
Chapter Prisoner

He was up before me again.

Still holding me as he ran his fingers along the length of my arms.

“This is becoming a habit” I said without opening my eyes.

“What is?” he asked as he buried his face in my hair.

“You getting up before me in the mornings. It means that you’re either becoming an early riser or a non-sleeper. The first case, which I have no trouble with, as I don’t mind waking to meet your open eyes and soft caresses, but the second would be a problem.” I said easing up to meet his face. I could see a slight sign of sleep deprivation as small circles had appeared around his eyes.

“The verdict?” he said as he watched as I examined his face.

“Non-sleeper,” I said as I frowned.

“You shouldn’t frown, you don’t want to develop premature wrinkles.” He said with his lips tilting slightly to one side.

“Even if I did get wrinkles, I would still be hot, at least to you. But that is not the issues now.” His smile spread to the other corner of his lips.

“I do sleep, but the nights are becoming longer approaching winter and I am sort of nocturnal remember. We didn’t notice it back home as much as day and night are pretty much equal all year round in the tropics. But I will get more accustomed to the extended hours as the winter progresses.”

“Oh,” I said allowing the frown lines to melt away. He laughed at my facial expression.

“You can take heart to know that you will probably look like this during the summer, when it’s the other way around.”

“I am looking forward to that,” I said sarcastically. “What’s on the agenda for the day?”

“More paper work, some of our deals are starting to bear fruit and we better jump on some new ones to keep the ball rolling. You, what are your plans?”

“I haven’t quite decided yet.” I lied. I knew exactly where I was going. I was going to see Naeht today. It was eating at me for days to see what was going on in the dungeons. I knew he wouldn’t like the idea so I didn’t think it would be prudent to bother him with it. “But maybe I’ll come and help you crunch some numbers or something.”

“You won’t have to, Dad’s already on that and I know that you really hate math anyways, even if it’s a little addition and subtraction.” He smiled.

“I hate math, that’s true but when the numbers have a dollar sign at the beginning it somehow becomes more pleasant.” I smiled. “But you’re right Seidon does need a distraction.” I said musingly. “I will find something else to do, probably on the outside.”

He stopped rubbing my hand and seemed to be stretching over to the drawer next to him. “I forgot to give this back to you.”

“My gem,” I said as he dropped it in my hands. “My neck has been feeling a little light without it there.” I said as I held it up to my face to examine the blue glass.

“In case you need me.” he said becoming serious.

“I will call, not that I intend on putting myself in any danger for you to have to find me again.”

“Finding you was never the problem. It was not knowing where you were in the first place that scared me the most.”

“ I am here now and you won’t have to worry about me disappearing anymore.” I said in a reassuring tone.

“I know. I am going to make sure of it.” he said as his hands started to skate along the length of my upper body.

“Rain,” I whispered and his image appeared as I held them gem back up to my face. His arm had an awkward curve, as it floated in the air but I knew that is where it were resting on my hip. “Still works,” I said as I curled my fingers around it as the light faded. “Do you mind?” I said as I swept my hair up leaving my neck bare making it easier for him to lace it around.

“Not at all,” he said as I felt his warm breath skimming along the length of my exposed neck.

“Putting on my gem, not... Oh my!” I gasped as my words got caught in my throat as he pressed his lips against my skin. If I had hairs on my neck they would all be standing erect. Not to mention my racing heart ready to thrum its way out of my chest.

“Oh, I’m sorry, you were saying?” he said moving away from me suddenly. His face was no longer near mine but the heat still remained pleasantly burning away at the places he’d kissed.

“My gem. I wanted you to put it on for me.” I said turning my head slightly.

“Oh that’s what you wanted.” he said in an all too innocent tone. I couldn’t see his face but the laughter was evident in his voice.

“Like you didn’t know.” I smiled and again lifting my hair up with one hand and handing him the necklace with the other.

He took it from me and hitched it securely around my neck. “All done.” he said softly. “Do you have another chain to put on?” he asked as I still held my hair out of the way.

“No, I am waiting for the rest of my kiss. You gave me a small bite and now I want the whole cake.” I said dropping my tone about two octaves lower than the usual.

I felt his lips moving along my neck almost immediately. “Woman you do know that greed is one of the seven deadly sins.” he whispered.

“This is not greed, this is lust. And that sin doesn’t apply anymore to us. You are my husband and it is my duty as your wife to be as greedy and lustful of you as I want.” I whispered as he continued his sweet torture of my neck.

“A dutiful wife you are.” he chuckled softly.

“Hmm Hmmm,” If he continued this any longer my whole body might just melt into mush. As my mind had already fuzzed over, not being able to focus on anything else other than the fact that he was touching me. I turned blindly to find his face.

“I’m guessing it is my turn to be the dutiful husband.” he said softly.

“You guessed right.” I said as my lips lingered over his.

“We do have a lot of work to do.” he said holding me off slightly.

“And?” I asked ignoring his push.

