
Chapter 7.2

She lowered her gaze, unable to look at him any longer. A thick tear fell from her lashes, landing on the cast in her lap. His hand tugged at her chin, attempting to get her to look at him once more. “I challenged him, Vlad. He insulted you, and I couldn’t bear to hear it. He attacked me because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut,”

Vlad leaned closer to her, raising her hand to his lips. His burning gaze seemed to heat her to her very core. “That is something I would never want you to change.”

Another tear fell from her eye and she shook her head. “And then you defended me. A-And I ran. I r-ran away,”

“I did find that irritating.” He growled. She gawked at him, seeing the pouting child in his gaze. “It wasn’t that you ran - I couldn’t believe you were there anyway. I wanted you to run as far as you could. It was the fact you ran with him," the last word came like a toxic venom, his expression soured, and she was sure there was a foul taste in his mouth if only his imagination.

She gently touched his face, drawing his surprised gaze back to her. “I couldn’t live with myself if you had killed him, Vlad. I wouldn’t have been able to live with you.”

There was something mysterious about him now. He lowered his head, only a fraction as if to allow it to fall in her palm. His gaze remained unwavering. “Well, he remains alive. So, what now?”

A hint of sadness tugged at her again. She opened her mouth, pondering what to say. “We still have yet to go on a date...?” She expected him to reject the idea, with him being busy ruling the world and all.

“I will have Alex rearrange my schedule,” he reached up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Tia’s heart leaped and a soft smile tugged at his lips.

“Shut your face,”

He chuckled. “I said nothing.”

She squinted her eyes at him. “Just because you have super senses and you can hear and smell everything doesn’t mean you need to react to everything.”

He lifted his palms in surrender. “You have me. I yield to your will,” she watched him as Vlad gracefully stood tall, leaning over to her to pull the blankets up to her chest. His hands hesitated there for a fraction of a second before he continued to tuck her in. She had noticed his eyes brighten, but they dampened just as quickly. He placed his forehead against hers, pushing her down until she was on her back. She felt trapped between his arms, his unrelenting gaze holding her own. “Thank you, for waking up.”

There was real pain hidden deep within his voice. Tia realized just how frightened he must have been, weeks passing with her unconscious. Gently, she pushed back against him, his solid form unmoving. Their gaze unwavering. “Thank you, Vladimir. For saving my life, again.” Their lips touched briefly. Vlad pet the side of her face with his thumb before turning and leaving the room. Tia watched him until he had gone before rolling over and closing her eyes.

A few more weeks passed, and Tia felt her body grow stronger every day. She ate and slept often as if she had become part cat. The castle was busier than normal now; it was the first frost of the season.

Waiting beside several large horses - mostly black or white, but a few spotted with gray - with horns on their heads. Tia adjusted her white half-coat, pulling it tighter around herself. Jaya waited next to her, his hands folded behind his head and a bored expression on his face. He, too, was dressed for the colder weather; apparently, they were going north a day’s journey, higher into the mountains where the snow had started to fall.

She heard them before she saw them – Alex seemed to be arguing with Vlad

Jaya and Tia exchanged a glance and looked back up the southern entrance. The large stone walls framed an elegant pathway lined with vines. Flowers once decorated the walls, but the weather was too cold for them now. Several servants and guards walked about, loading suitcases and bags into a carriage. One servant, the Fairy maid named Rose, paused next to Tia. She made sure to give her a big eye-roll before continuing about her task. Tia smirked in response and watched as Vlad and Alex lingered at the top of the stairs.

“Your Majesty, there is a storm. We should wait till it passes,” Alex protested, attempting to keep his voice down.

“Alexander, you know why we can’t wait. The northern patrol hasn’t reported to us in weeks. We can’t wait for a response. Besides, a little trip out would do us all some good. One of us shouldn’t be locked away in stone walls.”

“She’s not a wild animal, she’s the future Queen. She should get used to the stone walls.”

“He says,” Jaya whispered, leaning towards Tia. Her face lit up and she smacked him before shuffling off to the carriage.

“You made her uncomfortable,” Vlad protested, halfway down the stairs. His eyes followed the embarrassed female. “I’m going to turn you into a stone wall.”

“My Lord, please. You are being childish,” Alex shook his head. “Honestly, this is a beautiful castle. The walls are strong,” he looked back, his gaze traveling over the towers and walls.

“Weird Gargoyle fetishes,” Jaya remarked as Vlad came to stand next to him. Vlad smirked as he slipped on a pair of black gloves. Alex’s gaze narrowed and he eyed the Orc.

“Your Majesty, why do we need an assassin to accompany us again?”

“Digjaya is a childhood friend and one of my most trusted men. How many times do I need to repeat myself?”

Tia’s attention was drawn back to the men and, for the first time in a very long time, she saw the three of them standing side by side. Jaya was the biggest of the three, taller and wider, yet he carried himself more casually and seemed easy-going and free. Alex was rigid, as was almost always the case, and held himself properly. He spoke with the manners of a gentleman and was the best swordsmen she had come to know. His wit was a whole different side of him; he was brilliant, an exceptionally good at playing with the strings of fate and causing series of events to fall one after another, if he put his mind to it. It was because of him that she and Vlad had almost gotten physical with each other.

Then there was Vladimir. Nearly the same height as Alex, he stood as tall and strong as his retainer, but his tousled hair and crooked smile made him seem more like Jaya. He had a mischievous glint to his eyes that made him seem dangerous.

His black cape lined his frame elegantly and the fur around the collar moved softly in the chilled breeze. A sword hung from his hip and his blue shirt was unkempt, loose at the collar. Tia’s eyes traveled across his exposed collar bone. He resembled more of a relaxed nobleman than the King. His appearance was sloppy, unkempt overall. But alluring.

A sweet smell carried its way to Tia and her attention was led to the woman next to her. She jumped with a start; Princess Cleopatra gazed at the three boys with almost the same curiosity Tiana had just a moment before. Vlad’s attention snapped to the girls, looking briefly surprised before assessing there wasn’t any threat and continuing his argument with Alex. Cleo put her gloved fingers to her lips, her long white gown rippling at her hips. Her lower half was nearly gone completely, only the faintest of outlines remained.

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