Ashes of Revenge

Chapter 25: Sinking Deeper

The King stood there and stared at Raven’s lifeless body. A few seconds ago, he couldn’t believe that she was alive, now he couldn’t believe she was dead.

Her eyes seemed to follow him, her burned face looking more haunting than ever before.

The King’s eyes left hers, and looked at the dagger. He couldn’t help but wonder why Raven hadn’t stabbed him when she had more than enough opportunities to do so.

His focus left Raven when he heard footsteps get closer to him. Turning his head, he saw it was a horrified Dara.

She picked the book off the floor, her shaking hand smearing the spots of blood on the cover. “What have you done?” Dara asked in such a scared voice that she was barely audible.

“I don’t know.” He was still coming out of Death’s daze.

“She was your daughter.”

“No, she wasn’t.” His voice still mumbled. Dara looked up at him with a genuinely disgusted look on her face. “She turned her back on this Kingdom.”

“She was a child.”

“Who was willing to risk everything for her own selfish needs. Don’t you understand? If I didn’t allow the Farian King to take her, then my Kingdom and every other Kingdom would be in ruins and flames right now. . . . I did what I had to.”

Dara shook her head. “Elizabeth deserved better,” Dara said in a calm and yet venomous tone. She turned around and walked out of the room as fast as she could, not able to stomach being with the King.

The King watched as she left, and then his eyes looked to Victor.

Victor was staring at Raven, no doubt her eyes watching him. His face was so pale and green that he looked like he would vomit or pass out any moment.

Sighing heavily, the King walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder. Victor quickly shoved Arthur’s hand away. The King looked shocked for a second before a painful understanding washed over his face.

“Is what Raven said true?” Victor asked.

“Which part?”

“The part where you sacrificed your daughter for the Kingdom?!” Victor’s voice echoed throughout the room.

The King remained silent for a few seconds, trying to cope with his son yelling at him and trying not to lose his temper.

“As I’ve stated before, that was the only agreement the Farian Kingdom was willing to make. And that is the last time I will say it.”

Victor glared at the King. “Will you sacrifice me for the good of the Kingdom?”

“No, but I know you’ll do as you’re told.”

“So, Raven was captured because she disobeyed?”

“She created a bad image for the Kingdom. She made me and my Kingdom look weak.” The King remembered the humiliation of a young Elizabeth running around a room, being chased by servants who were far too incompetent to keep a child where he had ordered. That’s why he assigned Fernando to watch her, in hopes that he would do better. However, he was sadly mistaken when she found the secret tunnels in every room in the Castle. But those instances didn’t even compare to when she and the Farian Prince, Leroux, met and were told that they would wed. She didn’t hide her disgust about marrying a Farian. That same day, the Farian King threatened war on the Mundus Kingdom unless an agreement could be reached. Within the following week, the King received the deal.

“That’s no excuse.” Tears appeared in Victor’s eyes. Though he hadn’t known Raven for long, he felt terrible for her.

“Hopefully, once you’re King, you can prioritize-”

“You prioritized the Kingdom over your daughter!” Victor yelled.

“Don’t yell at me,” the King said in a commanding, stern voice, finally allowing some anger to seep through.

Victor’s face softened, but he never broke eye contact. “You sent your wife and daughter to the Farian Kingdom, knowing what would happen to them.” Tears appeared in his eyes. “You sent my father to that Kingdom.”

The King’s face switched from anger to sadness.

Fernando walked in, and they both turned to face him. He observed Victor’s angry face and tear-filled eyes.

“Victor, leave,” the King said.

“Yes, my King,” Victor said in a mocking tone that, on any other occasion, would have made the King’s blood boil.

The door slammed behind him.

“Captain,” the King’s voice cracked.“Did you catch them?”

“We captured one, my King, the Farian.”

“Continue to look for the other one.” Fernando nodded. The King was silent for a second, and his body visibly deflated. “How did you even find them?”

“It was by chance, my King. We were traveling on a path, and we ran across the small group. Monstros were following them.”

The King nodded, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Strange, unrecognizable voices invaded his head. They began to take over, commanding him.

“Make sure the Farian won’t be able to fly.” The voices stopped. “Understand?”

“. . . Yes, my King.”

The King slowly turned his now shaking body to face Raven, who was still staring at him. The blood and spit had stopped coming out of her mouth, now lying dormant in her lap. Her chin and teeth were coated with the maroon liquid, almost reminding the King of a vulture that had just feasted.