“But I do have a duty to you. It is all about prioritizing and you are my number one priority. Everything else will have to wait a while longer. Besides, work had me prisoner for two months, I could use a break.” he said as he slid his hands under my thighs and wrapped it around himself.

“I agree.” I said as I crushed my lips against his.

Thorn’s and I little rendezvous had passed hours ago, but it still had my insides jiggling like Jell-O, but I was gradually firming up the further I climbed down into the darkened stairs. The dungeon was more of an oubliette, with one trap door leading underground. The only way out was having to pass through the Guards’ waiting room.

The air was damp and smelled old. It tickled my nose for the greater part of the trip down.

“Your Highness, are you cold?” asked the Guards who accompanied me down.

“No, why did you ask.” I said turning to the face which was slightly obscured by darkness.

“Your hands, they are shaking.” He said.

“Oh,” I looked down and they indeed shaking. I wrapped one hand in the other causing it to stop. I wasn’t the cold, but this place gave me the creeps and I wasn’t too keen on my meeting ahead either, but it had to be done. I wanted answers.

We finally reached the bottom of the stairs on either side of the dirt floor were small silver covered doors each securely locked.

“Which one is he in?” I asked.

“The fifth one on the left.” He said walking over to it.

“Open it,” I said coming to stand beside him.

He nodded and after going through a series of strange looking keys. They didn’t look like keys actually, just a bunch of stone tablets each with a different shape and size. He finally picked out one. It was pentagonal and had a slight engraving on the front. He stooped down and fitted it in a slot I hadn’t taken much notice of before. He twisted it once and the sealed door became slightly raised.

He grabbed the edge and lifted it over. The metal lined hole wasn’t very deep, but it had enough standing space even for a six foot seven person to stand straight. The width however was hardly long enough for that person to sit comfortably with their feet extended. The cell was obviously not built for comfort but punishment.

I nodded for the guard to leave. He wasn’t going far just to the end of the stairs.

His silver head didn’t move as he stood leaning on one wall. “Aurora, I am surprised to see you here.” he said with his head suddenly snapping up. “I thought you hated me and would cringe at the thought of being around me.” he said with a slight one sided smile.

I didn’t say anything just continued looking at him. To be honest, I didn’t know what I should say first. I had conflicting feelings of anger, hurt, happiness and pity flowing through my mind. The strongest however was pity. I couldn’t understand it. Naeht had hurt me in unimaginable ways, yet here I was pitying him.

“So quiet, hmm.” he paused. “Why is it that you are here, Aurora? I know it isn‘t because you care.” his voice suddenly becoming harsh. “Did you come to check on whether or not I am writhing in pain and begging for death?” he said as his dark eyes pierced mine.

“I just wanted know why? Why did you do it?” I said stooping so that I could see his face more clearly.

“Does Rain know that you are here?” he said trying to change the subject.

“I just want to know why?” I repeated.

“I’ll take that as a no. Still his prisoner I see. Having to sneak out all the time.” his smile widened. “No wonder you seemed so much at home when I took you. At least you had more freedom to express your opinions even if it was behind closed doors.”

“You can think whatever you want Naeht. Your opinion doesn’t matter much to me. The only thing I’m interested in hearing from you is why did it. Why did you suddenly change into a monster?”

“A monster is that what I am? I guess I have nothing to say then. I’ve never heard of a talking monster.” he said snapping his head to face the opposite walls of his cell.

“There always exceptions to rules. You could be the exception in this case.” I said. “You’ve already broken so many others, so why stop there?”

He slowly lifted his head. His expression was lighter. “You already know why. I wanted the money, the power, everything that comes with being on top.”

“You already had money.”

“I wanted more.” he said suddenly becoming fierce. “Greed isn’t exactly a new concept. It does exist in the real world. I was greedy.”

“I don’t buy that. There has to be more.” I said with my voice softening.

“Like what? It seems you know even more about me than myself.” he said humourlessly.

“Revenge. You wanted revenge for all the things you thought were taken from you. All the things that were supposed to be yours.”

“That sounds like a good motive...for someone else. Nothing was taken from me. Nothing I ever had in the beginning that is.”

“What about your father? Your real father.” I whispered.

“What was there to avenge? I didn’t know him.” he said darkly.

I held my breath. “So you don’t know?” I whispered.

“What are you talking about?”

“Your mother’s diary...Nothing.” I said slapping my mouth shut. I was the only one who knew.

“What is it? I want to know.” he said searching my face.

“You aren’t exactly in the position to be making demands.” I snapped. “I didn’t get any answers, so I don’t believe I owe you any. Goodbye Naeht.” I said getting up. “Guard.” I called.

“Aurora wait.” I turned to him. “You owe me,”

“What are you talking about Naeht?”

“I helped to save you from Omayra that first time.”

“I remember and I thank you. But that has been cancelled. The only reason your aren’t dead is because I asked...begged Rain not to execute you. I don’t owe you anything Naeht. I’m sorry.” I said coldly. I watched as his face fall in defeat. “Close the door.” I said to the guard.

