
Chapter 8.1

It was nightfall when they arrived at their destination. The darkness made it hard to see their surroundings, and the weather was cold and harsh with snow blowing in from the north. Tia allowed herself to be rushed inside a stone building by Vlad. They were accompanied by Alexander and another guard as the rest of their escort searched the perimeter.

Inside, Vlad held her inside his cloak as his eyes scanned the dark corridor. Alex moved ahead, lighting the way.

“There’s no one here,” she commented. Her legs cold; he had refused to give her back her underwear after making her climax repeatedly, and she could feel her wetness between her legs. She longed for a shower. And a fire. Or maybe a shower beside a fire... She gave Vlad a meaningful side glance, but he didn’t notice.

“This is a halfway castle,” he explained, following Alex while the other guard took up the rear. “We’re lucky to make it this far. If that storm had come any sooner…” He trailed off as Alex paused and raised an eyebrow. “Shut up, Alexander, or it’s the torture chamber for you.”

The Gargoyle in front of them continued his way. Tia held back a laugh, remembering Alex’s protests about the storm.

“How was your ride, Milady?” Alex asked, gazing past her into a dark room to their left. “I trust you had a good experience?”

“You locked me inside a carriage. I wasn’t able to see the scenery or different sights. It was very boring,” she huffed, refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

“Seriously?” He asked, gaping back at them.

“What, you think I would take advantage of her? You’re the real monster here,” Vlad played along, making sure to walk past him without a sideways glance. He kept Tia held tightly in his grasp, his cloak wrapped around her completely. She felt like a doll in his arms.

Not moments later they had come to a stairway, coming face to face with Jaya. He leaned against the cobblestone wall, folding his arms. “It’s dirty and abandoned. The guard in the area hasn’t been by here in a while. Not entirely surprising, given they aren’t reporting to us anyway.

“But it is secure, I’ve already started a fire in the upstairs master bedroom - it’s the only room suitable for either of you. I trust you’ll be proper grownups and share the room without trying to kill each other?”

Vlad nodded, lifting Tiana like a Princess. She grabbed onto his chest with a start, her eyes widening. Alex came up behind them, studying them curiously. “I shall take the first watch, your Majesty.”

“See to it,” Vlad responded, walking past Jaya.

Jaya yawned loudly. “I’m going to bed, too, then. Wake me when you’re tired.”

Vlad put Tia down once safely in the room. He closed the door behind him and did a quick scan, his cautious gaze coming to rest on an annoyed Human female. “My underwear,” she demanded, holding out a hand. He smiled mischievously, taking her hand and flinging her onto the bed. She yelped in surprise. He was on her the next second, pressing his member against her pelvis.

“I said I wasn’t going to do anything to you in the carriage, but there’s no way I can hold back any longer.” He purred, kissing the curvature of her breast as his hands seductively undressed her.

“Vladimir!” She hissed, but it was too late. She was already naked beneath him, feeling his hands, tongue, and teeth violate her in ways she’d never experienced. What had happened to her clothes? The hair on top of his head was more like fur and she felt a tail smack against her leg. He was already losing himself. She gripped his ear tightly, only to pause in shock as his jaw locked in on her shoulder. They seemed to be at a standstill.

He refused to bite her -any harder- unless she hurt him, and she hesitantly shifted her gaze, seeing the burning irises of the King looking at her with a very clear determination. It was at that moment he adjusted himself slightly and she felt something press against her womanhood. Something exposed and ready to take advantage of her.

“I’m not ready!” She gasped. Instantly regretting the poorly told lie the moment she let it out. She was ready. She’d been ready for this for a while now. She wanted him probably as bad as he wanted her.

“You’re lying,” he argued. She felt mildly reassured, knowing he could read her so well. Her insides seemed to swell as a part of him pressed further in. She quickly released her hold on his ear so that she could grab at his shoulders. His cloak was gone - when had that happened? He lifted himself on his hands, his gaze level with hers. His irises burning into her own. He entered her a bit more.

“I’m not lying!” She was near panic, unable to hold his gaze. He came closer to her as if challenging her. If only she could calm her heart.

“Why can’t you look at me, then?”

“I-I can too,” she protested, meeting his gaze if only a fraction of a second.

His lips came crashing down on hers as he began pumping his waist, pulling the head out and pushing it back in. Her body grew hotter and hotter as what pain had been building began to diminish, until, finally, lost in the ecstasy of his kiss, he took her.

Tiana slowly opened her eyes to the world. It was bright, too bright. Vlad was peacefully sleeping, practically on top of her. His body heat was the only thing keeping her warm, and she could tell be the visual of her breath just how cold it was. As if he could tell she was awake he drew her even closer, caging her in his arms.

“Vladimir,” she whispered, trying to adjust herself in his grip. The entirety of the night suddenly came back to her and she froze in his grasp. How could she have forgotten? Her head jerked in his direction, the movement drawing his sleepy eyes open a fraction. She gasped in surprise, but he seemed oblivious. His mouth met hers, his lips opening hers and his tongue violating her own.

He didn’t even seem to be fully aware as his hands found her breasts. She couldn’t cry out as his tongue kept her in check. Her worry and shock faded away as his body took over hers once more.

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