The voices began again, this time louder and more commanding. “Throw her body in the river . . . .” The King sounded unsure. His voice was shaking, and it was quiet, something Fernando had never heard from him.

“You don’t want her in the Royal tombs or to have proper burial rights?” Fernando asked, purposefully taking advantage of the King’s drained state in an attempt to get Raven a decent resting place.

“No.” He paused again and had to revert his eyes from her. “River.” The King left, leaving Fernando alone with Raven.

Fernando slowly walked to Raven. When he reached her, he kneeled and grabbed her hand. “I’m sorry this happened.” He brought her hand to his forehead and closed his eyes. “Colt made it out, but we have Richard.” Breathing in a shaking breath, he continued, “I’ll do everything I can for him.”

Standing up, Fernando walked out of the room. He came out into the courtyard and turned to the right and ran to the side of the Castle, where a few sleeping quarters were for the Knights. A set of heavy double doors was in the ground, which Fernando opened, revealing a set of cobblestone stairs.

Once down the stairs, he was met with the groans and screams of prisoners. His eyes scanned the cells in search of Richard, stopping when he saw him.

Richard was on the ground, his hands shackled behind his back.

Two Knights were standing over him. One was kicking him in the face and stomach. The other was shouting vulgar insults due to Richard’s species and the fact he had managed to kill a few Knights before being captured.

“Stand down,” Fernando said in his commanding voice. Both the Knights straightened out and stood at attention. “Give me a minute alone with the prisoner.” They both quarter bowed and walked out.

Once they were gone, Fernando knelt and slowly raised him into a sitting position. Richard groaned and winced in pain.

Richard’s nose and mouth had blood coming out of them, and bruises were beginning to form on his face and neck. Fernando kept his hands on Richard’s shoulders, fearing he would fall without the support.

“Did Colt make it?” Richard asked as he winced.

“Yeah, Colt got out, but we have been ordered to continue to look for him.”

“Yeh won’t catch him.” Richard closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. “He’s faster than yer Knights, and if there is anythin’ he knows how to do, it’s escape,” he mumbled.

“Richard,” Fernando said, “I’ve been given the order to make it to where you won’t be able to fly.”

Richard opened his eyes, revealing the gleaming glint of tears. For a Farian to lose their wings made them virtually useless and would most likely kill them sometime down the road.

“There could be a way to save you. If you were anything in the Farian Kingdom, then we could talk to the King-”

“Raven’s dead,” Richard mumbled. “Colt’s gone.” He looked and sounded so heartbroken. His only family was gone, one dead and the other blowing in the wind. The only way he could ensure that Colt wasn’t captured was to accept his own position completely - the Farian had to protect him.

“Richard, I’m trying to help you.”

There was a heavy silence.

“Why are yeh helpin’ me?”

“Because . . . you helped Elizabeth. I know you helped her get out of the Farian Kingdom, and you taught her how to fight. I’m positive that without you, she would be in an unmarked grave somewhere.” Richard looked up at Fernando’s pleading eyes.

Richard only wanted this Kingdom to burn.

“I don’t want to be helped.” He faintly smiled. “I had an amazin’ family an’ life. . . . I’ve accepted what is goin’ to happen to me.”

“You know what your words will lead to?”

“Yeah, an’ it’s ok.” More tears appeared in his eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t feel sorry for a Farian peasant.” A sad smile graced his face. “I’ll be ok.”

Fernando sadly smiled, mimicking Richard. He stood up and began to walk out of the room.

“Captain?” Richard asked, wincing at the act of raising his voice and keeping himself upright. Fernando turned around. “What’s goin’ to happen to Raven’s body?”

Fernando looked down and breathed in deeply. “I’ve. . .” he trailed off. “I’ve been ordered to throw her in the river.”

A tear finally fell from Richard’s eyes, cascading down his face and mixing with the blood.

“I’m sorry. . . .”

Richard shook his head. “I know yer only doin’ what yer ordered to do. I don’t blame yeh.” His voice was so soft. Fernando bowed his head, thanking him. “Just be kind to her.”

“I will.”

“Thank yeh,” Richard managed to choke out.

Fernando nodded before he bowed as if he were bowing to the King. Richard bowed his head, and they rose together.

Richard gave a sad side smile, and Fernando knew he was telling him it was ok to deliver the order.

Fernando walked out of the cell and down the hallway, finding the Knights stationed near the door. When he approached, they straightened out.

“The King has given the orders to make the Farian useless. Make it a fast process.”