“Aurora, you will regret...” his voice was suddenly cut off as the door was again sealed.

It was a mistake coming down here. I knew that now. I wanted to know his real motives and those of his accomplice, whoever he was, that was still walking freely. I got none of that today, making the whole trip a complete waste of my time.

The only thing I did accomplish was elevating the level of tension between us as I had to mention his mother’s diary. Which, as it turns out, he didn’t even know about.

And what was he saying that I was going to regret? I didn’t care. It was an empty threat made out of curiosity and probably frustration. He couldn’t do anything. He was in a cell hundreds of miles below sea level.

Our ascent was much quicker as I’d become familiar to the winding stairs. That and the fact that I was distracted by my building frustration.

“My husband doesn’t hear about this.” I said turning to the Guard as soon as we were out of the hole. “Do you understand?” he nodded.

I put the white hood over my head as I walked out of the room.

The Guard room wasn’t in the palace but it lay north of the island, with the games field directly in front of it. The field was empty except for the lone Guard I saw in the distance heading this way. It was Vitali. Frick, just the person I didn’t want to see. He would no doubt tell Thorn that he saw me over here. Although that wasn’t a problem. He didn’t see where I was coming from exactly. So it shouldn’t be a problem.

“Your Majesty, I wasn’t expecting you at this corner of the island.” he said in his Russian burr.

“I just took a walk. I was tired of staying inside.”

“Unattended?” he asked surprised.

“I am not a prisoner here.” I said harshly. It brought back Naeht’s comments. I had pretended that they hadn’t stung but they had hit a nerve.

“I never meant to imply that you were.” he apologized.

“And both you and I know that I am never really alone here. Someone always sees.” I said amending my tone. I cringed lightly at the truth of my own words. Damn, I was busted. “I should be going my husband will be expecting me.” he nodded once and I was off towards the castle.

His face lit up into a wide smile as I walked into his study and immediately I felt guilty.

“I went to see Naeht.” I blurted out and came to sit in the chair at the other side of his table.

He rested the papers he had in his hand on the desk. “I know,” he said but the smile hadn’t disappeared.

“You know and you are not angry?” I said in disbelief.

“No, I can’t be angry at who you are. You care for him,” I frowned. “You do,” he continued after reading my expression. “I knew that you would have gone to see how he was doing sometime. I must say however, that I was surprised that it was so soon.” he said leaning over the desk.

“Oh,” I said before biting down on my lower lip. “I am curious to know who told on me?” I hedged.

“You did. Even before the words got out of your mouth your face said it all. I haven’t fully figured out what all your little gestures and expressions mean, but I am on my way.” he let out a slight laugh.

I twisted my face as I wondered whether I should be worried that my face gave away my secrets, I had always known that I was a bad liar, but I thought I was getting better at covering my tracks, but I was obviously deluding myself. It meant that I had to be more careful about not mentioning the diary. It wouldn’t be lying exactly, it was just a secret, one that I couldn’t tell him, so I should be fine I guess.

“How was he?” he asked in an uninterested tone, as he picked up the papers and started flipping through them again. I didn’t know who he was trying to fool with his apparent nonchalance but it wasn’t working on me . He did care, no matter what he said.

“I can’t tell really. His mood changes even more than mine. He has put up this wall that I can’t seem to get around. However, when I was leaving the both of us ended up very angry.”

“What did you talk about?” he said again with the same nonchalant tone.

“I wanted to know why he did it.”

“And what did he say?” he asked as the pretense of indifference was slowly fading.

“He didn’t tell me the truth or what I thought was the real truth. He said greed, which I don’t buy. There has to be something more.” I said intensely as I again tried fitting the puzzle pieces of Naeht’s sudden transformation together. I sighed as I wasn’t getting anywhere. “The next thing you know, accusations started flying all over the place and I got angry and left. I was so pissed with myself for losing my temper as I didn’t get to ask him about who his accomplice was and what was his or her deal with the matter.”

His lips were again pressed into a hard line as none of us were truly comfortable with the fact that the person that helped Naeht was still out there running free.

“The more I think about it, the more I am beginning to think that Naeht was the accomplice and that the other person was the one who was calling the shots.”

“Why do think so?” I said caught off guard by his sudden revelation.

“So many things just seem out of place. The way you described the other person, it sounded like he had a lot of power and influence. He might have some links to the Guard still.

“I know my brother very well. Well enough to know that some of the things that he did were totally out of character. I am starting to believe that Naeht wasn’t caught, but allowed himself to be found. They probably figured that I wasn’t going to harm him anyways so it was safe for him to come in.”

“But who…?”

“I don’t know...yet. But I will.” he said as his face was strained with determination.

A slight chill passed up my spine. Naeht had only temporarily cut off my air supply and he was only the accomplice. The real criminal would be aiming to permanently suck all the oxygen from around me.

I looked at Rain in horror as I now realised that I was never the real target. I was probably just a diversion, probably a test run of whatever sick scheme he was planning could work.

They’d succeeded with me and if that was any indication of what was to come then...!!!

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