’ She swallows down the emotions that try to well up.

‘I’m not wolf enough to control them at the moment. I fear she’s sick and gone dormant for now.’ Her eyes drop, and I see tears roll down her cheeks. Her hand flexes over her heart before running up her neck and into her hair, pulling it almost violently.

“My connection to the packs has been damaged; I don’t feel them like I use to.” Her eyes narrow as tears threaten to break. Through the bond, we can feel how this pain is like a knife plunged through her heart. She feels so lost and frightened it causes all of us to break a little inside.

Quickly, I reach out and take her in my arms, holding her tightly to my chest. ‘Angel, Dominik, and I are strong enough to control the packs. We will initiate the ancient rites of battle to assume control for you.’ Softly, I kiss her plump lips then gently pass her off to Dominik.

‘My love, my life, I will battle for you and be anything you need me to be.’ Dominik bends down and kisses her lips. ‘First, we need to renew our bond, love.’ Dominik scoops Aurora up in his arms and carries her over to the nest.

Our bond mates sense what’s about to go down, and gradually they take their leave. Aurora is so wrapped up in the moment she barely processes that the others have left to give us time to form our new bond. I move quickly and lay behind Aurora and nip at her shoulders. Dominik lightly nips at Aurora’s neck. We move in unison, mirror images of each other. Our wolves in sync with one another. Something within us encouraging our movements, driving us to mate and renew our bonds.

Aurora’s aroused scent hangs heavily in the air. Our hands slide down her body and find her folds soaking wet. Our beasts rumble, pleased with our discovery. I draw up more of her sticky wet essence and start preparing her rosette—slow, methodical circles over that tight muscle. Dominik lifts Aurora’s thigh and flings her leg over his hip as he plunges his length within her.

Dominik’s strokes are slow and teasing as he waits for me to gain entrance. My cock is rock-hard and throbbing, begging for release. I run my thumb through my precum to lubricate the tip before I start pressing against her rosette. Carefully, I slide in slowly, inch by inch, into her tight warm, welcoming depths. She’s so full with Dominik and me within her. We find our rhythm and start making love to our mate.

Slow, steady strokes draw out the first of Aurora’s orgasms. She goes to bite Dom, and I stop her by gripping her throat and growling in her ear. Her core clenches and ripples again so soon after her last orgasm. Her beast rumbles, pleased with the way we are taking care of her.

Dominik and I know we are both close through our bond, and we pick up our assault. I prop Aurora up slightly since Dominik’s mark is on the side she’s lying on. We feel her core tightening again, and that’s when we strike. Our teeth sink deeply into the muscles of her shoulders. The power of her orgasm rips through all of us, causing a domino effect; Dominik and I follow her swiftly after. The aftershocks of our orgasms cause Aurora to go into a frenzy, and she breaks free of my grip, lunging herself at Dominik, and sinks her teeth into him.

I watch his beast’s fur ripples over his skin, and I feel the power she’s infusing into him. Eventually, they release each other and clean their wounds. Gently, I slide free of Aurora, and she turns to me. I still see a sadness behind her eyes. Slowly, she comes to rest over my length, leaning forward, and licks my lips.

‘I need you to be my sword and shield; you must lead the Lycans, be the Alpha I know you are.’ Aurora nuzzles my jaw then kisses my mark from her. I feel her human teeth grip my mark, and then it happens. Her canines sink deeply into my flesh, and I feel like my body is on fire. The rest of the bond mates come running in, sensing what’s going on. Aurora is growling deeply as she holds onto me. Suddenly, she releases me then licks my wounds. I look down, and I have cum all over my own stomach; I didn’t even notice my release because the pain was so intense.

‘It is done.’ Aurora draws in a deep breath and stands up, walking over to Jayce, who holds out a robe to her. Aurora dresses quickly then moves to the center of the camp.

I feel her Alpha power reach out, calling out to everyone within our camp. ‘I am passing on the responsibility of being Alpha of the packs to my mates Dominik and Klaus. With all that is to come, it is better strategically to divide and conquer than to be one force.’ Whispers move through the group with questions about what was happening.

