Artificial Heart

Chapter 33

Prisha woke with a groan. Her head was throbbing.

Men were talking.

‘This should never have happened …’

‘If you hadn’t left the door open …’

‘ … could have hurt her and ruined everything … embarrassing.’

The voices muffled. Prisha tried to open her eyes but they were inexplicably heavy. The voices continued but she couldn’t understand what they were saying.

She slipped away.

Alf was there in her dreams again. Waiting out in the field. Standing by his invisible spaceship. The moonlight was blazing against the metal in his face. It made his eyes shine. He kept looking at his wrist, as though checking the time. He was waiting. Waiting for her. And she was stuck here. Wherever here was.

Alf. Alf the alien. Alf the researcher. Alf the peacekeeper. Alf the lover.

Alf the father.

Prisha’s eyes snapped open, then closed again against the bright light. She murmured Alf’s name. She tried to sit up but her arms were held down.

‘Alf,’ she murmured. ‘Don’t go. I’m coming.’

‘What did she say?’ came a male voice.


‘Prisha, it’s okay. You’re safe. Allow yourself to wake up slowly.’

‘Let me go,’ she whispered. She cracked open her eyes and saw two blurry figures standing over her.

‘We can’t. I’m sorry. It’s too dangerous.’

‘Alf wouldn’t hurt me.’

The two blurry figures looked at each there. Prisha rolled her eyes, opening them wider. She blinked furiously until the two figures coalesced into actual people. One woman. One man. Both were in white coats. Classic. The man was black with a bald head. He wore glasses. The woman was older with short grey hair and shining grey eyes.

‘I have to get to Alf,’ she croaked.


‘My alien.’ My alien.

The man and woman looked at each other again.

‘The alien who impregnated you, you mean?’ the woman said callously.

A tear leaked down Prisha’s cheek. The woman looked over her shoulder and Prisha suddenly saw a third figure standing in the shadows in the rear corner of the room. He was wearing a suit. She didn’t recognise him.

‘Do you know what’s happening to you, Prisha?’ The bald man leaned over and flashed some light in her eyes. ‘My name is Embry, by the way. I’m a doctor, and I’m here to take care of you.’

Prisha twisted her wrists in their bindings. ‘Why am I tied up?’ There was a needle in the crook of both her arms. Both had tubes that led to bags of fluid.

‘For your protection. So you don’t try to leave and tear out your lines,’ the woman said.

‘How long have I been out? My throat is sore.’

‘A couple of hours. You woke once but we sedated you again so that we could administer some medicine. Your potassium and calcium were at dangerous levels. Even your sodium was problematic. You’re actually quite a sick woman.’

Prisha stared up at him. ‘How am I now?’

Embry smiled. ‘Better.’

‘And the baby?’

He blinked. ‘Alive. Stable. But …’ He glanced at the woman.

Prisha’s stomach swam. ‘What’s wrong with it?’

‘When was the first time you had intercourse with this alien?’

Prisha’s face turned hot. ‘Uh … I’m not sure exactly. Maybe four or five weeks ago at most.’

The doctor’s eyes flashed. He and the woman shared another glance.

‘Tell me what’s wrong!’

‘Your blood test suggests the foetus is somewhere between ten and twelve weeks.’

Prisha stared up at him. ’Twelve weeks?’

‘You’re absolutely sure you haven’t had intercourse with any other man?’

‘Of course I’m sure.’

‘You’re sure about the dates.’


‘You haven’t been drunk or found yourself in situations—’

‘No! Absolutely not. I’m forty-eight years old!’

Embry raised his hands. ‘I just have to ask.’

‘So … so, what does that mean? That it’s growing faster than it should?’

‘Not necessarily. If it is of extraterrestrial origins, then the blood work can’t be trusted.’ He looked down at her tummy. ‘I want to ultrasound it so we have a clear picture of what we’re dealing with. If that’s all right by you.’

‘Do I have a choice?’

Embry and the woman turned as the man at the back left the room.

‘Have you had a child before?’ the doctor asked Prisha, ignoring her question.

‘I was—I was pregnant once. A long time ago. But I got rid of it.’ Prisha couldn’t look him in the eyes. ‘He said—he said we’re from the same origins. Alf, I mean—us and his species. I’ll be all right, won’t I? If we’re the same species …’

‘Since you managed to conceive together, I suppose our origins must be very close.’

‘And … will I be all right?’

‘We cannot know what to expect.’ His brow furrowed. ’We’ll do what we can. But you must stay. If you leave, you could get very sick or maybe even die. You’re already sick and you’re only ten weeks in.’

‘But it might not be ten weeks yet, you said.’

He gave an unconvincing nod.

‘I’m bigger,’ she said. ‘My tummy. I’m bigger. It’s bigger than it should be.’


Prisha sniffed. ‘Alf wants me back. He’s waiting for me. You must let me go. He’ll know what to do.’ She twisted her hands in their bindings.

‘How do you know he’s waiting for you?’

‘I just know. I can feel it.’ The burning sensation at the back of her neck was gone but the prickling was still there.

‘I’m afraid I don’t have the authority. I’ll relay this new information to those who do, though. Then we’ll see what happens. I’m afraid that’s all I can do for you.’

‘You can release me.’


‘Please, let me go. I don’t want to die here.’

‘We’re not going to let you die.’

‘How can you know that? You said it yourself I’m sick and you don’t know why. I need my nutrient sachets. They’ll have all I need.’

‘Your nutrient sachets?’

‘Alf gave them to me. He said it would help with my … er … problems.’

‘Where are they now? We would very much like to see them.’

‘Back in Australia.’

‘Oh …’

‘I need them!’

