
Chapter 4.5

“Please don’t pretend in front of me,” she pleaded.

He rested his forehead against her own, his hands rubbing up against her arms. A slightly more serious gaze met her own. “You would marry me, to spare his life? It sounds like you’re sacrificing yourself to save the man you love.”

She snapped, just as his hands were about to cup her face. She detached herself from him and sucker-punched him in the jaw. Completely caught off guard the blow nearly threw him into the wall. He quickly recovered and looked at her in bewilderment, she stood before him with her feet spread out and her hands on her hips, anger blazing in her eyes. Alex poked his head through the door and remained where he stood, unsure exactly how to approach the pair before him.

“You’re a fucking asshole, ya know. Don’t twist what I’m trying to say! For fuck’s sake. You need to get over yourself if this is ever going to work out between us. Otherwise, I’d be better to off myself the first chance I get to spare myself a life with you.” She turned to Alex and gave him an equally cold glare. “Thanks for dinner, it’s the thought that counts.” Turning on her heel she marched back the way they had come. Vlad stood up gingerly and rubbed his jaw, looking after her. Alex hesitantly came to stand by him.

“You’re Majesty...?”

Vlad raised his hand, silencing his servant.

Tia remained in her room for days afterward and dismissed the servants who tried to pull her out. She cried into the night that first night, frustrated with herself and angry at Vladimir. On the third day, it was past noon when the door opened without so much of a knock. Tia sharply looked up from her perch on the large windowsill, the fox pelt in her lap. Jaya towered in the entry, looking at her curiously. She noticed his attire resembled more of a palace guard than the assassin that he was.

“Where have you been?” She growled.

He frowned. “Prince Vladimir has assigned me to be yer personal guard...” he trailed off, obviously bored. “Apparently a certain Princess threatened to kill herself, so I’m here to protect ya from yerself. Indefinitely.”

She regarded him questionably. “I’m not a Princess.”

He resigned his broad stance and stepped into the room. “The tournament is tomorrow night, little monkey. With meh now acting as yer guard, I trust you realize the situation ye’re in?”

“Which is why you should walk back out that door,”

“Can’t do that,”

They seemed to glare at each other. “Will you help me then?”

Jaya shook his head, his large hands folded in front of him. “I’ve helped ya all that I can,”

“I’ll rat you out,”

“Alex is already suspicious of it. Or of me; he doesn’t like meh.”

She turned away, her eyes hot. The only ally she thought she’d had was gone. She felt alone and powerless. He was now her most dangerous foe. She gripped the pelt in her hands. He stepped forward again, extending his hand.

“I’m going to need ya to give me the skin back,” she stood up and threw it over her shoulders, he lunged forward. Her already small body contorted below him, and silver wings took off into the sky. He slammed his fist on the stones of the railing, staring wildly after the hawk that now soared high above. “Tiana!” He called out. She circled back once, those black eyes meeting his own, before taking off and vanishing from sight.

Vladimir couldn’t focus on the work before him - a review of the payroll for the workers that would be servicing during the event. He sat back, letting the quill roll out of his hand. He remembered Tia’s expression and the sound of her voice. A dark shape took form in the corner of his eye and his mood continued to sour. His cousin of similar resemblance stepped out if the shadows and smirked at the fellow wolf. Diaval played with a sphere on the furthest bookshelf and leaned against a cushiony chair by a cold fireplace.

Vladimir nearly snarled at him. “I am not in the mood for your games,”

“Ohh? Well, that’s too bad. My spies watched something most interesting just now, and I thought you’d appreciate the heads up. A little bird just took off from a certain tower and your guard for hire took off to find her himself. I imagine the guy isn’t even planning on telling you.”

Vlad drummed his fingers against the wooden desk. “Tia can’t use magic; how would you suggest she’d transform?”

Diaval shrugged. “I don’t have an answer for that, but I did just come from her room, excuse my intrusion, and she was nowhere to be found,”

Vladimir stood up angrily and approached the doorway. As if expecting his approach, the door opened, and Alex saluted to him. “Find her, now,” Vlad demanded. He nodded once and took off out of sight. He turned to his cousin, raising a finger dangerously. “If this is one of your games, I will end you.” Diaval raised his hands, backing up I surrender.

“Your threat has been heard, loud and clear.”

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