‘I am invoking the right of challenge!’ Aurora extends her hand to Dominik and me. ‘My champions, my mates, will accept all challengers for the right of Alpha of the respective species packs.’ Aurora takes two steps forward and shifts her arms. ‘This is my will, and it shall be done. Pick your strongest to battle. We start at noon!’

I watch Aurora walk away from everyone; she stops in an opening and raises her hands. A throne made of ice, shaped like a dragon, rises up out of the earth. Aurora walks over and sits upon her ice throne. Once she’s settled, Dante shifts and lays down, wrapping himself around it. He rests his great horned head in front of her and she places a hand upon him, gently stroking his scales as she gazes out amongst her people, watching everyone.

I see Alaric lower his head and shake it slowly. Something major just occurred, and I don’t understand it. Dominik and I move to his side then follow him into our tent. ‘What did we just witness, Alaric?’ The rest of our bond mates enter before he speaks.

‘There were stories I was told as a boy about a powerful dragoness. She was stronger than the Blood Queen. She held the bloodlines of all the species of old.’ Alaric looks to each of us, waiting for us to connect the dots.

‘It was said the ancient Fae would decide when the world would need this champion.’ Again, Alaric looks at each of us, but his phone ringing interrupts his explanation.

‘Tell me it’s not so!’ Nicodeamus’s voice bellows through the speaker.

‘I believe it is, Father. Vladimir has no idea that he has opened the gates to his own personal hell,’ Alaric says, speaking directly to Nicodeamus.

I raise my hand and wave it a few times. ‘Mind spelling it out for the non-dragons in the room? Also, why did it feel like Aurora set my blood on fire?’ As a Lycan, I wasn’t raised knowing all the dragon histories.

‘Wait, she did what?’ Nicodeamus asks curiously.

‘It happened to me, too. Aurora’s bite burned. She looked really sad afterward,’ Dominik says, then looks back to Alaric.

‘Damn Elves and their meddling. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but one of two things just happened. She gave the last of her wolven powers to you two, or she only passed some of her Alpha power onto you because her wolf is dormant. Apparently, the poison did more damage than we had originally anticipated.’ There is a sad resignation to Nicodeamus’s voice.

The weight of his words moves through us like a freight train. I move and look out the tent flap, watching our army move around, unaware of what has transpired today. So many questions burn in the back of my mind.

 ‘Father? Is she able to shift?” I look to my bond mates then sigh softly before returning to the call.

 “If she can shift, what is she now?’ My brows knit together. Apparently, I ask the question that is on everyone’s minds.

Silence hangs in the air like a noose at the gallows. We watch Aurora look to the skies and bellow out a roar we haven’t heard from her before. Alaric seems to be struggling against an unseen force. Scales ripple along Alaric’s exposed flesh as if his dragon is trying to rip free of its human bonds. Aurora looks to us before climbing onto Dante and taking off into the sky.

“What the fuck just happened!?” Dimitri screams in a panic as we watch the dragon swarm shifting and taking off after Aurora.

Alaric relays the occurrences to Nicodeamus and tells him he can’t resist her call for much longer. “If I’m correct, that was Gallus; he is the last great Wyrm Force Dragon. He’s an ancient—tens of thousands of years old. He defeated the last hybrid that went insane. If he’s calling Aurora, it may be the end of his time or hers,” Nicodeamus says, then hangs up, leaving us with more questions than answers.

Alaric can’t resist anymore and goes running down the hill and shifts, heading in the direction of the rest of the swarm. Those of us left look back at the wolves that are staring at us.

 “We need the challengers from the Dire Wolves as well as the Lycans. Let the battles begin,” Dimitri says, then starts walking to a nearby clearing to wait for the battles to start. Normalcy must be maintained, and dominance must be re-established within the packs before all hell breaks loose. I’ll watch over it all, unbiased, while Aurora and Alaric take care of whatever needs to be done.

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