They nodded, and Fernando left, making his way to the houses of the Knights. He changed out of his heavy armor and into his regular clothes: chain metal and a green and gold shirt with the King’s crest on the chest.

In the courtyard, Fernando saw the stable boys trying to control the groups’ horses. They were kicking a whining, and no one could get close enough to grab the reins. Somehow, the horses knew that something terrible had happened to their owners. The one that was kicking and whining the most was Herbert.

Fernando cautiously walked up to Herbert, and the horse faintly relaxed, recognizing Fernando’s face. He managed to grab the reins.

“She’s gone,” Fernando said. Herbert bucked his head up and down and side to side. “Get out of here,” he said as he let go of the reins and slapped Herbert’s back. Herbert took off, and the other horses followed.

Walking into the throne room, Fernando was met with Raven’s lifeless stare once more. Slowly making his way to her body, he stopped. He gave her a sad smile, feeling as if her eyes were actually seeing him. Leaning down, he wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other slid under her legs and lifted her body. The throne was now stained with Raven’s blood. He could feel her blood landing on his skin and clothes, making them sticky and uncomfortable.

Fernando firmly held her closer to him. He had had to carry enough corpses to know how limp, cold, and strange one felt. While he was more than used to dead bodies, this was different. He was used to carrying his men, his friends, to an unmarked grave, always taking something to bring back to the families. However, this wasn’t a friend or one of his men. This was a girl he had looked after for years. He had raised and cared for her as one would care for their own flesh and blood.

As a Knight, he felt it would be wrong to have a family, to put them through the stress of the possibility that he might never return. His suspicion became true when Victor’s father was killed. He knew if the King hadn’t married Dara, they would be far worse off than they were before, and that was a risk he couldn’t fathom putting his would-be family through. Now that he was holding Raven’s corpse, he knew what the families of the unreturned Knights felt like.

Fernando’s grip tightened around her.


After an eternity of walking, he made it to his destination. It was a lake outside of the Castle and village, by around an hour or two . . . it was where he had taught Raven to swim.

Fernando didn’t want to lay her to rest near the place in which she had been killed and rejected. He wanted to set her free.

The lake turned into a river on either side, but Fernando knew the lake was deep enough to prevent Raven’s body from being swept away.

Gently kneeling, Fernando’s shaking arms laid her slightly stiff body on the ground. Raven’s body fell to the side, but her eyes remained on him. Her pale, grey lips were parted, and dried blood covered her chin and the sides of her mouth. On the side of her chest was a hole, where the sword had impaled her.

Fernando reached down his hand and finally closed her eyes. Somehow, it now felt ok to grab rocks and place them in her pockets. From his pocket, he produced a seed of a flower he had picked, it had been Elizabeth's favorite, and he hoped it was good enough for Raven. He placed it in her open wound, completing the Mundus burial rights and officially breaking his King's command. Every Mundus was to be buried with the seed of his or her favorite plant, allowing it to grow and create more life in the fertile Kingdom. If there was no wound, it was to be placed in their mouths.

Once again, he wrapped his arm around Raven and pulled her off the ground, embracing her in a hug. He closed his eyes and placed his face in the crook of her neck.

“I’m sorry that I’ve failed you twice.” His voice was a mumbled whimper. “You deserved so much better.”

Fernando pulled his head away from her neck and brought his shaking free hand up to her face. He moved bloodstained bits of hair away, his fingers running over the textured skin.

He hated to think of the pain and suffering Raven had experienced, and he only hoped that Richard and Colt were there to help her through it.

Breathing in a shaking breath, Fernando relaxed faintly, almost glad Raven’s suffering was finally over.

“I’m sorry,” Fernando mumbled. “You can be with your mum now. I don’t want to keep you from her any longer.” He picked up Raven’s body again and walked into the water.

There was a special place in the water where the lake’s rocky ground turned into a drop-off. That’s where she could finally be at peace.

The water rose to his waist, making Raven partly float. Her outside arm extended naturally, and her hair flared out. Some blood left her skin and clothes and created a thin layer of red around them as he continued to walk.

Once Fernando made it to the drop-off, he looked down and saw nothing but darkness. His grip slowly loosened around her, and her body began to sink deeper into the dark abyss.

Raven’s right hand floated up as she sunk like she was reaching out to Fernando, but he didn’t reach back. Her face became invisible in the darkness, and the last thing that he saw was her pale hand until that inevitably disappeared.

Raven sunk deeper.


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