‘Okay. Okay. Calm down. We’ll do what we can to find them. And this Alf—I’ll tell them what you’ve told me.’

’There’s that them again. Who is them?’

Neither answered. Embry turned to leave.

‘Wait! Where are you going?’

‘To get the ultrasound,’ the woman soothed. ‘Don’t worry. He’ll be back.’

Prisha licked her dry lips. ‘Can I have some water? I’m thirsty.’

The woman raised up the head of her bed and held out a cup of water with a straw. Prisha drank it all. ‘Thank you.’ She slumped back into her pillow. ‘Why do I feel so tired?’

‘Multiple reasons. The attack. The sedation. You’re still not well. Your iron is very low.’

‘Jesus.’ Prisha looked up at the bags of fluid. ‘I was feeling really good. Up until now, that is.’

The woman looked over her shoulder, then back again. Her eyes were glittering. ‘What was he like? This alien?’

‘Kind. Sweet. Loving.’ Prisha’s heart lurched. Like always, she turned her face away as the tears thickened her throat. ‘Easy to fall for.’

But was he really? How sweet could he really be? After all he’d done to her: the kidnap, the experiments, the lies, and now this.

Why impregnate her and leave her here? It wasn’t the Alf she thought she knew.

‘It’s all so confusing,’ Prisha said and she wiped her face on her pillow. ‘Do you know if they’ve found my sister yet?’ She felt guilty. She hadn’t thought of her for several hours.

‘Your sister?’ She shook her head. ‘I’m afraid I know nothing of it.’

Prisha sighed. ‘Can you take off these bindings, at least? They’re starting to hurt. My fingers are turning numb.’

The woman hesitated. ‘I could loosen them, I suppose.’

‘Please. What’s your name?’ Prisha asked as she began to fiddle with the knots.

‘Lucy. I’m a nurse.’

‘I’m Prisha.’

The woman smiled faintly. She finished loosening her left hand before going over to her right. She’d just loosened it, when a man entered. The nurse quickly stepped away, hands folded in front of her. Prisha watched as he and a second man pulled in some kind of machinery on wheels. Obviously the ultrasound.

The doctor followed them in. Standing at the edge of her bed, he rubbed his hands together. ‘Let’s take a look, shall we?’

Moments later, he was sitting in a chair beside her as he pressed the probe to her abdomen. It was just the four of them again: Prisha, Dr Embry, Lucy and the man in the shadows at the back.

Prisha’s guts lurched. ‘Is that the heartbeat?’


‘Is it … is it normal?’

‘Perfectly normal, from what I can hear.’ He was frowning as he concentrated.

‘I want to see it,’ she said.

He turned the screen to face her. Prisha stared, her heart in her throat. She had no idea what she was looking at but apparently it was there. Its heart continued to beat at a rapid pace.

‘Ten weeks would be about right,’ Embry said. ‘Can you see it? It’s here.’ And he pointed it out to her.

Tears pricked Prisha’s eyes. It was a little blob. Just a shadow on the screen.

Little Alf. Or Alfa. She almost laughed.

‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ she asked.

‘Too early to tell.’

The nurse was standing down at the end of the bed, utterly fixated.

‘It looks healthy. It looks normal,’ he said.


The doctor nodded. ‘So far. Nothing out of the ordinary.’

‘You almost sound disappointed.’

Prisha relaxed back into her pillows with a smile of relief. He tapped a few keys on the machine, then pulled the probe away. He wiped the goo from her belly.

‘All done,’ he said. ‘Until next time.’

He stood to leave.

‘Can you release me now?’ He didn’t answer as he pushed the machine towards the door. ‘I want to go to the bathroom!’

He left. So did the man in the shadows.

‘I’ll take you to the bathroom,’ Lucy said.

Prisha waited while she finished untying her restraints.

‘How are you feeling now?’ the nurse asked. ‘It must be overwhelming.’

‘You’re not kidding.’

‘Is he really waiting for you?’


‘Kind of romantic, isn’t it?’

‘I suppose.’ Prisha felt a rush of anger. ‘But I’m not exactly sure what he’s waiting for.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘He left me here, pregnant.’ Prisha massaged her wrists. ‘Thank you.’

‘Maybe he didn’t know.’


‘Did he know you were pregnant?’

Prisha stared at her. ‘I-I don’t know.’ She looked towards the door with a frown. ‘Maybe that’s why he’s here now.’ Maybe he knows now.

‘Come along,’ the nurse said. ‘It’s over here.’

Prisha followed her over to a door on their right.

Maybe he knows now. Prisha glanced again towards the door that led out.

Lucy opened the bathroom door. Prisha took a step forward, then pushed her inside. The woman yelled as she hit the floor. Then Prisha was rushing for the door. She ripped it open. She hadn’t taken a step outside when a hand shout out, grabbing her wrist. Another hand grabbed the back of her neck.

‘It hurts!’ Prisha cried.

His grip was like fire as he dragged her back inside. He let her go and she stumbled. Bowed over, Prisha grabbed at her neck, panting. She looked up through her hair to see a huge man standing by the door. He was bald with a scar down the side of his neck. Again, he was dressed in black.

‘Stay here,’ he growled.

The nurse was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, grey hair askew, looking furious but unhurt.

‘Are you okay? Do you want me to restrain her?’ the man asked the nurse.

The nurse shook her head. ‘I’m fine.’

He waited by the door, muscular arms folded as he glared at Prisha.

‘I’m sorry,’ Prisha told the nurse. Lucy sniffed and gestured towards the bed. Prisha sat down. ‘But I really need to get out of here. Like I said, he’s waiting for me.’

Lucy walked away. The guard stepped aside to let her out. He followed. A lock clicked behind them.

Prisha dropped her head into her hands.

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